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Returned and confused...


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Well hi.


After a 6 month or so absence i resubbed for a month to check the game out, but im a bit confused to this new merged pve/pvp gear situation. I would really appreciate if someone would take the time to answer my questions below =)


1. Is there no incentive at all to do warzones anymore? Beside a chance to get some rare crafting mats?

2. What's crafted with those rare crafting mats? Gear?

3. How do i go about to get BiS items for my toons?

4. Looks like 240 is cap atm(?) but at a cost of around 30mil per toon, how are ppl supposed to gear up multiple alts for pvp?

5. Is there no way to gain gear from just pvping? Do i have to plunge into pve grinding to gear up all my toons for pvp?


Thankful for answers =/




EDIT: With incentive to do warzones i mean like buying deco etc for wz comms, also i kinda liked collecting wz comms =(


EDIT2: And what happened to all the stickies!? No one dedicated enough to make updated ones? =O

Edited by Twin
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Get levels, open crates, have a chance at gear.


Do warzones, get unassembled components, buy gear.


There ya go.


To clarify: Warzones grant you unassembled components, which is a currency to buy gear upgrades. You can also get those gears from command crates, which you get from gaining levels, which you get from doing pvp :)

Edited by Vember
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Well hi.


After a 6 month or so absence i resubbed for a month to check the game out, but im a bit confused to this new merged pve/pvp gear situation. I would really appreciate if someone would take the time to answer my questions below =)


1. Is there no incentive at all to do warzones anymore? Beside a chance to get some rare crafting mats?

I mean, if incentive is needed, there is the weekly for lots of mats, it fills conquest which also gives lots of mats and some credits, and it gives unassembled components you can use to buy gear. I do it because that's just what I find fun, lol.

2. What's crafted with those rare crafting mats? Gear?

Gear mainly (240 rating, max tier is 242) but can be anything you want, like if you like the looks of a certain type of weapon shell, or maybe you want some certain color of dye for your gear.

3. How do i go about to get BiS items for my toons?

At the moment you can either pvp and get the components and trade them in for the gear, or you can do Ops, the last boss drops 2 pieces for an 8 man or 4 for a 16 man. currently on the last boss is guaranteed, the other bosses just have an increasing chance the further in the op you are, but in 5.2 every boss will have a drop.

4. Looks like 240 is cap atm(?) but at a cost of around 30mil per toon, how are ppl supposed to gear up multiple alts for pvp?

242 is the cap atm, but in 5.2 it will be 246?(248? one of the two) If you happen to be on Jedi Covenant I can craft most things if you bring me the mats, other than that, you can rip out pieces from the gear drops from the crate or pieces you buy from pvp vendors/drop from raids and put them in legacy gear to send to your alts. It's definitely not the best system, but a lot of people do tend to make a mountain out of a molehill.

5. Is there no way to gain gear from just pvping? Do i have to plunge into pve grinding to gear up all my toons for pvp?


Thankful for answers =/

I have 9/14 242 pieces pretty much all through pvp. you get 8 components for a win, 3 from a loss. 5 for an arena win 2(?) for a loss. gsf i believe shares the 8v8 wz payout. you get 40 from the weekly and 12 from the first daily. it costs on average around 80 per piece of t1 (230) It can definitely be a bit of a grind though.

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Well hi.


After a 6 month or so absence i resubbed for a month to check the game out, but im a bit confused to this new merged pve/pvp gear situation. I would really appreciate if someone would take the time to answer my questions below =)


1. Is there no incentive at all to do warzones anymore? Beside a chance to get some rare crafting mats?

The incentive to do pvp is still pvp.

2. What's crafted with those rare crafting mats? Gear?

yep. gear, mods, enhancements, etc. craftable stuff. Granted, the crafting mats, ie iso's and void matters, aren't rare. they drop from lots of things, not just pvp.

3. How do i go about to get BiS items for my toons?

Same as before. You can buy the mods and enhancements you want from the gtn or direct sales from crafters, or you can go the long route and get them from crate drops. Mind you, if you go the crate drop route, the mods and enhancements won't individually drop. You will just be betting on the piece you want dropping in the crate, so you can extract the mod or enh, and put it in your current piece.

4. Looks like 240 is cap atm(?) but at a cost of around 30mil per toon, how are ppl supposed to gear up multiple alts for pvp?

Currently, 242 is the max, but that is changing in 5.2. the top craftable is 240. This is a very, and I want to stress VERY alt unfriendly patch. It's borderline hostile to those of use that play lots of toons. the only saving grace is that command tokens, explained below, are legacy bound. As you gain tokens, Your legacy gains tokens. Unassembled components, explained below, are not legacy bound. Again. Hostile toward alts. Don't let them tell you otherwise.

5. Is there no way to gain gear from just pvping? Do i have to plunge into pve grinding to gear up all my toons for pvp?

Yes you sure can get gear from pvp! And I think this is the big thing. You get unassembled components each match. You get extra components for the ranked and reg daily and weekly. You do not get any extra for the second regs daily. Check your currency tab to see how many you have. You only get those from pvp. Just tell yourself it's a renamed warzone comm. In the supplies section of fleet, there is a vendor that will sell you an unassembled piece of gear (your choice) in exchange for unassembled components. You then take that unassembled piece to the next alcove over and trade that unassembled piece along with some command tokens for a teir 1 set bonus piece. When you have enough unassembled components, you can then trade that tier one piece for a tier 2 unassembled piece from a vendor in that first alcove. Head back to the second alcove and exchange it and some command tokens for a Tier 2 set piece. Then 3, then 4 (in 5.2) and so on.


Thankful for answers =/




Responses in red. Additionally, there's the whole galactic command thing. Everything you do in game, assuming you maintain a sub, will award you with command xp, or cxp. Once you are 70, you will start to gain cxp, and progress through those levels. There are 300 command levels. Each time you level up your command rank, you get a crate. Inside, you may find a set piece, or just some garbage. You'll always get command tokens, and anything in the crate you don't want to keep, which will be most of it, you can disassemble in exchange for cxp.


If you happen to get a 230 set bonus piece in a tier 1 crate, or a 236 from the tier 2 crate (not the 234 though, because reasons) you can immediately go upgrade it in the supplies section, assuming you have enough unassembled components.


If you want healer gear, make sure you are in heal spec before opening the crate. Dps spec for dps set pieces, and tank for tank. It doesn't matter what spec you are in when you earn the crate, but it does matter when you open it.


If you cancel your sub, you will no longer gain cxp, and will not gain command ranks, therefore no longer getting crates. I have no idea if you can still gear up in pvp as preferred, since the tier 2 and 3 stuff is legendary grade, and the authorization is (i think) just for artifact.


If you maintain your sub, and just want to grind cxp to get to the next tier, chapter 1 "The Hunt" in master mode is the fastest way to do it, assuming you know how to interrupt, and avoid the boat loads of damage that some of those mobs will do if they catch you slipping.



Funny, isn't it? They got rid of warzone comms, and introduced this cluster **** because they wanted to make gearing more simple.

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Thank you for the replies, i understand the concept now....I'll try it out a bit now at 70 and see how that feels (was kinda hoping to gear up before entering lol) Guess im gonna have to deal with 240+'s in my 208's to start it off =P
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