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I want my guild back ffs


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hi i am the original guild creator of the guild name The Eternal Jedi Order on the republic side on my server jedi covenant and i have just noticed that i am not the guild master anymore i know there is a 30 day inactive policy to change the leadership of the guild however i have messaged the current guild leader and politely asked that he return it to me and he was very rude and persistent that i will never get it back and that he is the guild master now and "you snooze you loose" and so i was wondering if you can return the leadership back to me since this is my guild i started i know there are special precautions for you to take but i have been a very loyal and PAYING A LOT OF MONEY to play and support this game and i think its the least you can do for a a loyal player when there are many other mmo's out on the internet to play to stay with something they enjoy even though there is a small hiccup i will be sending these messages until i have been transferred back to guild master i'm sorry but i am very upset


im also prepared to speak to a supervisor about his issue and if need be take legal action as i have proof of permission to give the guild back to me since i was the one who created it i know you guys have the power to transfer guild leadership since you have the power to ban and remove gold spammer please i dont want my guild falling into some free to play character and for me to be KICKED OUT OF MY OWN GUILD i would like to be the leader once again so i can refresh the guild and start from scratch please


I guess I missed the 2 week cutoff, for guildleadership transferring....and guild leadership was changed to a player who doesn't even have the game on his computer anymore.


I want my guild back. I want control to STOP changing away from the character who PAID ACTUAL MONEY....to get that guild going.


I have worked 24 years in customer service, and the lack of ANYONE even caring about this MAJOR issue which has affected hundreds of people, is beyond tragic. Give me back MY guild, and start fixing actual issues. Period.

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im also prepared to speak to a supervisor about his issue and if need be take legal action as i have proof of permission to give the guild back to me since i was the one who created it i know you guys have the power to transfer guild leadership since you have the power to ban and remove gold spammer please i dont want my guild falling into some free to play character and for me to be KICKED OUT OF MY OWN GUILD i would like to be the leader once again so i can refresh the guild and start from scratch please


I guess I missed the 2 week cutoff, for guildleadership transferring....and guild leadership was changed to a player who doesn't even have the game on his computer anymore.



I laughed really hard at this post. I have a feeling OP is a younger kid, or a very sad and disturbed adult. Neither would surprise me.

Edited by Rischie
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I laughed really hard at this post. I have a feeling OP is a younger kid, or a very sad and disturbed adult. Neither would surprise me.



How long do you think it takes a "younger kid" to rack up 24yrs of experience in CS?

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OK, where do I start.... first, let's make sure I get the situation right. You, unexpectedly, left the game for an extended period, during which the leadership/ownership of your guild transferred to another "random" player. When you were finally able to come back and discovered this transfer of power, you politely asked the new GM to switch it back, and they told you, very rudely, NO! So now you are praying to the SWTOR gods (Devs) to "fix" this "problem", or you will.... go to another MMO?

The inactive GM time period policy is there for a specific reason. If a GM leaves for a long time, the rest of the guild cannot progress. The guild ship can not be moved for weekly conquests, troubling guild members can, sometimes, not be removed, worthy guild members can not be rewarded with more responsibility, etc, etc....

In my opinion, you deserve to lose the guild you worked so hard to build. If it means this much to you, you should have set up trusted key members to watch the guild while you were gone. You do not sound like a GM with which I would want to play. You sound like my little brother when I stole his toy... "Mommy, He took my Toy!"

Suck it up as a lesson learned and move on, either in SWTOR or somewhere else.

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If he actually had that much experience don't you think he would know how to use paragraphs and punctuation properly?


Idk. I've never worked in CS. Hard to say what ones life experiences may be. I know i framed houses for 5 years after high school and i can't remember writing a single sentence to do it. My skillz have never fully recovered.


Who am i to say he didn't work in CS for 24 years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As soon as OP said, "legal action" I was done reading...

Today on the People's court, Former SWTOR GM is suing current SWTOR GM for the return of GM rank to his lv.55 Jedi Guardian and 6000 Cartel Coins in damages.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As soon as OP said, "legal action" I was done reading...

Today on the People's court, Former SWTOR GM is suing current SWTOR GM for the return of GM rank to his lv.55 Jedi Guardian and 6000 Cartel Coins in damages.


Haha. This is golden. :)

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