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Are there body/type and gender combos that fit the story of some classes better?


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I recently started playing through the Sith Warrior class story again, and there was a scene that made me wonder this.


During the class missions on Dromund Kaas you encounter another of Darth Baras' apprentices who is supposed to aid you in one of your missions, but in true Sith fasion, sees you as something of a rival. In his dialogue he repeatedly refers to your Sith Warrior as a 'brute.'


I think that dialogue betters fits Sith Warriors who are physically imposing, such as one with the male body type 3 (my juggernaut) or the amazonian female body type (3 as well, if I remember correctly). Assuming that dialogue doesn't change based on character appearance, it would seem a bit out of place with body types 1 and 2 for both males and females, particularly body type 1.


While that dialogue may have been intended as a remark on the Sith Warrior's personality, the person who said it had only just met your Sith Warrior, which means he could only be making assumptions based on your character's appearance. It reminded me of The Witcher 2, where the main antagonist (Letho) is frequently underestimated by others as being nothing more than a dumb brute because of his size (similar to male body type 3 in SWTOR), when in fact he's one of the most cunning schemers in the game.


I was wondering if there was any other commentary on physical appearance that I've missed or forgotten.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Smuggler has a line that they can say "I'm a Chiss" and the NPC replies "Wait, Chiss are blue."


Well, the Chiss species isn't available to Smuggler unless unlocked through Legacy or coins, so I suppose this line is supposed to be in a mocking sense?

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From what I end up with after playing around with the character creator, body type 3 on Troopers and Bounty Hunters and body type 2 for the rest. Body type 1 and 4 just don't work for me with my characters.


Storywise, I've not really seen a difference save for Smuggler on Voss. With what happens there, it seems to flow better with a woman instead of a guy to me.

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From what I end up with after playing around with the character creator, body type 3 on Troopers and Bounty Hunters and body type 2 for the rest. Body type 1 and 4 just don't work for me with my characters.

I have a few BT1 females, Sorc (Rattataki), Shadow (Dark Red Twi'lek), Commando (human); one human BT3 of each sex (male Sentinel, female BH), and one human BT4 female (Slinger, wears pink a lot, drives the Aratech Rose speeder). I have a semi-plan to try BT3 Twi'lek for Commando (inspired by the one in Chapter XI's Havoc Squad).


The rest are BT2. No BT4 men, no BT1 men.

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From a few comments on the physical strength and build for bh or trooper from npc comments that is, I always assumed body types 1 and 2 were not what the writer's had in mind for those two classes, more body 3, but I don't recall any others having those physical/body comments. I believe IA and Smuggler were written with a male character in mind, but really couldn't say.


For sith warrior, I assumed all strength, fear, imposing was their personality and "strength in the force" not particularly needing to be buff, just athletically fit. Brute comments are because the sith warrior is perceived to be a blundering idiot destroying everything in their path. ie personality, strong in force etc, destructive but not very smart, he/she is an enforcer. But many times you can choose the intelligent character dialogues and constantly surprise npc's by being far smarter then they originally thought. I love that class story for that reason xD

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I could see the Sith Inquisitor as a female, although mine is a male. Sith Inquisitor is canonically a light side, the choice on the light side is more empathetic and I guess they would also be sympathetic toward slaves due to their history. Darth Zash would likely want to choose a strong female to inhabit the body, it's less headache.
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Well, the Chiss species isn't available to Smuggler unless unlocked through Legacy or coins, so I suppose this line is supposed to be in a mocking sense?


The Imperial NPC was awaiting someone. The Imperial mentions the person was a Chiss, which the Smuggler can reply "I'm Chiss." and the Imperial replies "Aren't Chiss blue?" Which, to me, sounds like a clue that the idea was, the Smuggler was Mirilian.


We have already been told Smuggler was written for a male.

