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So that was it?


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How dare I expect quality content from a AAA game developer.


Again, this is a patch, not an expansion. Yes, I agree EAWare has been too slow to release content, and I'd love it if it wasn't at a trickle, but... we knew this was all we were going to get for months. There's no surprise here. To be fair, this is more content than we received even with most of the monthly KotFE chapter releases. I'm all for taking EAWare to task, believe me--I do it regularly on this forum--but you have to be realistic here.

Edited by AscendingSky
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There's a bloody traitor on the lose, there are five machines still missing from the spotlight, the war between the two factions (as your leader has indicated) is just beginning to start again. How many "to be continued" flags do you need? If the undiscovered traitor isn't one of them, what is?


Do people need a big, red "TO BE CONTINUED!" on the screen at the end of the story. The story ended with exactly the thing it should've ended on - a hint that there is something more to come.




Yes, indeed. Because you are the one who didn't get what he was hinting at: There is ~an hour of story. Then there are dailies. Then there is an operation with different modes. Story was always a very "content locust" friendly aspect. The KotET story lasted me all but an evening. ~6 hours. Then it was either Uprisings, or the same old content over again. You can't seriously be surprised that a story addition with a medium sized daily area attached is only an hour long.


If you are only here for the story, and I am sorry to say this: The fact that you expect more than an hour for what is an introductory chapter is kind of sad. How much story did we get with an expansion during 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0? ~6 hours per expansion? At least for 4.0 and 5.0. 3.0 was around 3-4 hours. And this was just a content patch.


So, seriously, what were people expecting when going into this patch in terms of story? An eight hour story addition?


:rolleyes: Obviously the main plotline continues Edgy McEdgerton, this individual chapter was very abrupt and without any climax or conclusion. If you look at the KotFE and KotET chapters, even though the story continued, each chapter pretty much had its' own story arc. This felt like half of a chapter, like we should have had more of a climax than just having a nightmare and waking up. I find it hard to believe that you knew immediately that the story was over when your character wakes up rather than thinking there'd be some kind of climax. Remember when we did Kaliyo's recruitment chapter and the chapter just ended when you got into her apartment and watched the news? Or when recruiting Gault and Vette and you board the gilded star and the chapter just ends? Or when recruiting Jorgan you head out for the listening post and the chapter just abruptly ends? Oh yeah, me either. It feels like the very end of a chapter was cut out and it just kind of stops.


An 8 hour story? No. A finished chapter like all the rest? Yes.

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How dare I expect quality content from a AAA game developer.

They really do need more staff or a bigger budget or something. 6 months for one unfinished story chapter, a team boss fight and apparently some dailies isn't really satisfying to anyone. I mean if they were releasing something like this every month then sure but 6 months? Are there any other companies that take this much time to do so little?

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Let's not argue story vs raid vs pvp.


Bottom line is that the devs are trickling out content to all of us. They need a larger budget and scope.


Well a few months ago people unsubbed to get the attention of the Devs. It worked. But sadly less subs probably will equal a smaller budget. Catch 22

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Well a few months ago people unsubbed to get the attention of the Devs. It worked. But sadly less subs probably will equal a smaller budget. Catch 22


Just don't go down the road of you should just throw money at a company when they don't deserve it and hope someday they do something right or the way you want when they already have a long history of not doing it. That's the sheep mentality and the road to not getting anything cause they are not going to listen to you. If a company can't earn your business by putting out a good product, move on and don't waste your hard earned dollars. Too much of this goes on and we see a whole lot of crap and no change.

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That's just as bad as raiders crying that there hasn't been any new game content in over 2 yrs. So if that's it for you then don't go on like there's nothing else. I think there's supposed to be 4-5 new installations coming plus they fixed a load of bugs in this update.


It also made some new bugs. So far the only bug ive experienced are nameplates not returning to their setting, titles are gone, and your widget is gone.....all of which can be fixed by doing a ctrl u u. You companion also has to be recalled after every log out. Nothing gamebreaking....but a bug all the same that must be fixed.

