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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PATCH 5.2: The Great Return?


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I thought HM EV and KP were going to drop BIS now.


You thought wrong.


He/She thought correctly. Token gear is BiS, no?


Eternity Vault

Annihilation Droid XRR-3 – Belt

Gharj – Gloves

Ancient Pylons – Earpiece

Infernal Council – Boots

Soa – Offhand


The Soa offhand farm is about to commence in full force! Afterward, I'll go farm the poor >240 PvP'ers with my amazing new gear.


brb with full gear on all toons next week.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Fair enough. I read "lack of multiplayer content" and my personal interest/bias went to thinking PVE.


I do do ops as well, but ops are very time consuming, and I can only do 1 or 2 per week. PvP, flashpoints, heroics, and story on the other hand are pretty quick. And in those cases, the gearing is still beyond crap. I mean who thought of giving out only greens and blues in flashpoints was a good idea!?

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I thought HM EV and KP were going to drop BIS now.


SM: tier 2 legendary

HM: tier 3 legendary

NiM: tier 4 legendary


Token gear is BiS, no?


248 if I remember correctly. There will be two ways to get BiS gear:

NiM and tier 4 crates

Edited by Halinalle
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SM: tier 2 legendary

HM: tier 3 legendary

NiM: tier 4 legendary

Good to know. So glad I did not grind out 300 on any of my toons.


248 if I remember correctly. There will be two ways to get BiS gear:

NiM and tier 4 crates


Right, but I take BiS to mean the best you can currently obtain. Otherwise we'd just call it T4 Legendary, or T4L or something.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I sincerely doubt many will return with 5.2, and i'm willing to bet many that do will be like me, subscribe for a month for the tidbits of story, check how things are and probably unsubscribe again. I subscribed a week ago to try to get my trooper through kotet, just to get the full scope of the story (even tho i think there's not going to be much in there) and it's been hard, the valkorion story means little to me at this point and GC doesn't help either.


From what i read in these posts it seems that, for whatever reason, some players believe that many that left where looking for an excuse or that GC doesn't bother those that are here for the story and little else, so i'm going to share my views. As you might have realized i'm in SWTOR for it's story, and i ocasionally do group stuff and some pvp, never ops tho, i see no point in them, so you might think "BIS gear means nothing to you, why are you bothered with GC?". The simple answer is the carrot on the stick, we all need it or we wouldn't be playing mmo's, the carrot is different for players but i believe gear is one big carrot. Before GC i would simply buy the best gear i could with the crystals, for some toons not all of them, i would do that by calculating how much i needed and from where i could get them and make a plan. After GC there's no way to do that, you're stuck with RNG, and playing my alts makes me feel like i'm loosing and/or wasting time because i'm not playing my main or another toon i wanr geared up. It might be just my perception but it's what i feel. Now you can say "keep doing what you like and eventually you'll get the gear". What i like is making alts and replaying the vanila story, wich means nothing in gains for GC, i can play heroics, a bit of pvp, some flashpoints but i eventually get bored of it and back i am doing and playing alts, wich after a bit makes me feel like i'm wasting time, it just becomes a loop of nothing.


I don't know how they can fix this, outside of releasing a bunch of new content, hopefully with engaging and replayable story (don't confuse with repeatable story like kotfe+kotet), or make it as i believe it should have been made, the gear system remained like in 4.0, with some tweaks to take a bit longer, and GC was just fluff items as subscriber rewards, wich i doubt they'll change it to.

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Making Command XP legacy wide would be FOOLISH!!! Getting gear in tiers 1-3 will be a lot easier then getting Purple/gold gear in Tier 4.


I don't think they said that. Tier 4 drops will be of different ratings and colors. Only the 248 Golds have been said to be very rare. All other Tier 4 drops will also be better than all Tier 1-3 gear and all Tier 4 gear will have set bonus.


Making CXP and unassembled components legacy-wide will also mean we don't have to feel like we're wasting time when we play our alternate characters. We would play whatever character we wanted, PvE or PvP and gear whichever character in whatever gear we wanted to.

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4.0 had no replayability. Jut before 5.0 they launched the DvL which I thought was the ultimate grinding event...


In 5.0 they went for infinite grinding (just what everyone needed afer DvL) with another linear single story (done it once, done it all) with no challenging group content. I had a lot of fun playing the game until then despite being in disagreement with several decisions of the dev team. However, since 5.0 I can no longer find the motivation to start the game, even with my friends. 5.2 is more infinite grinding.

Edited by Eriamea
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However, the bigger issue is that they haven't invested more into the game as far as content with replay value is concerned and though they went full out in the production with the new story lines, I find them woefully sub par and lacking replay value especially. As a pseudo investor I felt my investment was not taken seriously. That's what I mean with it not representing value to me anymore.


