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Everything posted by Dreknathar

  1. good evening all! When i was in my ruther rudimentary decorated guild Imperial ship - the dreadnought Nemesis - i got an idea (obvviously, for both Empire and Republic!): - for those who managed to unlock the Hangars (either one or both), let us buy a tool-tip decoration - size large from Cartel Shop, to occupy a big floor hook - which allows any visiting player to land in the Hangar, in a similar manner we do when we land in the Fleet hangar! After we land, each player should see their own class ship! So this large tool tip should be instanced for each player class: i.e. a Merc should see a D5 Mantis, a Sith should see his/hers Fury class etc. But obviously, this instancing should only be about that ship tool-tip, and NOT about the whole hangar! Thus, 2 different people from 2 different classes should be able to stand in same room, just that they should see their own ships, rather than same ship! This tool tip should also have a collision box to prevent people from moving into it ! Have it for same in Cartel Shop, Decorations, for about 5 k coins.
  2. hello all When i was in my ruther rudimentary decorated guild Imperial ship - the dreadnought Nemesis - i got an idea (obvviously, for both Empire and Republic!): - for those who managed to unlock the Hangars (either one or both), let us buy a tool-tip decoration - size large from Cartel Shop, to occupy a big floor hook - which allows any visiting player to land in the Hangar, in a similar manner we do when we land in the Fleet hangar! After we land, each player should see their own class ship! So this large tool tip should be instanced for each player class: i.e. a Merc should see a D5 Mantis, a Sith should see his/hers Fury class etc. But obviously, this instancing should only be about that ship tool-tip, and NOT about the whole hangar! Thus, 2 different people from 2 different classes should be able to stand in same room, just that they should see their own ships, rather than same ship! This tool tip should also have a collision box to prevent people from moving into it ! Have it for same in Cartel Shop, Decorations, for about 5 k coins.
  3. hi all and good evening! When i was in my ruther rudimentary decorated guild Imperial ship - the dreadnought Nemesis - i got an idea (obvviously, for both Empire and Republic!): - for those who managed to unlock the Hangars (either one or both), let us buy a tool-tip decoration - size large from Cartel Shop, to occupy a big floor hook - which allows any visiting player to land in the Hangar, in a similar manner we do when we land in the Fleet hangar! After we land, each player should see their own class ship! So this large tool tip should be instanced for each player class: i.e. a Merc should see a D5 Mantis, a Sith should see his/hers Fury class etc. But obviously, this instancing should only be about that ship tool-tip, and NOT about the whole hangar! Thus, 2 different people from 2 different classes should be able to stand in same room, just that they should see their own ships, rather than same ship! This tool tip should also have a collision box to prevent people from moving into it ! Have it for same in Cartel Shop, Decorations, for about 5 k coins.
  4. hi all! When i was in my ruther rudimentary decorated guild Imperial ship - the dreadnought Nemesis - i got an idea (obvviously, for both Empire and Republic!): - for those who managed to unlock the Hangars (either one or both), let us buy a tool-tip decoration - size large from Cartel Shop, to occupy a big floor hook - which allows any visiting player to land in the Hangar, in a similar manner we do when we land in the Fleet hangar! After we land, each player should see their own class ship! So this large tool tip should be instanced for each player class: i.e. a Merc should see a D5 Mantis, a Sith should see his/hers Fury class etc. But obviously, this instancing should only be about that ship tool-tip, and NOT about the whole hangar! Thus, 2 different people from 2 different classes should be able to stand in same room, just that they should see their own ships, rather than same ship! This tool tip should also have a collision box to prevent people from moving into it ! Have it for same in Cartel Shop, Decorations, for about 5 k coins.
