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Keith - As the new producer........


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I like GC so I guess I'm not a player then? Shame, that I pay the same amount as all the "proper" players. I really don't get what people keep harping on about, now with the drops for ops in 5.2 gearing will be quicker than last year. The only thing that could be argued is to increase UCs in PVP though I'd personally prefer them to increase the bolster level. Getting rid of GC at this point would just be giving way to the elitist OP and PVP players who think BIS gear shouldn't be available unless you are hardcore. Ironically, these are the people who prevent new people from entering OPs and PVP in the first place.

I never asked for GC to be taken away. But I and many others have voiced here that GC as sole source of BiS gear was a bad idea and it was.


Personally, I also think it's kinda sickening the amount of people here and on reddit that are hoping Ben was fired. I hope that he's will be happy wherever he goes next and ignores the nastier comments. I think it will be hard for Bioware to attract the top talent when in any of their game, their developers keep getting harrased and insulted by the so called "fans". We all need to step back and release that these developers are people. There are ways of bringing criticism without getting personal

Well, he lied to our faces with a straight face. That is sickening to me. I agree that some of the comments go too far but I am glad he's gone for the simple reason that he came to one livestream to another going on about how exciting everything was while there were so many complaints. That's just really taking the piss. He was also in charge of some of the worst decisions ever made in SWTOR.


Listen, you can like everything you want about this game, but you've gotta be pretty blind if you don't get that 5.0 did a lot of damage to this game and really ticked off a lot of people. I was one of the most vocal ones here but again I never said that GC should be taken away, but that it should exist alongside other reward systems. I don't have a problem with casual players getting BiS gear. I do however have a problem when beating challenges is rewarded less than other things and that's exactly what happened in 5.0 and 5.2 will not fix that for the highest level of difficulty.


It's not about being elitist. But when you wipe many nights to kill a single boss in NiM then it does feel kind of awesome that you could beat it...but then you don't get any loot to show for it...instant downer. That's 5.0 ....and then they give BiS gear away in PvP for just showing up. That's total bull.


So yeah, Ben was in charge and he blew it. I don't wish him any ill or have any threats. I hope he can be happy in whatever he does, but he was justly taken away from this job because he damaged SWTOR a lot with the way he ran things. The damage is done and I get sick and tired of people who defend him and act like he didn't do anything wrong. And to hear him talk about how exciting this lottery gearing was, was just infuriating and insulting.


So I get that people react strongly...I wish they controlled themselves a lot more but I do get where it's coming from.

Edited by Tsillah
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I am happy to hear the Bioware recognized the need for a change!


Keith.. welcome to the unenviable task of fixing this mess! I will echo what others have said- I know you've got a lot to deal with and will try to be patient and helpful. We want you to succeed. I'm optimistic about the game for the first time this year. :)

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You don't have to redo the entire SOR, just change a few masked character's voice over, and the NPC names. Make it not Revan.


You don't build a sky scraper on mud, you have to clear the mud, and put in a good foundation. Now, admittedly, pigs like mud, but it takes more than just pigs to get a healthy community.


Why would they make it "not Revan"? i was perfectly happy kicking his behind and finally putting his tortured soul to rest. And yes, i didnt play Kotor 1&2 multiple times back in the day... still dont have a problem with Revan getting off'ed. There's "head canon" and then there's the official kind...


My biggest problem with GC, is it takes away family/community. I used to be able to take my raid team, pick up an ungeared pug or new guildie, take them through some fun ops that we can easily ace; and voila, fully geared stranger/friend. The game should be about the experience, not a grind. Getting given a full set of ops gear is a good experience, giving that set is a good experience. Putting people off on their own solo grind is not.


Sorry but gear is in my view an integral part of end game progression in any MMORPG... getting fully geared (in BiS) should not be a trivial affair... BiS should only come from the hardest content that actually requires work to complete and signifies a certain level of achievement. Handing out gear like it was nothing was just BW shooting themselves in the foot... and CXP was Bens warped way of trying to correct that error...

