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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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1. There aint really much different choices that effects anything else tha ntrivial things.


2. Fluid? If you eman that you pushing button makes your char doing nothing, interrupting actions or chaining attacks is impossible is cool, gl with that.


3. Not really, action delay is worse than in any game ive ever played and seen same comments on different threads.


4: Looks different.


6. I wont go to WoW if i quit this game. Childish stories? If this games stories are any mature than WoWs i havent noticed it. Mayeb shouldnt use space bar that much.


^ Joined Dec 2011.


If you dislike the game, don't play it.


And better yet, don't bother to post about it.


None of your criticisms are substantial or have any chance of improving the game.


SWTOR isn't your cup of tea. Fine. Go do something else. And please don't bother informing anyone else here what it is.

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1. There aint really much different choices that effects anything else tha ntrivial things.


What you think is trivial is inconsequential. The choices are different and they do affect the story outcome of the quest.


2. Fluid? If you eman that you pushing button makes your char doing nothing, interrupting actions or chaining attacks is impossible is cool, gl with that.


It sure is possible for me, maybe you should try a little harder.


3. Not really, action delay is worse than in any game ive ever played and seen same comments on different threads.


You must have played two games in all those years.


4: Looks different.




6. I wont go to WoW if i quit this game. Childish stories? If this games stories are any mature than WoWs i havent noticed it. Mayeb shouldnt use space bar that much.


Maybe you shouldn't. At least it would help you talk with any knowledge of what you're talking about. It normally helps.

Besides, if you buy a game that has dialogue as one of it's main advertised features only to skip it, and then you don't enjoy the game, the only one you can blame is yourself.

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Lol, I like that. Best point made in the forum to date.


And still it's a false point, as while SWTOR doesn't offer all the features wow has, it offers features that wow doesn't have. Simple as that.


Or maybe we're gotten to the utterly illogical point that only the features that Wow has and SWTOR doesn't count in your calculation of the price point? :rolleyes:

Edited by Abriael
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Did you poll them? I do flashpoints at a pace of 3-4 a day, and I encountered two parties that sipped through them in two weeks. So much for your made up statistics on the "majority" :D

I space through them because I have seen them and when the rest of the party does the same we advance in the story faster. Its a nice way of seeing exactly how many people skips the dialogues.


It changes a lot of the mechanics of combat and the involvement required for the player during combat itself.

Please explain what. Its auto attacking so you don't need to do anything with your character. Its just extra damage on a single target when you are close enough.


It's for sure making me a lot of money, and will probably make even more in the future.

Again, the fact that it doesn't fit your taste has absolutely no bearing on the fact that it's different.

Maybe because the game is new? You have not thought about end game in a month or so when most people are level 50. Right now the best crafted gear is sub par to the gear you get from PVP vendors. So either grind +12k credits (base mats) for a pair of bracers or do some rounds PVP and get 12k credits and a pair of bracers and boots with better stats and it goes faster than questing and grinding for money!

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Stop kidding yourselves guys. We all expect the same thing from this game.

A game that would offer us the opportunity to live our own story set during the Old Republic era.


Many are refusing to admit this: the game does not feel like we are playing an MMO. Sure it has the RPG side, but it feels to much like KOTOR III. Remember those games? You would go to a planet, where you could only explore a fraction of it, the rest was sealed off, do some quests, advance you story and do some side-quests, then move on to the next planet.


This is the exact same thing.


The difference with WoW? No rails.


So why do people compare it to WoW? Because people thought that after seeing WoW dominate the MMO market for almost 8 years, developers would know where it struck gold, and where it failed.


I'm sorry BioWare, but you don't enter the MMO market with a RPG-only view to things. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

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And still it's a false point, as while SWTOR doesn't offer all the features wow has, it offers features that wow doesn't have. Simple as that.


aside from voice acting and quest interaction. what are those things? hopefully you dont say "legacy names".

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And still it's a false point, as while SWTOR doesn't offer all the features wow has, it offers features that wow doesn't have. Simple as that.


Or maybe we're gotten to the utterly illogical point that only the features that Wow has and SWTOR doesn't count in your calculation of the price point? :rolleyes:


Apart from voice acting havent seen anything else that isnt totally trivial.

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I space through them because I have seen them and when the rest of the party does the same we advance in the story faster. Its a nice way of seeing exactly how many people skips the dialogues.


Even if you space bar through flashpoints, that are repeatable, you still don't know how many do it, and how many do it through normal quests, that are the bulk of the contents of the game (flashpoints are a much smaller part).

It's indeed still an innovation.


Please explain what. Its auto attacking so you don't need to do anything with your character. Its just extra damage on a single target when you are close enough.


It changes the pace of combat, and for many characters it introduces a power buildup mechanic that's not present in games with autoattack.


