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Regs have gone to crap


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My post was long so I won't fault you for missing it but I wrote multiple times that I don't like sure wins either.


I like even matches. In mmo pvp you'll never have all of your matches down to the wire or even most but with even basic matchmaking you should have a fair amount be rather close. This is what normal people like. It is not normal to enjoy pugstomping.


If a player is young and likes to pugstomp occasionally for lols that is one thing but if the player likes to pugstomp daily then there is something wrong with that person that I hope they work on. They are not happy and well adjusted.


Now I know some people mainly premade in SWTOR because they feel it is less annoying than pugging and because they decide they would rather be on the sure win side than to flip a coin. I get this. I did this early on in SWTOR but just got to the point where I found pugging to be better than pugstomping.


However, what I really wanted then and what I really want now is to actually make good premades and face other premades. I have a personal rule to pug rather often so I remain self sufficient but I love premading if I can actually face other premades (I loved ranked 8s for instance). If matchmaking was added I'd rejoin guilds and actually premade again myself.


So this isn't a "make friends" issue. Whether you like to pug, premade, or both you should still want basic matchmaking. Until then I guess I'll stick mainly to ranked but I do love me some huttball and I'd really like to enjoy regs as well.


Dude you are hypocrite. As you said you've outgrown that for now but don't you realize that those who play in Take a Seat or similiar tryhard setup premades are at the very same spot that u were back in the day?


What goes around comes around man, it's a game called circle.

Edited by Gray
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I'm in take a seat and I always play alone, it takes people to ask me to join to play with em and even then I'm not easily persuaded.

I used to q alone all the time in big in japan too, and in quite a few other guilds.


Premades aren't killing pvp, I mean I like to premade and love it when we get a tas premade against us when im with my ragequit brethren. I'll tell you what is killing pvp... I logged in on my op healer on harbinger the other night, was recieving quite a bit of attention from dps but that's good, butfs my hps and epeen but random guy starts shouting in chat that I'm weak and should ask bioware for buff, anyway I replied I don't know you and don't care what you think and carried on healing. Match ends I get told I'm a noob and only 4m heals, and guy continues to rant on. I think to myself, "I bet I can think of at least 10 different better ways to spend my time right off the top of my head" and log off...


I remember you playing rep side for the longest time, what bothers me is how everyone sheeped over to Imp side. And premades do in some cases kill pvp, but it isnt just premades, it is that combined with the beyond terrible gearing system we have right now, and the trolling that goes on by said premades as someone already said. Before this system you could get a group of complete randoms together and compete against premades sometimes, now it is impossible if your group of randoms dont live and breathe the game and dont have top tier gear. And I am just saying my experiences, I literally have not once seen a TaS or BiJ player ever play alone. Ragequit yes, but not TaS.

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Sorry for the long post. I'm not sure if anyone is interested but I felt I should reply to the posts regarding myself and our guild.


Said YouTube channel has a few videos about a certain guild and like 20 times more videos about not that certain guild. Not exactly sure what you're talking about.


I'll be honest, I've not watched them so I'll take your word for it, this is what I've been told. If that's not the case (and I'll take your word for it) I apologise for my misunderstanding.


I'll let you know that the next time you ragequit because you are losing despite being in a premade yourself.


Please do. I'll sometimes leave games when I'm queueing solo if something pops up, I'll sometimes leave a warzone at the start if it's been on repeat all night but I very rarely ragequit any game that we're in. I'd estimate under 10 games total since the expansion if you include games that are effectively over and me going AFK to get a drink or go for a pee.


Unlike you. Who leaves as soon as you die a few times.


Still waiting for my tutorial on "how to not get stalled by an operative on a sorc healer in Alderaan".