  5. hi! I play both Empire and Republic. So please...first, for the Empire ... On Nar Shadaa, starting from Mezenti Spaceport...how EXACTLY do i get to Network Security District? Then, same for Republic. and please, dont point me to the holocron videos, because all of those videos start off at some random points which arent even on the map, i.e. in the middle of nowehere on some corridors, with no point of refference just tell me direction like "take flight to X then go to this point, the elevator to...." Thanks
  6. hi everyone! how are you all ? Starting about a month ago (just a short while before hollidays), after some game update, the holograms flags are no longer rendered. I have multiple, on both republic and empire, but they no longer display! They dont even show up in the small preview window, if i click their green square (in Edit Mode for decorations) !!! But i see their name and "Pick up" is on, which means the item is placed! My ingame ticket goes unanswered for over 3 weeks now ! Does anyone have a clue as to when they will fix this ?! can any developer give us an official answer to this? or is this some bug that will go unfixed for ever, like the broken quest bonusses on Taris ?
  7. hi everyone! Starting about a month ago (just a short while before hollidays), after some game update, the holograms flags are no longer rendered. I have multiple, on both republic and empire, but they no longer display! They dont even show up in the small preview window, if i click their green square (in Edit Mode for decorations) !!! But i see their name and "Pick up" is on, which means the item is placed! My ingame ticket goes unanswered for over 3 weeks now ! Does anyone have a clue as to when they will fix this ?! or is this some bug that will go unfixed for ever, like the broken quest bonusses on Taris ?
  8. hello all! love the game, but please let me make a few suggestion regarding these mounts: 1) add a version which is black and red, and black and purple alternatively, let us change their color in same fashion we do with lightsabers (using color crystals) 2) the Koensays Monocyle (the white/blue one) does not have a ground flicker of light as it moves, but the Revolution version (black/green one) does! please add that ground light flicker the Koensayr Revolution has, to the white/blue version also The ground flicker effect could even be made a purchasable effect in Cartel Market 3) To all Koensayrs, While moving, add a simple pulse animation to suggest moving forward. make the pulse accelerate or deccelerate gradually, as the the mount accelerates or decelerates
  9. hi all! i play on Darth Malgus. i ve been playing SWTOR for about 3 yrs now, but intermitently, because SWTOR was competing with World of Warcraft. however, recently, i quit WoW for good. i ve been playing it allmost since Vanilla (over 12 yrs). Why i quit? because of the recent 7.3.5 patch, in which, wanting to milk their customers for more money, Blizzard made leveling so slow, a drunk snail could run past it so fast it would seem like the Speedy Gonzales mouse! Basicly, now every mob in WoW has alot more HP than the player does (!!!) and scales with the player. Things are alot more grim in the XP department - with the same $$$ grabbing scheme in mind, Blizzard made XP come at an extremely low rate (some have calculated it to be over 60% slower!) Dungeon XP was gutted even more than solo questing! Immagine running any instance in SWTOR in a full party and not getting 10% xp (from a level) in return per full run - while being subscribed You see, the free-to-play is extremely limited in WoW, you cannot get past lvl 20! They want to sell special boosts which cost 60 Euro each! But its coming arround to bite hard them in the behind! In-game chats and forums are full of people desperately looking for someone to do dungeons and raids with, because quests...but not finding anyone, because no one wants to waste a massive ammount of time for little to no rewards! Things are especially dire for the leveling players. And now ... The Praise Bioware, you game rocks! Sure, every game has its flaws, yes ...but at least, for a subscriber, SWTOR offers: - consistent leveling experience, with plenty of challenges for the player desiring more out of it - consistent dungeons, with plenty of loot - the rewards are greally alligned with the effort one puts in - unlike WoW (where most gear outside of full sets, looks like trash) yours looks awesome from the start of the character to the max level! Sure, some pieces dont, but they are few and far in between! - well designed, consistent lore with beautifully narrated scenes with choices (lolz, wow is still stuck at...reading a wall of text! ) And now, for the WARNING: Please Bioware, do NOOT do any of the following: - retcon lore in a stupid, inconsistent fashion, like Blizz has both in WoW and SC2 ! keep it steady! - pi$$ on the loyal players, the veterans, like Blizz has, because "challenge" ! do not remove the beautiful work/reward ratio you have going on, either in dungeons or solo questing !!!! - remove or nerf items the players worked hard for - i.e. mounts, armors, sets of armor and weapons etc. (in its stupidty, Blizz killed its heirlooms set - used to speed up alt leveling, so there would be more tanks and healers for raiding, something vital for WoW. These were items EXTREMELY hard to come by at some point, then they became easier to get...yet, they were made allmost fully irrelevant over night, making alot of players very angry) - wildly buff or nerf any class/spec for pvp or pve! do NOT swing the balance of buffs/nerfs in a wild manner, for either pvp or pve! this has a devastating effect on client satisfaction! if you feel the need to buff/nerf something do it in small increments/ decrements Do NOOT make an ability or talent godly unbalanced or useless overnight ! - do NOT favor any class over another, like Blizz has! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONCLUSION: Dear Bioware, i love SWTOR, but please...be careful and do NOT fall into the same traps Blizz has! Learn from these mistakes and avoid them! Keep the middle ground, the steady path!
