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You win, Bioware. GG.


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I'm curious Vember...I know you PvP, so I assume gear is an understandable issue to you...how are you gearing up your toons? Have you gotten lucky in boxes? Do you also Op? Have you gone the component route? If so, how many pieces have you gotten from components?


I PvP more than the average player, not nearly as much as some, but more than most...I've only gotten one item from components. I got lucky in tier 2 and got the Legenday MH, which I quickly turned around and upgraded upon hitting tier 3...but that's the only item I've been able to buy so far. I have comms now to get more, but with 5.2 around the corner, it's silly to waste them.


It's not that I care about GC...I'm fine with that being whatever, it's the RNG box gearing that I can't stand. 5.2 fixes this issue for Ops players, but it still leaves a huge gap for PvPers.


Well on my PT reroll I just moved a full set of 236 (armor, main hand, offhand) off my vanguard. For the left side, I purchased one relic and one implant (230) and the rest came from crates. I just got him to tier 2 last night, so I haven't gotten any 236 yet.


And maybe it's just because I have a thing for underpowered classes, I don't know, but I haven't seen any difference whatsoever going from the random trash gear I was wearing as a new seventy, to full 230, to full 236 (vanguard) other than a fluctuation in hit points. I still die insanely fast, I still do the same damage, have the same variation of max hits, etc. I have seen no difference at all. Haven't reached 242 yet, so I'll have to re-evaluate then.


For the record, I don't mind the box gearing, but the loot tables need looked at in my opinion. They are pretty bad.

Edited by Vember
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No it doesn't. Quit making stuff up please. You either completely missed the point or ignored it to suit your cognitive bias. I'm leaning towards the latter on that incidentally.


You're one of those people who thinks that if someone wants a fair chance at getting a 230 or 236 set together that he feels that he needs 242 gear to beat content. That is a non sequitur. The one simply does not lead to the other.


Are you incapable of logical reasoning or is this on purpose?


Did you notice how the nonsensical white knight just completely ignored your points and started blabbering on about gearing strategies like that's at all related to what you were talking about? They're hilarious!

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Did you notice how the nonsensical white knight just completely ignored your points and started blabbering on about gearing strategies like that's at all related to what you were talking about? They're hilarious!


Yeah, I remember his name now from before. I guess he hasn't changed his tune. On the one hand it's infuriating but yeah, it's not more than trolling. I suppose I just have a hard time understanding how someone actually gets a kick out of that but there it is.

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Well on my PT reroll I just moved a full set of 236 (armor, main hand, offhand) off my vanguard. For the left side, I purchased one relic and one implant (230) and the rest came from crates. I just got him to tier 2 last night, so I haven't gotten any 236 yet.


And maybe it's just because I have a thing for underpowered classes, I don't know, but I haven't seen any difference whatsoever going from the random trash gear I was wearing as a new seventy, to full 230, to full 236 (vanguard) other than a fluctuation in hit points. I still die insanely fast, I still do the same damage, have the same variation of max hits, etc. I have seen no difference at all. Haven't reached 242 yet, so I'll have to re-evaluate then.


For the record, I don't mind the box gearing, but the loot tables need looked at in my opinion. They are pretty bad.

Thank you for the reply. I agree - the loot drops are definitely what need to be reevaluated, that would help tremendously with gearing up PvPers. I'm OK with top tier taking time to max out (240/242), but getting entry level 230 gear needs to be adjusted...that's the entry point at 70. Once a player is in 236-242 with full 6-piece bonus, it's all minimal. The higher ends can be more difficult to fill out, but lower tier needs to flow like beer on St. Patty's Day.

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white knight as opposed to what? the special snowflake brigade?!? Id rather have someone telling it how it is (i.e. you dont need BiS unless youre playing hard-core, and if you are then odds are youre willing to put in the work to get BiS) then someone feeding peoples egos and need for self gratification...


White Knight names are being thrown around too casually. Yes the grind sucks. But I don't need to be LVL 300 not even for PvP in regs.you get 3 types of people in posts like these. The ones cheering for any kind of criticism. The ones who hate the grind and acknowledge that getting gear before took very little time. And then a few that this the grind is ok or that not all people need bis gear. No headway is made. No one is going to change anyone's opinions. We are all too passionate from the whitest knight to the most precious snowflake

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Thank you for the reply. I agree - the loot drops are definitely what need to be reevaluated, that would help tremendously with gearing up PvPers. I'm OK with top tier taking time to max out (240/242), but getting entry level 230 gear needs to be adjusted...that's the entry point at 70. Once a player is in 236-242 with full 6-piece bonus, it's all minimal. The higher ends can be more difficult to fill out, but lower tier needs to flow like beer on St. Patty's Day.