Snave In The Grass covers most of the points you'd need to cover that topic. Specifically, with you, I was trying to help you understand that as a sorc with bubble pop and phase walk placed next to the node the only way you'll get capped is if you stand far away from the node and get caught by two operatives sap capping. I was also trying to explain that by standing that far away and allowing me to stealth out freely it means when your team does eventually arrive to help you I'd be in a strong position because I'd be in stealth rather than in combat. I cover that in one of my game of the week videos where a sorc actually does it correctly. It's a civil war game so should be easy for you to find. I can see how me trying to help out an ex guild member who I thought we had a good relationship with would make me salty though.


And my comments were about the additional trolling you do in warzones, not about the quality of our premades, nor was I bashing you or anyone for premading. Reading is hard.


You're pretty much the only person I use emotes towards. Sometimes I'll do some emotes when I'm defending alone for a long time, I'm a fan of the /thanks when people inadvertently help me but I'm not really a big emote user. You think I am because I use them with you. If I assume you behave the same way regardless of who you're facing then I'd be left with the conclusion you quit every game within 30 seconds but that's a bit silly to assume, isn't it?


I don't even use /s or /1 unless someone is addressing me / our team. If anything I'm way more likely to make fun of my own team compared to the enemy.


The point about premades was related to someone who queues in a premade complaining about premades. Which is what you do. When you're in a premade.


Drop the act.


I still have no idea why you were upset in the first place, I honestly don't. When you left I was told you decided you weren't good enough for the guild and left of your own will. This was surprising because I thought you did well and got along with other members.


I play PvP pretty much every day, and I have almost -never- seen a TaS member play alone. It was the same thing with BiJ a year back.


TaS has quite a lot (by current standards) of active members so it's not shocking that you'd see them quite a lot in PvP. Another factor is the "phantom premade" situation where people will see 1 or maybe 2 members and immediately come to the conclusion that they're facing a 8 man premade on voice comms using hacks.


Contrary to popular belief I queue solo frequently. Every time I have queued solo in the last 2 months people have assumed I'm in a premade. We had an instance a few weeks back I think where a player in a different civil war to us was being accused of running 4 healer TaS premade. This player was a marauder (iirc) and was queueing solo. Their team had 1 healer. That type of thing isn't even uncommon and it's probably a factor in why people have this distorted view.


When you're in a guild with active players who all want to take part in the same activity it makes little sense to decline the opportunity to group to queue solo. It's probably also worth pointing out here that we face many premades from various guilds throughout the course of an evening.


Gets mad that people insult him, even though they are just stating facts, and then insults them back.....hmmm.....


I'm not mad that people insult me, or state facts about me. I have no real bad feelings towards ne'laa, I always thought he was a decent enough guy who was just frustrated about facing premades. When my former guild fell apart I used to play solo most of the time and I found pugs frustrating, playing vs premades frustrating, I understand what it's like.


My route was to make videos / stream to try and meet new players so we could all share tips and improve, to try and directly speak with bioware so we could try and make some positive change, and to make guilds focused around trying to build an environment like that. We're one of the least bad mannered PvP guilds on the server although my experience with that is probably somewhat biased.


And premades do in some cases kill pvp, but it isnt just premades, it is that combined with the beyond terrible gearing system we have right now, and the trolling that goes on by said premades as someone already said. Before this system you could get a group of complete randoms together and compete against premades sometimes, now it is impossible if your group of randoms dont live and breathe the game and dont have top tier gear.


I'm not sure what you mean by "trolling" but I'd like to know what negative experiences you have with TaS players other than just being in a premade.


Top tier gear isn't very common at the moment, certainly not to the degree that people seem to make it out so with bolster you should be on a relatively level playing field. People have had enough time to get tier 1 gear and while there is certainly a gap between 234 (bolster) and 242 the scarcity of people in 242 makes that comparison somewhat invalid. I'd rather flat stats or a 242 bolster for PvP but unfortunately, that's not the route taken by BW.


The gear system is terrible though I doubt any player would argue that point.


