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Basic game functions that were left out.


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Basic game functions that need to be added ASAP


- Proper LFG tool.


- Usable quest items on the mission tracker.


- Search by slot in the Galactic Market


These are features that should be standard in all games and I understand they may have been left out in the rush to release the game.

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Basic game functions that need to be added ASAP


- Proper LFG tool. - oh look another WOW game mechanic


- Usable quest items on the mission tracker. - And another..


- Search by slot in the Galactic Market - AND another..


These are features that should be standard in all games and I understand they may have been left out in the rush to release the game.


are you by any means a WOW player? :rolleyes:

Edited by chrisftw
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The only one I really agree with is the market needing a more streamlined search feature, and I am sure that is upcoming.


The other options are relatively new features to a 7 year old game, not features that should be expected at launch really.


I definitely agree they will be nice to have, but they are something I would expect to be added later. Generally speaking the more vanilla a release build is, the smoother it goes. Fluff functions come later.

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Id love to see a "/who lfg" system implemented that just shows us who is LFG. Make it cross-zone and sortable by level.


That's only been around since Kunark-era Everquest, and would help a lot with finding more LFG people.


Edit: To the people bashing mechanics solely because they were in WoW: Lots of the mechanics in this game also exist in WoW: Attack abilities, a mini-map, an auction house, lack of zone lines between map areas, etc. These are not bashed constantly, so maybe think a bit.

Edited by Bekkal
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are you by any means a WOW player? :rolleyes:


Shouldn't jump to conclusions a lot of other MMO's have very good LFG/LFM tools and they are not WoW.


I want a better LFG/LFM system and I played WoW for all of 2 mins.


Dont blame everything on the WoW kiddos. ;)

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WoW is only one of many modern MMOs to have these features, hence why people are surprised at Bioware neglecting to include them.


They are not neglecting to, they have neglected to.


Here is the thing, development teams have no say in release date. That means they need to prioritize features. These are great quality of life options, but they are just that, they are not game-making/breaking, they are game enhancing.


Make/break stuff first, then enhance stuff.


At least I don't have to carry a billion quest items in my bag, regardless of whether they are clickable next to the quest name...

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What does it matter if I played WoW? There are other modern games that also have these features (I've played them too). The fact is WoW has set a standard for the industry and to ignore it is just silly.


And to preach it as gospel is ignorant.


There are plenty of successful MMOs that are, thankfully, NOT WoW clones.


The mindless WoW lemmings are laughable at best.

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Id love to see a "/who lfg" system implemented that just shows us who is LFG. Make it cross-zone and sortable by level.


That's only been around since Kunark-era Everquest, and would help a lot with finding more LFG people.


That's already in the game. Open the Social Window and search for 'LFG'. It pulls up a list of everyone that is flagged as LFG. If you want to sort it by level, click on the column header for level.

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What does it matter if I played WoW? There are other modern games that also have these features (I've played them too). The fact is WoW has set a standard for the industry and to ignore it is just silly.


To expand on what I said earlier, its not that these are poor mechanics, its that including them into a release is asking for trouble. The lfg system took a very large amount of tweaking, and caused a huge amount of problems when it was first added.


Now put the amount of CS time taken up with complaints and tickets requiring assistance with it and add that on top of the truly ridiculous amount of work they already have launching a game.


Launches really do need to be relatively simple to try and keep things as smooth as possible. More advanced game features can then be implemented piece by piece with time, lessening any negative impact.


Considering how communities work, there would be more complaining about a mechanic that barely worked than a mechanic that wasn't there but will likely be implemented.

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And to preach it as gospel is ignorant.


There are plenty of successful MMOs that are, thankfully, NOT WoW clones.


The mindless WoW lemmings are laughable at best.


Don't make this in to a WoW bashing post. Instead tell me why or why not you think these features shouldn't be in the game.

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Don't make this in to a WoW bashing post. Instead tell me why or why not you think these features shouldn't be in the game.


No one is arguing they shouldn't people are just saying demanding them week one because that other game has it is poor form.

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are you by any means a WOW player? :rolleyes:


Just because something is from WoW doesn't mean it's automatically bad. The mission items being shown on the quest tracker is nice, so is a proper LFG tool not cross-server but with more usability. I want customizable UI elements, a combat log and an accurate combat parser all elements that were in WoW and would improve gameplay in SW:TOR massively.


