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Anyone else surprised with how Saresh turned out.


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Having weighted the responses of everyone. I must disagree with the ones who suggested the Saresh's descent into "darkness" was flushed out fully. She is a politician and did what most politicians do: lie and do things for their own benefit. Jedi Master June Suros and Chancellor Dorian Janarus certainly did something similar to the Bounty Hunter.


While the events of Ziost can be construed as Saresh "turning evil," it really depends on your point of view. Ziost was the Capital of the Sith Empire; and Saresh, based on intel she received, thought that Theron was fighting a war without her. We must remember that Satele Shan entered into an alliance with the Sith (on Rishi/Yavin 4), behind Saresh's back, even though it was Saresh's call to make. And so, she (Saresh), rightfully, thought that Ziost was another attempt of the Jedi (remember Jedi is a government by itself and it chooses to serve the Republic) to undermine her authority. Obviously, she erred, but which Chancellor wouldn't want to be credited for finally defeating the Sith Empire?


She fell off the "deep end" during the five years that the outlander was in carbonite, and I believe they should have had a side quest to "flesh out" her story. Remember, Satele, too, was guilty of not backing down and sent thousands of Jedi to their deaths. She, Satele, even went to Zakuul to fight but realized that the Zakuulans' mastery of the force was unlike anything she had witnessed.


Saresh was pragmatic but she was not evil. How she turned so bad, we have yet to find out.

Edited by Yezzan
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Power corrupts when having it matters more than using it. If you value power for its own sake then eventually you will use it only for yourself to obtain more. Whereas if you focus on using power for a purpose beyond yourself it becomes tool. Saresh fell into the trap where having power became the most important thing. Really, the only way not to fall into the trap is to focus on the doing not the having or getting.
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Saresh always had an heir of arrogance about her, the first time you met her she was completely unreasonable towards people who came to create a better life, but her taskmaster attitude, her lofty speeches as well as her dismissive attitude says it all really. she the only smart person in a sea of dim witted fools and anyone she couldn't bend she would break; an example was that half a year quarantine to the construction workers who threatened to leave the project.


her rather authoritarian goals were obvious even back then at the first mission on Taris. It continued through to the Bonus missions. She sees you only as a tool to step on to reach the next step in her goals. Since she got everything she could and prettied up the Taris rconstruction efforts with her hard nosed administration, this got her the seat.


The problem with a power hungry, authoratarian and arrogant politician is that she would get instantly drunk from it, she would want more and she wouldn't want it to stop, even though her term ended, she still had the power from the shadows through Madon.


Was i surprised by Saresh turning the way she did from Taris to Supreme Chancellor? No, shes a Zealot to the Republic cause, she rewards blind unwaving loyalty with big speeches and bravado, but privately she looks at you with loathing and contempt because you are above her in that she can't control you in the way she wants, as her lapdog.

Edited by Celise
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I disagree with the idea that Saresh is evil or wrong during Makeb - from her point of view, the Republic has diverted significant resources during a time of war based on incomplete and misleading information from Shalim Avesta. She's mollified by you claiming Makeb as a Republic member and getting the Hutt alliance (tenuous as it is) because it at least balances out the costs of the operation when those ships/soldiers/whatever could have been used elsewhere.


She seems pretty practical then, if not necessarily nice (i.e. simply being glad to help).


It's the Scum and Villainy stuff that is the bigger red flag and she's obviously pretty far gone (to the point of stupidity) with Ziost.


It's shown and stated the deal was made in good faith. Her reaction was "I don't care."


Deal was made. All was on the up and up. Turned out to go bad. She wants to blame the people. :p

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She wants to blame the people. :p


There are other actions she would of tried to take first before taking the path of least resistance. i mean if you are a darksider and take a darkside choice what to do with the refugees: you suggest putting them to work in the republic military as indentured citizens to work off their debt, Saresh fully agrees that it's a good idea. so just imagine what could happen if she had her way?


these people got lucky she used the blame game or that she intentionally didn't want to dirty her hands by suggesting they get put in chains and make to work the machines to produce items for the republic military.

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