And I am just saying my experiences, I literally have not once seen a TaS or BiJ player ever play alone. Ragequit yes, but not TaS.


I've never seen a shark in the sea, doesn't mean they don't exist. As I addressed above, with us being an active PvP guild you're far more likely to get a group but I know for a fact that people queue solo every day.


It looks like you're on TRE and I'd like to extend an invite to do some games with us sometime. You'll probably realise we're not actually that bad a bunch of people.


I see your point about a real matchmaking system and I agree with it but I am asking for something very simple and potentially feasible.


I just want the type of matchmaking that tries for several minutes (can even be less than 5) to match a premade vs. a premade. The current system will pop as fast as it can and if basic matchmaking waited even just 30 seconds we'd have more even matches than we do now.


This does not mean all premades vs premades and all pugs vs. pugs. This also does not mean class/role/gear balancing. It is simple, BW could easily do it, and it would only positively benefit people who are even remotely competitive as well as benefit complete noobs.


This is what I've been saying for years. It's so stupid that we're frequently grouped as a double premade vs pugs and I don't think you'd find anyone who would disagree with that. The problem AFAIK is that quality of games is not a metric that BW uses, speed of pops and frequency of pops is their primary metric so frankly, they don't care.

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I can start streaming if you want, to prove you wrong. I'll show you what an army of two can do on TRE :)


Why I am against match making is because I like when I get those sick odds against me, its makes me adapt and continue to improve. Those cute little premades you are moaning about is the only thing thats close to a challange these days, I also believe that one day when they feel more comfortable as players they might start dropping the tank and healer combo.


The term premade is so out of place you realize this term that you use as an excuse for your loss is false, it's a group of friends who outplays you, just because you are in a premade group dosnt mean that your enemies are doomed.


If you're gonna pull out a defensive card about sympathy for the noobs, advice them to do the same like us old timers did back in the day, STAY IN LOWBIE BRACKET untill they are ready for end game pvp that's just common sense.


BTW I never said I was good or anything, nor did I start a crybaby post on forums starting off with my first 1700 rating chars to get some type of respect from the crowd lol.


the good players dosn't come crying on the forums, they believe in the sound of silence.


Wow, I honestly feel sorry for you. I shouldn't waste my time responding to someone like you but I'm bored and I want to continue with this thread.


I never attacked people who want to premade. I want to premade. I just want more even matches. Competitive, well balanced people like close matches whether it is in a video game or on a basketball court.


i.e. In college we had a gym with a lot of basketball courts. There were different skill levels playing on each court and 95% of the time people stuck to the court they were meant for. The best players didn't go dunk on the freshmen international students that had never played basketball before.


A better example might be when my friends played around town. We were all high school basketball players and a couple of us (not me!) even played some college ball. We preferred to play together of course but if the other people on the court were much worse we would split up. This is also why when there are only around 10 players people usually shoot for captains.


As far as the 1700 comment. I don't know why you would assume that was my first 1700. I have 3 this season alone including a (non dvl) dps sorc. I believe rating doesn't mean much but I know the first assumption people will make is that I am a bad player who is just raging at premaders and I wanted to give some evidence to the contrary.


I'm older and a professional. When I speak at conferences people often introduce me with some combination of my degrees, research, and a couple major accomplishments. There are reasons behind this and they aren't to brag. I was attempting to do something similar in my original post.

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Dude you are hypocrite. As you said you've outgrown that for now but don't you realize that those who play in Take a Seat or similiar tryhard setup premades are at the very same spot that u were back in the day?


What goes around comes around man, it's a game called circle.


I think you need to look up the word hypocrite.


I never attacked people that want to premade. I said I understand that for some people premading and sure wins are better than pugging and coin tosses. I said this makes sense. I said I don't understand people who legitimately enjoy pugstomping 24/7 more than even matches. I would only be a hypocrite if I once legitimately enjoyed pugstomping 24/7 more than even matches. I never have.


