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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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People compare because they are STUPID. There is no othere explanation.


um more like they compare because both games cost $15/month!?


I mean seriously WoW or this bug-infested linear garbage for $15 which are you gonna choose...

Edited by Taurusaud
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It's still a terrible analogy.




Does WoW have space combat? Companions that can craft and go on resource gathering missions? The same type of story structure?

WoW has all the features it has, that doesn't mean SWTOR needs to have all the features that WoW has. Bioware will obviously continue to add content/features that will help SWTOR become a better game. If those features are in use in other games then so be it.

This, yet again, takes time which cannot magically be rushed.


Your comparisons in your first sentence are invalid, I am talking about general features which ALL mmos should have, not franchise specific things.


Btw, WoW quests are almost exactly the same as SWTOR quests (well, they used to be back in BC.. they have improved it atleast somewhat with wrath / cata).

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because it had 7 years to do research and development. A game released after it, should have an idea based on whats already done of what should be included an a next gen mmo.


As it stands, swtor is like WoW when it launched. Not how WoW is today. Which is the problem.


Research and development? HAAHHAAHA, all they did was steal ideas, and they NEVER did anything new. So you saying they did research = JOKE. Wait no, you are correct they did research on other games and then used it in theirs (Not saying its wrong to do, since thats how you make money).


SWG had every feature an MMO could ever want/need. Well they could have made it an FPS type combat, but back then it was tougher to do that stuff.


Anyhow, WOW is 7 years old and this game has almost all the same features as WOW and if it's missing them, it's in the works. They couldn't realease EVERYTHING right off the start. It takes time and they are going to have them and MORE.


WOW doesn't have a space shooter or any time of mini-game like that. Yes, it is actually fun when you play it a few times. At first I hated it, but it grew on me.

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um more like they compare because both games cost $15/month!?


I mean seriously WoW or this bug-infested linear garbage for $15 which are you gonna choose...


Im going to choose the game that is the most fun


In wow, I had 5 level 85 characters.


I raided on one of them. I was on the gear treadmil and I logged into wow for a total of 6 hours a WEEK. Thats it. There was nothing else to do on my free time if I was not raiding.


That means, I was paying 15 dollers a month for a total of 24 HOURS of playtime, thats it. Besides my 6 hours a week devided into two nights at 3 hours a night, there was NOTHING in wow to do. Except of course do the same raid over and over again on my 4 other characters.


In this game I am averaging 5 hours a day. That means I am paying 15 dollers a month for a total of 140 HOURS of playtime. I think ill stick with this, with the wife, with my 10 IRL friends, and with my 50 or so guild mates that came over from wow with us.


As of today every single person who came over has resubbed for 6 months (Except me and the wife as the person who pays for our subs likes seeing 30 dollers a month more so ten seeing the big bill every 6 months, oh well LOL)

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Your comparisons in your first sentence are invalid, I am talking about general features which ALL mmos should have, not franchise specific things.


Btw, WoW quests are almost exactly the same as SWTOR quests (well, they used to be back in BC.. they have improved it atleast somewhat with wrath / cata).


Oh? Should Planetside 2 also have the same features as WoW? What features you think are needed is subjective, not objective.


Quests in these types of MMORPG's have been the same for a long time. Go here, kill this, interact with that. That however wasn't what I wrote, I asked you if the story structure was the same, not the questing mechanics.

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Im going to choose the game that is the most fun


In wow, I had 5 level 85 characters.


I raided on one of them. I was on the gear treadmil and I logged into wow for a total of 6 hours a WEEK. Thats it. There was nothing else to do on my free time if I was not raiding.


That means, I was paying 15 dollers a month for a total of 24 HOURS of playtime, thats it. Besides my 6 hours a week devided into two nights and 2 hours a night, there was NOTHING in wow to do. Except of course do the same raid over and over again on my 4 other characters.


In this game I am averaging 5 hours a day. That means I am paying 15 dollers a month for a total of 140 HOURS of playtime. I think ill stick with this, with the wife, with my 10 IRL friends, and with my 50 or so guild mates that came over from wow with us.


As of today every single person who camed over has resubbed for 6 months (Except me and the wife as the person who pays for our subs likes seeing 30 dollers a month more so ten seeing the big bill every 6 months, oh well LOL)


You're playing this game more because you haven't reached end game yet. The same can be said for any MMO.


WoW has the most end game content out of any MMO right now. You can't deny that.

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Checkmate? Lol.


But seriously, what does it change? Pretty much your entire argument.


Because you admit that my point is true. Therefore the difficulty or time requirements to be implemented into SWTOR may not allow it either soon or ever. So it has to be taken into account. That and whilst WoW and SWTOR are both MMORPG's they focus on different aspects.


WoW and SWTOR really do not focus on different things. WoW's leveling process revolves around questing. SWTOR's leveling process does the same. WoW's endgame focuses on dailies, heroics, raiding and PvP. SWTOR's endgame revolves around the same thing.


The only real major difference is the way the quests are presented. In WoW you get a popup with some quest text, in SWTOR you get a cutscene with an NPC and some arbitrary dialog choices.

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um more like they compare because both games cost $15/month!?


I mean seriously WoW or this bug-infested linear garbage for $15 which are you gonna choose...


WoW is way more linear, and this game is way better then WoW. You are just a WoW fanboy and I laugh at that.


Also, why are you still here posting and re-subbing when this is a bug infested garbage game? The free time ran out already =)

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How does it have to be taken into account?


People will ALWAYS look at two products in present time, they don't care what has been out longer and what hasn't, what they want to buy is the better product RIGHT NOW.


Sorry, but you lose regardless. WoW has more features, SWTOR doesn't. This is why SWTOR will never beat WoW.


