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Favorite species in Star Wars-universe


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Zeltron... because this race is like rabbits and I dont talk about appearance :D


"When you've been in this business as long as I have, you learn a few things: Nothing's more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee, nothing's more foolish than gambling with a Jedi, and nothing's more alluring than a Twi'lek dancer. But I'm here to tell you that last one is wrong. If you like your humanoids flexible, svelte, enthusiastic, and in multiple shades of red, then the most beautiful people in the galaxy are on Zeltros. Who needs Twi'leks?"

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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Zabrak are interesting and they utilize the color scheme I very much like(Browns / Reds). I also like their tech aptitude. If I could change one thing...I'd like to see a Zabrak with full hair(according to lore, it is very much possible). No, I don't count that thing that is present in the game as full hair(Hair Type #2). It is nice, but I'd like to see it taken even further.
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Cathar. I love cats. I love their history, versatility, and tenacity. Their precarious place in the galaxy makes for a lot of interesting (headcanoned) roleplay opportunities. As a people, I love how fierce, passionate, and dedicated they are, especially to loved ones.


Twi'leks: Always been a fan of the underdog, what can I say?


Miraluka: I just think it's so cool that there's a race of people who evolved to "see" with the Force, so they don't have eyes. I know it's a silly and specific gimmick, but I think it's awesome.


Zabraks: Will always have a soft spot thanks to Darth Mal, one of my favorite Star Wars characters as a kid.

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If we're referring to SW as a whole, Canon and Legends, then my favorite is easily Ganks thanks almost entirely to Lords of Nal Hutta for Edge of the Empire.


SWTOR only, then it's gotta be Sith Pureblood. They look ****** and there is so much RP potential once they've been unlocked on a server. For example:



Jorgan wasn't sure what to make of the Lieutenant. It was only on the shuttle off Ord Mantell that he'd realized that, to Jorgan's knowledge, the other man hadn't removed his helmet since joining Havoc Squad at the beginning of the ZR-57 debacle. The first explanation that came to mind was that he'd been heavily scarred and didn't want anyone to see them. But Jorgan dismissed that thought almost immediately, soldiers carried scars as badges.


The crisp, calm voice from the other side of the cabin drew Jorgan from his thoughts, "I suppose that if we're going to be working together, we need to trust the other to watch our back. I'm going to show you something that isn't in my file, and would cause me serious trouble if it got out."


Having said his piece, the new CO of Havoc began the procedures to disconnect his helmet from the life support and other systems that were standard in all Republic armor. Jorgan's eyes narrowed and a grown began to build in his throat as he saw maroon skin and chin barbs when the helmet was removed. It certainly explained why the new CO kept his helmet on, he was a sith pureblood.

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Togruta, for many reasons, but mostly because of the very interesting and appealing visual design.


The second place goes to pureblood Sith, more because of the lore than anything else.


The third would go to Miraluka, as the lore is very appealing and the headware can look cool too. ;]


I mostly play human though, because it makes my characters more relatable.

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