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Everyone in by the 15th.


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I agree with the OP. This really can be compared to a soft opening of a retail store. Not exactly like it but close. They are slowly letting players in to see how everything is running and by tomorrow and the next day I believe they are going to open the flood gates. So by the 15th or 16th I think most pre-ordered players will be in.
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And perhaps the crying will stop then, lets hope.........


Back to the game, level 12 allready..................


*** your QQing about QQing and your playing the game FFS Troll!!! As if it bothers you one bit lol.******** how youd somehow feel the urg to log off and search the GD forums for crying lol.Whatever dude.

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Here's hoping we'll be in. Bioware has handled this poorly. All they have to do is tell us that the goal is everyone in on the 15th. The forums would calm down then.

The problem with that is people would think it is a promise. If they hit a snag and need to stop invites, these forums will be 10 times worse on the 15th.

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im sure the thread has derailed.. or maybe ive already posted here (im losing track of time playing ME) but this is how i see it too


i think its safe to say at *least* 1/3 of the pre orders were done in the first week, they let very close to the first week in today, which leaves 2/3 for 2 more days


i could be misinformed, and i dont like to think of myself as an optimist, but a realist, its fully possibly that i wont get in until the monday before, but unless they do uneven amounts for each day (and they said they plan on letting more in tomorrow than today) it sounds like the 15th is the last day

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Here's hoping we'll be in. Bioware has handled this poorly. All they have to do is tell us that the goal is everyone in on the 15th. The forums would calm down then.


But here's the thing. Lets say that do tell us that everyone will be in by the 15th. And then not everyone gets in on the 15th. Guess what happens then? More nerdrage like we all seen today.


Honestly I think they are doing a good job at not telling us when we can expect to get in so as not to piss anyone off when they dont get in on the day that they said. Just sayin.

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if their servers can't handle a full server pop at launch then they massively ****ed up, let all the pre-order people on or you'll soon have more exploits.


i can guess that the crafting system isn't fully fleshed out and will end up with a few people making assloads of credits on the auction house from getting their char fully skilled first. Full server pops keep everything balanced and allow balance to work, not your half-assed solutions to a login queue.

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I thought this would be the case as well, but after looking at what happened today and is still happening I say there is no chance whatsoever we will all be in by 15th.


Not so long ago I thought this would be smoothest MMO launch ever. Unfortunately, since the day of grace period removal, somehow, everything started rapidly rolling downhill. All these unknown variables they are feeding to the community are clouding all the good that has been done.


In less than a week EA/Bio managed to make me distrust every single official statement they make.

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I have been looking at it this way we could all be in on the 17th and i say the 17th because they want to use the excuse of making sure the servers can handle the load by the 17th they have fulfilled the ega promise and then they have two days to "monitor the system". It makes sense to me but i am partially biased to my own logic.
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And perhaps the crying will stop then, lets hope.........


Back to the game, level 12 allready..................


What a troll..... someone who has access to the game and is still looking at forums.. You sir, are pathetic..

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Maybe I'm just an optimist, but for some reason I think everyone will be in by the 15th. They said that the majority of pre-orders were done the day it was announced. With that said, my hunch is that everyone should be in by the end of the day on the 15th. Maybe I just have faith in BioWare, they've never let me down so far.


you played dragon's age 2? ever dealt with EA?

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Somebody never played DA2.


That probably includes you :)


Going with the people that couldn't follow the story and wasn't as epic as DA1...you know most people said they hated the game didn't actually play it they just wanna get a rise out of people? sorry you didn't like it...oh and they fixed a lot of things with patches :) anyway


TOR is going to dominate

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That probably includes you :)


Going with the people that couldn't follow the story and wasn't as epic as DA1...you know most people said they hated the game didn't actually play it they just wanna get a rise out of people? sorry you didn't like it...oh and they fixed a lot of things with patches :) anyway


TOR is going to dominate


Sorry, but DA2 was a super rushed, linear, dumbed down mess of game.. a game that had all of 5 areas to explore over... and over... and over.. The story had no connectivity, was a shambles of side stories without a main theme outside Templar's vs Mages and ended with a power ranger's fight..


DA2, imo, after playing it, was bad... sorry

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Due to what has transpired today I'd like to think that Bioware takes a different stance on this "delayed" deployment tactic and puts 85-90% of the preorders in.


It's likely about 60% of them wont be able to play until evening anyways, since it's the middle of the work week people will play for 3 - 4 hours and go to bed for the other timezones to have their fun.


I can't possibly imagine Bioware wants the same thing happening on their forums tomorrow where posts reach +1000 in a matter of minutes because of the rage.


Agreed. I would hope Bioware would want to try to avoid the **** storm but who knows.

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It takes a lot of angry people to sink a game's metacritic score down to the level of DA 2's. You may have personally liked it, but that's what so great about the world. Lot of diverse views. How many of those diverse views are shared by the majority? Well, there are people out there who like to have poo dropped in their mouth. Not going to judge them, but I doubt anyone would consider them the majority.


That said, the actual game here is good. I say that having played in beta for many months. The whole removing the grace period and staggered early release is bad, but ultimately, in two weeks, no one will be talking about it anymore.


Life goes on.


As for anyone who really believes everyone is going to get in by the 15th...lol. I feel sorry for anyone who pre-ordered in Nov/Dec. With the servers likely coming down for most of the 19th to prepare for the 'official' release (nevermind that Bioware itself has celebrated the game as having already launched), I doubt many...if any...of you will get more than an hour or two of early play time. :p


I know I shouldn't find that hilarious. But, it's like the youtube of the fat kid and his lightsaber from ten years ago. It's hilarious, even though you know it's mean.

Edited by revial
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I thought this would be the case as well, but after looking at what happened today and is still happening I say there is no chance whatsoever we will all be in by 15th.


Not so long ago I thought this would be smoothest MMO launch ever. Unfortunately, since the day of grace period removal, somehow, everything started rapidly rolling downhill. All these unknown variables they are feeding to the community are clouding all the good that has been done.


In less than a week EA/Bio managed to make me distrust every single official statement they make.


My thoughts as well. I love Bioware games but after DA2 and this they're games in my eyes are starting to become more and more like the generic games you see all the time rather than the diamond they used to be.

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Maybe this slow early access is part of forum (mods) testing.

To see how much forum and mods can handle. :p


On the matter of early access... it was just sad and hilarious at the same time to see server status page at 9pm evening US time... most servers light/standard... I guess the hardware needs some warming up for few days or what?

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