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I just saw him calling you a "brute" as being based on what he thinks of your style ex: blundering in and killing everything with no finesse or subtlety. The one class I preferred one gender over the other was Jedi Knight because I felt the story was better if you romanced Kira. As for body type...well not male BT4 for a sith inquisitor, it makes no sense for a former slave to be obese (actually that body doesn't make sense for most of the classes...) and for Bounty Hunter choosing male BT1 just makes it seem like Mako is making fun of you since she calls males "big guy" and with type 1 it would be ironic. Really though I just play whatever I want. Sometimes it's serious and fitting with the lore and sometimes it's just something that amuses me or based on my whim like a body type 1 trooper with a cannon bigger than they are or a Twi'lek sith warrior, etc...
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I just saw him calling you a "brute" as being based on what he thinks of your style ex: blundering in and killing everything with no finesse or subtlety. The one class I preferred one gender over the other was Jedi Knight because I felt the story was better if you romanced Kira. As for body type...well not male BT4 for a sith inquisitor, it makes no sense for a former slave to be obese (actually that body doesn't make sense for most of the classes...) and for Bounty Hunter choosing male BT1 just makes it seem like Mako is making fun of you since she calls males "big guy" and with type 1 it would be ironic. Really though I just play whatever I want. Sometimes it's serious and fitting with the lore and sometimes it's just something that amuses me or based on my whim like a body type 1 trooper with a cannon bigger than they are or a Twi'lek sith warrior, etc...


BT1 Twi'lek Female Commando was my first Trooper :) Loved the idea of her packing a huge Assault Cannon.


Then of course, Vette did it :p


BT4 Male Inquisitor? He was the hutt's food taster! So he ate a lot! :)


Personally, I can't see any of the BT1 Males as any of the classes, I just can't take it serious. :p

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"Aren't Chiss blue?" Which, to me, sounds like a clue that the idea was, the Smuggler was Mirilian.

Well, um, er. Humans aren't blue either. Nor are Miraluka. Nor cyborgs. Nor Zabraks.


So I'd say it's a long step from "Aren't Chiss blue?" to "the Smuggler is supposed to be Mirialan."

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Well, um, er. Humans aren't blue either. Nor are Miraluka. Nor cyborgs. Nor Zabraks.


So I'd say it's a long step from "Aren't Chiss blue?" to "the Smuggler is supposed to be Mirialan."


That's what I was thinking about as well. Okay, one could say that the devs had a Mirialan Smuggler in mind because one of the two famous smugglers in the universe at the point is Hylo Visz, who is a Mirialan. But the other one is Nico Okarr who is human, so... It's a big stretch to state that the "canonical" Smuggler is a Mirialan.

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The IA being a Miraluka Sniper is the only true fit. :cool:


Amusing though that is, was it even an option before Legacy? :p



Nearly all my female characters are body type one or two (I made a body type four Togruta Jedi Guardian as an experiment but I hardly ever play her).

I have so few male characters so I can't make generalisations - I have the same body type three Juggernaut on two servers, and a body type two Gunslinger, and Powertech.

Edited by JediAkemi
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Despite being a popular choice, I'd argue Chiss don't make much sense for the Imperial Agent.


A Chiss should stand out like a sore thumb and immediately fall under suspicion if operating in Republic space, since the Chiss Ascendancy is practically a vassal of the Empire. Humans or one of the alien species that are common in Republic space would be a better choice.

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Well, um, er. Humans aren't blue either. Nor are Miraluka. Nor cyborgs. Nor Zabraks.


So I'd say it's a long step from "Aren't Chiss blue?" to "the Smuggler is supposed to be Mirialan."


Yes. Obviously. :p However, if you're human and say the line, you'd think the Imperial Agent would be more akin to say, "You're human."


It sounds like a line to say to an alien of a non-human color. One could then say twi'lek, but they're to well known through out the galaxy.

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BT1 Twi'lek Female Commando was my first Trooper :) Loved the idea of her packing a huge Assault Cannon.


Then of course, Vette did it :p


BT4 Male Inquisitor? He was the hutt's food taster! So he ate a lot! :)


Personally, I can't see any of the BT1 Males as any of the classes, I just can't take it serious. :p

LMAO food taster XD poor slave too since Hutts apparently eat slugs and such :D


I think BT1 suits an inquisitor since I imagine a slave to be starved and scrawny rather than a beefy and healthy pinnacle of manliness (though who cares? <3 ) and also suits a smuggler and doesn't seem like it would detract from an agent or a jedi consular. I have a couple BT1 males and I like them but it was hard to get used to at first. The only one I would never have as anything but a joke character is that male BT4. I haven't had a female BT3 yet either but one of these days!

