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Trooper Story: dry?


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I'm trying the Trooper class and the story feels really dry. Most of the dialogue is just monotone 'yes sir' and such. It doesn't seem to have the humor or fun of the others I've played.


Is it like this all the way through the storyline?


I feel like yes, it doesn't change for the better. Whatever dialogue you pick, the Trooper's responses are always so... underwhelming. And it's not just the usual lines - the 'moral' choices are just as bad. I honestly couldn't care less about anyone involved and I have to say the blandness of the Trooper was partially to blame. There are sidequests that have better moral choices than this storyline.


The only instance I remember being really conflicted about was a mission between Belsavis and Voss. Without any spoilers the moral choice at the end made me stop and think (for the first time in all three chapters!). But then I picked an option and my Trooper was like "Oh well. Too bad."



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It's terribly bland, and even more so if you play the female trooper. Aric Jorgan, in my thinking is a dull romantic interest, and we're not allowed to recruit Jonas Balkar who would be an amazing romance companion...


And storywise, as a female trooper, the punch of *the* moral dilemma falls flat. Girls night out sucks, definitely not the same emotional punch as if you choose to get to know Jaxo better as a male player.

Edited by Lunafox
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It's terribly bland, and even more so if you play the female trooper. Aric Jorgan, in my thinking is a dull romantic interest, and we're not allowed to recruit Jonas Balkar who would be an amazing romance companion...


And storywise, as a female trooper, the punch of *the* moral dilemma falls flat. Girls night out sucks, definitely not the same emotional punch as if you choose to get to know Jaxo better as a male player.


I wondered if Jaxo with the male Trooper was better (figured it was), but I just head canoned more to it, which I find you need to do for all the classes, so Trooper isn't alone there.


So, had a hard choice with the Jaxo choice on my Trooper.


Would have loved for Jonas to join with my Trooper. DIdn't hate Jorgan, but didn't like him as a LI either. So Trooper goes Theron route :p

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Trooper is definitely one of the more restrictive and less extreme, less funny classes but it has its' moments and I enjoy it. Consular on the other hand, ugh! Talk about dull. Everything the consular says is in a monotone and they have zero sense of humor.
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Trooper is definitely one of the more restrictive and less extreme, less funny classes but it has its' moments and I enjoy it. Consular on the other hand, ugh! Talk about dull. Everything the consular says is in a monotone and they have zero sense of humor.


Yeah... Consular's dialogue was pretty forgettable too. Except for that mission on Nar Shaddaa where you infiltrate some Imperial facility and pose as a Sith. Dat accent :D It just came out of nowhere



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It's terribly bland, and even more so if you play the female trooper. Aric Jorgan, in my thinking is a dull romantic interest, and we're not allowed to recruit Jonas Balkar who would be an amazing romance companion...


THIS. I'm using the 250% XP event to finally get Legendary and I'm just *slogging* through the Trooper because I hate the story that much. The fact that it's Jennifer Hale as the female Trooper voice isn't enough to make me like this dull as crap story.


I really enjoyed flirting with Jonas just to get on Jorgan's nerves. That's all the fun I've really had up to this point.

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Yeah... Consular's dialogue was pretty forgettable too. Except for that mission on Nar Shaddaa where you infiltrate some Imperial facility and pose as a Sith. Dat accent :D It just came out of nowhere




My favorite takeaway from that was the accent and the fact that there's a "usual form" for death of staff by Sith. HILARIOUS!


I hated my Consular so much. I loved the gameplay but her story was just... crap. That monotone really killed me and romancing Theron later on was painful because ROCKS have more personality than the Consular.

Edited by Temprienne
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Yeah... Consular's dialogue was pretty forgettable too. Except for that mission on Nar Shaddaa where you infiltrate some Imperial facility and pose as a Sith. Dat accent :D It just came out of nowhere




"I sensed your presence."


"Did the docking starship give it away?"


That's the most notable, imo, sassy line for Consular. There are a few others, but I did think it was one area the Consular should have shined more in! But then, I did love the story for Consular.