Some of don't base our MMO choice on features alone.


Some of us like the story content, some prefer the IP,

some of us like the developer, others just hate RealID


Some of us just like lightsabers, others hate what WoW has become

How it caters to entitled 11 year olds who cry when the last raid is done.


Some of like fighting robots that arent reskinned from vanilla

Some of us have a vision, and cant wait til Bioware can build it.


So in closing, a buddy of mine told me about this MMO he's playing right now

It feels a lot like warcraft; i think he said its name is WoW.


Its been out for quite some time, and the content is definitely there

And the only problem it has is finding somebody who cares.






Btw, I still play WoW. It's a great game. But it's not TOR. And TOR isn't WoW. That is all.

Edited by Seattlite
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…ok then let's put this straight

u buy car that cost even more than veyron anddd

*here long list of things that it must_have and don't*


Cars do not require coding to manufacture, except when coding the robots.

All cars share the same core features while they do not all have to share all the extra features, even if they cost the same.


It's still a terrible analogy since they have nothing in common.

Edited by ChipHazard
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WoW is way more linear, and this game is way better then WoW. You are just a WoW fanboy and I laugh at that.


Also, why are you still here posting and re-subbing when this is a bug infested garbage game? The free time ran out already =)


How is WoW more linear?


SWTOR is MUCH more linear, you only have one place to level at in any given time. WoW has multiple places.

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WoW is way more linear, and this game is way better then WoW. You are just a WoW fanboy and I laugh at that.


Also, why are you still here posting and re-subbing when this is a bug infested garbage game? The free time ran out already =)


You may call him a WoW FanBoy , you may be right , im not sure.

But im 100% sure you are a blind FanBoy of this game.


The reason i resub? im not a WoW fanboy , and i ran out of MMOs to play ...


When GW2 come out if this game is still like this ... then be sure , you wont see me around here anymore.

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You're playing this game more because you haven't reached end game yet. The same can be said for any MMO.


WoW has the most end game content out of any MMO right now. You can't deny that.


Why would I even want to deny that? Wow does have alot of end game stuff.


HOWEVER, with that said, the only relevent content is the current tier. My friend geared himself up without even stepping foot in tier 11 and then facerolled tier 12. After he killed each boss with me, we stopped raiding because, thats why we raid. We raid to see the bosses, the story, and when its over, its done.


If I get bored in this game with raiding, I can pvp, OR I can do space combat, OR I can collect holocrans that actually affect your character unlike LAW wow achievments. Point is, wow can have as much end game raiding as it wants but for me and my friends, once we clear the whole place the first time there is 0 incentive to go back.


I cant wait til they allow you to fully customize the inside of your ship. I am having much more fun right now on my sith warrior who is level 19(NOT MY MAIN) giving gifts to vette and watching her story unfold, then i would be in wow raiding twice a week, over, and over, and over, and over again some more, and did I mention again?

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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How is WoW more linear?


SWTOR is MUCH more linear, you only have one place to level at in any given time. WoW has multiple places.


SWTOR has planets and you don't have to follow the suggested planet progression. The two games basicly function in the same way, in this respect.

Edited by ChipHazard
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WoW sucked when it first came out as well, and compared to other games of the time that had a few years on it, it was missing quite a few features, even simple ones back in the day.


Within a year+ they turned up the features and improved on several issues they had. WoW didn't get their monstor sub numbers day one or even year one.


They built up on a simple platform and added features over time instead of delaying production of game content and development that would have delayed release and caused other issues.


Kinda.... kinda what these guys seem to be doing..... hrmmmm.....

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How is WoW more linear?


SWTOR is MUCH more linear, you only have one place to level at in any given time. WoW has multiple places.


I hope you are joking about this. You can level anywhere you want.


Starting planet is also 100% better then WoW's basic crap. One you get your ship, you can level anywhere you want. You can even level in PvP alone if thats your choice, and WoW never offered that. Dunno if it does now, but never did before and I played up to End of BC and checked out FT, which was utter crap.

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WoW sucked when it first came out as well, and compared to other games of the time that had a few years on it, it was missing quite a few features, even simple ones back in the day.


Within a year+ they turned up the features and improved on several issues they had. WoW didn't get their monstor sub numbers day one or even year one.


They built up on a simple platform and added features over time instead of delaying production of game content and development that would have delayed release and caused other issues.


Kinda.... kinda what these guys seem to be doing..... hrmmmm.....


And they released in Asia and got 7mil subs ;P

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Why would I even want to deny that? Wow does have alot of end game stuff.


HOWEVER, with that said, the only relevent content is the current tier. My friend geared himself up without even stepping foot in tier 11 and then facerolled tier 12. After he killed each boss with me, we stopped raiding because, thats why we raid. We raid to see the bosses, the story, and when its over, its done.


If I get bored in this game with raiding, I can pvp, OR I can do space combat, OR I can collect holocrans that actually affect your character unlike LAW wow achievments. Point is, wow can have as much end game raiding as it wants but for me and my friends, once we clear the whole place the first time there is 0 incentive to go back.


I see what you mean, but even without raiding there is MUCH more to do in WoW, more battlegrounds , a competitive form of pvp, achievements (this is a huge one, because it makes you do a ton of older content), WAY more dailies, etc etc. Basically, if SWTOR has 'x' at its end game, WoW has 10 times 'x'.

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I hope you are joking about this. You can level anywhere you want.


Starting planet is also 100% better then WoW's basic crap. One you get your ship, you can level anywhere you want. You can even level in PvP alone if thats your choice, and WoW never offered that. Dunno if it does now, but never did before and I played up to End of BC and checked out FT, which was utter crap.


So once I get my ship at level 15 or so, I can go level on Hoth? Cool!

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