When this game released I premaded mainly because I wanted a good team for when matchmaking was added. Once I realized that matchmaking was likely a pipe dream I largely stopped premading. Even during this period I pugged more than 50% of the time to ensure I was self sufficient. I then premaded again during the short 8v8 period.


Again, I am not attacking people like Snave. Snave actually responded with an intelligent post stating that he would like basic matchmaking as well. Competitive, well balanced people want even matches. Maybe you don't fit in this category.

Edited by DarthRaika
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Snave In The Grass covers most of the points you'd need to cover that topic. Specifically, with you, I was trying to help you understand that as a sorc with bubble pop and phase walk placed next to the node the only way you'll get capped is if you stand far away from the node and get caught by two operatives sap capping. I was also trying to explain that by standing that far away and allowing me to stealth out freely it means when your team does eventually arrive to help you I'd be in a strong position because I'd be in stealth rather than in combat. I cover that in one of my game of the week videos where a sorc actually does it correctly. It's a civil war game so should be easy for you to find.


If two stealthers come sap capping and they play their class properly, anyone will get either killed or capped. Bubble stun can only interrupt on one side of the node, so if the two attackers stay on the opposite sides and cap in parallel, then a stealth sap + 2 mezzes (with a resolve window inbetween) do the job and there's nothing any Sorc can do against it. Add to that the damage 2 attackers can do which necessitates the use of LoS and probably some other escapes, your awesome node defender Sorc gets capped in a relatively short time, if no help arrives. It's simply impossible to defend against it for long, especially since, unlike Operative, Sorc has no way to preemptively resist CC.


Which leaves the scenario with one attacker. In the very beginning of the match, any delay in starting to cap just helps the enemy team (stealth staller has more time to arrive, and, in the very unlikely case one node will remain uncapped, the outcome will possibly depend on who capped first). The reasonable thing to do there is to just rush behind to the node (for LoS) and start capping, hoping nobody will come. If an Operative, such as yourself does come, it's -1 breaker.


Now let's see what we have. I have a not-yet-placed Phase Walk with bubble stun and Barrier. To have any chance of capping an Operative (because Sorc mez is hardcast, at least nobody takes the utility to instacast it), I have to use both hardstun and then cast Whirlwind. Which you will break, but then I don't have anything against you. If I stay near the node, you still have both Flashbang and stealthout + mez to cap me. Even if I now use the PW+Bubble Stun+Barrier combo to break both of these CCs, I'm left with nothing, making myself an easy kill or just an easy cap.


Keeping proper distance from a node makes sure that a single stealther cannot CC, get back to the node and cap in time, simply because with Phase Walk I have a faster way to get back, especially since all Operative CCs are only 10m. It also makes it possible that when I do get back, I can stay in cover so you have a harder time pulling your sapcap off than if I just stayed right on the node.


And if my team does come, with 2-3 people spam capping it's pretty fast to pop anyone out of stealth anyway.


TL;DR: With 2 stealthers you will cap, no matter what. Against one it's way less risky to save defensives and stay away, than to blow everything and stay on the node.

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I never attacked people that want to premade. I said I understand that for some people premading and sure wins are better than pugging and coin tosses. I said this makes sense. I said I don't understand people who legitimately enjoy pugstomping 24/7 more than even matches.


While you didn't address this to me, I'll still respond with my own opinion:

The reason for premading is not sure wins and pugstomping. In fact, pugstomping is boring. The reason for premading is not getting stomped.

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TaS has quite a lot (by current standards) of active members so it's not shocking that you'd see them quite a lot in PvP. Another factor is the "phantom premade" situation where people will see 1 or maybe 2 members and immediately come to the conclusion that they're facing a 8 man premade on voice comms using hacks.


