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In desperated need of an Engine Update


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Title says all, the game is in desperated need of an engine update if it wants to live on for the next four years or so.


This engine is old, laggy, heavy, and full of problems and bugs that would be easily fixed with a new one. WoW got an engine update and the game (despite the current loss of population given the sloppy developers) has had its life span heightened greatly.


I sitll want to play SWTOR for the next 5+ years, but I admit that if this game doesn't get an engine update in the next 12~ months I won't be able to play it or support it anymore :mad:

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Since Bioware or EA had the unique incompetence and ignorance with lack of any foresight to release this game, which according to the press costed 200+ million in production, on a non manufacturer supported alpha or beta hero engine, then modified it by people who don't work there anymore they already killed the future for this game prior to release. The effort now to fix this initial and core incompetence would be enormous, almost like starting from scratch. So I don't think it will happen except Bioware and EA finally pull their heads out of their a... and money needs to be spend too of course.

Star Wars is a big brand and this game had enormous potential but it was wasted in the hands of an incompetent company with no vision for it and with an incapability to run MMORPGS in general.

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Just like Khaled said. If They want to/could repair engine, we already have it.

Show me person that run stable 60 fps, and no 1 fps less than 60 in 8 vs. 8 Warzone with High-End PC, or 16-ppl ops run.

Edited by tummiswtor
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Show me person that run stable 60 fps, and no 1 fps less than 60 in 8 vs. 8 Warzone with High-End PC, or 16-ppl ops run.


Think got as low as 70 but it was mostly higher for majority when in a warzone - 132fps in this link screen grab outside warzones get up to 210fps now


maybe if ran vsynch on it would be constant 60

Edited by OwenBrooks
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First step would be 64 bit instead of 32 bit. And dont tell me it isnt possible. ESO did it while the game was running. Sure it had some bumps, but it works flawlessly now.


They took a shortcut creating 2 x 32 bit processes as a workaround for windows memory limitations to support 32bit system, smashing them back together would be difficult


64bit launcher is very doable but that wont help gameplay

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Think got as low as 70 but it was mostly higher for majority when in a warzone - 132fps in this link screen grab outside warzones get up to 210fps now


maybe if ran vsynch on it would be constant 60


You're really lucky than.

I have outside warzone (when i checking GTN or something) 200-210 too. But on PvP i have 70-80 with drops to 30 during heavy action. I know swtor is CPU heavy based, i got 3rd best Single-Thread performance cpu by benchmarks. No matter If i set my high settings to lowest possible, with turn off nameplate scaling, windowed screen, installing dx9, compatibility mode and other useless advices. I got maybe 5fps more with all these tricks. I just bite my tongue and keep playing. 8-ppl ops got 60+ fps during boss fight. Many of my guild mates playing only PvE becouse PvP is not fun with low fps for them. :rak_01:

Edited by tummiswtor
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Warzones is one area they certainly need to improve fps wise , understand how bad it can get for most players


if you turn the UI off in the warzone watch your fps jump ;) that massive rise(you will get one) is a byproduct of the load they have in warzones between the UI and the actual gameplay

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Warzones is one area they certainly need to improve fps wise , understand how bad it can get for most players


if you turn the UI off in the warzone watch your fps jump ;) that massive rise(you will get one) is a byproduct of the load they have in warzones between the UI and the actual gameplay


Yeah I've noticed that. +20 fps than go back to normal. I've tried to reduce my UI and disable few things, quickbars etc. but no difference.

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Since Bioware or EA had the unique incompetence and ignorance with lack of any foresight to release this game, which according to the press costed 200+ million in production, on a non manufacturer supported alpha or beta hero engine, then modified it by people who don't work there anymore they already killed the future for this game prior to release. The effort now to fix this initial and core incompetence would be enormous, almost like starting from scratch. So I don't think it will happen except Bioware and EA finally pull their heads out of their a... and money needs to be spend too of course.

Star Wars is a big brand and this game had enormous potential but it was wasted in the hands of an incompetent company with no vision for it and with an incapability to run MMORPGS in general.


*standing ovation*

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First step would be 64 bit instead of 32 bit. And dont tell me it isnt possible. ESO did it while the game was running. Sure it had some bumps, but it works flawlessly now.

It isn't about whether it is *possible*, but whether it can be done at a vaguely reasonable cost. (For the record, GW2 also introduced a 64-bit client after they released the game. I've never seen it get above about 1.6GB of memory allocated(1).)


(1) I have two screens, and I'll often leave Task Manager running on the secondary so I can see what, aside from the Windows Telemetry thing and the Kaspersky Rootkit scan, is dragging on my PC. It's usually either or occasionally both of those, simultaneously. I have no idea why KAV seems compelled to look for rootkits every two hours while the machine is running.

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Since Bioware or EA had the unique incompetence and ignorance with lack of any foresight to release this game, which according to the press costed 200+ million in production, on a non manufacturer supported alpha or beta hero engine, then modified it by people who don't work there anymore they already killed the future for this game prior to release. The effort now to fix this initial and core incompetence would be enormous, almost like starting from scratch. So I don't think it will happen except Bioware and EA finally pull their heads out of their a... and money needs to be spend too of course.

