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Something wrong with the forums?


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I keep getting old posts from yesterday on the front page. O.o


I notice when I hit the General Discussion link at the bottom of the thread to go back to the first Gen Discussion page, I get an older page come up and I have to go back out to the forum home page and come back in that way? but then sometimes that doesn't work and it's still the old posts? It's weird on both my desktop and laptop.

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I noticed this last night, and this afternoon I thought it was fixed as after the first 4 or 5 threads on top of page 1 it is now listing old threads on page 1 again.... Guess BWA is busy with ME:A and us scrubs playing SWTOR and reading the forums are of little concern to them
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I've been trying to log in all morning. It'd let me log into the site...then log me out once I got to random pages on the forums. If I tried to reply to any topic, it would log me out, then I'd click the log-in button again...and it would skip logging in and take me automatically to "my info" page. (Yes, website, I know my subscription's running out soon, I'll get on that, shut up about it already. :p)


But...I'm able to log in now, it seems? Yay? Hope that continues. AND I no longer have a problem where I couldn't access any of the post tools - italics, text color, text size, smilies, etc. Now I can. Another yay.

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I keep getting old posts from yesterday on the front page. O.o



The swtor website is on akamai servers , it will mean they have desynched , they will come good its just when (they are fine for me)


example for me in australia http://www.swtor.com points to a1158.g.akamai.net


C:\WINDOWS\system32>tracert http://www.swtor.com


Tracing route to a1158.g.akamai.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms router.asus.com []

2 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms lo0.bng1.syd7.on.ii.net []

3 5 ms 6 ms 5 ms ae7.cr1.syd7.on.ii.net []

4 9 ms 4 ms 4 ms ae5.br1.syd7.on.ii.net []

5 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms lnk34.vic1.adsl.esc.net.au []


Trace complete.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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I've been having this issue as well. Also, up until an hour ago, I was able to log into the site but not the forums. I even tried other browsers and nothing. Now, it seems to be working okay.


I was having this same issue yesterday when I was trying to ask about the Shadowlands server suddenly going down without warning. I wonder if the two things were connected somehow?

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I had these issues too. Kept seeing old posts/pages so in frustration cleared my browser cache which logged me out. Then I logged back in but the moment I navigated to the forums or went to reply, it would claim I wasn't logged in... so I'd click "log in" and rather than take me to the sign in page, it took me to my already-logged-in account page yet forums still showed me as needing to log in. Drove me nuts. Called CS UK, the guy I spoke with had the same issues with the website, so at least I knew it was on BW's end and not mine. And it appears fixed now *knocks on wood*. Edited by JennyFlynn
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