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Bad Days Ahead..........Immediate Responce Required


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From what I have seen in every one of these spammed "Merge servers NOW!!!!! I NEED LFG foddder!!!!!" threads, many of the the people on Ebon Hawk, JC and Shadowlands seem to have no problem with queues.


Is that because they behave in a respectful and respectable manner and have not found themselves on a plethora of ignore lists, and therefore have more people with whom the LFG tool may group them? I cannot say for certain, but it IS a distinct possibility.


That doesn't mean much if you want to pvp. If there is no one in the queue, then there is no pvp.

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No its not. First of all did you know that this game has 100s if not 1000s of people trying this game for the first time every week? Do you think it is healthy to leave completely dead servers online when a new player might say "hey Bastion sounds like a fun server name to play on" and makes a character there? I mean FOR REAL? Your joking right? There is no longer a server activity meter. It was removed by the development team.


Shockingly, most new players are not complete and total imbeciles (which might explain why you are so bad at comprehending their actions,) and would do what any person old enough to play an MMO would do: If they started a character on a server that was too empty for their tastes, they would realize it well before progressing too far, and REMAKE THEIR CHARACTER ON A SERVER THEY LIKED.


I'm housebound. I'm on this game all the time. All of my characters are on Ebon Hawk. I have 5 level 70s that I alternate between, as well as a few lower level alts, so I'm constantly either on the Fleet or on planets for leveling/dailies. Fleet is universally 50+, at its weakest hours (early east coast AM on week days), and during evenings it's 100+. Once it's late enough that the West Coast players join in, that'll hit ~150. Planets, depending on which planet it is, fluctuate from between 15 (for places like Quesh) to 60+ (for primetime Balmorra.)


Do the PVP queues pop fast? I wouldn't know, because like the MAJORITY of the server population, I didn't come to an RP-PvE server to play PVP. I do PvE, world boss farming, dailies. If my focus was elsewhere, I would join a server with that focus, because this game allows for inexpensive transfers for people who are unhappy with their current server.


Just because you can't keep it in your pants for another 5-10 minutes, you want to destroy well-populated, friendly, and content servers, uprooting HUNDREDS of people, so you can blow your wad quicker? Give me a break. You are actually the most spoiled, selfish person I've had the misfortune of encountering in these forums, and since I've been playing since launch that really says a lot. Now by all means, tell me how wrong I am because you have an alt on a server that isn't tailored for your delicate needs.


Screw the hundreds of happy players! Baby doesn't wanna have to wait!


I would uninstall and laugh. Give me a break.


How about you go ahead and do that and give the rest of the playerbase a break. :rolleyes:

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Max, I would just give up, you may as well be yelling at bunch of seagulls who won't let you eat your chips. They're just using lots of noise and drama to try and drown you out.

I've read lots of these threads since mid last year and it always the same 3-4 people who jump in to argue vehemently against people who need server merges to play their preferred content.

One person in particular is very quick to accuse people who create these threads or agree with merges that they are spamming or trolling. But that person is the most vocal in everyone of these threads and I dare say spams the same points over and over even after people try to explain why it affects them. For every person that doesn't want merges there are 20 that do. You'd think from the loud noise they make there would be 100s of them, but there's only about 4.

Arguing with them will get you no where. It won't matter how logical you are or how badly it affects you or others. As long as those small number of loud people get to stay on a dead server and play solo, they don't care. All they want to do is get you to shut up about merges and go away so Bioware don't see. It's happened in every one of the merge threads until people just can't stand arguing with them anymore. The thread dies and the problem is once again out of sight and out of mind.

Max, as much as I can see you love the game and understand what needs to be done, arguing with these recalcitrance, selfish, trollish fools will only raise your blood pressure. They won't give up, they will keep going until the topic is dropped. You only need to go back and look at all the other threads they've done this to, even their arguments are getting old.

I even remember someone made a poll that they discredited as being bias because it didn't come out in their favour. It didn't matter that there was over whelming support for merges.

Edited by Totemdancer
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That doesn't mean much if you want to pvp. If there is no one in the queue, then there is no pvp.


If you are dependent on random players in queues... you need to stay on Harbinger, where most of the random queue PvPers have aggregated.


But for people that actually have stable friends and/or guild mates in game, random queuing is not that important to them.


Stop demanding people be forcibly migrated/merged to your server. It will not result in faster queues, or better pops for you because said players are not interested in your particularly random-dependency play style.

Edited by Andryah
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If you are dependent on random players in queues... you need to stay on Harbinger, where most of the random queue PvPers have aggregated.


But for people that actually have stable friends and/or guild mates in game, random queuing is not that important to them.


Stop demanding people be forcibly migrated/merged to your server. It will not result in faster queues, or better pops for you because said players are not interested in your particularly random-dependency play style.