Star Wars is a big brand and this game had enormous potential but it was wasted in the hands of an incompetent company with no vision for it and with an incapability to run MMORPGS in general.


So totally ^that^ it's not even funny.


And we're watching it prove itself this game's undoing. As we all secretly knew it would be.


The joke that is BioWare post-2010 would be comical if it weren't so sad and just pitiful.

Edited by midianlord
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It isn't about whether it is *possible*, but whether it can be done at a vaguely reasonable cost. (For the record, GW2 also introduced a 64-bit client after they released the game. I've never seen it get above about 1.6GB of memory allocated(1).)


(1) I have two screens, and I'll often leave Task Manager running on the secondary so I can see what, aside from the Windows Telemetry thing and the Kaspersky Rootkit scan, is dragging on my PC. It's usually either or occasionally both of those, simultaneously. I have no idea why KAV seems compelled to look for rootkits every two hours while the machine is running.


Ill hvae to check how much is being used on my pc , i believe it was 8 last time I checked though....

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Whatever engine they have for the Blizzard's Overwatch would be my defacto choice. That is the first game I actually want to get inside. Even on low settings it's lush and beautiful in fact I prefer it at medium setting. Virtually zero lag in heavy combat on a 5 year old computer.
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Title says all, the game is in desperated need of an engine update if it wants to live on for the next four years or so.
You're in bigger need of a reality check if you think they have any plans to change the engine OR be around in 4-years. It's abundantly clear that the games replacement is in development.
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You're in bigger need of a reality check if you think they have any plans to change the engine OR be around in 4-years. It's abundantly clear that the games replacement is in development.


You're a crazy optimist if you think there's a SWTOR 2 in development. Blizzard cancelled their next-gen MMO and recycled the stuff they had for it for Overwatch.


What we have and what they can make of it; that's it.

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You're a crazy optimist if you think there's a SWTOR 2 in development. Blizzard cancelled their next-gen MMO and recycled the stuff they had for it for Overwatch.


What we have and what they can make of it; that's it.

Who the hell would want a SWTOR 2? This story and timeline has been corrupted and ruined by Bioware - between Raven and now the Eternal Throne, they've destroyed the timeline. We need to move 1000 years closer to ANH to avoid the mess they've created.

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Who the hell would want a SWTOR 2? This story and timeline has been corrupted and ruined by Bioware - between Raven and now the Eternal Throne, they've destroyed the timeline. We need to move 1000 years closer to ANH to avoid the mess they've created.


For that matter, I doubt Disney will allow them to move around much in time; to avoid conflicting with the movie timelines. TOR Era is far enough away from the Battle of Yavin that nothing that happens in it is really relevant to the "modern" era, but move closer, and you have more (potential) effect. And any new game will have to conform to and be based on the post-Disney canon. YEt more problems for Disney.


What we have is what we got.

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The game engine has in fact been incrementally updated many times over the years, with a rather noticeable performance update last year that just about everyone praised.


If you were to play todays release level on the launch version of the engine, I doubt it would even run at any reasonable frame rate.


Personally, knowing that this engine will always show fluctuations in frame rates as you move through content, I simply lock it to vsync and rarely ever see the frame rate dip below 60 anymore, and never below mid 40s... which means from a playability standpoint.. it's a non issue. Three year old computer, running on a mid range graphics card.


Now, we do have to keep in mind that there are literally thousands of variations of CPU/GPU/Driver combinations in player systems.. so yeah.. some players may have some issues.... but I am by no means running the client on a current release cpu/gpu.. and I am simply not seeing the problems some are. Which suggests that players should carefully review their system configuration and game settings if they see issues. Game settings that stress your particular machine should simply be dialed back some until frame rates stabilize.

Edited by Andryah
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The game engine has in fact been incrementally updated many times over the years, with a rather noticeable performance update last year that just about everyone praised.



For me

Before 5.0

- FPS fleet 110

- PvP during battle 70-80, with drops to 30+ and go back to 70-80


After 5.0

- FPS Fleet 210

PvP during battle 70-80 with drops to 30+ and go back to 70-80

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For them to update the game engine now would be somewhat unrealistic. That is something you might do a year or two in though if you see that it just isn't performing like you want it to. I will agree that it needs a complete overhaul. I am just saying it is unrealistic for them to do it now.


Essentially they'd have to make like Final Fantasy and shut down the servers for, likely, an extended period of time to do the updated software and any hardware enhancements too. By the time they relaunched there would likely be no more interest in the current game.


I'm going to agree with TUX in that I think there is something going on. And when TUX says replacement, I'm pretty sure they don't mean that it has to be a sequel-- just that another Star Wars mmorpg likely is in the process of being developed (again). The natural process for Disney would be to get something out that takes place during the new franchise really. I'm actually ok with that.


EA/Bioware still hold the contract for online games for Star Wars though so... we're likely to get a game much like this one. Hopefully not just a reskin though.


New Engine, New Era Setting, and hopefully New Ideas that borrow from the better parts of this game and perhaps the last Star Wars mmorpg too. Just my two credits.

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