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Non Force Users in the SWTOR story?


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So it'd be more like if Jango and Han tried Sidious.
And they would have died in seconds.


I totally see where you're coming from, but these aren't normal Force users. These are the closest things to living gods in the Star Wars universe. Sidious and Valkorion truly are Dark Lords in every sense of the words.


Sidious soloed five members of the Jedi Council and killed them all near instantly. The only one that could fight him toe to toe was Windu - the co-head of the Jedi Order.


That's what I'm talking about. It takes someone like that to fight these guys.

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I've been an extremely casual player for a year now, and I just subbed and I'm gonna start actually leveling characters. I was curious, do non-force sensitives (smugglers in particular) fit in well with the storylines that this game has? Eternal Throne and everything seems SUPER force-centric in plot, and I was wondering if it feels kinda inorganic.


Apart from the BH(which feels like a disjointed mess), they are my favourite stories. Ok, not the Agent one(too convoluted for me), but I won't deny its quality.


Just go for it! You've next to nothing to lose and a LOT of fun to gain. Especially in one of those four(sometimes I feel like Jack Sparrow lol)...

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Non-force classes are at least force sensitive... which means they subconsciously manipulate the force, but have no formal training. To me, this is explains the incredible luck of the smuggler scoundrel.



You're not just some street-dwelling grunt, you're a natural leader and an honest to god galactic hero.

You've also been touched by an awesomely powerful force user who has specifically imbued you with a little bit of his power.

It's not really much of a stretch.


These two post fit my feelings perfectly about the story for non Jedi/Sith classes. Not to mention you're fighting with a "force imbued" weapon....

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And as for Zakuul...it loses traction rather quickly imo. If you're not one of the Force using classes. Too many shortcuts and explanations needed to really enjoy yourself. But I don't care about Zakuul(again, where's "the Outlander" class?), so it doesn't bother me. Ilum can fit perfectly in Trooper narrative(Garza mentions it in the end). Makeb too, perhaps.
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The Hand of Jadus isn't some scrub boys...lol. Seriously though my sniper could take out any force user with his trusty sniper rifle from miles away... That game mechanics won't allow for that is another issue... But if it were a story that's certainly how i imagine him approaching it... lol


Snipers actually shouldn't be that much of a threat to force users.


Force users have limited precognition where they can sense threats before they occur and defend against them, and they also have access to telekinesis. What should happen when a sniper takes a potshot at a force user, is that the force user would either deflect the bolt with his or her lightsaber, or if the round was a projectile like a bullet, stop it with their mind.


Force users were overused as opponents in SWTOR. They should have only appeared in boss fights for all classes, and should be been used very sparingly in non-force using classes. The non force using classes should have only came against a couple force using opponents, and all the victories in cutscenes should have played out as the non force users winning through guile rather through a straight up fight. To compare it to a fantasy-based game, force using opponents should have been the equivalent of a dragon fight.


That would be the only way that SWTOR could have kept force users in line with the universe's lore, short of going the route where force users were an advanced class that were demigods compared to the rest of the player classes.


As it is NPC force users in SWTOR seem much weaker than they should and to a lore-breaking degree, just to give player characters a ton of force users to kill so that they can feel 'epic.' It maybe fits other force users, but does not fit non force users at all. A Smuggler or Bounty Hunter killing hundreds of Sith and Jedi is laughable. Even with force users the sheer number of other force users they cut through during the game is probably a bit over the top.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Snipers actually shouldn't be that much of a threat to Force users.


Force users have limited precognition where they can sense threats before they occur and defend against them, and they also have access to telekinesis. What should happen when a sniper takes a potshot at a force user, is that the force user would either deflect the bolt with his or her lightsaber, or if the round was a projectile like a bullet, stop it with their mind.


Force users were overused as opponents in SWTOR. They should have only appeared in boss fights for all classes, and should be been used very sparingly in non-force using classes. The non force using classes should have only came against a couple force using opponents, and all the victories in cutscenes should have played out as the non force users winning through guile rather through a straight up fight.


Well precognition is fine when they are meditating and such... but they dont have Spiderman "Spidy-sense" to that extent... if and when it does occur it is very limited... and assumes a hightened state of awareness directed toward something/someone (like when Anakin and Obi-wan sensed that there was something happening with Padme but couldnt "see" exactly what it was... but they were focused on the room in question at the time) in most cases... a headshot from behind while hes walking through the senate square of Corusant would work just fine imho. Else by your logic lightsaber duels would never end... each would see what the other was about to do in advance... and it would be a perpetual stalemate. Or the Jedi Jango killed in Ep.2 would have forseen what Jango was about to do and countered it... etc.