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Thanks a lot you guys, it's really appreciated. :)




Edit: Welcome to Keith aka Musco's Boss. :) So...how about more individual class story and expanded companion romance story? Huh? Huh? How about it, huh? :p


Yeah because that is not hugely expensive.

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You don't have to redo the entire SOR, just change a few masked character's voice over, and the NPC names. Make it not Revan.


You don't build a sky scraper on mud, you have to clear the mud, and put in a good foundation. Now, admittedly, pigs like mud, but it takes more than just pigs to get a healthy community.


Focus the new content on PVP maps until the crappy story line is sorted out.


Sure. And re-do every single voiceover, on Rishi, in Forged Alliances, on Yavin IV, whenever somebody mentions Revan/the Revanites... that's at least sixteen people (all the PC voice actors), plus Darth Marr, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Satele Shan, Shae Vizla, Colonel Darok, Darth Arkous, every single NPC who ever mentions Revan or the Revanites, even the "non"-voice-acted NPC's like the Selkath (so re-write the text there). And change every mission log. And change every instance where someone mentions Revan's whole reason for doing this, which would involve re-doing the entire end-of-Rishi conference and the entirety of Yavin IV. Don't forget every single nameplate that has to do with the Revanites, including their armor sets which have now been released for purchase. Better change Revan Reborn's character model, too, since he certainly LOOKS like Revan returned from death.

Also, go back and change the Foundry, since that started this whole thing in the first place. That's another ten voiceovers (male and female Imperial PC's, Revan [who has a different voice actor here than he does in Shadow of Revan], and HK-51), plus Darth Malgus and whoever else is involved at the end-of-mission briefing.


But it's not re-doing the whole Shadow of Revan. :D


...also, calling the community/the portion of the community who actually liked Shadow of Revan "pigs" is not winning you any favors.


Back on topic - congratulations, Mr. Keith! I hope your job is a joy for you. Look forwards to seeing where SWTOR goes from here! :D

Edited by Jagaimee
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OP - Great to hear that Keith is a die hard SWTOR player having 4 300 GC level toons and is a lover of PVP. Hopefully Keith will see the huge resurgence in people playing GSF for those same reasons and give GSF a much needed update in the way of new maps, cosmetic gear, and maybe a new ship variant.
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Whiile I agree with the criticisms of Galactic Command and Command Crates, we got quite of bit of what the forums asked for: Replayable Chapters, Returning Companions, and particularly making Darkside and Lightside mean something. Unfortunately that aspect went way overboard.


In terms of story, not unlike Star Wars movies, whenever a new story is released the initial reaction is euphoric then as time sets in, repeated play becomes tiring to the point of no longer playing. Just like children with new toys.

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Time to invest the $100Ms back into the game, that they raked in the past 5 years.


Also, your lack of faith is disturbing *force choke*


Indeed. I often mention, because it is worth mentioning, that SWTOR is the SECOND most popular MMO in the Western world. It's only bested by WoW(no surprise there). So...where have all those $$$$ went to? Some obscene billionaire at EA for his own orgies on his yacht? ...


What we need is a STRONG producer, one that'll take a "no nonsense" approach with EA and bring those $$$$ back! Hell, with that amount of money, we could've had Acts IV and V for ALL THE CLASSES by now! And much, much more! Look at the improvements in Rift, ESO, TSW(its getting a RELAUNCH!) etc etc. And all of them are 1 / 2(or even less) profitable as SWTOR is...


...so where's the money? Up some starlete's wazoo? fml...

Edited by Cuiwe
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I am going to get some hate for this.


the Galactic Command is not horrible, just needs to be fixed so it works better.


There are people that this helps because they are not raiders nor pvp players but everyone seems to forget about them. For raiders and pvp player gear was easy for them but for the others it wasn't.


Yea I know well if you are not a raider then you don't need the gear or other things. This was a breath of fresh hair for those people but of course people are going to say they don't count, which is something this community has done since the beginning.