Contrary to popular belief I queue solo frequently. Every time I have queued solo in the last 2 months people have assumed I'm in a premade. We had an instance a few weeks back I think where a player in a different civil war to us was being accused of running 4 healer TaS premade. This player was a marauder (iirc) and was queueing solo. Their team had 1 healer. That type of thing isn't even uncommon and it's probably a factor in why people have this distorted view.


When you're in a guild with active players who all want to take part in the same activity it makes little sense to decline the opportunity to group to queue solo. It's probably also worth pointing out here that we face many premades from various guilds throughout the course of an evening.


Quote: Originally Posted by mmmbuddah View Post

Gets mad that people insult him, even though they are just stating facts, and then insults them back.....hmmm.....

I'm not mad that people insult me, or state facts about me. I have no real bad feelings towards ne'laa, I always thought he was a decent enough guy who was just frustrated about facing premades. When my former guild fell apart I used to play solo most of the time and I found pugs frustrating, playing vs premades frustrating, I understand what it's like.


My route was to make videos / stream to try and meet new players so we could all share tips and improve, to try and directly speak with bioware so we could try and make some positive change, and to make guilds focused around trying to build an environment like that. We're one of the least bad mannered PvP guilds on the server although my experience with that is probably somewhat biased.


Quote: Originally Posted by mmmbuddah View Post

And premades do in some cases kill pvp, but it isnt just premades, it is that combined with the beyond terrible gearing system we have right now, and the trolling that goes on by said premades as someone already said. Before this system you could get a group of complete randoms together and compete against premades sometimes, now it is impossible if your group of randoms dont live and breathe the game and dont have top tier gear.

I'm not sure what you mean by "trolling" but I'd like to know what negative experiences you have with TaS players other than just being in a premade.


Top tier gear isn't very common at the moment, certainly not to the degree that people seem to make it out so with bolster you should be on a relatively level playing field. People have had enough time to get tier 1 gear and while there is certainly a gap between 234 (bolster) and 242 the scarcity of people in 242 makes that comparison somewhat invalid. I'd rather flat stats or a 242 bolster for PvP but unfortunately, that's not the route taken by BW.


The gear system is terrible though I doubt any player would argue that point.


Quote: Originally Posted by mmmbuddah View Post

And I am just saying my experiences, I literally have not once seen a TaS or BiJ player ever play alone. Ragequit yes, but not TaS.

I've never seen a shark in the sea, doesn't mean they don't exist. As I addressed above, with us being an active PvP guild you're far more likely to get a group but I know for a fact that people queue solo every day.


It looks like you're on TRE and I'd like to extend an invite to do some games with us sometime. You'll probably realise we're not actually that bad a bunch of people.




I have seen a shark in the sea though. :D


As for the trolling, I used to go by another name, but due to my transition, I changed characters and names, but the amount of times I have gotten rude/nasty/inappropriate "says" toward me is .... well, I can't count it on two hands, let me just put it that way. Or the amount of times I have been mocked, specifically me, for having a team that doesn't know their *** from their forehead is also entirely too high. I am by no means innocent, because I will get downright nasty toward people that do that to me, but there it is. I can in the future however send you names and screenshots if you want to remedy this problem.


The only problem there is with your invitation, I almost -only- play rep side. I have problems playing imp side, have had far too many people imp side be complete chauvinistic *** hats to me. Now if we had cross faction......my main characters are Scoundrel, Gunslinger and Vanguard. I used to play commando a lot, but one spec is just braindead easy atm, and the other is annoyingly tedious.

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I have seen a shark in the sea though. :D


As for the trolling, I used to go by another name, but due to my transition, I changed characters and names, but the amount of times I have gotten rude/nasty/inappropriate "says" toward me is .... well, I can't count it on two hands, let me just put it that way. Or the amount of times I have been mocked, specifically me, for having a team that doesn't know their *** from their forehead is also entirely too high. I am by no means innocent, because I will get downright nasty toward people that do that to me, but there it is. I can in the future however send you names and screenshots if you want to remedy this problem.