Loot drops need adjusting definitely or RNG for gear taken out of the equation. Let us buy what we need with command tokens

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Loot drops need adjusting definitely or RNG for gear taken out of the equation. Let us buy what we need with command tokens


Yeah, I've said it before - we're basically taking the maximally painful route back to what we had pre-5.0. It sucks, it doesn't have to be this way, but we're slowly getting there with each point release.


It's just too bad it's taking this much to end up with a more convoluted, worse, grindier version of the previous system.

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Loot drops need adjusting definitely or RNG for gear taken out of the equation. Let us buy what we need with command tokens


Would you like legendary items on that silver spoon as well ? 5.2 is bringing great changes for gearing now all the gear you bought off vendors in the day was pure garbage gear now the stuff coming from crates will be much better and don't forget no relics that were decent could ever be bought but all the silver spoon crowd will always want it all for free right.

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Would you like legendary items on that silver spoon as well ? 5.2 is bringing great changes for gearing now all the gear you bought off vendors in the day was pure garbage gear now the stuff coming from crates will be much better and don't forget no relics that were decent could ever be bought but all the silver spoon crowd will always want it all for free right.


LOL. Just lol.


I would *love* to not get a stupid implant EVERY SINGLE CRATE on my smuggler though. I mean every single freaking crate it's an implant. It may be alacrity or accuracy or critical. I've resorted to gearing her through my agent by stripping mods and putting them in legacy gear. I'm not worried about bis gear. None of my toons have it. But 30 implants makes me want to punch my computer. I don't though.

Edited by americanaussie
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LOL. Just lol.


I would *love* to not get a stupid implant EVERY SINGLE CRATE on my smuggler though. I mean every single freaking crate it's an implant. It may be alacrity or accuracy or critical. I've resorted to gearing her through my agent by stripping mods and putting them in legacy gear. I'm not worried about bis gear. None of my toons have it. But 30 implants makes me want to punch my computer. I don't though.


you can buy crafted ones if it's that bad but the gear we had for direct purchase is not as good as what will drop in crates from 5.2 as Bioware says but I do understand the pain sometimes with RNG but really it's not that bad lucky this game has legacy gear when other games don't even allow that.

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you can buy crafted ones if it's that bad but the gear we had for direct purchase is not as good as what will drop in crates from 5.2 as Bioware says but I do understand the pain sometimes with RNG but really it's not that bad lucky this game has legacy gear when other games don't even allow that.


I am broke but I did purchase a 240 blaster rifle for my IA. I'm saving my components for T3 as I had bad luck and got the two items I bought in the following crates. How crazy is that?! I'm not bothered by armor duplicates as I give them to Alts but implants and earpieces sadly are useless. They bind on pickup.

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It's getting hard for me for different reasons...my carpal is kicking in badly to the point where my thumb is twitching by itself, so I'm going to have to cut back on how much time I spend playing the game for a while unfortunately. :(
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LOL. Just lol.


I would *love* to not get a stupid implant EVERY SINGLE CRATE on my smuggler though. I mean every single freaking crate it's an implant. It may be alacrity or accuracy or critical. I've resorted to gearing her through my agent by stripping mods and putting them in legacy gear. I'm not worried about bis gear. None of my toons have it. But 30 implants makes me want to punch my computer. I don't though.


On my smuggler it's relics. Soooooo many relics, most of them garbage, and the rest duplicates of the ones I already have. And then I get zero relics on my other toons! Very annoying. :p

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Thank you for the reply. I agree - the loot drops are definitely what need to be reevaluated, that would help tremendously with gearing up PvPers. I'm OK with top tier taking time to max out (240/242), but getting entry level 230 gear needs to be adjusted...that's the entry point at 70. Once a player is in 236-242 with full 6-piece bonus, it's all minimal. The higher ends can be more difficult to fill out, but lower tier needs to flow like beer on St. Patty's Day.


I agree with this completely. Absolutely, the top tier of gear should not be handed out like candy, but the starter tier 1 set bonus drops should be. Let everyone get that easily so it doesn't feel like a grind just to get in on the bottom floor of progression, then make them work for anything above that. It makes for a more level playing field and for a happier player base overall.

