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Is the game Empire-biased?


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Hello all,

So I've been thinking lately - and it seems that SWTOR is... kind of heavily biased towards Empire. Think for yourself - the Empire has better class stories, better planet stories, better looking gear, better players overall, Empire (as far as I know) wins all PvP matches, they have the best guilds, and so on... Why even play Republic? It doesn't have any cool stuff. Nothing is left for the poor Reps but scraps :(

Anyone else feels the same way? Do you think BioWare intentionally made the game better for the Empire players, or is it just a coincidence?

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Hello all,

So I've been thinking lately - and it seems that SWTOR is... kind of heavily biased towards Empire. Think for yourself - the Empire has better class stories, better planet stories, better looking gear, better players overall, Empire (as far as I know) wins all PvP matches, they have the best guilds, and so on... Why even play Republic? It doesn't have any cool stuff. Nothing is left for the poor Reps but scraps :(

Anyone else feels the same way? Do you think BioWare intentionally made the game better for the Empire players, or is it just a coincidence?


Could it be that you like authoritarian regime, survival of the strongest ideology and dark design in general. What if it's about perception and what you like? Or maybe it's biased. Who knows.



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Yes and it has been so from start.


They have cooler abilities, looks, stories etc. They even had dps/healing advantages like Sorc bubble absorbing more than Sage bubble, etc.


People got used to it. I still love my Sentinel over the Marauder.

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In reality they have just way nicer ships but that's about it. I mean the Jedi Knight ship is a joke let's say compared to the agent or inquisitior ship.

The rest of your statement falls into the category nonsense or personal bias imho.

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In reality they have just way nicer ships but that's about it. I mean the Jedi Knight ship is a joke let's say compared to the agent or inquisitior ship.

Plus the Empire side has the only player ship you can take non-duel damage in. I have a picture somewhere of my Bounty Hunter lying dead on the floor of his ship. The very top part of the BH ship, right at the back where the captain's cabin is, is far enough above the airlock door that you can take damage, run back up the stairs and jump again and gradually lose health until you go splat. But the ship itself is uglier than sin.

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Well... the Empire does have the advantage of sexy uniforms, British accents & cuter boys, but most of the cool Imperials get killed while the Pubs live on, so it kind of evens out in the end.


Ok those tight imperial officer uniforms are indeed super sexy but the Republic has some eye candy too...like Jonas Balkar who cuts quite a dash in his also tight republic pants.;)

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Well... the Empire does have the advantage of sexy uniforms, British accents & cuter boys, but most of the cool Imperials get killed while the Pubs live on, so it kind of evens out in the end.


Tell me about it.


It's not that I like the fact that the Empire is violent and racist and fascist and everything else. What I like is the idea of surviving and flourishing in spite of it, that's what appeals. And looking good doing it. And the cute boys, yes.


What I don't like about Republic is how.. good ol boy it can be. *blech* And how straightforward it all feels, like there's really no obstacles or moral dilemmas. Plus all the alien talk I have to spacebar through, drives me nuts.

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Ok those tight imperial officer uniforms are indeed super sexy but the Republic has some eye candy too...like Jonas Balkar who cuts quite a dash in his also tight republic pants.;)


But where's the tension, the repression? Where's the "I shouldn't be doing this but I just can't help myself" stuff that makes the empire so darn much fun?

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Empire ... British accents

In the French localisation, all the VAs for the characters and the NPCs are, well, French(1), so the lines between a Trooper and Aric Jorgan after you meet Elara Dorne on Taris make absiolutely NO sense whatsoever. It's all about how her accent is a dead giveaway, but her accent is only marginally different to all the rest, and it isn't different in a way that resembles the Imp accents, not like it is in the English version.


Also: To a British ear, the accents chosen for the different Imp NPCs are sometimes ... odd. Some of the common grunts use "posh" accents, while some of the highest-ranked types, Moffs and Generals and the like, speak in distinctly "common" accents, as if someone on Boston Hill suddenly spoke in an accent characteristic of Harlem or East LA.


(1) They might be Belgian or Swiss, but they are definitely NOT Quebecois. There's no mistaking a Quebec accent, in the same way that there's no confusing British and American accents.

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Hello all,

So I've been thinking lately - and it seems that SWTOR is... kind of heavily biased towards Empire. Think for yourself - the Empire has better class stories, better planet stories, better looking gear, better players overall, Empire (as far as I know) wins all PvP matches, they have the best guilds, and so on... Why even play Republic? It doesn't have any cool stuff. Nothing is left for the poor Reps but scraps :(

Anyone else feels the same way? Do you think BioWare intentionally made the game better for the Empire players, or is it just a coincidence?



My opinion after 6+ months of no-lifing this game. I am a republic person, but the lines and story are for the most part so corny and unrealistic I was forced to move all my mains to the Darkside. Whoever did the writing, art (from armor on down), even the icons for skills and graphics for them suck, and stories really failed miserably. I hate playing evil factions because it is always dark and dreary and just not what I am naturally drawn too. Kind of sad the ball was dropped on one faction.


Just take Counselor vs. Sorceror class...one throws a boring plain rock the other has all sorts of awesome lightning skills...A rock...yeah that was the idea for one of the most iconic classes around a ****in rock, god forbid you make any cool force looking skills for light side.


Rep is one big bland and boring experience. I played all the stories now but merc whole way through and some twice. Also did all planet quests heroics what not for the most part on both sides.