The only problem there is with your invitation, I almost -only- play rep side. I have problems playing imp side, have had far too many people imp side be complete chauvinistic *** hats to me. Now if we had cross faction......my main characters are Scoundrel, Gunslinger and Vanguard. I used to play commando a lot, but one spec is just braindead easy atm, and the other is annoyingly tedious.


We have rep characters. Give me a whisper and we can log over to rep side no problem!

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Just do what we did on Progenitor, reps stopped quing and the Imp premades were against the imp premades, which lead to very stupid games and everyone lost interest in PVP :D


Was a crazy time.


That actually is already happening kind of, because I have been playing pvp today and got literally NOTHING but 4v4s on rep side because of lack of people queuing

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Im real happy for you and imma let you finish but


1st. Not a "Snave defender", guild defender.

2nd. I've never sync qued for a 8man premade in this guild, nor have i seen any others do it.

3rd. I dont premade to "stomp newbies". I was f2p before 5.0 all the way to yesterday, so grouping was only way to play. Also, how can i know if my opponents are going to be newbies or not?

4th. I never go to double sap with another person, i do it solo. (unless some pug sticks around and dont let me solo) Also, how can i know if opponents have a newbie guarding?

5th. Why wouldn't one premade? If solo q'ing, there is potential to be 7 really bad players (or just people who doesn't care about obj) in your group. With 4man premade you can reduce it to 4 max. (Well, 5 since im trash kappa)

6th. Im guessing you lost vs TaS couple times in a row and now you are here crying about it?

7th. Since everyone in TaS is a f*cking sh*tter and cant play (atleast judging from chats and forum posts), isn't premading then the only option for us to stand a chance? :rolleyes:

8th. bw pls nerf operatives, they can still use dmg abilities. I don't think that was intented and may be a bug




how do you know that i "take great pleasure from it" ? Please tell


You make way to much sense man. Thats not a PvP thing to do :p


btw. I mostly do premades but thats more because after opstime we go in for some PvP fun with a few friends. We could ofc try our best to not get in the same group but that would be a tad silly. I'm in this group because I like to play with friends so ehm .... thats why some people might run into a TSS premade. And no we are not always winning since most of us are not good. Just like playing together.


If you see a crazy gunslinger charging right at you 50/50 chance it will be me :p

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How can people tell if they are facing a premade? Is it because they lose? I do not often que with guild but sometimes que with friends from other guilds. So it isn't the guild name that defines premade.


I have played in pug games with players so experienced we all knew our part and played in perfectly making us very co ordinated but never typing or using TS. I have also played in pugs where the typed word has asked for 1 more to an objective etc or healer go other. So co ordination isn't a factor either.


Is it because people are with the same names? Because the wz finishes and those same people que again so at least 4 will appear in the next wz together.


Answer to your question, from a small sample you seemed very precise on numbers. Matchmaking is an old argument that has never and will never be implemented. And as for making premades que premades well that like trying to revive ranked as 8v8. It is not going to happen, most servers are barely supporting pvp let alone matchmaking that would be installed on every server. Truth is the gear imbalance and class imbalance would have a much greater effect than a premade.


It's super easy. They are super fast coordinating. They come in a set. Tank, healer, dps. They make it impossible to kill anything. You strike a node with one little guy there and boom, the trinity is upon you faster than the guy could type it. You can see who's clearly on vent and who is typing. But the biggest sign is when there is the trinity that comes out together, always together to hit you like a well oiled machine. And you may not die outright but you don't make any progress. There is no catching them off guard because they are that fast to respond. You'll get your suspicions in that game but when the next 3 games pop and it's the same four dudes with one dps node watcher and the perfect trinity...