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I have little to back it up from a canon perspective, but in my mind the Bounty Hunter, the Jedi Knight, the Trooper and the Smuggler are supposed to be male (I have a female Smuggler, though...). The Inquisitor is most likely female (considering that Darth Zash wanted to take their body... not that it couldn't have worked with a man, of course, but I think it's more likely that Zash would choose a form she would be comfortable with). The rest of the classes probably work either way regardless, though I think of the Sith Warrior as a man and the Jedi Consular as a woman. The Imperial Agent is probably the one who has the most leeway and both genders are equally plausible.


As to the body types, it doesn't really matter for the Force classes, though I tend to think of the Inquisitor as someone who would be on the small/skinny side simply because they were a slave. Generally, I think that any Force class would be more or less athletically fit, though whether that's type 2 or 3 depends on the personal mental image regarding a particular character.

I imagine the Bounty Hunter as type 3, because it makes sense for someone who's been in fights their whole life and is not exactly... sophisticated. The Trooper, thanks to the training regime of the military, is probably in great shape, though again, 2 and 3 would work equally well. The Imperial Agent is type 2, neither too short/thin, nor too tall/muscular because they are supposed to be spies and infiltrators so it would make sense if they have as nondescript appearance as possible. The Smuggler probably works as absolutely anything, everything from 1 to 4 is equally plausible in my mind (with 3 the least likely, though why not?).

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I always imagined the BH as an older male body type 4, past his physical prime but still quick with a gun and could pack a punch.


SW - Pureblood male. Body type 3 would seem to be the obvious choice, but the voice didn't match it. Also a lot of the opponents underestimate the SW strength, so body type 2 does seem possible.

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I always imagined the BH as an older male body type 4, past his physical prime but still quick with a gun and could pack a punch.


SW - Pureblood male. Body type 3 would seem to be the obvious choice, but the voice didn't match it. Also a lot of the opponents underestimate the SW strength, so body type 2 does seem possible.


Really? I know I haven't played a male hunter, but if it's anything like the female hunter, you come off as new to the game but good with the blasters.

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LMAO food taster XD poor slave too since Hutts apparently eat slugs and such :D


I think BT1 suits an inquisitor since I imagine a slave to be starved and scrawny rather than a beefy and healthy pinnacle of manliness (though who cares? <3 ) and also suits a smuggler and doesn't seem like it would detract from an agent or a jedi consular. I have a couple BT1 males and I like them but it was hard to get used to at first. The only one I would never have as anything but a joke character is that male BT4. I haven't had a female BT3 yet either but one of these days!

I have a male BT1 Consular. I figure that since the Consular (and this goes for the inquisitor too) relies far more on the Force than their innate physical abilities, it sort of doesn't matter what body shape they are. My BT1 consular is actually pretty dark sided. I think he got pushed around and bullied a lot because of his size and is carrying a chip on his shoulder the size of Coruscant. He does seem to take pleasure in demonstrating his power over others. He'd probably make a fantastic Sith, LOL.


What I found is that the clothes you dress a male BT1 character in have a huge effect on their appearance. BioWare's male BT1 doesn't scale size down appropriately, and so you end up with a huge head on a tiny body, and they don't look like a smaller man, they just look like a bobblehead doll. However, if you find the right clothes, that can mask that disproportionate appearance, and then they just look like a smaller-statured man, rather than a stick figure with an oversized head.


Really? I know I haven't played a male hunter, but if it's anything like the female hunter, you come off as new to the game but good with the blasters.


It's the voice. The male BH is voiced by Tom Spackman who's primarily famous for TV promos, Movie trailers, etc etc. He's got one of those big deep growly gravelly voices that seems more suited to a big guy in his 40s who has spent the last 25 years smoking 3 packs a day and keeping an entire liquor distillery solvent by hand.


Obviously, that's a stereotype, and there are plenty smaller, younger guys who have "movie trailer" voices. I would agree that the story, is very much tailored to a new gunfighter, just learning the ropes and seeing what he can do.

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