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Leave mercenaries alone.


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OK, i've had enough of you undergeared Republic players complaining about the mercenaries ! You, with your perpetual cry, already destroyed Powertech . If you cannot defeat anyone on your Republic classes.. maybe those classes are not for you? Is like trying to use heels and falling over and over again, been there, done that. And for your knowledge, i've seen exceptionally sentinels and smugglers that could drop a skilled mercenary in two hits. Obviously, you people cannot play any class at all, since all you do is complain all day on the forum.. My advice, quit this forum drama and PRACTICE your rotation, get good gear, work as a team. No amount of unassembled components will make you a good player if you do not put any effort in it.
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OK, i've had enough of you undergeared Republic players complaining about the mercenaries ! You, with your perpetual cry, already destroyed Powertech . If you cannot defeat anyone on your Republic classes.. maybe those classes are not for you? Is like trying to use heels and falling over and over again, been there, done that. And for your knowledge, i've seen exceptionally sentinels and smugglers that could drop a skilled mercenary in two hits. Obviously, you people cannot play any class at all, since all you do is complain all day on the forum.. My advice, quit this forum drama and PRACTICE your rotation, get good gear, work as a team. No amount of unassembled components will make you a good player if you do not put any effort in it.


I love mercs on a Sniper, and Engineering sniper recently... they melt away :D

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In some matches in ranked there are only 4 / 8 players mercing. That always feels so lacking. Its usually 6/8!


On a serious note: the merc is op. I main a merc. Its dmg is fine but the selfheals are too strong. Same with sniper and sorc heal actually. Those three classes rule PvP. And if a merc is defeated by an operative, PT, mara, Jugg, Sorc-DD, Sin, then it is because he is a bad fotm-reroller.


And again: I main a Merc. I recently had to proof an operative who used to kill mercs in 1vs1 that its only because those mercs are bad.

After a few duells he admitted, that my merc is invincible. And its not because he is bad and I am not. I just know how to use the deff-cds.


If you feel vulnerable on your merc then beware of playing any other classes because mercs feel like tanks for those who can handle e.g. a Mara.

Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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In some matches in ranked there are only 4 / 8 players mercing. That always feels so lacking. Its usually 6/8!


On a serious note: the merc is op. I main a merc. Its dmg is fine but the selfheals are too strong. Same with sniper and sorc heal actually. Those three classes rule PvP. And if a merc is defeated by an operative, PT, mara, Jugg, Sorc-DD, Sin, then it is because he is a bad fotm-reroller.


And again: I main a Merc. I recently had to proof an operative who used to kill mercs in 1vs1 that its only because those mercs are bad.

After a few duells he admitted, that my merc is invincible. And its not because he is bad and I am not. I just know how to use the deff-cds.


If you feel vulnerable on your merc then beware of playing any other classes because mercs feel like tanks for those who can handle e.g. a Mara.


Merc I agree, but leave the sniper alone, our self heal is not even 20% as powerful as Mercs, under ballistic shield, if we are focused, it won't be able to compensate for the damage, even with passive healing in cover...Sniper dies when focused, but he puts out damage, merc only regenerates like 3 times before they go down!

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In some matches in ranked there are only 4 / 8 players mercing. That always feels so lacking. Its usually 6/8!


On a serious note: the merc is op. I main a merc. Its dmg is fine but the selfheals are too strong. Same with sniper and sorc heal actually. Those three classes rule PvP. And if a merc is defeated by an operative, PT, mara, Jugg, Sorc-DD, Sin, then it is because he is a bad fotm-reroller.


And again: I main a Merc. I recently had to proof an operative who used to kill mercs in 1vs1 that its only because those mercs are bad.

After a few duells he admitted, that my merc is invincible. And its not because he is bad and I am not. I just know how to use the deff-cds.


If you feel vulnerable on your merc then beware of playing any other classes because mercs feel like tanks for those who can handle e.g. a Mara.


Snipers self heals are no where near mercs. We dont have a single heal to full ability...... And they already nerfed our bubble pretty quickly after 5,0 was released.

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Snipers self heals are no where near mercs. We dont have a single heal to full ability...... And they already nerfed our bubble pretty quickly after 5,0 was released.



Sniper though is the only known class to be able to defeat a Merc of similar skill level in a duel. Al other class fail to do so.

Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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Sniper though is the only known class to be able to defeat a Merc of similar skill level in a duel. Al other class fail to do so.