  10. great idea with the clone made with a token! but it could be abused in many ways, so there would have to be some restrictions placed, i.e. only humanoid shaped companions (like regular people or human shaped droids).
  11. hi! i really love swtor! To the devs ---> I think i speak for many other players, when i say we would love it if the following would be available through Cartel Market to be purchased as companions: 1) Republic Soldier (the one in blue and white we see on Republic Fleet Station) Have him as a heavy gunner, a cannonneer 2) Imperial Soldier - the one in black with empire logo on his shoulders, the standard soldier. Like before, a cannonner. 3) The Imperial Droid - the one with the red eyes, the bipedal droid. 4) The Republic Droid - the red one with the big yellow ligh in center of his head. 5) The Republic Assault Droid - that red droid with a cannon on his back. Just scale it down abit. 6) The Imperial droid - that white/grey droid with the thin red light on its face, with 3 legs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What say you ?
  12. hi all! i was just commenting on some official SWTOR Facebook post, when a guy replied to me, that soon, SWTOR might be shut down for good, because EA is moving on to other projects and the devs will be used for Anthem and other games. Anthem looks cool, i like it, but will they pull the plug on SWTOR? Anyone know of any sources to confirm or deny this? And if it is true..how soon will it happen? Thanks!
  13. hi all! i am doing a quest called Field Trip on tatooine which requires me to use an item to scan 3 separate locations. i am dead center in each location, i zoomed in, clicking item...but it says "You are in the wrong zone to use item) whats going on ? what m i missing?
  14. actually, its perfectly normal! In case you havent noticed, Gamoreans really are pigs ) Like racially descendents of pigs, as we are from a common ancestor with apes
  15. hi all! My suggestions for new droid companions: 1) The Emperial Hk droid (the simple bipedal one....grey/ black/ red) it looks wicked 2) The Emperial patrol droid (the one with 4 legs) 3) The republic guard droids on Esseles (you see them when you enter instance, at the door of instance) 4) The guard droids on Coruscant (the ones with the giant cannons on back)
  16. Whats EQ2? TSO? Anyhow, it looks like the software design is to blame, not the user or his rig. They should take the game offline for 6 months, re-create it with proper software that can take full advantage of new CPU/GPU architecture, and then re-open it, instead of asking us, the user, to jump through 100000 hoops to achieve the simplest of things...
  17. my rig is an i7 7700, with asus z170, 16 ddr4 ram, Radeon RX470 with 4 GB DDR5, 6 TB hdd (normal HDD) i also play games like Oblivion and Skyrim on ultra-high and these are fluid and smooth even with lots of NPCs on screen, with render distance at max, and maxed out leaf, shadow, water, fire/smoke particles. On Oblivion, i use those mods that make the game look gorgeous (i,.e. HD textures instead of regular ones etc). Never had so much as a 1 sec slowdown! POP-QUIZ: why is it that resource hungry games, like Skyrim/Oblivion with mods that make them even more resourse hungry, can look down right gorgeous and STILL be fluid without a single second slowdown....but this game, with outdated graphics, slows down (ALOT sometimes!) ??? It doesnt add up!