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I agree with this completely. Absolutely, the top tier of gear should not be handed out like candy, but the starter tier 1 set bonus drops should be. Let everyone get that easily so it doesn't feel like a grind just to get in on the bottom floor of progression, then make them work for anything above that. It makes for a more level playing field and for a happier player base overall.


I would agree and add that we need to go back to a separate gearing progression for PvP again so that PvP and PvE can be balanced separately again and have different progression rates. Expertise was a good system and should be brought back.


One thing that could be done is provide easily attained Expertise gear, but use EITHER Expertise OR Mastery, whichever is higher. This would not penalize people who have already ground up to good gear, would entice PvE folks to try PvP, and would allow for a fast path to a level PvP playing field.

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One of my characters has opened over 40 crates since level 60 and has received NOTHING that is an upgrade over what she already has. That is what is the most frustrating.


Maybe because you were already in 230s? At rank 60 + 40 = 100 you're only 9 ranks into tier 2. So it's not that uncommon to not get any upgrades from those 40 crates.


My scoundrel and operative are both at around rank 50-60 and only upgrades I can really get from crates before getting to tier 2 are 230 relics which are quite rare especially because there's so many different ones.

Edited by Halinalle
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Maybe because you were already in 230s? At rank 60 + 40 = 100 you're only 9 ranks into tier 2. So it's not that uncommon to not get any upgrades from those 40 crates.


My scoundrel and operative are both at around rank 50-60 and only upgrades I can really get from crates before getting to tier 2 are 230 relics which are quite rare especially because there's so many different ones.


The alts I have in that tier range have tons of room for upgrades since I haven't done much crafting yet. They still have several 228s, crap relics and only 2 or 3 set pieces. I would think if he had crafted up 230s he wouldn't be complaining about not getting upgrades.

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Would you like legendary items on that silver spoon as well ? 5.2 is bringing great changes for gearing now all the gear you bought off vendors in the day was pure garbage gear now the stuff coming from crates will be much better and don't forget no relics that were decent could ever be bought but all the silver spoon crowd will always want it all for free right.

Hey chips - way to completely ignore the fact that not everyone is an Ops player. I'm really impressed at how you worked silver spoon in too, because there's been literally nobody asking for free loot. But please continue. I love seeing how far people are willing to go to falsify facts.

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The alts I have in that tier range have tons of room for upgrades since I haven't done much crafting yet. They still have several 228s, crap relics and only 2 or 3 set pieces. I would think if he had crafted up 230s he wouldn't be complaining about not getting upgrades.


It is possible to get all seven armor pieces before two characters you're using hit rank 60. How? Legacy gear.


No crafting required unless you want to craft left side items.

Edited by Halinalle
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Well PVP gear is now PVE gear so in order to get you can go do an ops or 2 with friends and be full 242 in one night. But if you PVP only..... you still have the advantage of having no repair costs, easy access (just que for PVP) and you can easily get CXP (gear) by afking or least amount of effort compared to raiding for gear.


Which is exactly what is wrong atm. You should actually have to PVP to get good gear for PVP. Now its just a **** shoot.

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Expertise vs no Expertise. Do you remember? No matter what non-pvp gear you had on you lost to player who had Expertise gear, every single time.





Except pvp gear took a whole day to get a full set pre 5.0. So anyone could get full sets.

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Hey chips - way to completely ignore the fact that not everyone is an Ops player. I'm really impressed at how you worked silver spoon in too, because there's been literally nobody asking for free loot. But please continue. I love seeing how far people are willing to go to falsify facts.


The white knight brigade really needs to lay off beating that poor abused strawman already. What did he ever do to them? Nothing, yet for some reason they all bring up the fallacious "you all just want BiS gear instantaneously for free!" argument when--as you pointed out--literally no one is asking for anything resembling that at all.

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White Knight names are being thrown around too casually.


I disagree. It used to be more like Stockholm Syndrome than white knighting, but anyone still arguing for this abomination of a loot system is pretty much straight up white knight trolling at this point, because no one could remain THAT deluded, right?


Even Hallinalle, who it usually seems pointless to engage to me, casually threw out there that he ground to CR 234 via roborunning Chapter 1. This is not exactly what I would call a worthy emergent behavior, but it is common, because of the eminently predictable reaction of MMO players to pointless grind.

Edited by stoopicus
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