There we go, it didn't take long :p

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Doesn't bother me at all. I'm a solo player. I see plenty of people around. It's not fair that people demand uber servers and merges when the people that are on the servers are happy where they are and happy doing what they're doing. It feels like those who want the mergers don't give a crap about people who would lose all their stuff, just so they don't have to wait longer than two minutes in a queue.


I don't get why those who are unhappy don't just transfer and go wherever they want. It's not like it costs much these days and apparently on some servers I understand that it's free.


First of all, there are no free transfers to or from any server. The only free transfers are the one you get when clicking a referral link, which you can only do once.


Second of all, what "stuff" are you going to lose in a merger. The only thing you stand to lose is a character name, which appears to be less and less likely with the decreasing population.


Is it fair that people who have come to this MMO for a Star Wars MMO experience are not getting the experience they should be getting? Why is their happiness less important than your happiness?


At the end of the day, the health and future of this game is the most important thing. As I said in a previous post, if BioWare can afford to keep this game afloat without a server merger, then more power to them. However, if the game is suffering because of the current state of the server's, then it is incumbent upon them to fix the issue and not use half-arsed duct tape workarounds to do so.

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Is it fair that people who have come to this MMO for a Star Wars MMO experience are not getting the experience they should be getting? Why is their happiness less important than your happiness?


Their happiness is not less important. But their behavior in some cases is terribad when discussing the issue.


Here is a core element in the discussion that is being ignored by those who are unhappy: They want people merged to their server for their benefit.. and do not care (or are simply oblivious) to the impact that would have on other players.


As long as the studio is keeping the super cheap transfer rates in place (which they have now said are indefinite), people who do not like their server can and should just transfer. But this is not what the OP is interested in. The OP has lobbied for multiple years that the "game is dead" and that all players need to be consolidated, by force, to his particular server (Harbinger). It is the height of selfishness being expressed here by him.


Why is the OPs selfish attitude to impact others happiness OK with you, while those that disagree with him are not OK?


And once again.. people such as yourself choose to ignore the real impact of any server merges. It's not about a character losing their name or anything else.... it IS about the impact it would have on guilds, since the studio has no process to move guilds intact. Period. Stop. Until this issue is resolved by the studio.. server merges are the worst of all choices.


I do however support them turning the lights out on Bastion, PoT5, and Jung Ma, and giving every character remaining on those servers free transfers somewhere else. Then again, I don't know if those remaining on these three old PvP servers (which are largely abandoned in masse by PvPers when free transfers hit) want to be forced off these servers or not.

Edited by Andryah
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If you are dependent on random players in queues... you need to stay on Harbinger, where most of the random queue PvPers have aggregated.


But for people that actually have stable friends and/or guild mates in game, random queuing is not that important to them.


Your not dumb and you know what your doing here. Fortunately I am not the only one that sees the game your trying to play to try to squelch this issue. Almost everyone knows that the tiny group of isolationists are very vocal.


Now lets get back to the brass facts and stop with your attempt to shut this conversation down. Here is the facts and you dam well know this. It is not ONLY pvp that relies on group finder queues. It is a huge amount of this game. First of all GSF and PVP exclusively rely on group finder to even play it in any capacity. You know that so why are you trying to spin this into you playing possum and somehow form some sort of sympathy for you and the small group of friends you have on the forums.


Another aspect of this game is a total board (approx. 50) FPs,OPs, and now URs that are all triggered by group finder queues. And if that isn't bad enough, there are certain DAILYS AND WEEKLYS THAT CAN ONLY BE ACHIEVED BY USING THE GROUP FINDER. You are fully aware of this. Your not ignorant of this information. So for you to simply mention PVP in your post is not only misleading, it is outright shameful.


NOW your going to try to tell me that creating a mega server to have an active player base virtually 24/7 is a bad idea because you don't use all of those mechanics listed above? Are you for real? I hate to say this but you look like the most selfish, self centered player this game could imagine having. It actually pathetic to watch you defend you position that is so self centered.


I wnet thru several FORCED server mergers. My original server at launch was merged to Fatman. Fatman was merged into POT5. And then at that point I spent 1800cc to move 16 toons from POT5 to Harbinger. Don't tell me about server mergers, Ill tell you.


Every time I was forced I welcomed it. Why? Because I knew it would help the game as a whole. Yup I had to rename, yup I had to re configure guilds. Yup it was an inconvenience BUT I knew it was necessary for the future of this game.


The transfer that really burned my butt was when I move from POT5 to Harbinger years ago. POT5 went from the most active NA server to horrible shape in a short amount of time. It really irked me to shell out 1800cc per toon. But I did it. Why? Because I loved playing this game. And for me it was worth the financial sacrifice to play it the way it was intended to play. And POT5 was not allowing the game mechanics to work properly because of its diminishing population.


