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Are you CR-leveling more than 1 class?


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I have 3 rank 300 toons and I honestly have no energy to level any other character.


The CXP event will end once 5.2 drops and it'll be a nightmare to lvl up command ranks once again. Even if they make the Unassembled Components legacy wide, those 3 toons I have at 300 will be the ones I'll be playing the most since it is absolutely disheartening to play the grind game. Not to mention, new characters will be stuck with T1 crates when the "beginning" gear from the vendor will be bumped up to Tier 2 so a new character will be stuck using gear even below the gear that'll be available for initial purchase.


The game went from incredibly alt-friendly, with the 4.0 DvL event, to this grind fest which stops you from enjoying playing alts. I don't understand how they could've come up this this after encouraging us to make so many alts with 4.0.

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The game went from incredibly alt-friendly, with the 4.0 DvL event, to this grind fest which stops you from enjoying playing alts. I don't understand how they could've come up this this after encouraging us to make so many alts with 4.0.


I know. It's insane.


4.x: lots of incentive to roll alts, and lots of fun. A DvL alt became my new main! It was great.

5.0: CXP. Ouch! Now alts are painful to gear, but hey, with 250 bolster at least alts are fun to PvP.

5.1: Bolster nerf. BOOM, punched right in the feels.

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I have 2 toons at Command Rank 300 (sorc and scoundrel). I still don't have full 242s on any toon. Most I have on a toon is like 7 pieces of 242s rest is 240s.


This gear grind is insane. They should have never gotten rid of pvp gear and moved to this endless gear grind system.


It wouldn't matter for us if bolster was at max gear not 230. Putting bolster at 230 just forced all of us to grind. Except grinding PvP is not the same as some predictable AI monster.

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I resubbed after a layoff, have no idea what command crates are. From what I gather it's a brutal grind for minimal rewards. Needless to say, I have unsubbed and won't be back till an easier system is put in place.


They are slowly fixing it by moving back towards the old system in the most maximally painful, slow way. Which is the most frustrating part - if they would just admit they are wrong and scrap this crap, we would get to the same place much faster and everyone would be happier.

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I have 1 characters at level CR300 and with about 100 crates banked. This 1 characters is currently in a mixture of 240 and 242, and it has taken so bloody long to reach this point. As such I have zero energy or time to level yet another character to 300, and I suspect this will become a problem post 5.2 when I grow tired of playing this character over and over. We desperately need UCs to be tired to legacy in order to gear ALTs post 5.2.


Does anyone currently have more than 1 character at CR300? If so, how are you not utterly drained?


I stopped bothering to be honest. I'm now lvling 8 alts and I've basically given up on max gearing. I'm yet to pick up anything higher than 230 and when I pick up extra 230s I either upgrade it or strip it out and put it into legacy gear and swap to an alt.

Ranked is a complete farce now the toxicity on Harbinger is the absolute worst I've ever seen in this game. It's basically run by the troll squads. I'm so put off that I'll probably never bother again.

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They are slowly fixing it by moving back towards the old system in the most maximally painful, slow way. Which is the most frustrating part - if they would just admit they are wrong and scrap this crap, we would get to the same place much faster and everyone would be happier.


They don't know how to admit to a mistake.

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They don't know how to admit to a mistake.


It's unfortunate because we will eventually end up in the same place, but they are taking the route that will burn the maximum amount of user trust.


It feels like we are living through a GDC post-mortem in real time.

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It's unfortunate because we will eventually end up in the same place, but they are taking the route that will burn the maximum amount of user trust.


They are so incompetent (or uncaring) that it almost seems like it's done on purpose.

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I still just play whatever character I feel like playing. If I started grinding those crates I would be gone in week.


I've kind of stopped, stuck in mid-tier 2, and am having fun playing alts. The grind is just not fun and has the potential to kill the game for me for things that are.

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You won't until after r91 to hit t2 gear for 236's (or purple 234's) and 181 for t2 gear 242's (or purple 240's)


At 102 on my Sorc. Played so many games that by the time I get any 236 drops I'll have already got the armor through components.

If they are going to use that system then it should be legacy bound.

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It used to be hard but with the current boost you het multiple levels per ops. Doing chapter 1 of 2 takes about 6 minutes and gives nearly 1 crate at cr300.


This mixture keeps IT fun to do.


I don't do chapters, I only pvp.

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