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Chapter after Chaper...or skipping ?


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hi all!


i am a subscriber who just got started with this game and i like it alot


i do have a question: when i create a new character, i have a choice of 3 major "chapters" to choose from:

a) Star Wars: The Old Republic

b) Knights of the Fallen Empire

c) Knights of the Eternal Throne


Right now, i have a few in option a).


My question is: after i play quests on all the planets with my toon made in iption a) ...will i get to play the b) chapter and then the c) chapter?


In other words - are chapters played in order? (moving on to next chapter once all planets and quests are done in one chapter)


If i am wrong...then i must skip to that B or C chapter?



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If you haven't played before start with A. You will be able to play through all content from there -- even B and C..


If you start with B, you will only be able to play B and C. If you start with C, you won't be able to play A and B.


Also, in order to start on B or C, you will use your "free level 60 or 65 token." You don't get another one unless you buy it.



So start with A at level 1! It's the best way to learn the game.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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hi all!


i am a subscriber who just got started with this game and i like it alot


i do have a question: when i create a new character, i have a choice of 3 major "chapters" to choose from:

a) Star Wars: The Old Republic

b) Knights of the Fallen Empire

c) Knights of the Eternal Throne


Right now, i have a few in option a).


My question is: after i play quests on all the planets with my toon made in iption a) ...will i get to play the b) chapter and then the c) chapter?


In other words - are chapters played in order? (moving on to next chapter once all planets and quests are done in one chapter)


If i am wrong...then i must skip to that B or C chapter?




Yes A is the vanilla game plus the first couple expansions, B is the start of KoTFE and level 60, C is the continuation of that story KoTET and level 65. If you start with B you can not do the class stories from A. Same with C you can not do the class stories from A and you can not do the story in B (until you finish it, then you unlock story replay).

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Thank you all for your responses!


i do have another question: due to being a subscriber, my Smuggler (Gunslinger) reached lvl 70 just when he arrived on Alderaan


I did the planets in order: Ord Mantel --> Coruscant --> Taris --> Nar Shadaa --> Tatooine --> Alderaan


So...when do i reach chapter B) ?



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Thank you all for your responses!


i do have another question: due to being a subscriber, my Smuggler (Gunslinger) reached lvl 70 just when he arrived on Alderaan


I did the planets in order: Ord Mantel --> Coruscant --> Taris --> Nar Shadaa --> Tatooine --> Alderaan


So...when do i reach chapter B) ?




If you want to do things in order, Corelia is the last planet, that used to be level 50. After that there is Ilum -> Makeb -> Shadow of Revan (SoR) which is Rishi and Yavin, then B (KoTFE). There's some daily areas that I've forgotten in between Makeb and SoR like Oricon. These days I skip Ilum and Makeb entirely so I know I've forgotten a few steps. But I still like to play SoR before starting KoTFE.

Edited by kodrac
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Starting Planet, then Dromund Kaas or Coruscant, then:

Level 20-24 Nar Shaddaa

Level 24-28 Tattoine

Level 28-32 Alderaan

Level 32-36 Taris

Level 36-37 Quesh

Level 37-41 Hoth

Level 41-44 Belsavis

Level 44-47 Voss

Level 47-50 Corellia

Level 50 Ilum


Here's a list of all the post-Class Story storylines, based on the chronological order that max-level content was released (which seems to track the in-universe progression). The game does not allow you to enter an Operation without an Ops Group formed, but you can make an Ops Group with as few as two players and Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace can probably be cleared with two level 60s at this point:


The Cold War and the Start of the Second Great Galactic War

  • Class & Planetary Quests up through Corellia and the end of your Class Story plus Flashpoints as they become available (all Flashpoints have one-time quests that can be picked up on Fleet as soon as you hit the level for that Flashpoint and most of these quests can also be picked up on the level-appropriate planets)


Ilum and the New Empire

  • Ilum Planetary Quests (starts with quest you should receive automatically once you finish your Class Story)
  • Battle of Ilum Flashpoint (continuing the Ilum quest line)
  • The False Emperor Flashpoint (concluding the Ilum quest line)


The Return of the Infernal One

  • Eternity Vault Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


Prelude to the Hutt Cartel Conflict

  • Karagga's Palace Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak

  • Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • The Lost Island Flashpoint (concluding the one-time quest that started with Kaon)


The Black Hole Crisis

  • Black Hole Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)


The Dread War Begins

  • Explosive Conflict Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • Terror From Beyond Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [because this Operation has been adjusted to level 55 it's worth noting that nothing is glaringly out of order if you do this after Makeb, but it should be done before Scum and Villainy]
  • Section X Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • HK-51 Quest Line (starts with quest picked up in Section X)


Conflict with the Hutt Cartel

  • Scum and Villainy Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [because it is a level 55 operation, this is something you'll probably end up running after Makeb. Other than a single line of dialogue on the Republic one-time quest (response to "But their leader is dead!" dialogue option), nothing is badly out of place if you do this content after Makeb. This Operation also ties in to The Dread War storyline and should definitely be run if you want to experience that full story.]
  • Makeb Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up on your ship's holo-terminal)
  • Shroud (Macrobinoculars) and Seeds of Rage (Seeker Droid) Quest Lines (each starts with a quest that can either be picked up on Makeb at around the halfway point of the planetary quest line, or on the Fleet once you hit level 52)[seeds of Rage questline also ties in to The Dread War storyline, should definitely be run if you want to experience that full story]


The Fall of Czerka

  • CZ-198 Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • Czerka Corporate Labs Flashpoint (continuing the CZ-198 one-time quest)
  • Czerka Core Meltdown Flashpoint (concluding the CZ-198 one-time quest)


The Dread War Ends

  • Oricon Planetary Quest Chain (starts with quest that can be picked up either on Fleet or CZ-198)
  • Dread Fortress Operation (continuing the Oricon quest line)
  • Dread Palace Operation (concluding the Oricon quest line)


Forged Alliances

  • Assault on Tython and Korriban Incursion Flashpoints (order is determined based on your faction, one-time quest picked up on fleet)
  • Depths of Manaan Flashpoint (quest to continue the progression picked up on fleet from same droid who gave part I)
  • Rakata Prime Flashpoint (quest to continure the progression picked up on fleet from same droid who gave parts I and II)


Shadow of Revan

  • Rishi Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up from Forged Alliances Droid on Fleet or from terminal on your Ship)
  • Blood Hunt Flashpoint (Rishi Quest Line directs you to it)
  • Battle of Rishi Flashpoint (Rishi Quest Line directs you to it)
  • Yavin IV Planetary Quest Line and Daily Area
  • Temple of Sacrifice Operation (one of two options for how to finish the Yavin IV Quest Line)
  • Ravagers Operation (one-time quest outside the Operation entrance on Rishi) [separate from main quest line with stand-alone plot, can be done anytime after you hit 60 and have been to Rishi]


Rise of the Emperor

  • Ziost Planetary Quest Line
  • Ziost Daily Area

-To Be Continued in Knights of the Fallen Empire in October-

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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...Could you please tell me the complete order to do all planets (for all chapters) for Empire and Republic sides?...

Keep in mind the game mostly guides you through the story in correct order. You don't really need to do much research, just play the game, keep your eyes open and you will figure it out:).


Take your time, try not to skip much stuff except for annoying "collect 10 squirrel tails" style sidequests, try some easier group content (flashpoints) for some additional side stories and such. The leveling story content makes up most of the game, so there is no need to rush towards largely repetitive endgame.

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