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Pubs, please, stop whining, start winning


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Time after time, we start a match and I try to convey strategy in chat beforehand, "CC heals...go after sniper", "Get the mara, he's weak" and no one replies, sure enough I'll CC heals and someone attacks heals, or I wind up using target of target off a group member to see he's gone after a merc 1rst....and then wind up DPSing a merc while a sniper or Sorc's dropping AOE's on us, or a Mara's ripping one of us to shreds.


Granted, Bioware see's fit to let ridiculously imbalanced groups queue, like 1 DPS & 2 tanks against 3 DPS with a healer, but still, I see far too many pub side losses as a result of not at least reading chat & communicating.

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first, it varies by servers a lot, there are some where pubs beat others in pvp.


2nd, it varies with time of the day. On JC there are times where the pubs have a few very good healers and tanks queuing that make some game darn difficult to win. There's also a couple decent dps that queue with them now and then.


3rd - Depends on game mode. Arenas, yah they tend to be bad, safe if you hit one of those premade. But even then, you never see them in ranked, and if they hit the average imp premade, they're toast. On my server they are damn strong in huttball tough.



I have no idea what server you are from, maybe Harb, but I can tell you on JC the main issue with pubs is it seems they have very little good pvp dpser in their ranks. Their best players are all healers and tanks, at best skanks. And the skanks far outdps the average actual dps. Slinger that think they are merc and run out of cover all the time (and get stunned and killed) mandos that pop their reflect as soon as a single shot is headed their way at the start of a fight (or even worse, actually get globalled at the start of a WZ without using it), guardian dps who seem to ignore that between each force push they religiously hit on cooldown they have some pretty neat dps moves (slight exageration there, but not TOTALLY devoid of truth).


The average pub player is just....I have no idea why. Vicious circle? good players prefer pvping on their imp toon because otherwise its just painful?


I mean don't get me wrong, imp side has its terrible deadweight too, but the average imp even if I don't recognize the name, does decently, and really not as terrible as your average pub. I mean there are things I kinda wonder if the guy played his class at all before coming into the warzone. Given that most I see lately are Slingers and mandos, I guess they are FOTM roller that think they'll automatically win by using the "OP class".


Its a vicious circle really. If pub would win more, probably some good players would queue more, but even good players tire of carrying 7 lumps of pixel that aren't doing anything around. And the more they get tired of it, the less they queue, and the more the average pub team is bad.


Someone whispered me after a wz complaining about a pub guild that always queue premade. My answer was straightforward : I don't blame them. Hell if I was pvping from the pub side, I'd make sure to always at least bring 3 somewhat competent player with me.

Edited by verfallen
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first, it varies by servers a lot, there are some where pubs beat others in pvp.


2nd, it varies with time of the day. On JC there are times where the pubs have a few very good healers and tanks queuing that make some game darn difficult to win. There's also a couple decent dps that queue with them now and then.


3rd - Depends on game mode. Arenas, yah they tend to be bad, safe if you hit one of those premade. But even then, you never see them in ranked, and if they hit the average imp premade, they're toast. On my server they are damn strong in huttball tough.



I have no idea what server you are from, maybe Harb, but I can tell you on JC the main issue with pubs is it seems they have very little good pvp dpser in their ranks. Their best players are all healers and tanks, at best skanks. And the skanks far outdps the average actual dps. Slinger that think they are merc and run out of cover all the time (and get stunned and killed) mandos that pop their reflect as soon as a single shot is headed their way at the start of a fight (or even worse, actually get globalled at the start of a WZ without using it), guardian dps who seem to ignore that between each force push they religiously hit on cooldown they have some pretty neat dps moves (slight exageration there, but not TOTALLY devoid of truth).


The average pub player is just....I have no idea why. Vicious circle? good players prefer pvping on their imp toon because otherwise its just painful?


I mean don't get me wrong, imp side has its terrible deadweight too, but the average imp even if I don't recognize the name, does decently, and really not as terrible as your average pub. I mean there are things I kinda wonder if the guy played his class at all before coming into the warzone. Given that most I see lately are Slingers and mandos, I guess they are FOTM roller that think they'll automatically win by using the "OP class".


Its a vicious circle really. If pub would win more, probably some good players would queue more, but even good players tire of carrying 7 lumps of pixel that aren't doing anything around. And the more they get tired of it, the less they queue, and the more the average pub team is bad.