I agree that force-users were overused but its quite possible for non-force users to kill jedi in a variety of ways...


Ofc it is true that projectile speed is rather low in SW which is part of what enables the light saber deflections... in reality a Lapua Scenar 7.62×51mm NATO has a muzzle speed of 860m/s decreasing to 270 m/s at 1400m. That is 270 meters/second... good luck with that my Jedi friends...lol

Edited by Valceanu
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I agree that force-users were overused but its quite possible for non-force users to kill jedi in a variety of ways...


Ofc it is true that projectile speed is rather low in SW which is part of what enables the light saber deflections... in reality a Lapua Scenar 7.62×51mm NATO has a muzzle speed of 860m/s decreasing to 270 m/s at 1400m. That is 270 meters/second... good luck with that my Jedi friends...lol


It's not about blocking/dodging the projectile, it's about dodging/blocking the shooter. If the force user knows they are being fired at and can sense the moment that the trigger is being pulled, it can be rationalized they react to THAT moment and dodge or block appropriately.


Of course even the force cannot prevent all surprises.

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You're not just some street-dwelling grunt, you're a natural leader and an honest to god galactic hero.

You've also been touched by an awesomely powerful force user who has specifically imbued you with a little bit of his power.

It's not really much of a stretch.


Agreed. suits any class far more than a darkside (republic or Imp) simply because more than half of the alliance would not follow you. Would even Lana? a sith herself. Given that she's knows the former Emperor is within you. Would she see all these darkside actions as you doing these freely, seems unlikely or see it as totally under Valkorians control. . Would any Sith follow you? Probably until you won the Eternal Throne. Then many would revert back to there old ways. However with the new Sith Empress many may find that the Empire they left is no longer there.


So players here saying the story does not suit (X) class is just a matter of perspective. You can justify any class just as easily as dismissing any class. I am sure many players can put up a reasonable argument why many would not follow a goodie goodie pure as light Jedi and dismiss this as easily as I have darkside characters..

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Agreed. suits any class far more than a darkside (republic or Imp) simply because more than half of the alliance would not follow you. Would even Lana? a sith herself. Given that she's knows the former Emperor is within you. Would she see all these darkside actions as you doing these freely, seems unlikely or see it as totally under Valkorians control. . Would any Sith follow you? Probably until you won the Eternal Throne. Then many would revert back to there old ways. However with the new Sith Empress many may find that the Empire they left is no longer there.


So players here saying the story does not suit (X) class is just a matter of perspective. You can justify any class just as easily as dismissing any class. I am sure many players can put up a reasonable argument why many would not follow a goodie goodie pure as light Jedi and dismiss this as easily as I have darkside characters..

For me it's not about following any particular class. In fact, the trooper would probably be the best overall leader. He/she is a military commander and knows how to command respect and get things done. They also know strategy and how to win battles. They're soldiers.


I'm more coming from a place of sheer power. All the strategy in the world isn't going to make a difference when you're fighting an enemy who could snap you in half with a flick of a wrist.

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I was able to roll with it on my non-force users up until about chapter 6 of KOTET when they started making speeches. God dammit I want my BH to hunt bounties, my trooper to be a soldier, my smuggler to smuggle stuff, etc not run for office. Even my Jedi characters felt out of place in the end of Knights of the Eternal Screw Up. Edited by kodrac
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I'm really curious about how vulnerable non-force classes are after KOTET Chapter 9.




Did all of Valkorian's power evaporate with him, or are non-force players still protected from having their necks broken by the force..? (R.I.P. Torian)


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I was able to roll with it on my non-force users up until about chapter 6 of KOTET when they started making speeches. God dammit I want my BH to hunt bounties, my trooper to be a soldier, my smuggler to smuggle stuff, etc not run for office. Even my Jedi characters felt out of place in the end of Knights of the Eternal Screw Up.


I agree with this statement so much it hurts lol. As an agent, I managed to wipe all existing records of myself with the black box, thus reinstating myself as the Empire's Ghost.


How da hell am I supposed to stealth my ways into the shadows again now that I'm a galactic ruler. I don't even have the option to refuse it or even choose to pick someone more suitable to the task (imo Lana).


Guess I can't be space Bond forever :/

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Just finished the swtor story as a Jedi Consular and while very appropriate for the Force based classes, i dont really see how the story would work for a non Force user.


Going to go through with my Sith Warrior next.

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Can we all just agree that playing as a scoundrel doesn't work with these two expansions.

E.g. "I'm going to defeat some of the most powerful force users by slapping them and kicking them in their special places."


yeah bit odd that part... but hey, shotgun to the face does the job surely?! ... lol

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