Anytime you bring up a way for them to get gear, outside raids and pvp you get hate from this community. I know I can get gear but I know people who actually came back because they were able to get gear "gasp" without having to do raids or pvp.


So instead of taking it out completely it would be better to figure out a way that it can be beneficial and give the raiders and pvp a way for them to earn their gear better and a way if you get the same piece you can exchange and make it alt friendly.


Happy Easter.

Galactic Command could make a great solo track elder game progression system that would work nicely with an Eternal Championship solo end game. But it and its RNG-based loot lottery system simply has no business being of consequence in the MMO progression and loot table space - in any measure.


Keith Kanneg replacing Ben Irving showed me that we, the veteran SWTOR MMO player base, matter. We're hoarse from all the yelling, but it worked. It's a shame it took turbulence for change to happen, but I personally am glad that it did.


His stated desires to not only provide us with a 2017 roadmap soon, but bring 4-pillar balance back to our SWTOR ... combined with the fact that he actually plays the game a lot ... has me reconsidering my unsubbed status. After what we've been put through the last 3 years I'll likely hold off until the roadmap is released. Though my interest has been piqued.


Hopefully he can bring the game back to its full-blown MMORPG prominence and build in enough margin to make the suits happy he's doing it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Why would they make it "not Revan"? i was perfectly happy kicking his behind and finally putting his tortured soul to rest. And yes, i didnt play Kotor 1&2 multiple times back in the day... still dont have a problem with Revan getting off'ed. There's "head canon" and then there's the official kind...



He was already offed, they brought him back in a very awkward way.


Sorry but gear is in my view an integral part of end game progression in any MMORPG... getting fully geared (in BiS) should not be a trivial affair... BiS should only come from the hardest content that actually requires work to complete and signifies a certain level of achievement. Handing out gear like it was nothing was just BW shooting themselves in the foot... and CXP was Bens warped way of trying to correct that error...


Nah, it should be about social experience, gear should be trivial. PVP really took off when everyone had equal BIS gear. It was all about the player. The same happens for operations. I didn't quit running ops once I had gear before. :confused:

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Galactic Command could make a great solo track elder game progression system that would work nicely with an Eternal Championship solo end game. But it and its RNG-based loot lottery system simply has no business being of consequence in the MMO progression and loot table space - in any measure.


Keith Kanneg replacing Ben Irving showed me that we, the veteran SWTOR MMO player base, matter. We're hoarse from all the yelling, but it worked. It's a shame it took turbulence for change to happen, but I personally am glad that it did.


His stated desires to not only provide us with a 2017 roadmap soon, but bring 4-pillar balance back to our SWTOR ... combined with the fact that he actually plays the game a lot ... has me reconsidering my unsubbed status. After what we've been put through the last 3 years I'll likely hold off until the roadmap is released. Though my interest has been piqued.


Hopefully he can bring the game back to its full-blown MMORPG prominence and build in enough margin to make the suits happy he's doing it.



What about those people that don't do operations or pvp? Do they even count to anyone? Or maybe you all wish they would just leave the game since they don't seem to matter to anyone.


You see I think they do but then what do I know. I think a game needs to have gear available to everyone and not just raiders but what do I know.


So what if people that do not have the time to do operations or yet are told they don't have the gear so they are not accepted. do they matter? From what I have seen they don;t.


I can get mine but what about those that can't.

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What about those people that don't do operations or pvp? Do they even count to anyone? Or maybe you all wish they would just leave the game since they don't seem to matter to anyone.


You see I think they do but then what do I know. I think a game needs to have gear available to everyone and not just raiders but what do I know.


So what if people that do not have the time to do operations or yet are told they don't have the gear so they are not accepted. do they matter? From what I have seen they don;t.


I can get mine but what about those that can't.


Thanks Casi. You as always have wanted everyone to be able to get the gear but unfortunately you and maybe a few others are the only ones that do. It seems people like me are not welcome here because I don't do what everyone thinks I should do and even when I tried I was told I didn't have the gear.


