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Warning to Potential Buyers: the Facts about SWTOR.


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Even without those things, the swtor community is already full of hate and equally as bad as wow's community. real shame. I hoped it would be better here


I feel bad for the community you have experienced on your server. I have not met one rude or ******e person. I have not had anyone ninja items in flash points or group quests. Everyone I have grouped with has been friendly.


With LFD you do not ever need to speak. You stand in town. Que a dungeon and go there. You might say hello and then complete the dungeon and never see those people again.


Also you are in for a real disappointment with a good community in future MMOS this popular. Their are way to many people of all ages playing these games now and even if 10% of the population is really bad they make it seem like 50% is. The days are over of these small MMO communities where less than 100K people are playing these games. If the game is any good then you will have A holes in every future online game you play.

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This is a warning to anyone who is considering buying SWTOR. Here are some things you should know about the game before you drop $60.


Starships. So misleading. Sorry, but you don’t actually get a starship. All you get is a flightpath from planet to planet that has the appearance (not functionality) of a spacecraft. You can’t control your ship manually at all. It just shoots a straight line through the galaxy and all you can see are blurred stars out the window. Want to actually CONTROL your starship? Nope, sorry. Want to FLY your starship? Nope, not happening. As if to apologize for this, BW has offered “space missions.” These also are just teases. You don’t even get to control where your ship flies in the space missions. Your ship is on “invisible rails” and all you can do is tell it to shoot. And the goofy enemy AI ships just fly right in front of you for you to shoot.


17 planets. Yeah…sorry, not quite. These “planets” are approximately the size of Elwynn Forest. It’s not like you can circumnavigate a planet and land your ship where you choose. Each “Planet” consists of 2-3 planes that you can walk across in about 4 minutes. Yay for being able to walk across your planet in 4 minutes.


No flying mounts, not even at max level. NEVER. The reason why is obvious. When each “planet” is the size of Elwynn Forest, being able to actually fly would put them in perspective and show the really quick.


Your character is a wimp. Unless you have a companion with you who gets in the way and prevents you from clicking where you need to, you’re going to get owned by the mobs.

No damage meters or other addons or any sort of customizable UI. This translates into no legit endgame. No way of quickly seeing who the fails are in your group.


No LFG. All you see in chat is LFM and LFG spam. By the way, all chat is pretty terrible. Barrens chat x10.


No dual spec. No achievements. No searching the auction house. Ability animations and cooldowns don’t sync. No day/night cycles on planets. No swimming. Spaceship improvements not visible. No target of target. Can’t sit in chairs or even target most NPCs. They’re just as inanimate as the walls and floors. Game has a single-player feel because the servers are split into smaller servers. This is called “sharding”. Literally. There are like 3 different instances of Korriban per server.


All characters look pretty much the same (all humanoid with slight cosmetic differences) and no gear appearance customization. When you’re walking around the imperial fleet, all the characters will look nearly identical. No target of target. Light/dark choices are pointless. If you answer each one true, you’ll be stuck somewhere in neutral, which gives no rewards. The only way you get benefits is if you answer all dark or light choices, so it’s not much of a choice at all.


Voice acting gets so old. The characters are extremely chatty and it’s not rare to get conversations lasting 5-7 minutes. If you’re the type of player who actually wants to play and not watch a movie, this game isn’t for you. No option to skip the conversations either.


In conclusion, this game feels like it’s still in the first month of Beta and they never took the advice of one single beta tester. It seems like they put all 300 million dollars into creating the story and voice acting, while leaving out all the basic MMO improvements that have developed in the last 5 years.


First person who posts can have my stuff. And don’t worry, I won’t let the door hit me on the way out.



This guy pretty much says the truth. Couldn't have summarized it better than this.

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Everyone, even Trolls, are entitled to their opinions.

Could say what opinions are like, but dont want to get banned lol.

My opinion, for what it is, and if your taking your time to enjoy the game,

the storyline, and the scenary, despite some of the bugs and glitches, it's not bad

for a game released 8 days ago (officially). If you want to compare this to MMO's

that have been around 2-7 years, well, wait two-seven years, then compare :D

If two years from now SWTOR is as bad as launch blah blah blah and mmo XXX

was way better along then great. My Opinion, as much as it is worth, is take the game

slowly, do every quest, explore every inch of a planet, get with your friends/guild,

run Heroics, dailys, etc, and have fun. If this games not fun for ya, go buy/play another,

or take the wife/girlfriend/life partner out to a nice $60.00 dinner :cool:

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Thats still a very poor grounds to post personal insults and flame on last time I checked.