Maybe because the game is new? You have not thought about end game in a month or so when most people are level 50. Right now the best crafted gear is sub par to the gear you get from PVP vendors. So either grind +12k credits (base mats) for a pair of bracers or do some rounds PVP and get 12k credits and a pair of bracers and boots with better stats and it goes faster than questing and grinding for money!


I don't go around with a crystal ball. For all we know Bioware might introduce new recipes regularly, allowing crafting to stay competitive. Besides, not everyone PvPes. Even selling cheap green products that are made of uncostly materials turns me a profit. The population is varied enough to give crafters that know how to play the market a very good profit. Whether it'll continue or not, it depends on what Bioware will do in the future. At the moment it works, and it IS different from other games, which is the point.

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aside from voice acting and quest interaction. what are those things? hopefully you dont say "legacy names".


- individual instances


- class quest storylines


- companions


- Advanced classes for better class balance


And only because you requested it


- Legacy names

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Apart from voice acting havent seen anything else that isnt totally trivial.


Companions, Voice acting and branching storytelling, cutscenes for every single quest (voice acting is just one factor, having cutscenes for all quests is another big perk, not everyone likes to just have some text scrolling before they go kill ten bears), group-based dialogue, WAY better graphics, space combat...


Again, I'm sorry to burst a bubble, but what you think trivial is inconsequential. It offers plenty features that wow doesn't have and will never have and you not liking them doesn't make them disappear. For anyone like you that isn't interested in them, there are others that consider them relevant.

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- individual instances


- class quest storylines


- companions


- Advanced classes for better class balance


And only because you requested it


- Legacy names


so far the companion is the only real update i see. which isnt really that impressive.

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Companions, Voice acting and branching storytelling, cutscenes for every single quest (voice acting is just one factor, having cutscenes for all quests is another big perk, not everyone likes to just have some text scrolling before they go kill ten bears), group-based dialogue, WAY better graphics, space combat...


Again, I'm sorry to burst a bubble, but what you think trivial is inconsequential. It offers plenty features that wow doesn't have and will never have and you not liking them doesn't make them disappear. For anyone like you that isn't interested in them, there are others that consider them relevant.


hate to tell you, but what you think trivial is inconsequential

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so far the companion is the only real update i see. which isnt really that impressive.


What impresses you or not is inconsequential. Quite evidently others are impressed


hate to tell you, but what you think trivial is inconsequential


Hate to tell you, but you not being interested in a feature doesn't make it disappear.:rolleyes:

Edited by Abriael
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because it had 7 years to do research and development. A game released after it, should have an idea based on whats already done of what should be included an a next gen mmo.


As it stands, swtor is like WoW when it launched. Not how WoW is today. Which is the problem.


Problem with that thinking is that I liked WoW in BC (never played in classic, tbh) more than i like the LFR/LFD/Queueland of WoW Today.


I also know many people, and I'm not joking about the 'many' (worked at a tech support office for att uverse, many many gamers/nerds there), that feel the same way.


I'd happily spam Fleet general chat for a half hour looking for heals, for when i find that heals, they will be on my friends list and if theyre good i will ask them if they'd like healing other times. In WoW it's 'ohhai strange healer from random server #209!'....

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And still it's a false point, as while SWTOR doesn't offer all the features wow has, it offers features that wow doesn't have. Simple as that.


Or maybe we're gotten to the utterly illogical point that only the features that Wow has and SWTOR doesn't count in your calculation of the price point? :rolleyes:


The topic is not which game is better. It's why are people comparing them.

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Indeed it is.


You sure have a weird idea of what constitutes a "basic MMORPG feature"


There's actually absolutely no "basic MMORPG feature" missing here. There are some accessorial convenience features that are present in a FEW MMORPGs (not nearly in the majority) that are missing, while there are others that are NOT present in those MMORPG that are instead present here.

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Because any product that is released and demands that people buy it is in competition with whatever is available at the time. Not with what was available seven years ago. Bioware and any company for that matter should learn from their predecessors both what was successful and what wasnt in their models.


If you are going to add something in your MMO that other MMOs have done you want it to be just as good if not better than it if you want to compete. A good example is the AH. It was **** when wow first came out, but after 7 years its very functional and works amazingly. SwTORs AH function is garbage and just as bad if not worse than wows was 7 years ago. That isnt acceptable.


Sure WoW had a lot of server side problems and crashes when it came out (which Blizzard gave free game time out to apologize for btw) but the combat system had no delays. The combat system worked flawlessly. As of right now its one of SWTORS biggest failures. This delay is killing gameplay.

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And in fact I explained why it's *illogical* to compare them in the way we see here, and fairly ignorant.


It's not illogical at all. Would it be illogical to comparing WoW to EVE? Yes, they very different games, TOR is a similar game to WoW, you can argue its not all you like but it clearly is. WoW has established(and at times invented) certain features and mechanics that TOR and other games have copied. They are clearly catering to the same customer base, end of story.

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