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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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So WoW doesn't suck yet you're busy shopping for another game to play to replace it. Just because you left your subscription active while playing another game doesn't mean you're still currently playing WoW. If you were you wouldn't be here. Nice try.


WoW does suck. That's why you're here. All the typing in the world won't change that.


WoW was clearly your first MMO and that's why you think it was so innovative and original. Anyone who played literally any MMO before it knows better. It's always so easy to point one of you out the second you claim that game was in any way innovative for making it possible to ignore story, speed through content, and afk while waiting for an instance to pop. All WoW did was make MMOs worse and those of us who were around for UO, EQ, DAoC, etc are waiting for the correction which takes us back to where we were before WoW came along.


I have read all the Wheel of Time books, loved them, I have Played all the battlefield series, WoW, Starcraft, and many other games.... loved them all. I am currently playing SWTOR - just because I no longer play those other games or read those books does not mean they suck. You have to have a 12 year old mentality to think you can only like one thing at a time.

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They compare because SWTOR has had a lot of time to fix bugs or implement changes that have been fixed in other MMO's, like WOW.


Even though I like this game, I do not approve of the mentality of releasing a game, and fixing it within the first year with major content patches and updates.


There are some very basic things that should have been fixed before releasing this game. Especially since we have another massive MMO to compare to, is why we are comparing. Release time doesnt matter that much.

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People compare because they want SWTOR to be the best game it can be, and SWTOR is competing against 2011 WoW, not 2004 Wow.



This guy put it perfectly. They should have learned from the successess and the mistakes of all the games put out over the last couple of years. EA/BW are industry heavyweights not a couple of guys in a basement.

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People say wow has so many fetures and swtor is bad because it does not have them... wow has had 7 years to improve upon its self. Give Swtor a chance and time to put in the things your f***ing complaining about.... ¬.¬
Because they both exist now, and compete for players now.



People need to remember WoW its self is a quoat un quoat "Clone" of the MMO's that came before it.
It's a clone of a lot of mmos. It cloned far less from any particular mmo than any mmo that was released after wow clones from wow.




Who cares if it borrowed things from other games,
it seems that you (and the other folks who get touchy about comparing X game to wow) do...
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If that's your main reason, you'd probably like to know they finally, after years, addressed this, and there is an appearance tab now.


It feels like hell froze over, but they did it.


lol, I may have to check it out at some point now they have a 20 lv permanent trial to see what its like. Though, I been playing so many games lately with my limited time, it may take a while.

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People compare the two games because if I have to choose what game to play now... which is really the only metric that matters... I'm not choosing between this game as it is now and WoW of 7 years ago. I'm choosing between how they are today.


I mean, you wouldn't go into a new fast food store get a crappy hamburger that was nasty with horibad customer services and care that they go.. well McDonald's has been around for over 50 years!


That said, I feel this game more then stacks up to WoW now as it is. There are things I wish they would add and do, but it's still a better experience for my money.

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Erm... people are comparing SWTOR with the WoW of today because you can play the WoW of today... today.


SWTOR was supposed to be on par with what is out on the market today, and its not. Thats why reasonably people complain.


It would be like saying "Toyota has 30 years of car experience developement, you cant compare it to SWTOR cars which just released a table with wheels. Give them 30 years, they will get it right"

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Hi I will just step in at this point and say that your flat out wrong, he actually knows what hes talking. If you read some of my posts you will probably notice what side I am on the conversation outside of this thread but your being out of line at this point considerign the background knowledge you have.


You only said it was made so you could run the game on low end computers. That means start the game and play it. You can do that pretty much with every game today.


I reacted on his comment that you can max out the game without a graphics card. And that you cannot unless you think maxing out a game playing with 12 fps is enjoyable.


So no, he is not a gamer like he claims and he knows NOTHING at all about gaming or computers for that matter. So he gets the BIG TROLL STAMP on him.

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Just stop complaining, seriously just stop. Let them correct what is broken with the patches they release and stop throwing a dramatic fit everytime something isn't wow like enough for ya.


Kids never have patience, it's a thing you learn with age.

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On another note LFG was a fail tool that ruined the WoW comunity and turned it from that loving brother to the sinfull uncle we all hate for the sole reason people think and know "He isn't on my realm I can be a dick and not suffer consiquenses" but when faced with people on your own server if you do something bad you were flamed and flagged for everyone on your realm so see.


Also there is a verson of LFG in the game go to /who and flag your self for what your looking for, is it that hard?


You sound like an angry kid who got your feelings hurt in WoW and just HAVE to do everything you can to bash WoW and praise SW:TOR. The sad part is you're just venting frustrations and your own feelings towards certain features and at the same time saying "we all hate" "we all love" as a pathetic attempt to convince yourself or people that the masses are behind your pitiful ranting.

Get som intelligence, back up your claims properly, or ****.

Edited by Astron_
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just stop complaining, seriously just stop. Let them correct what is broken with the patches they release and stop throwing a dramatic fit everytime something isn't wow like enough for ya.


Kids never have patience, it's a thing you learn with age.


atlast someone who gets the point!

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The WoW grind in Vanilla was near the level cap. The WoW grind post-Vanilla is non existent. Compare to the grind in Everquest that was essentially level one to level cap of trying to find a group in one of the few well-known grind spots (or solo'ing if you were a necro) and sitting there for hours killing literally the exact same mob repeatedly. Improvement.


You can egotistically and derisively (try to)read into my statements as much as you like, but attempting to throw your ego around is just proving more so that you have very little substance to your ideas and are trying to make up for it by citing "cred."


