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level sync has ruined open world pvp. bring pvp servers open pvp server was only on.


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Everyone who got mad about ganking on a pvp server. are just dumb people looking for attention. and to them i say is your life really that ****ed up for you to play a game just so you can feel good about self .or do you just have no life if that is the case grow up and find a hobby or get a job or if your a kid or teen go outside go play soccer. what next you will get mad because you got shot pointing a gun at someone.when did gamer's become this stupid. is swtor a game or a way for you to pretend like your.some type of victim do you even understand what pvp and rp servers were for . do you just wake up and say I'm going ruin some players favorite game today.are do you just find it funny to piss people off . are maybe your just so clueless that you could not understand how to pick a pvp or rp server so you said ill just. complain until bio ware does something. are you just a robot with no thoughts of your own.what ever the dumb reason had all your doing is hurting swtor not helping all because you could not just go to a different server. Edited by Lordkingnicholas
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Read the title and this popped into my head:


Waaaah I can't troll lowbies by one shot killing them.


/Not signed. Not cool. I had some ****** do that to me on Voss. Waited at the quest marker. Killed me. The med droid was right beside the quest marker. So he just kept killing me until I quit out because I couldn't turn in my **** quest.


So double NO.

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Read the title and this popped into my head:


Waaaah I can't troll lowbies by one shot killing them.


/Not signed. Not cool. I had some ****** do that to me on Voss. Waited at the quest marker. Killed me. The med droid was right beside the quest marker. So he just kept killing me until I quit out because I couldn't turn in my **** quest.


So double NO.


Agree. Double NO.


I've never understood why any game even allows this. Jeeshus-h-kris. Is such a major part of an MMO player-base the low-life-******s who get a joy out of going around one shotting toons that are 20 levels lower? It can't possibly be so hard to put in the code to begin with that "oh, that character has absolutely no chance against yours... NO, you cannot attack them."


And then some of the "world pvp'rs" have the nerve to go on about how they are just doing that so that those people will call out their high-level friends (I've heard the argument more than once)... see they are just looking for a "real fight". Right. Because the best way to find a fight at your level is to go around a quest area 10 levels lower... it's not, oh, I dunno, going to a quest area of YOUR LEVEL. That would just be crazy.

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Agree. Double NO.


I've never understood why any game even allows this. Jeeshus-h-kris. Is such a major part of an MMO player-base the low-life-******s who get a joy out of going around one shotting toons that are 20 levels lower? It can't possibly be so hard to put in the code to begin with that "oh, that character has absolutely no chance against yours... NO, you cannot attack them."


And then some of the "world pvp'rs" have the nerve to go on about how they are just doing that so that those people will call out their high-level friends (I've heard the argument more than once)... see they are just looking for a "real fight". Right. Because the best way to find a fight at your level is to go around a quest area 10 levels lower... it's not, oh, I dunno, going to a quest area of YOUR LEVEL. That would just be crazy.


I remember sitting around waiting for quest givers to revive on wow after the high level trolls would come through and kill everything. It was annoying.

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Read the title and this popped into my head:


Waaaah I can't troll lowbies by one shot killing them.


/Not signed. Not cool. I had some ****** do that to me on Voss. Waited at the quest marker. Killed me. The med droid was right beside the quest marker. So he just kept killing me until I quit out because I couldn't turn in my **** quest.


So double NO.


Also agree.

Every time i see a complain about the lack of open pvp i read between line: Probably a jerk that likes to abuse newbies

+ Complain about lvl sync: Jerk that likes to bother abuse newbies and becase is not even a decent player needs a level gap to do so.

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LvL sync has ruined the game, not just OWPVP. I'd be all for them removing lvl sync for the pvp instances. But instead of it just being a pvp instance they could bring back the pvp flagging option for turning pvp off or on, like you used to be able to do on PvE servers.

IMO I think more of the old Vanilla players would switch to that instance and leave lvl sync to the story people.

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Also agree.

Every time i see a complain about the lack of open pvp i read between line: Probably a jerk that likes to abuse newbies

+ Complain about lvl sync: Jerk that likes to bother abuse newbies and becase is not even a decent player needs a level gap to do so.


I have a funny story. Once I was a bit too low level on Hoth (before level sync) and some level 50 spotted me and thought...Ooooooh EASY KILL! They came for me and started to attack. I laughed as my level 50 friend appeared around the corner. Pretty sure they were crapping their pants trying to flee. They died. :D It was hilarious.

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I have a funny story. Once I was a bit too low level on Hoth (before level sync) and some level 50 spotted me and thought...Ooooooh EASY KILL! They came for me and started to attack. I laughed as my level 50 friend appeared around the corner. Pretty sure they were crapping their pants trying to flee. They died. :D It was hilarious.