Other ways: hypergate- they send all stealths to enemy side to sit on the ramp sleep darting you all the way down until low and behold out pops a mara to finish you off while the other keeps you stunned. It happens so fast along that area that you can tell they're communicating via vent not typing. So once they killed the whole team they prevented anyone from surviving leaving the ramp. As an operative I was a runner and they were on me so fast I still died. That was an in progress game I joined. I wondered why when people respawned they weren't leaving the safe zone. I quickly found out why and why there was only 4 on that team. I waited 5 mins before hitting queue after I abandoned the wz.

Edited by americanaussie
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Why are people saying they premade for fun? Like, really? So, why not score the 6 kiffing goals so the match can be over in 2 minutes? Why are you laughing and dancing and holding on to the ball in the opponents goal area, and passing it from player to player while farming the other team? Why do you zap someone then unstealth and dance in their face while your team mate cap?


Losing a game doesn't mean that both teams didn't have fun. I have lost games where I had the most fun and i just have to shout GG at the end because the game was tight and people were playing well (one team had to win).

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Why are people saying they premade for fun? Like, really? So, why not score the 6 kiffing goals so the match can be over in 2 minutes? Why are you laughing and dancing and holding on to the ball in the opponents goal area, and passing it from player to player while farming the other team? Why do you zap someone then unstealth and dance in their face while your team mate cap?


Losing a game doesn't mean that both teams didn't have fun. I have lost games where I had the most fun and i just have to shout GG at the end because the game was tight and people were playing well (one team had to win).


I saw someone on Twitter post that people can just shut it about their premises in regs. They're gonna do it cause they want to and everyone needed to stop complaining. I took them on and they said if I didn't find it fun going up against their premade then I should get into a premade. As if that was so easy.

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Honestly, this whole thread is one big *********** joke.


If you really have that much of a problem with people forming premades, then maybe you should take a close look in the mirror and face the fact that the problem might be yourself.


I soloqueue a lot, I also occasionally premade and anyone that can go with a premade would be a fool not to.

Why? Because the average player in Regs is a complete bonehead.

The amount of times I've had someone **** over my "Sap caps" isn't even to be mentioned.

But I can tell you with absolute certainty the number would be in the triple zero's.


If the average player in regs wouldn't be so god damn aweful, maybe more good players would be willing to queue alone. Tbh, the fact that I mostly play Sin is probably the only reason I still do.

Because if I'd be a Guardian trying to full time soloqueue I'd ragequit PvP itself as well.

You just can't make a big enough difference when the rest of the team is completely unaware of *** to do.



If you can't beat them, join them. If you aren't good enough to join them, work harder. End of story.

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If the average player in regs wouldn't be so gosh darn aweful, maybe more good players would be willing to queue alone. Tbh, the fact that I mostly play Sin is probably the only reason I still do.

Because if I'd be a Guardian trying to full time soloqueue I'd ragequit PvP itself as well.

You just can't make a big enough difference when the rest of the team is completely unaware of *** to do.


This couldn't be more true. There has been more times than I can count that I have been defending the off node in novare with my team having control of south and then nobody stops that 1 person on the other team from capping it completely, even with 6-7 people there. It's astounding. Or when I'm on my healer and I'm the only person trying to stop caps while my dps just go full derp mode and attack some tank that's near the turret and away from the node, completely ignoring any healers or people that are capping. I've also lost count how many dps do less than 1k dps while zerging in mid or deathmatching the entire time, there's usually at least 2-3 every match on JC pub side.

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There is little doubt, some simple match making is needed, but will never happen.

Premades should be pitted versus premades not grouped together the fact that wasnt coded into queuing to start with was poor planning. Very few would argue against that other then a few outlier cases and those that dont play for any challenge they just want to pugstomp, which there are more of the latter then they will ever admit on the forums or to themselves.


This all reminds me of Twinks back in the day in WoW. There were a lot that just liked crushing people that stood no chance, yet when they make it Twink vs Twink a lot bailed because they truly werent after competition. The ones that loved competition grouped together to run premade vs premade.