Not to mention some of it is not personal oppinion considering that there are false fact from early interviews how combat is supposed to feel epic one on one combat for example, how actual starships are yours to fly, epic storylines (Again word Epic is purely subjective as it is) and when mentioned 'several worlds to explore' one kinda wonders how much they actually feel difrent from one another.


Hate it or love it I don't care, what really breaks the game for me is this community becouse let's face it we were not sold an entire packet of an MMO and it requires alot of work to be salvagable to even be competitive on the free to play market, specially when they announced that the primary goals of the first patch is to get realmoney-in-game-shop.


Here's the thing, when you present your opinion as obnoxiously as the OP did, pepper it with ignorant personal opinions, and blatant misinformation, you aren't doing a service to those potential buyers. You're manipulating them into doing what you want for your own sake.


Are there issues? Yes, there are. But it's new so I'm going to give it time. Most of the important issues, weren't addressed here and many were simply made up.


It's true, these forums are a social garbage dump, the OP deserves it for trying to sabotage the game like a child because he loves another game.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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So, does Blizzard actually pay these shills to come on and openly lie about the gameplay? I'm noticing that most of them have join dates of Dec. 2011...


How did you know? Blizzard has nothing better to spend money on now that they build entire buildings out of it other then to pay some people to waiste their time on a mmo thats collapsing on its own hype and starwars franchise name.



Are you really this paranoid in real life?


Do you just assume that becouse someone actually wants to critisise something for the right reasons or they are displeased by what they got instead of what they wante they are immidietly from a competing companys payroll?


Funny fact is that EA itself has been caught pants down with having 'user reviews' generated by the people on their payroll, paid for that reason... So how many of you furious forumwarrior guardians are on the EA payroll? :D

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Not sure what you wanted to accomplish by your negative post besides the fact that you made it quite apparent you didn't get far in the game.


Your post is filled with opinions, not facts.


So you might want to change the topic title.

Edited by Napalmbrain
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Your post is very littered with false information.


Point out one thing that isn't accurate in that post. I dare you.


Perception my friend. Some people only see what they want to, MOST people see what's actually there.


Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt. However I'm sure A LOT of people are trying so very hard to justify their 150 dollar purchase for the CE version. lol.


Hell, even the DDE version I paid 80 bucks for. sigh.


his post is 100% accurate. Period. All facts with indisputable proof. Period.

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This is a warning to anyone who is considering buying SWTOR. Here are some things you should know about the game before you drop $60.


Starships. So misleading. Sorry, but you don’t actually get a starship. All you get is a flightpath from planet to planet that has the appearance (not functionality) of a spacecraft. You can’t control your ship manually at all. It just shoots a straight line through the galaxy and all you can see are blurred stars out the window. Want to actually CONTROL your starship? Nope, sorry. Want to FLY your starship? Nope, not happening. As if to apologize for this, BW has offered “space missions.” These also are just teases. You don’t even get to control where your ship flies in the space missions. Your ship is on “invisible rails” and all you can do is tell it to shoot. And the goofy enemy AI ships just fly right in front of you for you to shoot.


17 planets. Yeah…sorry, not quite. These “planets” are approximately the size of Elwynn Forest. It’s not like you can circumnavigate a planet and land your ship where you choose. Each “Planet” consists of 2-3 planes that you can walk across in about 4 minutes. Yay for being able to walk across your planet in 4 minutes.


No flying mounts, not even at max level. NEVER. The reason why is obvious. When each “planet” is the size of Elwynn Forest, being able to actually fly would put them in perspective and show the really quick.


Your character is a wimp. Unless you have a companion with you who gets in the way and prevents you from clicking where you need to, you’re going to get owned by the mobs.

No damage meters or other addons or any sort of customizable UI. This translates into no legit endgame. No way of quickly seeing who the fails are in your group.


No LFG. All you see in chat is LFM and LFG spam. By the way, all chat is pretty terrible. Barrens chat x10.


No dual spec. No achievements. No searching the auction house. Ability animations and cooldowns don’t sync. No day/night cycles on planets. No swimming. Spaceship improvements not visible. No target of target. Can’t sit in chairs or even target most NPCs. They’re just as inanimate as the walls and floors. Game has a single-player feel because the servers are split into smaller servers. This is called “sharding”. Literally. There are like 3 different instances of Korriban per server.


All characters look pretty much the same (all humanoid with slight cosmetic differences) and no gear appearance customization. When you’re walking around the imperial fleet, all the characters will look nearly identical. No target of target. Light/dark choices are pointless. If you answer each one true, you’ll be stuck somewhere in neutral, which gives no rewards. The only way you get benefits is if you answer all dark or light choices, so it’s not much of a choice at all.