Point is it required considerable skill, merc is foolproof as it forgives mistakes, Sniper does not! Ballistic shield won't heal anyone through arsenal burst, Merc can however heal through my ambush, probes or whatever im using

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Point is it required considerable skill, merc is foolproof as it forgives mistakes, Sniper does not! Ballistic shield won't heal anyone through arsenal burst, Merc can however heal through my ambush, probes or whatever im using


Exactly, and like i already stated, ballistic shield was already nerfed HARD from the get go. It used to be 5 % health per second, and they nearly halfed it right off the bat. Yet merc defensives were left alone.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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Yes mercs are OP, but every patch has some class that is OP and it changes every patch, so its pretty much fine. Yeah maybe it should be toned down a little because soon every warzone will have nothing but all mercs on both teams.


Original poster bashing pubs though is wimpy. You sit on the easy side where wins are handed to you for free even if you idle half of the war and complain that pubs are not trying hard enough? Why not, you take the easy route, the opponents have to try harder, lol. Go play pubs and see if your opinion changes.

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I think there is a level of opines.


Merc now == idiot proof GOD status.


My main always was either operative or sorc. I leveled operative and merc. Did WZ on both and **** doing WZ on operative that i know like my 5 fingers was a really heroic moment, dying like mad and damage is pathetic.. Then i did it on merc and just laughed i did triple of my operative damage and died once.


Now this was like 2 weeks ago when both were just green. Its gotten a bit better on operative still nothing even near merc.

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And for your knowledge, i've seen exceptionally sentinels and smugglers that could drop a skilled mercenary in two hits. Obviously, you people cannot play any class at all,




10/10 OP had to be trolling... proof in text above.

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I just re-sub and am going from 60 up. The instant heals are being used as fillers when I am running and do not want to use a "real" dcd. The funny thing is they are working like my other dcds. It is kinda sad when I do not even need to use a stun and then heal or kite.


I love this class and do not feel dirty playing it, but payback's a bantha.

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I just re-sub and am going from 60 up. The instant heals are being used as fillers when I am running and do not want to use a "real" dcd. The funny thing is they are working like my other dcds. It is kinda sad when I do not even need to use a stun and then heal or kite.


I love this class and do not feel dirty playing it, but payback's a bantha.


Your signature is spot on tough. Love it lol.

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Their utilities need to be arranged around a bit.


The problem is arsenal most people would say.


As someone who primarily plays IO I totally agree with you. IO has arguably the tightest resource management of any dps spec in the game, IO does not have a 70% snare every 8 secs, IO does not mitigate 5 force/tech abilities every 45 secs (get 6 secs of increased defense), IO does not get the huge buff to rapid scan every 3rd tracer missile, IO does not have nearly as much burst as Arsenal and the burst window requires multiple dot stacking with supercharge gas, IO cannot soft stun mid fight to heal up until all dots have ended (very difficult as soft stunning usually occurs when you are out of dcd's or the opponent has a strong dcd up) self healing hurts heat much more in IO then arsenal (can't spam rapid scan to heal up). The only utility/ability I would remove from all merc specs is energy rebounder (and given to dps PT's) but Arsenal needs to have another ability removed (probably the blazing bolts snare since so many playing arsenal this is unfair to melee and they can still take the 40% slow on tracer for kiting purposes)

Edited by MuskyBoy
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OK, i've had enough of you undergeared Republic players complaining about the mercenaries ! You, with your perpetual cry, already destroyed Powertech . If you cannot defeat anyone on your Republic classes.. maybe those classes are not for you? Is like trying to use heels and falling over and over again, been there, done that. And for your knowledge, i've seen exceptionally sentinels and smugglers that could drop a skilled mercenary in two hits. Obviously, you people cannot play any class at all, since all you do is complain all day on the forum.. My advice, quit this forum drama and PRACTICE your rotation, get good gear, work as a team. No amount of unassembled components will make you a good player if you do not put any effort in it.


Maybe they don't realize that nerfing Mercs will also affect Commandos.

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And i ask again : if i don't PvP at all, why should my mercenary be nerfed? Why should i be punished when i'm guilty of nothing?


Even with no skill and crappy gear, a merc can solo chapter 2 KOTFE master mode with no problems what so ever. If mercs had taunts they'd be better pve tanks than actual tanks right now. That's how overpowered energy rebounder and trauma regulators, with the reflect and kolto utility.


If you aren't using those utilities for pve, then when those same utilities get nerfed your pve experience won't change. If you are using them, then you already know you have it way too easy.


Class balancing (when done well) isn't punishment. It's medicine. Medicine to help keep SWTOR alive.

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