Really though there is nothing better then close games, some of my best memories in PvP across MMOs are with friends in nail biting games. Nothing beats that thrill.


Its too bad most people dont seem to be after that feeling anymore and the Devs have done nothing to help foster those games.


On a side note, I really wish they went through with what they said at the Guild Summit to add solo queue 8v8 ranked where close games were more likely to occur.

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Honestly, this whole thread is one big *********** joke.


If you really have that much of a problem with people forming premades, then maybe you should take a close look in the mirror and face the fact that the problem might be yourself.


I soloqueue a lot, I also occasionally premade and anyone that can go with a premade would be a fool not to.

Why? Because the average player in Regs is a complete bonehead.

The amount of times I've had someone **** over my "Sap caps" isn't even to be mentioned.

But I can tell you with absolute certainty the number would be in the triple zero's.


If the average player in regs wouldn't be so gosh darn aweful, maybe more good players would be willing to queue alone. Tbh, the fact that I mostly play Sin is probably the only reason I still do.

Because if I'd be a Guardian trying to full time soloqueue I'd ragequit PvP itself as well.

You just can't make a big enough difference when the rest of the team is completely unaware of *** to do.



If you can't beat them, join them. If you aren't good enough to join them, work harder. End of story.


Hey. Gotta learn somewhere. This is why ranked exists. For people who are awesome.

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Hey. Gotta learn somewhere. This is why ranked exists. For people who are awesome.


So I'm not allowed to premade regs because I know how to play the game?

That is the most backwards logic I've ever seen.

You may learn. But you should realize that the envirionment will never be in your favour.

Honestly.. the best way to learn is around good players anyway. But you do need to pay close attention to what you do AND to what they tell you. Because when I explicitly tell you not to do something, you probably shouldn't do it.


The amount of times people ignore my repeated warnings not to go to an offnode..

honestly, that is my biggest pet peeve of them all. Just don't *********** do it if I tell you not to do it.


You aren't only not helping, but more often than not it has adverse effect.

Most people just don't realize this, and that is why it's such a big problem. And that's why I rather play in premades. Less people to **** over my ****, means exponentially higher chance to win.

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So I'm not allowed to premade regs because I know how to play the game?

That is the most backwards logic I've ever seen.

You may learn. But you should realize that the envirionment will never be in your favour.

Honestly.. the best way to learn is around good players anyway. But you do need to pay close attention to what you do AND to what they tell you. Because when I explicitly tell you not to do something, you probably shouldn't do it.


The amount of times people ignore my repeated warnings not to go to an offnode..

honestly, that is my biggest pet peeve of them all. Just don't *********** do it if I tell you not to do it.


You aren't only not helping, but more often than not it has adverse effect.

Most people just don't realize this, and that is why it's such a big problem. And that's why I rather play in premades. Less people to **** over my ****, means exponentially higher chance to win.


You seem very angry.


Premades also wouldn't be a huge issue if BW would just implement cross faction for every map, which is why I love odessa because more often than not there is an imp premade on my team, and an imp premade on the other team, and the matches are often quite balanced. The faction imbalance is glaring atm on TRE, I mean 11 am CET, 70 players on rep fleet, 1,5 full instances on imp fleet. Any reputable mmo dev would have seen the problem by now and introduced either a true group queue, or introduced cross faction / server. Or at this point merged all EU english servers into one, french into one and german into one. But BW ..... is like the slow kid that isn't handicapped, but just doesn't ever seem to get it. Any of those solutions would be a help, but all of them together would be the best thing to do.

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I'm really not that angry. I just swear a lot.


Anyway the point remains.


But I really don't think a group queue would work at this point since the player base is just too small. You don't always have groups running. What they could do though, is smarten up the system to put groups against each other more.

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Premades also wouldn't be a huge issue if BW would just implement cross faction for every map


Or, if the special snowflakes learnt to play, if they insist on playing Ill-murder-you-in-the-name-of-justice.

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