Voice acting gets so old. The characters are extremely chatty and it’s not rare to get conversations lasting 5-7 minutes. If you’re the type of player who actually wants to play and not watch a movie, this game isn’t for you. No option to skip the conversations either.


In conclusion, this game feels like it’s still in the first month of Beta and they never took the advice of one single beta tester. It seems like they put all 300 million dollars into creating the story and voice acting, while leaving out all the basic MMO improvements that have developed in the last 5 years.


First person who posts can have my stuff. And don’t worry, I won’t let the door hit me on the way out.


Wow, I didn't think it was possible to post so many lies and call them facts?


Ill be damned, proved me wrong!

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So, does Blizzard actually pay these shills to come on and openly lie about the gameplay? I'm noticing that most of them have join dates of Dec. 2011...
If Blizzard is doing anything they would be paying people to say "just move along the game is great."


If there are issues the last thing they would want is a popular protest that gets them resolved. Most people will sub or cancel their account with out ever visiting the forums.

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:( He lied about giving me stuff, he probably lied about everything!

The WOW forums are filled with the same types. Saying the game sucks, its going to be ruined, Azeroth is going to a fiery pit, game is too easy, everyones a jerk, etc.


They keep sending their $15 a month though.


The only way you can run across some of the planets in 4 minutes is by speed hacking. The planets seem to be getting progressively larger. I'm on Hoth now, bigger than any zone in WOW I've been in.


Each planet is unique it seems too with absolutely breath taking scenery: From the nightlife large city of Nar Shaddaa, to the destroyed battlefield of Taris, deserts of Tattooine, to the frozen tundra of Hoth.


Space Combat? Its a mini game. I'd be willing to bet my first born Sith they have big plans in the works ;-) .

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Here's the thing, when you present your opinion as obnoxiously as the OP did, pepper it with ignorant personal opinions, and blatant misinformation, you aren't doing a service to those potential buyers. You're manipulating them into doing what you want for your own sake.


This is entirely true that hes post was quite obnoxious to swallow but it still dosn't give you the excuse to jump on the angry mob to flame and troll on this thread. There were a few things that are possible to salvage from this thread, but instead this is going more and more in to just spreading the biowaste along the walls of the forums after were done throwing at each others faces.


Edit: by you mean I ment "They" or people in general, not you as in a singular or multiple of group that your part of.

Edited by Sohtaraz
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Everyone, even Trolls, are entitled to their opinions.


Here's the problem with that. Trolls are insincere in their opinions. They post them for the sole purpose to annoy.


Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion. That doesn't mean said opinion is above scrutiny.

If we're all free to opinion, then we are all free, to opine over opinions themselves.

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Do you just assume that becouse someone actually wants to critisise something for the right reasons or they are displeased by what they got instead of what they wante they are immidietly from a competing companys payroll?


Of course not... but then, there is little or no legitimate criticism in the original post. It is chock full of opinion, bias, and outright falsehoods. This is why I suggest that the OP may be more than s/he appears.


Though, I suspect you already knew that, and simply wished to construct a straw man upon which to heap your baseless accusations regarding my quality of character. By all means, carry on...

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Point out one thing that isn't accurate in that post. I dare you.


Perception my friend. Some people only see what they want to, MOST people see what's actually there.


Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt. However I'm sure A LOT of people are trying so very hard to justify their 150 dollar purchase for the CE version. lol.


Hell, even the DDE version I paid 80 bucks for. sigh.


his post is 100% accurate. Period. All facts with indisputable proof. Period.

They have been pointed out, did you not read the thread?


Starships. So misleading.

Space combat was not misleading, its been known for a long time.


These “planets” are approximately the size of Elwynn Forest

The planets are much larger than the Op lets on about.


Your character is a wimp.



No LFG. All you see in chat is LFM and LFG spam.

There is a LFG tool.


No achievements.

Please see the codex.



Can’t sit in chairs

Can sit in chairs on ship.



All characters look pretty much the same

lol nope.

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This is entirely true that hes post was quite obnoxious to swallow but it still dosn't give you the excuse to jump on the angry mob to flame and troll on this thread. There were a few things that are possible to salvage from this thread, but instead this is going more and more in to just spreading the biowaste along the walls of the forums after were done throwing at each others faces.


That's a good point. It is better to present counter arguments intelligently, and let the OP dig his own grave. All the trolling is just going to make the community look like overly defensive fanboys, and buyers won't know who to believe.


Better to simply point out how the OP is wrong. after all, we're trying to inform people.


EDIT: I know you weren't addressing me directly. I get what you're saying.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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