Someone whispered me after a wz complaining about a pub guild that always queue premade. My answer was straightforward : I don't blame them. Hell if I was pvping from the pub side, I'd make sure to always at least bring 3 somewhat competent player with me.


Ya. I don't get it either. I don't play pub so at best i can speculate. I play in the mornings on JC. And the pub side has one guild on all morning. And they stink. They usually rock like all heals an tanks. Literally takes their whole guild to kill anyone. It's sad. They're ok at huttball but still fail against decent premades. I swear ive kited their knights to death 100 times over each. And they always come back for more. And their tactics remain the same.

As far as ranked goes its typically the same guild. Their dps is weak and they usually have a sage that gets nuked. When pub side starts winning ranked it imps q synching on the other side. Technically its not synching since they're the only 4 pubs queing. But they're q synching imp side till they drum up enough interest then they swap.

So i wonder if its a leadership , community, or just the culture on JC pub side. Ive always heard on our server that pubs focus pve. That usually doesn't translate well to pvp. It seems like their best chance at "winning" is to que all tanks an heals to make the matches insufferable.

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People carrying rivalries, see BBB x person on other side, say something disparaging in gen chat and then quit.


Newbs love Sages and Guardians while IMP side full of rage classes


Newbs have no idea what they doing, don't follow instructions, and make the same mistake over and over.


PUB side usually end up against a pre-made.


Decent PvP players do not play on their PUB toons unless they running a pre-made.


The problem is republic players have the deck stacked against them.

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Time after time, we start a match and I try to convey strategy in chat beforehand, "CC heals...go after sniper", "Get the mara, he's weak" and no one replies, sure enough I'll CC heals and someone attacks heals, or I wind up using target of target off a group member to see he's gone after a merc 1rst....and then wind up DPSing a merc while a sniper or Sorc's dropping AOE's on us, or a Mara's ripping one of us to shreds.


Granted, Bioware see's fit to let ridiculously imbalanced groups queue, like 1 DPS & 2 tanks against 3 DPS with a healer, but still, I see far too many pub side losses as a result of not at least reading chat & communicating.


Transfer to t3m4 and see how pubs are shredding imps 90 % of all fights. However, lately it is pubs vs pubs ^^

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People carrying rivalries, see BBB x person on other side, say something disparaging in gen chat and then quit.


Newbs love Sages and Guardians while IMP side full of rage classes


Newbs have no idea what they doing, don't follow instructions, and make the same mistake over and over.


PUB side usually end up against a pre-made.


Decent PvP players do not play on their PUB toons unless they running a pre-made.


The problem is republic players have the deck stacked against them.


Yes. In a nutshell it does feel this way.

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Harb, level 70, pub side, solo queuing. Just had 3 hard fought wins in a row to do the dailies. First was an ACW, trading turrets back and forth, we win with one turret, score 10 to 0, where it mattered which side got the lucky last tick.


Next was an arena. We have 3 DPS (guardian, sage, shadow) and a tank (me, shadow) against 2 snipers a merc, and a sin (all DPS). First round they annihilate us. Round 2 we win with 2 left standing. Round 3 comes down to a battle of the guardian vs. the merc. Guardian pulls it out at the last second!


Game 3 a huttball. Both sides actually playing huttball! The ball is traveling all over the map as both sides get close to scoring and are denied over and over! They eventually go up first, 1 to nothing. We tie it up with a minute and 40 seconds to go. Then, at 50 seconds, we score the go ahead goal! They get the ball and make a push for a score to tie it back up, but we manage to stop them, and we end the game! Win #3.


Three great pub wins because we didn't give up at the first sign of a difficult match. Who knew that could happen! :D

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Transfer to t3m4 and see how pubs are shredding imps 90 % of all fights. However, lately it is pubs vs pubs ^^


I agree, (premade) Pubs steam rolling the war zones on t3-m4. But your standard pub is still cannon fodder ^^ Yesterday was the first imp vs imp match I had in the last two weeks. :D

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Game 3 a huttball. Both sides actually playing huttball! The ball is traveling all over the map as both sides get close to scoring and are denied over and over! They eventually go up first, 1 to nothing. We tie it up with a minute and 40 seconds to go. Then, at 50 seconds, we score the go ahead goal! They get the ball and make a push for a score to tie it back up, but we manage to stop them, and we end the game! Win #3.


Three great pub wins because we didn't give up at the first sign of a difficult match. Who knew that could happen! :D


Best huttballs game I've seen are healer less with good dps on each side. Really have to work the pass there.


