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Eric Why dont you adress or answer to this exploit?


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I filed tickets, i pmed you, nothing happens. Engineer sniper still hast double sabotage bugg where sabotage woult hit a target twice.


Engineer sniper ruins pvp more than any other class. It puts a 70% 24/7 slow on you, and on top it has by far the bis single target dps because you dont adress balance ever. This class is so *********** overpowered in pve and pvp its ridiculous. Thats been it for me, if you keep ignoring messages my sub will run out next month. gg eric

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I filed tickets, i pmed you, nothing happens. Engineer sniper still hast double sabotage bugg where sabotage woult hit a target twice.


Engineer sniper ruins pvp more than any other class. It puts a 70% 24/7 slow on you, and on top it has by far the bis single target dps because you dont adress balance ever. This class is so *********** overpowered in pve and pvp its ridiculous. Thats been it for me, if you keep ignoring messages my sub will run out next month. gg eric


I am sorry, but have you played one? It has a high skill ceiling, and our hits are nothing comparing to MM or Arsenal merc, it takes us much longer to kill someone, so we can easily loose agains a burst spec...Engineering Sniper is nothing comparing to Arsenal merc.

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I am sorry, but have you played one? It has a high skill ceiling, and our hits are nothing comparing to MM or Arsenal merc, it takes us much longer to kill someone, so we can easily loose agains a burst spec...Engineering Sniper is nothing comparing to Arsenal merc.


hahaha. 1 dps class and spec might be on the same level as a sniper and you think that is balance? Secondly snipers have bigger defences (cover and they get them twice). and 3rd he was complaining about the stacking of debuffs that shouldn't be there not the class in general. Best I play Fotm class but don't like to see people complain post this week.

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I am sorry, but have you played one? It has a high skill ceiling, and our hits are nothing comparing to MM or Arsenal merc, it takes us much longer to kill someone, so we can easily loose agains a burst spec...Engineering Sniper is nothing comparing to Arsenal merc.


Thats the problem of this forum and game, lowskiller plebs talking about skill ceilings lol. Wouldnt be surprised if bioware even listened to guys like you and buffing engi even further

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Was about to say, I play an engi sniper, there is no bug I am aware of. But have not played pubside. AND ive killed tons of enemy republic sabslingers. Never noticed anything odd.


Mercs are way way more OP.


Snipers have one life, not 3, engi snipers have to lay down aoe that everyone runs out of and we have to lay it down again. Merc just launches damage at target has one maybe 2 casted moves the rest instant and the casted ones can be instant too. Plenty of aoe as well




they have heals.


Engi Sniper is only "OP" or...good in the hands of someone experienced.

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Was about to say, I play an engi sniper, there is no bug I am aware of. But have not played pubside. AND ive killed tons of enemy republic sabslingers. Never noticed anything odd.


Mercs are way way more OP.


Snipers have one life, not 3, engi snipers have to lay down aoe that everyone runs out of and we have to lay it down again. Merc just launches damage at target has one maybe 2 casted moves the rest instant and the casted ones can be instant too. Plenty of aoe as well




they have heals.


Engi Sniper is only "OP" or...good in the hands of someone experienced.


simple answer you can stun, interrupt, knockback a merc on nearly all their casts. Sniper can go near permanent hunkerdown and in the world of stuns that is king. Jugs and mara run out of steam on snipers and need to leap to someone else to keep their attacks going then cross a field of slows and armour debuff to get back on target. Snipers have defences against snipers no one else does. Merc is just aoe during the reflect (annoying but ok) knockback through supercharge, and hope there isn't 3 where net death is a cert. 1 net or 2 nets can be defended against easily by most classes. So yes snipers have bigger defences than mercs

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I filed tickets, i pmed you, nothing happens. Engineer sniper still hast double sabotage bugg where sabotage woult hit a target twice.


Engineer sniper ruins pvp more than any other class. It puts a 70% 24/7 slow on you, and on top it has by far the bis single target dps because you dont adress balance ever. This class is so *********** overpowered in pve and pvp its ridiculous. Thats been it for me, if you keep ignoring messages my sub will run out next month. gg eric


Hates on engi sniper for a bug that's only on sab slingers, then calls someone a "lowskiller pleb" when they say arsenal might be a tad less difficult than engi



Edited by Jake_Chambers
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Engi sniper is nowhere near weak and I personally found playing MM sniper way harder. Engi has decent burst with explosive probe (20k++) and best aoe potential except maybe vengeance jugg (lul jug in 2k17).

And the skill celling is not high at all.

To OP: also don't forget the root on whitebar bug

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The only thing that needs to happen is the need to reduce the size of their aoe again. Honestly the size of it now with that insane slow is just outrageous.


It's the debuff off that slow that causes the damage. Great for bypassing the merc shield but makes melee kind of unpleasant.

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mercs have a 8sec blazing bolt with "outrageous" damage and 70% slow each tick + enet + a 9sec 40% slow on tracer missile with an utility.


--> this is an "insane" permasnare example.

Edited by Thaladan
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mercs have a 8sec blazing bolt with "outrageous" damage and 70% slow each tick + enet + 40% slow on tracer missile with an utility.


--> this is an "insane" permasnare example.


Mercs do it for one target, engi snipers can do it for an entire team. So there really is no comparison. Not to mention the AOE has no cool down. enet has a 3 minute cool down, and blazing bolts has one too after being reactivated. Again, no comparison.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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what about a jugg skank tank with chilling scream (+utility) +crushing blow?


ther's numerous other things we can compare before call plasma probe an outragous capacity...imao


ps : before, plasma probe had a 18sec cooldown BUT his duration was 18 sec, and 50% of the damage was given in the first seconds. believe me it was by far better.