That is my biggest conflict with this game. Both the whales and small fish have spent more on this game than most other games ever demanded. And yet there are puzzling lack of updates. You would've thought they would've created more events instead of cycling the 3 of them over and over. You would've thought they would have created more side games like pazaak. Galactic Starfighter may be the most enjoyable thing I've ever done in the game but it has seen arrested development as it is pretty much exactly as it was the day it was launched. A simple GSF vendor selling rare paint jobs, gas canisters, etc. would've really made a huge difference but instead the few existing ones left from packs go for millions on the GTN. Why never a new character class that could run independent of either faction or why not more new races to be. It's as if all the money put into this game by cartel pack buyers was whisked away someplace else. Something doesn't add up.

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Hate to join the naysayers, OP, but I'm also going with the damage is already done.


*screwed up the gearing system on a galactic scale

*can only give us 1 Ops boss at a time


While I do feel for the team. Let's face it... we know they're limited staff. It is very much too little, too late. And... many players more or less told them not to implement things in 5.0 that they went ahead and did anyway. It was a gamble... and it ticked several veteran players off.


I suspect the game will continue to be around for as long as it takes them to at least start developing, or announce development, of a new Star Wars mmorpg... but you're not going to see very many guilds flourish back to life over this now.


Best bet.... remaining pool of players across the servers form new guilds from existing players and the few new/returning players that actually like it... keep it feeling a little lively in game at least. That, I think, is pretty much what people should be looking at now.

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Sorry - i dont think so.

The irving-plague sucked nearly every bit of life, enthusiasm and FUN out of the game and current state of the game is: Most people in our guild are waiting that their subscription time is over.


Noone is online every day playing for hours like in 2.0 or 3.0. Now guildies play only on raid days ( ~ 2 times a week ) and main reason is to have fun with the other players in TS. Not the game itself.

I would say noone is really hyped for 5.2 and if there would be any alternative scifi mmo the complete guild would be gone faster than speedy gonzales.

To sad, the game had so much potential. We loved it.


Aber genug ist genug ;)

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Sorry - i dont think so.

The irving-plague sucked nearly every bit of life, enthusiasm and FUN out of the game and current state of the game is: Most people in our guild are waiting that their subscription time is over.


Noone is online every day playing for hours like in 2.0 or 3.0. Now guildies play only on raid days ( ~ 2 times a week ) and main reason is to have fun with the other players in TS. Not the game itself.

I would say noone is really hyped for 5.2 and if there would be any alternative scifi mmo the complete guild would be gone faster than speedy gonzales.

To sad, the game had so much potential. We loved it.


Aber genug ist genug ;)


Denk dran, RNG ist AUFREGEND! :D


Bin froh, dass es nicht nur bei uns so ist, sondern auch bei anderen Gilden, habe mir schon Sorgen gemacht.

I'm glad that it's not only a problem of my guild but also a problem of many other guilds.


I guess I'm not excited enough for such an ECXITING gameplay.

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Hate to join the naysayers, OP, but I'm also going with the damage is already done.



Best bet.... remaining pool of players across the servers form new guilds from existing players and the few new/returning players that actually like it... keep it feeling a little lively in game at least. That, I think, is pretty much what people should be looking at now.


I really hope someone on staff especially reads that part of your post because that is far and above the most important improvement they could do to the game. 17 servers that show 'Light' status is accelerating the dead game vibe. Consolidate them down to 5-6. Make it the objective for someone logging into the game and going to fleet to feel there are group activities going on for end game.

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I really hope someone on staff especially reads that part of your post because that is far and above the most important improvement they could do to the game. 17 servers that show 'Light' status is accelerating the dead game vibe. Consolidate them down to 5-6. Make it the objective for someone logging into the game and going to fleet to feel there are group activities going on for end game.


I don't know how I feel about more mergers... other than recognizing they probably do need to do it now.


I originally played on Lord Adraas server and when they decided to force us into a merge with The Ebon Hawk... it destroyed our community we had on Adraas. So, I'm always very cautious about saying merge anymore. Controlled, sensible merges... which I think is what you're talking about are ok though. But it is usually better to handle it with sensible transfers or realizing you should just do xserver queues to start with because, contrary to belief, that doesn't hurt server community.


I guess in one sense, really, the community I came from got bombed well before this RNG crap even came into play.


Hopefully they do good by those of you that are still going to pay for this... uh... stuff... but I'm genuinely hoping they're learning some very important lessons about what not to do with their next mmorpg... which I still hope will be a new Star Wars mmorpg. :jawa_biggrin:

Edited by LunaticFringer
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I used to be what people call a whale or whatever. I spent easily 150 bucks a month in the CM. Why? Was I crazy? Perhaps, but my reason was that I wanted to support the game financially so that BW would have room for investing into the game.