I used to always stay flagged as pvp when on Harbinger. I could be on Yavin just farming some nodes while waiting for pvp pops. I'd be in my pvp gear which was multiple lvls below pve gear stats (except expertise). Then 2-3 pve guys in top pve gear would jump me without even flagging first, thinking I was an easy kill 🙃

It would make me laugh when I killed them all and they would say expertise is OP and it wasn't fair. But fairness didn't stop them jumping me 3-1 and all they saw was I had heaps lower health and didn't know I had expertise. If they killed me I actually went straight back for more, but that rarely happened because I used to add a twist to that sometimes. My companions always had expertise too 😉

Edited by Icykill_
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Read the title and this popped into my head:


Waaaah I can't troll lowbies by one shot killing them.


/Not signed. Not cool. I had some ****** do that to me on Voss. Waited at the quest marker. Killed me. The med droid was right beside the quest marker. So he just kept killing me until I quit out because I couldn't turn in my **** quest.


So double NO.


If you were flagged then what did you expect would happen?

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If you were flagged then what did you expect would happen?


I was on the Bastion for starters. It was a PvP server. And I probably was queuing for PvP. If I recall it would take 5 mins to remove the flag. It wasn't instant.


PS it's been years since the incident. I'm a founder so I don't know how long ago but likely 2011,2012.

Edited by americanaussie
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PvP servers died WAY³³³ before level sync. Don't put that on level sync.

World pvp not being REWARDING is what killed it.


Wpvp not being 'rewarding' didn't kill wpvp.. Rewards dont matter to ppl who just enjoy wpvp...


We used to have events all the time on Pot5. It settled into 15 pubs againt 20+ imps usually, but we occaionally had some 30v30 action if we advertised well. Id wager you can still find that on one of the former pvp servers. And with that, lvl sync actually helps to include everyone.


But the reason Wpvp 'died' is bc the game cant handle it. Remember Ilum back in the day? Even our 30v30s got too laggy for several ppl.


Though another huge killer to Wpvp was the adding of pve and pvp phases. That said.... wpvp being an "opt-in" thing isnt necessarily bad, but sometimes greifing a noob was a great way to 'communicate' your desire to wpvp to the opposing faction's /general channel. Or catching a guild killing Commanders or whaetver theyre called. These run-ins (created by the lack of distinction between pve/pvp phases) in turn led to wpvp. With that gone, wpvp is hard to come by.

Edited by AndriusAjax
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I don't get all the hate on level sync. I like it. PvE game is far too easy as it is.


Then why even have lvl sync? It's certainly not needed and never was. PvE is so easy now it's stupid. I remember in the first few years you often needed help with lots of the game and you had to do at least some of the side missions to lvl up enough to be able to do the next planet. I used to like the challenge of trying to push the limit of how much higher I could get before I couldn't handle the higher lvl mobs. I used to often run Section X and my friends and I had competitions to time how fast fast we could do the lot solo (not the heroics). My best was about 12 mins 😊. But you can't do that now with lvl sync and how stupidly easy everything is.

The dumbing down of this game is the worst thing they could have done.

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Read the title and this popped into my head:


Waaaah I can't troll lowbies by one shot killing them.


/Not signed. Not cool. I had some ****** do that to me on Voss. Waited at the quest marker. Killed me. The med droid was right beside the quest marker. So he just kept killing me until I quit out because I couldn't turn in my **** quest.


So double NO.




There is no logical argument were a high level toon should instantly shoot a low level one..

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I've never understood why any game even allows this. Jeeshus-h-kris. Is such a major part of an MMO player-base the low-life-******s who get a joy out of going around one shotting toons that are 20 levels lower? It can't possibly be so hard to put in the code to begin with that "oh, that character has absolutely no chance against yours... NO, you cannot attack them."

Allods Online had (has? I think it's still open) OW PvP on all servers (all one of them outside Russia, that is), and in one zone, the first where you can actually *do* OW PvP (because it's the first zone open to both factions, duh), there's an item your lowbie can get that will allow you to one-shot any player *above* the "upper" limit of the zone.


It's a bit unfortunate, in a way, because there's a dungeon in that zone that's set up for players about six levels above that limit, and you have to ground-travel from the TP arrival points to the dungeon entrance. The one-shotter item works on passing players (like me, on one occasion) as well as on people trying to attack you...


But Allods *also* has an item called "War Banner" that drops from NPC enemies in these zones. If you use it from your inventory, you can attack players who have their PvP flag *OFF*...


EDIT: but of course Allods also has a "no loot from grey mobs" rule (except for quest items), so highbies can't get the War Banner.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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