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45 minutes of story quests and now just do dailies until the next patch?


You got a few things, you have dailies, quests, achievements, operation boss and PVP (if you havent noticed u can loot players corpses for stuff)


So there IS something to do, yes its not much but what can we expect from an underfunded small team they have now? you dont like it? WoW is just around the corner!

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I'm sick of all this alliance theme eternal empire stuff. It's nothing like level 1 to 50. Those were the best stories, it seemed traditional star wars. Now it's just this stupid alliance story about this family that i dont care about. If you showed someone the eternal fleet who never played this game, they wouldn't associate it with star wars. KOTFE KOTET was just a huge mistake in terms of story. I wish they'd return to proper empire vs republic. The rush job of iokath was a start. Edited by DarthWoad
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I'm sick of all this alliance theme eternal empire stuff. It's nothing like level 1 to 50. Those were the best stories, it seemed traditional star wars. Now it's just this stupid alliance story about this family that i dont care about. If you showed someone the eternal fleet who never played this game, they wouldn't associate it with star wars. KOTFE KOTET was just a huge mistake in terms of story. I wish they'd return to proper empire vs republic. The rush job of iokath was a start.

Agree 100%.The whole Eternal Empire thing was a huge mistake from the start.Get back to Empire vs Alliance,thats what we know and like.

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Again, this is a patch, not an expansion. Yes, I agree EAWare has been too slow to release content, and I'd love it if it wasn't at a trickle, but... we knew this was all we were going to get for months. There's no surprise here. To be fair, this is more content than we received even with most of the monthly KotFE chapter releases. I'm all for taking EAWare to task, believe me--I do it regularly on this forum--but you have to be realistic here.

I definitely agree with what you said, but in regards to WPvP it was quite the letdown. With mobs every couple of steps in all directions, locations being disconnected and making PvP difficult to find and worst of all PvE and PvP instances, I don't see Iokath WPvP mattering a week from now. :(

Edited by Talon_strikes
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So,if you are a PUB player and chose the Empire, you don't get a character?


And I think most of us misunderstand what this new update would be. I was kinda punched in the gut with how abruptly things ended. I'm just gonna go back to grinding gear until i feel like going to Iokath, even though i love the rep gear on IMP side. Might be forced to go imp on my mian cause i hear the pub gear suc (as usual).


As for the ops, y'all know half the players cannot get past the first boss of the new ops, to save their lives. I tried Ravagers a few times and we couldn't get past the walkers (level syncing mucked that up). Couldn't past Master and blaster in TOS. So, don't see how this one is gonna appeal to people who still struggling no Dread Fortress.

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I definitely agree with what you said, but in regards to WPvP it was quite the letdown. With mobs every couple of steps in all directions, locations being disconnected and making PvP difficult to find and worst of all PvE and PvP instances, I don't see Iokath WPvP mattering a week from now. :(


I don't do open world PvP myself--I find it hard enough to get through warzone dailies on occasion--but I definitely get how the design of the Iokath maps would make world PvP difficult. Lots of obstacles everywhere, lots of canyons forcing you to take a particular path through unavoidable mobs, a very chaotic landscape that makes it easy to get turned around inadvertently, etc. To be fair, open world PvP hasn't been a big thing on TOR since 1.0, really, save on PvP servers. The beta engine they have for TOR that makes any large melee full of particle effects into a slideshow on many players' computers certainly contributes to that lack. So I can't say I'm surprised it's not working out on Iokath, but I'm not belittling your disappointment in the least! I totally understand it.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Lots of obstacles everywhere, lots of canyons forcing you to take a particular path through unavoidable mobs, a very chaotic landscape that makes it easy to get turned around inadvertently, etc.


While I didn't jumped into the story and went straight for Tyth one thing I noticed that I was constantly in awe of the world itself wandering on the map looking for the OP entrance. Looking around like this: :eek::D Also in the OP instance, the route to the forge with the bridge and the machinery was simply breathtaking for me. Iokat really managed to get me at first sight, hope we can see much-much more of it down the road. For now I say it would really worth to expand Iokat to be a huge planet to explore, like Alderaan.

