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Landing Party Uprising problem


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Same here. "Defend the Beach head" (or whatever that final phase is right before the last boss) is bugged. Only one group of mobs spawn. Once you kill them, nothing else happens. We also tried leaving the zone and going back in, nada. Tried deleting the uprishing quest, and getting it again the next day - same issue.


Pre-made group (not group finder), and also Story Mode...

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Add a +1 to this issue. Premade group of 2 with comps tagging along- story mode

First group spawned, killed- then nothing

/stuck= nada

ran into exhaustion zones/kill player= zilch

No reset available in phase= derp

Exited area and reset= fingers crossed

Re-entered and were placed right before final boss, but the clickie wasn't lit up/unusable= Sigh

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It would be nice if you guys could fix it in faster than 3 weeks, or at least remove it from the Group Finder rotation while it's broken. It's very frustrating to get locked out of the queue for 15 minutes because the content is broken, and that on top of the frustration of getting to the end of an instance and being unable to complete it.
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Hey folks,


We are aware of the issue and it is currently slated to be fixed for 5.2. I will pass on additional updates as I have them.



could you not shut it down til you fix it properly? People spend so much real time on it, it's beyond absurd
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Hey folks,


We are aware of the issue and it is currently slated to be fixed for 5.2. I will pass on additional updates as I have them.




This kind of lazy bug fixing is what puts people off in this game. This kind of thing deserves a hotfix or the Uprising needs to be taken out of rotation until it is fixed because if we get into that uprising and then everyone quits, we get locked out of queue for a while. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...



I went today into Landing party SM with a single purpose - to find Agent for achievement. And it's a good thing it was the only goal I had, because when we got to the beach and killed first group of mobs nothing happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow. Just searched to see what was up with this and I find out it's been a known issue for over a month, with "we'll fix it in *a month* as a solution? If it's going to take you that long to fix it, remove it from the random queue. What a waste of time.
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