Edited by IIIDeathGripsIII
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Not to mention the Empire has more voice acting. Since they hate aliens, there's less of that generic alien gibberish in conversations, whereas on the Pub side, sometimes entire quest hubs are nothing but every npc saying "Du wanna wonka dey dweebay". That **** get's old real quick. Edited by Vember
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it seems that SWTOR is... kind of heavily biased towards Empire. the Empire has better class stories, better planet stories, better looking gear, better players overall, Empire (as far as I know) wins all PvP matches, they have the best guilds, and so on...

You must be joking - or trolling.

Better class and planet stories? - purely at matter of personal opinion.

Better looking gear? - Gimme a break. Those ugly Sith outfits with the huge ugly shoulder pads, ugly helmets, and spikes sticking out of everything, are the ugliest clothes I've ever seen! The Empire is all "look at me, I'm so bad *** I can wear ugly stuff" Bah!

Better guilds? - I'm in a dead guild in both factions, although the Republic guild may be deader. :)

Better players? - I play both factions - I don't play any better as an Imp. ;)


(I have 16 characters - 11 Rep and 5 Imp.)

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Come to The Progenitor or Red Eclipse. You will want to change that statement faster than you can say "cat".


I dunno what you are talking about, but the quality level of player in TRE on Rep side is through the floor and at china atm. Players using the wrong stims, or no stims, players running 110 % accuracy in pvp, players that have no clue what augments are, players that dont even bother using their class buffs, I mean it is downright abysmal.

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The Republic has never been about being cool, it's about trying to do the right thing for everyone without prejudice or personal gain. The Empire has always been about trying to do the right thing for yourself through prejudice and personal gain and looking cool while doing so.


Basically the game looks Empire biased because that's what the Empire would do. Lure you in with cool gadgets and honeyed words just for you to end up breaking your back under the dominating rule of one of the many Siths, or slaying your superior to take his place.

In short: Propaganda.

And if you believe in real life that the Empire is much better, wouldn't you say the makers actually succeeded in portraying that Empereal propaganda as best as they could? ;)



I do agree on the whole alien conversation thing for the Republic, having to hear the same basic alien phrases over and over again that don't even match the text does kill some of the immersion.

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Hello all,

So I've been thinking lately - and it seems that SWTOR is... kind of heavily biased towards Empire. Think for yourself - the Empire has better class stories, better planet stories, better looking gear, better players overall, Empire (as far as I know) wins all PvP matches, they have the best guilds, and so on... Why even play Republic? It doesn't have any cool stuff. Nothing is left for the poor Reps but scraps :(

Anyone else feels the same way? Do you think BioWare intentionally made the game better for the Empire players, or is it just a coincidence?


Nope nope nope.


I do however see a very clear imperial bias amongst the players on some of the servers.


As for better this or better that (which distills down to personal tastes and opinion) ...... that tells me that you feel the imperial approach to story drama, equipment, etc is better and hence you are actually an imperial at heart.

Edited by Andryah
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Not to mention the Empire has more voice acting. Since they hate aliens, there's less of that generic alien gibberish in conversations, whereas on the Pub side, sometimes entire quest hubs are nothing but every npc saying "Du wanna wonka dey dweebay". That **** get's old real quick.


I got tired very fast of the companions that don't speak basic.

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In many dramas the bad guys look cool, sound confident, seem clearer about what they want and are more passionate about and committed to their goals. They also make easy and early progress on their goals because they initiate the action.


The good guys, on the other hand, are just going along their business and are caught by surprise. They are scrappy, have to get organized, need to convince everybody of the necessity of fighting the good fight against evil for the common good. They're usually under-funded and need to keep together a diverse coalition with varying motivations.


This is what sets up the dramatic tension. A tad overdone in Star Wars possibly because it is a Space Opera.


I personally would like the Jedi to loosen up a bit and let loose, but ...

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empire looks better in movies too but the problem is empire has better story than republic and because of that more people playing empire side and most people main toon is a empire toon specially in pvp.


^ This.


While some say the Jedi Knight story is good the writers and voice actors of the game really shine on all four Empire quest stories. Dare I say Dromund Kaas, Korriban and Hutta are more interesting visually and layout than Corusant, Tython, and Ord Mantell? Yes, most certainly.

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Not to mention the Empire has more voice acting. Since they hate aliens, there's less of that generic alien gibberish in conversations, whereas on the Pub side, sometimes entire quest hubs are nothing but every npc saying "Du wanna wonka dey dweebay". That **** get's old real quick.


Too quick. Balmorra, rep side heroics rings a bell? Three of those heroics in a row end with the exact same voice and phrase.

Also one heroic on taris where a female twilek uses the phrases that are background publicity/anouncement in nar shadaa promenade.


^ This.


While some say the Jedi Knight story is good the writers and voice actors of the game really shine on all four Empire quest stories. Dare I say Dromund Kaas, Korriban and Hutta are more interesting visually and layout than Corusant, Tython, and Ord Mantell? Yes, most certainly.


I agree, Hutta is better than Ord Mantel. And Tython just directly sucks, too much. Korriban is my favorite of all 4. Dromund Kass is way cooler than Coruscant. Empire has better mythology: that includes planets, heroics and even side quests.



Empire toons can have many dimensions. But in 90% of Republic choices if you don't choose corny option you are treated like a jerk. Choose dark, you are a jerk, choose middle guess what....you are a jerk!!!. You just cannot be a pragmatic person.

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