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Posted this in a different thread, seems to fit here too:


I don't mind the length of the story. I don't mind the focus on Ops, it's their turn, I might finagle my way into a group at some point, even if I can't commit to a serious raiding guild.


I mind the quality of the story. Quinn and Dorne getting basically nothing to do if you're not a Warrior/Trooper, getting barely more than that if you are a Warrior/Trooper. A choice that is going to make RPing utterly miserable for a while, because incredibly important characters are placed in the Schrodinger Zone, where they're both alive and dead. Large portions of the story devoted to being a hypeman for the new boss. Barely any character development at all. Barely any preamble or postscript to the story section.


I would honestly have preferred less story, much, much less story... because what we got was worse than any chapter of KOTFE or KOTET.

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My main complaint is that the dailies seriously don't give good enough rewards. The rep gear looks like total crap. And some of us enjoyed the boost to command points. Now they only reward 52 points per heroic and 1150 per daily heroic completion. For EA/Bioware to bring out yet another endless grind fest, with no reward, then why subscribe? I play this game solely for the story. Could care less about operations or flashpoints. Never been a pvp'er in any MMO I have played. So the only thing left is 1 ot 2 heroic missions and logging off. I do have a life outside of games.
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I am with the op, I wasn't expecting a huge story, but it was boring, no I didn't just space bar rush though it,after warming up Elara went back to find her back to cold fish was massively disappointing, not to mention the annoying bugs, that first mission after you pick imp or pub, then getting killed by a sith who did over 28000 damage to me, firing missile salvo on the walker and it not firing.


I know, not bugs, unintended feature.


What happened to the old days, like Makeb, and decent rep items, SoR decent rep items and then free 192 comp gear, an KotfE and lockboxes a good way to earn money, extra comms, and gifts, KoteT and Iokath you do it once, and then ZERO reason to do it again.


I was excited when I saw a new rep was coming, but an over priced mount, ugly armours and mini pet, and then what boosts to make doing dailies easier is supposed to keep people playing, and in order do do one of the dailies you need to speed 600 shard to unlock the walker, seriously.

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Again, this is a patch, not an expansion. Yes, I agree EAWare has been too slow to release content, and I'd love it if it wasn't at a trickle, but... we knew this was all we were going to get for months. There's no surprise here. To be fair, this is more content than we received even with most of the monthly KotFE chapter releases. I'm all for taking EAWare to task, believe me--I do it regularly on this forum--but you have to be realistic here.

Well said!!! And I agree...5.2 gave me more content that KotFE and KotET did combined.

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I just wanted more story. I wanted my choices to matter. I'm not even called Emperor.

You DID get more story...5.2 just wasn't exclusively story, which has been hurting this game.


Before getting too depressed, please wait to see what Keith's roadmap looks like. I don't know what Keith's plans are, but if 5.2 is any reflection of Keith's vision, I think it's reasonable to expect ~45 minutes of story every 2-3 months - would that be enough for you? What would be an acceptable compromise between what you want and what players like me want?

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What's so ironic, and sad, is that the opening response, "So, that's it??" was my first one on my 35 minute trot through the content on my way to the ludicrous paid dailies. After over two years, and hundreds of thousands of lost subs, and revolt on the forums, that's what we're offered, a "maintenance" patch? So what's left is to kill droids to grind shards so we can pay to do the dailies? For what reason? Those trite rep rewards?


The frightening thing is the assertion that at least some of the devs play this game. If this is what they find exciting and fun then their conception is so far removed from my own that I am willing to accept that there is little entertainment value here for me, certainly not enough to continue subscribing. But the game can be a digital place holder until something more menaingful comes along.


This was an embarrassment and a mediocrity as an expansion, late launched at that. I find both Bioware and EA to be lacking and not quite up to it. And my strong suspicion that this represents their best effort makes me all the sadder.


S :cool:

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