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Naming help for light sith warrior


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I'd go to google translate and try to find a good sounding word from another language~ just type in light or .. whatever, some other light related words :)


You know, one of my dark sith warriors is named icecream in another language and I doubt anyone will ever know or care, I just liked the sound of the word!

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Can you guys help me think of a decent name for a light sided female sith warrior.

Species? Ultimately, the only things that matter are species and sex.


Light or dark doesn't matter. Is Charles a Dark Side name on our world? (for a certain Manson Family person of that name) Or is it Light Side (after all, the only Anglican saint is Charles...)


So that leaves "female sith warrior". Well, I don't see why the class makes any difference.


And that leaves "female". Well, pick out something that feels female.


So: when I created my DvL Sorc, I took inspiration from her being a Rattataki, and made a war-like sounding name, "Yerka Kolar". It wasn't because she was going to go full Dark V that I made that, but because she's Rattataki, and that's the sort of sound a Rattataki's name felt like it should have.


Why "Yerka"? Well, in the English speaking world(1), "-a" on the end of a name *generally* (but not universally, see e.g. Joshua) indicates a female name. And "Yerk-"? Well, it sounds aggressive.


(1) See e.g. "Andrea", which is a female name in English, but a male name in Italian.


My DS female Sith warrior, constructed to resemble Tari Darkspanner (master of the Revanites on Dromund Kaas) ended up being Xalari'pelarth because, well, because.


%y LS female BH is Jintalie Tark because that's the sound that came out when I ran my internal syllable generator.

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Species? Ultimately, the only things that matter are species and sex.


Light or dark doesn't matter. Is Charles a Dark Side name on our world? (for a certain Manson Family person of that name) Or is it Light Side (after all, the only Anglican saint is Charles...)


So that leaves "female sith warrior". Well, I don't see why the class makes any difference.


And that leaves "female". Well, pick out something that feels female.


... Mom.



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  • 1 year later...
Can you guys help me think of a decent name for a light sided female sith warrior.


I have a Mirialan family on the legacy that uses heroic descriptors like Fearless or Unstoppable and those are always in Estonian, so i have the names "Kartmatu" and "Peatamatu" as a result, it fits with the headcanon family naming. I also have "Fantastiline" and "Hoolimatu". I also have another Sith but hes human and has the name "Alistamatu", hes an adopted son of the family.


I also have another family line of Cathar but those don't have a specific family naming, I mean "Marino", "Evek" and "Viinerine" are all completely different and it shows as all three cover each alignment, dark, neutral and light. very complicated story with that family as well.


It depends on what inspires you to come up with a name honestly. what is it you are most into and you think could be individual enough that no one else would go for. I mean you can't go for something obvious like Jean-Luc Picard, Ed Mercer or Ka D'argo. You really have to think about it.

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