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My favorite takeaway from that was the accent and the fact that there's a "usual form" for death of staff by Sith. HILARIOUS!


I hated my Consular so much. I loved the gameplay but her story was just... crap. That monotone really killed me and romancing Theron later on was painful because ROCKS have more personality than the Consular.


Yep, only one story worse than the Trooper story, and that's consular. It's like everyone involved was on valium.

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I wondered if Jaxo with the male Trooper was better (figured it was), but I just head canoned more to it, which I find you need to do for all the classes, so Trooper isn't alone there.


So, had a hard choice with the Jaxo choice on my Trooper.


Would have loved for Jonas to join with my Trooper. DIdn't hate Jorgan, but didn't like him as a LI either. So Trooper goes Theron route :p


The differences were quite glaring. My hubby and I decided to play troopers together, and the male's story is much richer and in depth, as compared to the female trooper's story. It was a dull slog fest and the only think making it tolerable was Jonas Balkar.


As you say, Theron will be with my Trooper too. Assuming I ever play her again.

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Trooper story is beyond redemption. I finished it during one of the 2x xp event just to get Legendary and hasn't been looked at since. Only reason I haven't deleted it is because Legendary status has an annoying habit of disappearing.


Consular at least you can coax a little life out of by playing dark side (avoiding the overly ridiculous choices)

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Unpopular opinion: I thought the Consular was one of the best class stories and female Consular some of the best voice acting in the game.


You are not alone, I have always loved the consular's story, companions and VA's .


Though trooper is definitely bottom of my list.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Unpopular opinion: I thought the Consular was one of the best class stories and female Consular some of the best voice acting in the game.


You're not alone.


I absolutely adore the female consular's voice acting. She is perfect for my consular, who is generally kind, sweet, and very Jedi-ish, so all the platitudes really work for her. "Sassy" lines wouldn't have been at all appropriate for my consular. I leave those to my smuggler and my agent.


But I was also a big fan of the trooper story, on both male and female sides. I'm less a fan of the male consular.


My least favorite story is the Knight.


I will, on topic, leave these two vids, which feature my Trooper. I, personally, found the dialogue exchanges absolutely hilarious, but each to their own, as they say.


Getting snarky with Jonas:


Inappropriate suggestions on Tattooine:


I actually have a LOT of vids of my Trooper, because I found the story (and the lines) so entertaining, especially if you're a little (or a lot) more darksided than the expected.

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Yeah... Consular's dialogue was pretty forgettable too. Except for that mission on Nar Shaddaa where you infiltrate some Imperial facility and pose as a Sith. Dat accent :D It just came out of nowhere



Yeah, I loved that part XD and I actually thought the story itself was interesting after Coruscant, just the voice acting and dialogue for the Consular were so awful that I didn't care about them. Plus even the companions were less interesting than other class companions IMO.



My favorite takeaway from that was the accent and the fact that there's a "usual form" for death of staff by Sith. HILARIOUS!


I hated my Consular so much. I loved the gameplay but her story was just... crap. That monotone really killed me and romancing Theron later on was painful because ROCKS have more personality than the Consular.

Man, I get that they were trying to go for a "wise calm sage" type thing but damn, a withered turnip has more personality. They should have given us the typical nice/humorous/mean dialogue options the other classes had. I'm not asking for something like what the smuggler or BH get but subtle humor. Let us be like Obi Wan in TCW. Dat hidden sass. Plus they just don't emote ever. Situations where you'd be scared or in pain or angry? Nope, dull monotone. I can't believe Nolan North was the male voice. Talk about a waste!

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Unpopular opinion: I thought the Consular was one of the best class stories and female Consular some of the best voice acting in the game.


Consular is a top 2 story for me. So, I totally agree.


This doesn't mean, I don't wish there wasn't a little more option in those dialogue choices for my Consular, but then I think that of all the classes :p

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Man, I get that they were trying to go for a "wise calm sage" type thing but damn, a withered turnip has more personality. They should have given us the typical nice/humorous/mean dialogue options the other classes had. I'm not asking for something like what the smuggler or BH get but subtle humor. Let us be like Obi Wan in TCW. Dat hidden sass. Plus they just don't emote ever. Situations where you'd be scared or in pain or angry? Nope, dull monotone. I can't believe Nolan North was the male voice. Talk about a waste!