Wow's vanilla grind post was experience grinding and quests were mostly involving of "kill 15 of X" as well as alchemy flask locations located in the middle of nowhere (or in a level 60 dungeon) along with alot of in between things. Mind you epic mount price was very high for non DPS classes or pet classes, and soulstone farming for warlocks for raids was something that was not fixed for a very long period after launch.


This was also the case for their first PVP that turned in to a what we called "tarren mill free for all", after that in to battleground grinds and then 'evolved' in to arenas.


Wow grind post-vanilla was in a difrent form. Reputation grind's and dungeong grinds come to mind pritty quickly. Money grind for epic flying so you could actually do professions come as second. (Dungeon unlocks to mount hyjal is a raid grind for example)


WoW grind didn't end untill Catacalysm infact if you played at relases of each expansion.


Yes it was NOT as bad as some of the mmo's out there but my god, they really did try their best running for the grind money since that was their biggest timesink by far untill TBC dailies developed to their end form.

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Because iPad 7 is completely brand new, but it doesn't have all the features that iPad 1 had, and it doesn't have the features that iPad 7 should have either. It's just incomplete. Yet, they put it on sell anyway.


Clear ?


Agreed. When your buying products you would be a fool to not buy the cheaper one with more options

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You sound like an angry kid who got your feelings hurt in WoW and just HAVE to do everything you can to bash WoW and praise SW:TOR. The sad part is you're just venting frustrations and your own feelings towards certain features and at the same time saying "we all hate" "we all love" as a pathetic attempt to convince yourself or people that the masses are behind your pitiful ranting.

Get som intelligence, back up your claims properly, or ****.


you were obviosly never around pre cross realm LFG when the wow comunity was friendlyer, closer and allot nicer and filled with less ***** and *** holes. its true I have been "Hurt" many a time mainly cause I was put in groups with *** holes from other servers who suffer no consiquences because its LFG cross realm.


This mainly accoured with people from a server known as Crushridge and I am not the onlyone ask anyone else from the same battle group as that server. Its also made me belive 90% of italians are *** holes out to ruin others fun.

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And in this day and age, writing script takes time. Fixing things takes time. Seriously, for a game to launch perfectly, it'd take a decade to release, and then it'd be outdated. Not every bug is easily fixable. Fixing one bug normally causes other bugs.


This is without a doubt the most polished MMO launch ever. Edging out RIFT because TOR is about 3x the size of RIFT.


Also, keep in mind, TOR had the largest MMO launch of all time. If things are handled well, It could easily see 3 million subs at its peak.



Trading standard, core MMO mechanics for voicing over FedEx quests was, is and always will be a terrible idea. Before they focused on the much-hyped voice-overs, they should have in the very least made sure their graphics engine was more efficient and the controls/combat were fluid.

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What amazes me is that people expect an MMO to launch with zero issues. That's never happened. Even Rift, which many reviewers said was the smoothest MMO launch in history, had issues. Not major, but they were present. With games as huge as MMOs there will definitely be issues which won't come to light until later. Even large single-player games have major issues which can take a while to smooth over, case in point being Skyrim.


Everyone just needs to chill out, really. This game's barely a week old. It won't be perfect.

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What really surprises me on these forums is the complete idiocy of the fanboy and the flamer.


So many of these threads either have...


i) People defending the game on points that should be viewed critically. This game is perfect and is the gift from the gaming God's of MMO's. Nothing you say is important so go back to WoW if you want to play WoW. I constantly defend the game no matter what it's about, even if the post is competent, intelligent, and offering solid advice.


ii) People flaming the game because they think X MMO is so much better, or I thought the game was going to be like X because everything should cater to my needs. Also I don't think bugs should be in any modern game because cars were made in the 1970's. I claim things to be modern MMO "necessities" because they are in another game. Also I love my spacebar and now I'm 50 and there is nothing to do cause no one is 50.


Seriously... grow up people. I know you can have a good conversation about the game without throwing out personal insults or information that is false and stupid.


The game is new, give it time. Yes, it is 2011 but MMO's are not like other games or other kinds of technology so you shouldn't compare it to such. MMO's have barely expanded on one another in the past, mostly offering the same thing with something new. They are difficult to create and difficult to expand on. The game is far from perfect but I'm sure if you guys can wait for more than a week to let Bioware breathe things will be coming along shortly. Can I guarantee this? Of course not, but there's no sense getting all red in the face over something so stupid.

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OP, when you buy a new car you want to have all the features modern cars have, not just stuff that was common a decade a ago. Same goes for MMOs, they should have all the nice stuff early on (RIFT had done that pretty well, why can't BioWare with a much higher budged pull of the same?).


again..the same old lame analogy that doesn't work...


when you buy a new car you don't get patches and updates every month...the dealership doesn't overhaul it every couple of years and add new stuff. It's a poor analogy...extremely poor and proves NOTHING.

Edited by wigo
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The amount of whining and moaning in this forums is very discouraging, for people who just started this game five days ago.

I understand that you are all experts in playing MMORPG and you all know how to keep the 1Million subscribers satisfied. But come on take a breather and lets reflect....when WoW came out seven years ago, you think they had it all worked out? Look at the original WoW and look at it now and you will hardly recognize the game mechanics anymore.

But lets be honest do we all really believe that a project this big will be perfect on day one? (and please don't start the argument about....that's what Beta is for....)

If (as per your opinion) the game is broken so bad....why don't you just stop playing and sell your account?

I will now go and enjoy this games, because that's what is is a game to have fun and not to go berserk over in a internet forum.

Peace and remember you don't want to be the next Paul Christoforo :D

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WoW is 7 years old. I played it for about 6 years and loved it, but after that 6th year it just started to bore me.


I'm hoping to be playing SWTOR without getting bored for about 5 or 6 years. That is the ONLY comparison I am willing to make.


/clap :) you my good sir are the kind of person that should be posting on the forums.

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