I thought when I came back things had change so that I was able to get some gear and then maybe once in awhile I could do some operations, but no, people still want people like me gone from the game.


Thanks for caring. Maybe I made a mistake coming back.

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He was already offed, they brought him back in a very awkward way.


Sorry but gear is in my view an integral part of end game progression in any MMORPG... getting fully geared (in BiS) should not be a trivial affair... BiS should only come from the hardest content that actually requires work to complete and signifies a certain level of achievement. Handing out gear like it was nothing was just BW shooting themselves in the foot... and CXP was Bens warped way of trying to correct that error...


Nah, it should be about social experience, gear should be trivial. PVP really took off when everyone had equal BIS gear. It was all about the player. The same happens for operations. I didn't quit running ops once I had gear before. :confused:


Agreed. When I can basically buy the next best thing(purple 240s) just because I sold a Black / Black module(~20mil credits on the Progenitor) is...wrong. Hell, I could almost buy the BiS with it(purple 242s)...


I can't wait for the roadmap!

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He was already offed, they brought him back in a very awkward way.


Nah, it should be about social experience, gear should be trivial. PVP really took off when everyone had equal BIS gear. It was all about the player. The same happens for operations. I didn't quit running ops once I had gear before. :confused:


... in your oppinion.


And no i disagree completely. The RPG part of MMORPG implies ... *drum roll* ... character progression. At end game the only way to achieve that is through gear as there are no more levels and abilities to go through. You can get a social experience by just playing together with a group... i manage just fine and im quite far off BiS. The two are not intrinsically linked...

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What about those people that don't do operations or pvp? Do they even count to anyone? Or maybe you all wish they would just leave the game since they don't seem to matter to anyone.


You see I think they do but then what do I know. I think a game needs to have gear available to everyone and not just raiders but what do I know.


So what if people that do not have the time to do operations or yet are told they don't have the gear so they are not accepted. do they matter? From what I have seen they don;t.


I can get mine but what about those that can't.

Why would I wish for an entire player sect to leave the game? Why would anyone wish for such a thing? I have no clue where you are getting that from.


If GC was reassigned to solo play (PvP included) so as to allow solo characters their RNG chance to obtain PvE tier gear ... then awesome. As long as the player is competent, plays well with others and their character is appropriately prepared when they show up for an Op it shouldn't matter where their gear comes from. And if they don't do Ops and just want the gear ... that's cool too.


But it's not about the gear. It's about the progression system as a whole. Traditional progression is about merit. Complete the content - get the rewards. The harder the content the greater the rewards. Rewards that can be planned for and earned. Period. That's not what Galactic Command is about.


With Galactic Command, completing the content doesn't matter ... only leveling through Command Ranks with a lottery ticket as the reward. Which is why it is suited for solo play and incompatible with MMO advanced group play that is joined at the hip with content difficulty progression, which is joined at the hip with robust and predictable loot tables.


That is what needs to get put back into the game for group play. That and the original non-solo & non-bolstered planet heroics, flashpoints, HMs and Operations so players who want to can learn how to properly prepare for advanced group content while they level up. And no ... I'm not asking for their current solo and bolstered versions to be sacrificed for it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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...also, calling the community/the portion of the community who actually liked Shadow of Revan "pigs" is not winning you any favors.



I was referring to the whole mess that's been created with the foundation of mud comment, not SOR in specific.


As to your other points, it really takes a lot lot less redone voice overs if you're creative.

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Thanks Casi. You as always have wanted everyone to be able to get the gear but unfortunately you and maybe a few others are the only ones that do. It seems people like me are not welcome here because I don't do what everyone thinks I should do and even when I tried I was told I didn't have the gear.


I thought when I came back things had change so that I was able to get some gear and then maybe once in awhile I could do some operations, but no, people still want people like me gone from the game.


Thanks for caring. Maybe I made a mistake coming back.


No, you haven't made a mistake in coming back. Your characters progression is just as important as anyone else.