And all in the original huttball map. Queshball can go die in a hole as far as I'm concerned.



But I have to say, on JC, pubs are REALLY good at huttball. Like they probably all woop for joy when they see it. The best ball carriers I've seen are all pubs, and pound for pound, I'd say they have the best healers in average as well, all sages tough. Haven't seen a scoundrel or commando healer that was better than their imp player counterpart. We do have our pretty awesome heals too tough.


Hard to see with the rankings tough, never see pubs in ranked.

Edited by verfallen
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Been trouncing imps today. It's like they left their brains and skills at home.


But biggest gripe at the moment is all the idiots marking non healers in objective pvp. Fk me it is annoying and when you remove the mark to put it on a healer and they remove it from the healer to put it back on their pet dps they want focus.

I even got abused for putting the "wrong" mark on a healer, lol, apparently I can "only ever" use a target marker for a healer... but they had 3.. lmao.. and when I pointed that out "I was told" to only mark one healer because the other markers were for the dps and the tank... then I was told this is the way we've always done it in pvp and to L2P or stop queueing. 😂😂😂

This is what happens when pvp gets flooded with pve elitist noobs who think they know everything and then try to enforce their stupid behaviour on the unsuspecting newbies.

If you see idiots doing this, please educate them.

Edited by Icykill_
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2nd, it varies with time of the day. On JC there are times where the pubs have a few very good healers and tanks queuing that make some game darn difficult to win. There's also a couple decent dps that queue with them now and then.

Just because a team has 3 heals and 2 tanks and nothing dies doesn't make those heals and tanks "good". It is easy to win when you have that many healers and tanks. Most of the time the pub dps is terrible not being able to kill the imps that only have one healer so all those pub heals and tanks just make the wz last even longer. I don't have anything against pubs I just dislike every single wz where I am hitting a training dummy the whole time, it gets boring. They do provide a nice dps farm for imps which I appreciate though.

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Harb, level 70, pub side, solo queuing. Just had 3 hard fought wins in a row to do the dailies. First was an ACW, trading turrets back and forth, we win with one turret, score 10 to 0, where it mattered which side got the lucky last tick.


Next was an arena. We have 3 DPS (guardian, sage, shadow) and a tank (me, shadow) against 2 snipers a merc, and a sin (all DPS). First round they annihilate us. Round 2 we win with 2 left standing. Round 3 comes down to a battle of the guardian vs. the merc. Guardian pulls it out at the last second!


Game 3 a huttball. Both sides actually playing huttball! The ball is traveling all over the map as both sides get close to scoring and are denied over and over! They eventually go up first, 1 to nothing. We tie it up with a minute and 40 seconds to go. Then, at 50 seconds, we score the go ahead goal! They get the ball and make a push for a score to tie it back up, but we manage to stop them, and we end the game! Win #3.


Three great pub wins because we didn't give up at the first sign of a difficult match. Who knew that could happen! :D


wait, a merc lost to a guardian??? lies! mercs can't be beaten. at least that's what the forum cries are all about.

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wait, a merc lost to a guardian??? lies! mercs can't be beaten. at least that's what the forum cries are all about.


I know, I thought that when I wrote it. :D When I saw it was merc ver guardian I was immediately thinking, "crap", but it was awesome! I have video to prove it too! Of course, I'd have to have enough gumption to actually process and post it to youtube, and really, who cares anymore? :p

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on SL pubs win plenty. Id say I win 9/10 most nights.


On Harb, the whole server has adhered to the rule of "if u cant beat em, join em' So I have no idea why you imps feel so special coming in here and talking down to the pubs - btw i doubt they read the forums - the ones that do, rerolled imp lol

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Biggest issue Ive seen is a natural result of the population difference: there are days where it feels like there is just no healers republic side outside of guild run groups. When the population is 3x bigger on one faction, its easy to take for granted that there is a more robust population classes and roles pugging, Ive gone entire days republic side with almost no healers in group vs enemies that reliably have at least 1-2 which will obviously create the illusion that imperials are better because one side simply cannot win a war of attrition.


So, then you feel the general morale creak and the tone become "pubs suck at pvp" when in fact the skill levels arent that different, and number of doorknobs who suck are about the same too..its just one side is far more likely to have all 3 legs of the trinity roles accounted for more consistently, so the matches are over before they even start.