I think a lot of nerf cries would disappear if people could that it wasn't just the sorc that ganked them but also the sniper hitting them and so on. It also makes it easier to spot bugs since you can if an ability fired and when it fired.

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What does it matter if I played WoW? There are other modern games that also have these features (I've played them too). The fact is WoW has set a standard for the industry and to ignore it is just silly.


There are many people that feel certain features had an adverse effect on those games. Even players that are invested and as such, are still currently playing those games, often look back on the game as being, "much better before."


So what you describe as "silly" Could actually be a very well thought out addition by subtraction.

Edited by sevenex
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Don't make this in to a WoW bashing post. Instead tell me why or why not you think these features shouldn't be in the game.


Fair enough.


- Proper LFG tool.


You really need to define your terms here. If you would like an upgrade to the current LFG tool, then I happen to agree with you. If you would like a button to be placed into a queue and be ported in, then you and I happen to disagree. The reasons are many and have been discussed extensively here. If you want it, that's fine, I'm not one of those to scream and call you names, however, I do not want it. I would tolerate a server wide system, but a xserver system would be game breaking for me.


Both of your other points I agree with.

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I agree tha the search function and sort function in the AH would be nice. Not a game breaker, but it could be improved.


As far as a LFG tool, I don't think they need a WoW type tool but a dedicted channel for LFG that isn't zone based, so if I am on my ship, or on Courescant or where ever, I can see who is looking. For those who say it will just be a LFG spamfest everywhere, remember you can customize your chat windows. Heck, I have the main window, one for party only, one for guild only, and one with everything but general chat incase there is some annoying spamming going on.


To be honest, so far I haven't had too many issues getting a group, but I do see it being an issue 6 months from now when not everyone playing is still leveling. I think part of the reason they don't have a WoW style LFG tool is because they want people hanging out at the sations when they hit 50, making them feel busy. That is why most of the flashpoints start there. If you get auto teleported there, then no reason to hang out most of the time.


What I with they had was a way to be able to see what mods, enhancements, crystals ect equipped when comparing it one you are looking to buy or get as a reward. Now, I need to close the purchase/reward window, open my character, and hover over my gear then go back. And sometimes several times trying to figure out what would be best. The ability not to have a purchase window and character window open at the same time needs to be fixed.

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I agree tha the search function and sort function in the AH would be nice. Not a game breaker, but it could be improved.


As far as a LFG tool, I don't think they need a WoW type tool but a dedicted channel for LFG that isn't zone based, so if I am on my ship, or on Courescant or where ever, I can see who is looking.


As long as they've flagged themselves as LFG, you can. Search for 'LFG' in the Social Window. This finds everyone who is flagged as LFG, no matter where they are.


What I with they had was a way to be able to see what mods, enhancements, crystals ect equipped when comparing it one you are looking to buy or get as a reward.


You can also do this. There's various options for comparative tootips in the Preferences screen from the game menu, in the User Interface section.


Now, I need to close the purchase/reward window, open my character, and hover over my gear then go back. And sometimes several times trying to figure out what would be best. The ability not to have a purchase window and character window open at the same time needs to be fixed.


You can have a purchase window and character window open at the same time. By default your inventory opens when you go to a vendor, but, if you close it, you can then open your character window instead.

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The current LFG tool needs to be slammed into the faces of the masses at some point however, I knew NOTHING about it until I read this thread.


I went in the game, flipped it on, and it was actually kinda nice since I could see the classes as well as the level and charname of people who were looking for folks to play with, it's not a bad system IMO.


BUT, it needs to be brought to the forefront. A button on the UI maybe? (Or is there one and I'm missing it?) but not "hidden" down in the social tab.

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The current LFG tool needs to be slammed into the faces of the masses at some point however, I knew NOTHING about it until I read this thread.


I went in the game, flipped it on, and it was actually kinda nice since I could see the classes as well as the level and charname of people who were looking for folks to play with, it's not a bad system IMO.


BUT, it needs to be brought to the forefront. A button on the UI maybe? (Or is there one and I'm missing it?) but not "hidden" down in the social tab.


Yep. Totally agree. The biggest problem with the LFG system is not that it doesn't exist, it's just that many people don't know how to use it properly - so they don't.

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If you want to talk basic. How about starting with no /random, no basic macros (such as putting chat text with an ability), and no %t to save you from having to type out your targets name.


I still have a hard time believing /random or /roll wasn't put in a game in a genre that basically everything is built on top of a random number generator.

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