GC is a good system, it gives everyone character progression regardless of their style of play. Yes it needed some tweaking, which they have done and continue to do. Keith shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water, and I suspect he won't.


Sadly there is a small vocal subset of players who resent people obtaining the best gear without doing ops. This is such an old archaic way of gearing, tied to the WoW way of doing things. MMOs need to be more inclusive, GC achieves this.

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... in your oppinion.


And no i disagree completely. The RPG part of MMORPG implies ... *drum roll* ... character progression. At end game the only way to achieve that is through gear as there are no more levels and abilities to go through. You can get a social experience by just playing together with a group... i manage just fine and im quite far off BiS. The two are not intrinsically linked...


Previously, the gear progression happened with each operation, 168 from the first two level 55 HM's, 180's from the next two, etc. If you were competent, or entertaining, you'd end up with adequate gear pretty quickly.


My first clears of DF NIM was pugging into a group called Stay Thirsty, not sure any of them are around still. They were running pubside instead of their home side. Only one player in their group had gear enough to not get kicked out of HM pug groups for being under geared. I volunteered eventually when no one in gen chat took them up for some time. They didn't care I was 162/168, some didn't even have relics on their team. (Pub alts.) Despite the ridiculous gear, they walked me through what do as a tank, and the first four bosses of DF NIM went down.


It taught me gear wasn't as important as I thought it was. It also reinforced something I already knew - doing things with fun people should be the core of the game.

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One thing I'm pretty sure will change with Keith at the helm.


Consequences, for trolls, jerks and those who choose to Harass, in game and on the forums.....Think Pre SoR community management.


Pre SOR, they never did anything about a certain user on my server multi-boxing macro spawns into GSF for conquest points. Nor did they do anything about it post SOR either.


One person using multiple account logins putting a guild in the top 10, and the faction they did it on suffered from dead weight in nearly every match. The only safe time to que from that faction was when it was her raid night, and she'd actually play instead of troll.

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Dear sir,


This is no mean feat but a challenge worthy of the most fearless (or foolish) of Krayt-dragon-slayers!


Before you lies a gaping abyss. On one side is EA, Bioware and Disney. On the other side are the hordes of rabid gamers and (pre-disney) Star Wars fans alike who can (and do) make or break any video game aspiring to don the Star Wars mantle. And you... Well... you're essentially caught on a wibbly-wobbly tight-rope high above the cavernous maw of certain doom!


Congratulations! You have officially now assumed the Bendu role!


Bring balance back to the Force, oh wise one... Make peace between the sides of this epic conflict between game-makers and gamers. Take us, your humble companions (fellow gamers) to new worlds... or at least to another expansion. May SWTOR see another five years!


I wish you the very best.


(And if you have read this hearing HK-47's voice - mission accomplished. :D )


Objection: You did not parse this in a way to facilitate reading this in HK-47's voice.


Consolation: Despite the flaws, I admire your sentiments you attempted to express. These sentiments are commendable.

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Indeed. I often mention, because it is worth mentioning, that SWTOR is the SECOND most popular MMO in the Western world. It's only bested by WoW(no surprise there). So...where have all those $$$$ went to? Some obscene billionaire at EA for his own orgies on his yacht? ...


What we need is a STRONG producer, one that'll take a "no nonsense" approach with EA and bring those $$$$ back! Hell, with that amount of money, we could've had Acts IV and V for ALL THE CLASSES by now! And much, much more! Look at the improvements in Rift, ESO, TSW(its getting a RELAUNCH!) etc etc. And all of them are 1 / 2(or even less) profitable as SWTOR is...


...so where's the money? Up some starlete's wazoo? fml...


That's what really pi$$es me off about the EA deal. They siphon all of the money out like A vampiric leach, and only give back a bare bones shoestring budget. EA couldn't give two rat's asses about swtor, and that is really sad. It's one of the reasons that it has never seen its full potential. And the only way that will change is if Bioware has a strong leader in charge who willing to give some push-back to EA to help free up more production income.

Edited by Darkside
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