I get what you're saying. The sass options, just weren't there enough and they should have been.

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I think that when you only have 3 options to give the player, as a writer, you're limited in what you can provide, and I suspect that sass is low on the list of options to give a consular. Personally, I think sassy and sarcastic attitudes are probably fairly inappropriate for a consular and that if you're a sassy personality, you're probably not cut out for the consular life to begin with, LOL. Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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I think knowing what you are getting into is the key to appreciating the trooper story. You are playing Captain Rex/Commander Cody from TWC TV series...you are a soldier; you are asked to do a job and you do it. The question becomes HOW you do it. If you go all gung ho "yes sir! how high sir? right away sir!" the story gets a little bland. But if you add a little snark, or some holier than thou, or some outright insolence it makes the story a LOT better. And these "negative" choices are not always DS.


Also, I agree that Aric and Elara can be pretty bland companions, but M1-4X makes me smile and Tanno Vik makes me LOL (Yuun is a throw away companion). When I was playing my male full LS trooper and I got Tanno on my team I thought, "OMG this is going to be another Skadge. I am SOOOO gonna hate him" How wrong I was. The choices I made, made Tanno one of my favorite companions.


I also grant you that the Trooper story is not one where at the end you say, "OMG I HAVE to play that one again," but it is a good story.


I am also on board with those who liked the Consular story and the female VA.


The stories I liked the least? Chapter 3 of the BH and Chapters 2 and 3 of the Smuggler.

they were no longer independent operators I felt beholden to the faction they belong to

Yes, the smuggler's dialogue has some of the best one liners of them all, but by the end of those stories I was tired of it.

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I think knowing what you are getting into is the key to appreciating the trooper story. You are playing Captain Rex/Commander Cody from TWC TV series...you are a soldier; you are asked to do a job and you do it. The question becomes HOW you do it. If you go all gung ho "yes sir! how high sir? right away sir!" the story gets a little bland. But if you add a little snark, or some holier than thou, or some outright insolence it makes the story a LOT better. And these "negative" choices are not always DS.


Problem is, you don't have that many opportunities to add anything. Most dialogues only present you with "yes sir" options with different variations. There is no snark, and the few times you can get "insolent" your character comes off as a whiny brat who has no place in the army to begin with. Gets even worse during supposedly dramatic scenes, like A-77 mission:



When the tech tells you that you have to choose between 300 prisoners and Jaxo everyone else has a line that comes off livelier than your Trooper's. The tech is scared and desparate, Jaxo begs you not to leave her to die, your companions all have different lines that fit their overall personality - but your Trooper apparently has none, because your lines come off as "Oh boy, too bad" and "Oh well, hold tight". Hey, maybe a bit more, you know, emotions?



Part of the problem is, in my opinion, surprisingly bland perfomance by VAs (seriously, I expected much better), but the script itself is quite mediocre. Other classes (mostly) have a flavour to their dialogue: Knight ranges from gentle and peaceful to aggressive and arrogant; Warrior is quite haughty but has plenty opportunities for snark, violence or softness, etc. Even the Consular has a moments or two when their dialogue gets much better. The Trooper? Not so much. I was spamming Esc button during my playthrough trying to get him at least some personality, but he is still the blandest of my toons.

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I mean, you are expected to be more of a Worf than a Han Solo, so no doubt you could consider it dry. Me, otoh, see it as a warm and exciting war story filled with difficult choices. Also Brian Bloom, male Trooper VA, did an outstanding job. He actually sounds like a person, not like some kind of Archetype. Now, what is written is entirely different story.


But it's not everyone's cup of tea. Me, otoh, dislike everything about Agent story-even the male VA sounds...wrong. Like some kind of a snake that's best beheaded just in any case. Everything's so cold and dreary in this story /pass . It is nicely written and designed though-I'll give it that.

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