  18. hello everyone! Got a powerful rig - i7, 16ddr4 ram, legitimate win10 64 bit, 4 GB DDR5 graphic memory, Asus Z170 Motherboard...so i am quite powerful enough to run this game Yet 2 things bother me most: 1) during cinemas - when i talk to some NPC - sometimes, there is a big FPS drop, and the characters move in a jerky fashion, as if stuttering abit ...this doesnt always occur, but it does frequently occur 2) when i look at other players who use mounts with moving parts - i.e. the robotic walkers, animals with legs etc - their movements also appear somewhat jerky, stuttery ...though decidedly less than the cinema stuttering! please note this only occurs when looking at other players - if i look at myself using a mount with legs, everything looks smooth and fluid ! Because i got quite a powerful PC, all my graphic details are at maximum ...so why does this occur ? (
  19. hi! whenever i log in or arrive into a new area, a huge messaje pops-up top, with either "no one owns this sector" or "X owns this planet" Problem is...this cannot be toggled off/ resized/ faded/ disabled etc !!! If a guild does control a planet, fine! let them have a mount or whatever rewards...but dont pollute my screen with a massive, obnoxious, intrusive sign which cannot be faded/ disabled/ resized/ toggled etc !!! Ditto for the stronghold label...i mean ffs, if i am so forgetful i dont know where i am, then perhaps a real life asilum with real life electro-convulsive therapy is more suited than playing games! Do one of the following, dear devs: 1) make those labels ("planet ownership" + "stronghold ownership") part of the User Interface to be changed via the classic editor menu 2) add a separate on/off option for these, in Gameplay preferences 3) add a fade/transparency from 0% to 100% option for them 4) add custom timers for them (how long do we want to see them...starting from 5 seconds - more than enough to know who owns a planet - to current duration) Yes, its bothersome, yes, it ruins immersion, yes, its screen pollution with useless, meaningless messages for 95% of player base. The vast majority doesnt give a rat's ***** that someone conquered a planet! Yay! gz to them ...but dont polute me!
  20. hi there and many thanks for reply! Could you please tell me the complete order to do all planets (for all chapters) for Empire and Republic sides? or just give me a link (as i could not find one myself) thanks
  21. Thank you all for your responses! i do have another question: due to being a subscriber, my Smuggler (Gunslinger) reached lvl 70 just when he arrived on Alderaan I did the planets in order: Ord Mantel --> Coruscant --> Taris --> Nar Shadaa --> Tatooine --> Alderaan So...when do i reach chapter B) ? thanks
  22. hi all! i am a subscriber who just got started with this game and i like it alot i do have a question: when i create a new character, i have a choice of 3 major "chapters" to choose from: a) Star Wars: The Old Republic b) Knights of the Fallen Empire c) Knights of the Eternal Throne Right now, i have a few in option a). My question is: after i play quests on all the planets with my toon made in iption a) ...will i get to play the b) chapter and then the c) chapter? In other words - are chapters played in order? (moving on to next chapter once all planets and quests are done in one chapter) If i am wrong...then i must skip to that B or C chapter? Thanks
  23. hi all! we all have a companion, regardless if its a he / she / it. One thing which is a tad annoying, is that our companion ALWAYS looks at us ...kinda freaky! Even when walking, running etc! How about we ask Bioware to make it so they also look arround, ahead etc., i.e. some other way, not always at us ? My new droid companion - TY-4N - always looks at me ...
  24. hi all! i am a lvl 70 gunslinger today, i purchased 1 Scavenger pack and was lucky to get 2 mounts + 1 battle droid companion, the TY-4N i absolutely LOVE this companion (way better than Corso Riggs) but the TY-4N is at lvl 1 ! will it ever level up like Corso ? is there a way to get it to level? my crew skills are: Scavenging, Investigation, Armstech thanks
  25. hi all! we all sometimes wish for a certain item - mount, armor, weapon, companion etc. ...but alot of the cool ones are just random drops from packs. and sometimes, it may be alot of packs and no drop of that wanted item. while this is a good way for Bioware to make $$$, there is also another one - which i actually feel is better (gaining more $$$ for Bioware): why not sell the items (mounts, armor, weapons, companions etc) directly ? i.e. the TY-4N companion sold directly, but at a high cost - i.e. 5 k Cartel Coins. (same for mounts). thus, the player knows what he is getting, no more rolls ...but at a much higher price and only 1 item (the mount, armor etc). no reason why the random drops packs should be replaced by this direct purchase - they can both coexist with no issues!
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