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My Blind Defense of BioWare is Over


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I don't get how there is a mischaracterization either. Even though I participate in the forums, I'm an introvert too. I talk to people 'here' more than in real life. I like being alone in real life, with the exception of my family and I even hide from them from time to time. Introverts unite! Bonus points if you're an INFJ like me. :)http://www.personalitypage.com/INFJ.html


I would bet that a lot of introverts are really just schizoid, but don't know it.

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I don't get how there is a mischaracterization either. Even though I participate in the forums, I'm an introvert too. I talk to people 'here' more than in real life. I like being alone in real life, with the exception of my family and I even hide from them from time to time. Introverts unite! Bonus points if you're an INFJ like me. :)http://www.personalitypage.com/INFJ.html


What I learned about myself (and this probably isn't the same for you) is that I don't like people relying on me, and I don't like relying on other people. I don't like needy people -- they drain my energy -- because I don't like disappointing people.

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First of, sorry for your disappointment, I think lesson is learnt, don't ever rely on software development milestones to drive your real life decisions, specially if said software development is happening in the entertainment industry.

Delays happen and in the entertainment industry, it's not like people dying or happen to be in grave danger if software is delayed.

So there is that.


But, I don't even understand the part where you are saying you were blindly defending Bioware?

Why would you do that?

You are not paid to do that, are you?

So even if this comes off as strange, that you would stop blindly defending Bioware over a hiccup, I think it's a good decision. Don't blindly defend them, ever.

Provide praise and criticism based on your personal taste of the game and how they lived up to their promises.

Edited by Galahard
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What I learned about myself (and this probably isn't the same for you) is that I don't like people relying on me, and I don't like relying on other people. I don't like needy people -- they drain my energy -- because I don't like disappointing people.


Not really that different honestly. I don't care for relying on others either, probably why I can't wrap my brain around raiding. I feel like, 'I can get my own gear without wasting 15 other people's time, tyvm.' Loads of people rely on me for various things, so that part doesn't bother me much. Needy people, yeah, they are draining, and I don't care for disappointing people either.

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Not really that different honestly. I don't care for relying on others either, probably why I can't wrap my brain around raiding. I feel like, 'I can get my own gear without wasting 15 other people's time, tyvm.' Loads of people rely on me for various things, so that part doesn't bother me much. Needy people, yeah, they are draining, and I don't care for disappointing people either.


I think my curiosity about raiding won out over my dislike of dealing with other people. "What is raiding? OOHHHHHH. Oh wow." Lucky for me, I was in a guild with some cool, casual people that made me feel comfortable around them.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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when that horrible GC thing came within weeks all my support to bioware was washed away, i didn't even want this GC to come. bioware burned that bridge for me and all that support i had for them eroded away in those weeks.


i no longer blindly support bioware on swtor any more. If Bioware want that loyalty back, they are going to have to build that new bridge they destroyed over the old one and remove the mess they left behind, minimum. it means removing the GC and getting the pre 5.0 system back in place and then creating something good on that, something the players will like.

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