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On Harb, the whole server has adhered to the rule of "if u cant beat em, join em' So I have no idea why you imps feel so special coming in here and talking down to the pubs - btw i doubt they read the forums - the ones that do, rerolled imp lol


Sincerely, I'm amazed half the pub players in queue actually figured out how to queue in the first place. Why would any pvp-orientated player queue for pubs on harb? Outside a few hours of the day you're waiting a longer time for pops, and when you get one you're team is filled with mongs. Yesterday was the final straw for me; in a NC, a mando and a scoundrel dps sitting in the shelter for the entire game face tanking, not using any dcd whatsoever...scoundrel wouldn't roll, mando wouldn't use shield...nothing...try healing that kind of genius. Come to end of the game, no surprise to find both well below 1k dps, at level 70. I want competitive games, I don't want to pay $15 a month to bang my head against a wall. At least on imps you'll get competitive games, as in my experience it's imp vs imp 90% of the time.

Edited by RooRider
poor grammar
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"if you can't beat them, join them".

I refuse to do that so I stopped pvp'ing.


pvp on pub side is asking to have a heart attack on how stupid and dumb they are.


My healer smuggler was twice left on a node. Then, again left on a door in void star. Me all by my lonesome. Guess which door got a bomb on it within 30 seconds of the game starting? The other one. :confused: 7 freaking people couldn't stop the bomb from being planted. 7!!!! 7!!!! Between that, being spammed by the ops leader with a bunch of :( :( :( because they were sad we lost, and the INSANE amount of Quesh huttball, I am so done. Might as well dance through the whole match for easy points, because either way, it's going to end super fast any way.

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Reps are on a roll in Harby lowbies at the moment. I've kept the white acute module active while I'm relearning saboteur before I jump on my lvl 65 GS, so I've been in lowbies for the last few days. I've not lost one match against imps.

I know it's lowbies and isn't an indicator of real skill, but if the quality of reps vs imps coming through is any indication, there are some terrible imps progressing and some half decent reps coming through

I've even played a few mids on my GS and the quality of imps isn't very good. Plus if they are losing or it's a tough match they rage quite.

Because there are so few reps, the pop often slows down for reps, so I have to jump on my sniper for some Imp v Imp. Imps rage quit constantly, yell at each other, don't listen to advice and my pet hate at the moment, mark the whole damn team. It's like playing with a bunch of spoilt children who chuck a tantrum if they are losing or it's too hard. God for bid they have some competition and actually need to learn to play. Imps have always had a little attitude and it has never phased me, but it's heaps worse now and it seems they are becoming worse players because of it. They refuse to learn, give up if it's hard, really abuse people trying to help (worse than normal), don't listen to experienced players because they already think they are the experienced players after 2 weeks of playing Pvp. At this rate the reps will start to dominatate all reg lvls of pvp because old school imps are either leaving the game, only playing ranked arena or have rolled reps because they are sick of the new pvp player know it alls. You only need to have a look at the thread I started in the gen section about them marking every damn dps/tank and not just healers, to see the bad attitude these people have.

Most reps stick around even if they are losing because there are so few of them and when you wait 3-4 times longer for a pop, rage quitting to requeue with different people isn't really an option. Reps also try, they may not always be that good at pure combat, but they are heaps better at objectives, tactics and team work.

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"if you can't beat them, join them".

I refuse to do that so I stopped pvp'ing.


pvp on pub side is asking to have a heart attack on how stupid and dumb they are.


Have a look at lowbies at the moment, I think you'll be surprised.

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Sincerely, I'm amazed half the pub players in queue actually figured out how to queue in the first place. Why would any pvp-orientated player queue for pubs on harb? Outside a few hours of the day you're waiting a longer time for pops, and when you get one you're team is filled with mongs. Yesterday was the final straw for me; in a NC, a mando and a scoundrel dps sitting in the shelter for the entire game face tanking, not using any dcd whatsoever...scoundrel wouldn't roll, mando wouldn't use shield...nothing...try healing that kind of genius. Come to end of the game, no surprise to find both well below 1k dps, at level 70. I want competitive games, I don't want to pay $15 a month to bang my head against a wall. At least on imps you'll get competitive games, as in my experience it's imp vs imp 90% of the time.


You have this problem because of the sheep mentality. People get a bad match and run to imp side. It has been happening on TRE for a while now. Luckily we are getting refugees from the german and french servers on pub now and things are slowly looking up. Very slowly. Being part of the problem is never the solution.

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