Kind of the same for me - I used to spend around $100 a month on top of my sub. Compared to some stories I've heard, I didn't think that made me a 'whale,' though of course it is a lot more than the basic $15. Since 5.0, that $100 has dropped to... $0.


Personally, I wanted to support the game financially not so they would invest in new development, but just to keep the lights on. (I'm far from finished with the vanilla content, so I don't need new stuff.)


The sad thing is, EVEN BY THAT STANDARD they've failed. All I want is to play the original content, and that seems to me like the bare minimum anyone could ask for. But no...even that's too much for Bioware to deliver. Heroic quest quest-givers and conversations removed, bonus series quests no longer available to do when they should be story-wise, boss fights in story instances not adjusted for level sync...and of course the DvL pop-ups distracting from the experience of any and everything (story, exploration, combat, etc., etc.)


I'm the least demanding player they could possibly hope for...all I want is the vanilla content, the development of which was already paid for and completed. But...no.

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As for all this nonsense about 5.0 allegedly killing alts.. I'm simply going to disagree.


Can't say its killed my alt playing either, but it has changed how I run them. I have about 3 "mains" that I run raid teams with, 2 tanks, 1 DPS and DPS sets for my tanks. I ran those toons hard to get them up in CXP rank and ignored my others. Once the mains hit 300 and were in 240/242, I ran alts to get some levels. Once 5.2 hits, I'll go back to focusing on my mains. Once I get them in a good amount of BIS, i'll go back to my alts.

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Every time they roll out one of these GC "Fix" patches and it does not achieve what they implied, they lose more players.


5.2 looks akin to a band aide on an arterial wound to me...


I suppose we will see, but I have a feeling it's going to further enrage people when they start understanding Bioware is saying one thing and doing another yet again.


I still don't get a crate an hour even now...Playing at a standard rate and not trying to "grind" CXP....Maybe if I was face to the monitor with a preemptive plan to score a crate in one hour, maybe... But if I just roll a chapter or do some missions its not happening....


Unless of course I disintegrate everything in every crate I get, then I occasionally get 1 crate per hour....Which is a hysterical model. One crate per hour should be based on not disintegrating anything in your crates... But I suppose that is another discussion about how GC crates stink.


I'm not going into how the GC System is inherently designed for people to play only optimal CXP content...and now they are on the perpetual nerf wheel...


Maybe they will surprise me...But i doubt it.


Heck I even subbed for a month to give them another shot.


Will it be a large influx...probably not but I came back so I'm sure a few will.

Edited by Soljin
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Every time they roll out one of these GC "Fix" patches and it does not achieve what they implied, they lose more players.


5.2 looks akin to a band aide on an arterial wound to me...


I suppose we will see, but I have a feeling it's going to further enrage people when they start understanding Bioware is saying one thing and doing another yet again.


Maybe they will surprise me...But i doubt it.


Heck I even subbed for a month to give them another shot.


For me, it will depend on Iokath dailies and pvp, and the new operation. I will finally have content that I enjoy. These things will help me to tolerate Galactic Command.


I feel bad for people that strictly pvp though. I will gear alts much more quickly because I do operations too.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Not likely to see a return to be honest. Not anything significant anyway.


The damage is done and not enough new content to entice a large return from what I hear gamers talking about.


To much negativity from poor design and development surrounds BW and swtor.


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Every time they roll out one of these GC "Fix" patches and it does not achieve what they implied, they lose more players.


5.2 looks akin to a band aide on an arterial wound to me...


I suppose we will see, but I have a feeling it's going to further enrage people when they start understanding Bioware is saying one thing and doing another yet again.


I still don't get a crate an hour even now...Playing at a standard rate and not trying to "grind" CXP....Maybe if I was face to the monitor with a preemptive plan to score a crate in one hour, maybe... But if I just roll a chapter or do some missions its not happening....


Unless of course I disintegrate everything in every crate I get, then I occasionally get 1 crate per hour....Which is a hysterical model. One crate per hour should be based on not disintegrating anything in your crates... But I suppose that is another discussion about how GC crates stink.


I'm not going into how the GC System is inherently designed for people to play only optimal CXP content...and now they are on the perpetual nerf wheel...


Maybe they will surprise me...But i doubt it.


Heck I even subbed for a month to give them another shot.


Will it be a large influx...probably not but I came back so I'm sure a few will.


Not to mention one of the HUGE things people were looking forward to was being able to buy starter BiS gear with command tokens in 5,2 , and now all of a sudden the guy responsible for the amazing RNG boxes changed his mind and we have to wait for that even LONGER now. I am pretty sure thatll piss off quite a few people. I know I will be gone as soon as morrowind for ESO is released unless there are some pretty drastic changes here.

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