Edited by Thaladan
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mercs have a 8sec blazing bolt with "outrageous" damage and 70% slow each tick + enet + a 9sec 40% slow on tracer missile with an utility.


--> this is an "insane" permasnare example.


You forgot the explosive round root. But snipers have all those (except net but the Aoe it twice anything net is) and more, and they get the defences twice.


rocket out or high tail it? I know which I prefer, no interrupts or unstunnable and no interrupts? Play both classes, fight both classes with no bias and tell me mercs are better than snipers for dcds? Just the cover effect and 35m range are good. Don't get me wrong mercs are well up there but snipers and sorcs are still king of the dcd's. Mercs tag a little below.

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You mean the 20 seconds each 45 seconds? That hunker down? Or maybe the imaginary one that has near permanent hunker down? 50% is hardly near permanent.


Maybe an exaggeration but anyone with half a brain cell to understand social interaction would realise that. However seeing as you have broached the subject, getting back on target after knockback 2 seconds (1 second each?) 4 second hard stun, 2 second (if broken straight away soft stun) plus slows, plus evasion, I can't remember how long evasion lasts but I'm sure it's over 2 seconds. 4 seconds hunkerdown on hightail. That's at least 14 seconds of similar effect to add. So 34 out of 45 seconds. But wait they have imp preparation (which still sounds like a haemorrhoid cream), so why wait that long??

Edited by Purgamentorum
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Maybe an exaggeration but anyone with half a brain cell to understand social interaction would realise that. However seeing as you have broached the subject, getting back on target after knockback 2 seconds (1 second each?) 4 second hard stun, 2 second (if broken straight away soft stun) plus slows, plus evasion, I can't remember how long evasion lasts but I'm sure it's over 2 seconds. 4 seconds hunkerdown on hightail. That's at least 14 seconds of similar effect to add. So 34 out of 45 seconds. But wait they have imp preparation (which still sounds like a haemorrhoid cream), so why wait that long??


This comment right here just shows how little you actually know about snipers.

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simple answer you can stun, interrupt, knockback a merc on nearly all their casts. Sniper can go near permanent hunkerdown and in the world of stuns that is king. Jugs and mara run out of steam on snipers and need to leap to someone else to keep their attacks going then cross a field of slows and armour debuff to get back on target. Snipers have defences against snipers no one else does. Merc is just aoe during the reflect (annoying but ok) knockback through supercharge, and hope there isn't 3 where net death is a cert. 1 net or 2 nets can be defended against easily by most classes. So yes snipers have bigger defences than mercs


well you talk like an NPC that can't use LOS, the good thing is you have room in this game cuz we love talking NPC's


but hey just fyi...every crying melee player since 1.0 has post the same useless things about snipers/GS...and every good melee player since 1.0 knows how to beat them without facerolling them

By the way...sniper has stronger attacks than mercs not better dcd's , mando/merc dcd's right now are overtuned and are OP.

Also every crying sorc will come here asking nerfs so I will asume that maybe u run a DPS sorc also?

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I filed tickets, i pmed you, nothing happens. Engineer sniper still hast double sabotage bugg where sabotage woult hit a target twice.


Engineer sniper ruins pvp more than any other class. It puts a 70% 24/7 slow on you, and on top it has by far the bis single target dps because you dont adress balance ever. This class is so *********** overpowered in pve and pvp its ridiculous. Thats been it for me, if you keep ignoring messages my sub will run out next month. gg eric


can i have ur stuff?

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Maybe an exaggeration but anyone with half a brain cell to understand social interaction would realise that. However seeing as you have broached the subject, getting back on target after knockback 2 seconds (1 second each?) 4 second hard stun, 2 second (if broken straight away soft stun) plus slows, plus evasion, I can't remember how long evasion lasts but I'm sure it's over 2 seconds. 4 seconds hunkerdown on hightail. That's at least 14 seconds of similar effect to add. So 34 out of 45 seconds. But wait they have imp preparation (which still sounds like a haemorrhoid cream), so why wait that long??


Oh yes, I do understand what you mean. I just don't like it when people use false and incorrect statements to make their points. Use valid arguements and you won't hear me about it ;)


You do have a valid arguement that slingers are very hard to take down in patch 5.0. Your points however are still to be taken with some salt.


A few things on what you say above:

- getting back on target after knockback 2 seconds (1 second each?)


- 4 second hard stun, 2 second (if broken straight away soft stun) plus slows, plus evasion,

correct although evasion isnt really an immunity. Would be the same to call to call any defensive an immunity

- 4 seconds hunkerdown on hightail.

This is a thread is about saboteur slingers. Saboteur doesnt have hunker down on hightail. They have the tickle called scatterbombs.


- That's at least 14 seconds of similar effect to add. So 34 out of 45 seconds.

This is not really correct statement to make. If it was a 1vs1 fight with a melee than I might agree slightly. But even than you wouldn't be able to use all the stuns you are naming purely because of resolve.

When its against another ranged dps most of the stuff you name wont do a lot of good for us.


Diversion sounds better than it actually is. While it does provide us with a good defensive bonus, the slow requires our enemy to be silly enough to keep standing in it (provided you even spec a utilitypoint into it. I personally don't).


I do agree with you that gunslingers are currently in a very good place for PvP. Trying to go after a gunslinger as a melee means the melee will have a hard time. Aiming yourself to be in between the slinger and a wall/pillar will help a bit. It might even be considered OP. Not as much as mandos though. Also stealth classes are really underestimated I think.

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Lol. Shows how much I use my commando, lol. :p


But seriously, it is still 90 seconds, and single target. The engineering one has no cool down and is a HUGE AOE.


I wasn't arguing, just corrected a factual mistake. Electro net is a good tactical ability, but I would make it so that people can't get netted twice in a row. Plasma Probe's spammable AoE slow is just ridiculous.

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