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Gearing up in swtor?


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Ok so i am a new player. I have 3 lvl 70's that i have taken about as far as i can solo. What i mean by that is they all have 230 gear ( 228 in a few spots) .


So the question is how do i advance them futher? I see u need an insane amount of unassembled components , more then i would ever wanna get just from playing warzones. So do i need to join a guild and start doing harder stuff?


I prefer to solo / group finder but everytime i click on the OPS it says finding players a 1/2 hour later...


Any advice would be helpful ty. :)

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You keep doing what you enjoy doing and hope to get lucky with the drops in your command crates.

That's it, if you want to play solo. There's no way for us anti-social scrubs to work towards the exact gear we need, apart from getting lucky or crafting or buying gear off the GTN.

....but if you want the set bonuses, yeah, hope the RNGods are on your side.

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The RNGods are fickle. I've opened around 350-400 T3 crates and gotten 2 242 pieces. That's 2 months averaging 7 crates a day. At that rate it would take over a year to gear up 14 pieces, if i got exactly what I wanted and no dups. So....


Hard Mode (Veteran) OP will get you 236 tokens which will become 236 gear when you trade them in with Command Tokens, (which come from crates)


Do NOT trash any 236 pieces!!!!! Even if you rip the guts out and put them in something else.


since there are really no NiM (Master) level group running to get 242 tokens the next best thing to do is run PvP to get Unassembled Components. Take the 236 piece and the Unassembled Components and get a 242 token. The 242 token + Command Tokens gets you a 242 piece.

Edited by AmadanNaBrona
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You can get better gear in operations HM or veteran mode drops 236 gear and NiM drops 242 gear. Only final boss is guaranteed, which sucks, with other bosses having random chance, but is better than grinding KOTFE chapters. You can't do this difficulty in group finder, and most ops groups form on fleer not via GF anyway. You'll need a guild or set group.

Just ignore pvp and GC if you don't like them and run Ops. If you don't like Ops you have to grind something else

Edited by bdatt
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Get yourself a main.

Find out what content gives you the best CXP for your play time.

Run that over and over for RNG crates and PRAY to the Gods when you pull the proverbial slot machine handle, you get gear.

If you have millions of credits, run OPS/conquest to get mats you can get some gear crafted. (Ex 228 vs 230) crafted is always a bit lower than dropped gear.

Run OPS in the hopes gear drops so you can get a chance at it. Hope your group lasts to the last boss as it ins the only 100% drop rate boss.



Deviate from that when you get board but know you wont be getting as much CXP if you play ALTs or lower CXP content.


Be careful about running to many ALTs. Running ALTs means you are dividing out all that CXP and it means you are not getting to the higher Tiers for better gear. IF GEAR IS WHAT YOU ARE AFTER, I'd find a main because otherwise you get stuck in Tier 1 for way to long dividing out all that CXP to ALTs and soon there will be Tiers 2-4 (maxing at 400 GC) to push through for gear as high as 248 IIRC. You don't want to be in lower tiers if you can help it.

Edited by Quraswren
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One more tip. Put the mods into legacy bound gear, so you can move the gear around your alts when needed. The set bonus of one spec won't be good for another, but the rest still helps.


Also, GC is grind, treat it as an additional way to get some gear for antisocial players, operations will be probably faster, and certainly more fun way to get some balanced set bonus gear. Story modes are bolstered, for hard modes you should have at least augmented 230, and know your class (plus story mode variant of the op) well.

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Ok so i am a new player. I have 3 lvl 70's that i have taken about as far as i can solo. What i mean by that is they all have 230 gear ( 228 in a few spots) .


So the question is how do i advance them futher? I see u need an insane amount of unassembled components , more then i would ever wanna get just from playing warzones. So do i need to join a guild and start doing harder stuff?


I prefer to solo / group finder but everytime i click on the OPS it says finding players a 1/2 hour later...


Any advice would be helpful ty. :)


Honestly, the question you shoudl ask yourself now is: What do you want to do in this game?


What do you want to progress your chars for?


You write that you prefer to solo and do group finder stuff. Easy answer: 230 is more than you ever need to for any of that.


Do you want to become a dedicated operation player or ranked PvPer? Then maybe dig deeper.


If not: don't worry about higher gear.

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