There is a lot more at stake then worrying about a tiny handful of people who don't want to be inconvenienced by a mega server. But you know what, if you love this game enough you will do it like I did several times. And quite honestly if you don't like this game enough to endure a mega server or server merger than TBH maybe you should re think why your playing, and what's this game worth to play. Might be time for a wakeup call for a lot of people. The future of this game may rely on your support or your departure from this game. I prefer support, but if you cant do that then get out of the way. Because with your type of thinking, you are holding up progress. A progress for the game as a whole, not a small minority of loud mouths who make a lot of noise.

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Their happiness is not less important. But their behavior in some cases is terribad when discussing the issue.


Here is a core element in the discussion that is being ignored by those who are unhappy: They want people merged to their server for their benefit.. and do not care (or are simply oblivious) to the impact that would have on other players.


As long as the studio is keeping the super cheap transfer rates in place (which they have now said are indefinite), people who do not like their server can and should just transfer. But this is not what the OP is interested in. The OP has lobbied for multiple years that the "game is dead" and that all players need to be consolidated, by force, to his particular server (Harbinger). It is the height of selfishness being expressed here by him.


Why is the OPs selfish attitude to impact others happiness OK with you, while those that disagree with him are not OK?


And once again.. people such as yourself choose to ignore the real impact of any server merges. It's not about a character losing their name or anything else.... it IS about the impact it would have on guilds, since the studio has no process to move guilds intact. Period. Stop. Until this issue is resolved by the studio.. server merges are the worst of all choices.


I do however support them turning the lights out on Bastion, PoT5, and Jung Ma, and giving every character remaining on those servers free transfers somewhere else. Then again, I don't know if those remaining on these three old PvP servers (which are largely abandoned in masse by PvPers when free transfers hit) want to be forced off these servers or not.


LoL, you pretty much described yourself and how you carry on in every merge server thread, but on the opposing side. It's seems what's ok for you isn't ok for others. ;)

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LoL, you pretty much described yourself and how you carry on in every merge server thread, but on the opposing side. It's seems what's ok for you isn't ok for others. ;)


Except I am not against server merges, and never have been. Clearly you are reading selectively if you feel your comment above is accurate. ;)


I am against poorly conducted server merges.. and the lack of guilds being able to move intact in a merge in this MMO is extremely problematic for guilds. I know some players are not into guilds.. and live off of fast random pops in queues, and as such... see merges as the only viable solution, and could care less how it impacts other players in the process. The fact that you willfully ignore this tells me you are probably guildless, or at least lack loyalty to your guild in any way. That is your choice, but please... don't pretend your viewpoints do not warrant disagreement from other players.

Edited by Andryah
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I didn't say it was not OK to disagree with those who want server merges. I just want to make sure that people know the facts when they do disagree. I am total agreement with the guild issue and server merges as well, hense "half-arsed duct tape" workaround, which the cheap transfers also suffer from.


As you said, I believe, merges will not solve what people like the OP want them to solve, and neither will X-server. However, I believe that my comments in my last couple of posts still stand. This is an MMO and therefore should provide that experience. I'm sorry for those who came here looking for a single-player KOTOR 3. That's not what this game is, though I certainly appreciate the fact that it is a very solo friendly game. At the end of the day, people need to play this game for what it is - an MMO, and the game should provide that experience to all players. If that now requires server merges to do so, then that is what should happen, and BW needs to get on the ball and come up with solutions to the guild and stronghold issues.

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Except I am not against server merges, and never have been. Clearly you are reading selectively if you feel your comment above is accurate. ;)


I am against poorly conducted server merges.. and the lack of guilds being able to move intact in a merge in this MMO is extremely problematic for guilds. I know some players are not into guilds.. and live off of fast random pops in queues, and as such... see merges as the only viable solution, and could care less how it impacts other players in the process. The fact that you willfully ignore this tells me you are probably guildless, or at least lack loyalty to your guild in any way. That is your choice, but please... don't pretend your viewpoints do not warrant disagreement from other players.


LMAO. your ability to chop and change your attacks are pretty impressive, but you always come back to the personal attacks and insults because you can't debate.

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Fleet is universally 50+, at its weakest hours (early east coast AM on week days), and during evenings it's 100+. Once it's late enough that the West Coast players join in, that'll hit ~150. Planets, depending on which planet it is, fluctuate from between 15 (for places like Quesh) to 60+ (for primetime Balmorra.)



As recent as 2014 Ebon Hawk had 2 instances on fleet totaling 200+. Quesh 40+ and Balmorra 150+. Instead of making personal attacks instead focus your anger on EAware for not answering any of the several active threads that talk about population issues. If they said next week that the way the game is built (guildships) they can't merge servers then the people that want the higher population will get the green light to go to Harbinger. Leaving behind forever their guild ships which they would happily sacrifice in order to get with more people who do group content.

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As recent as 2014 Ebon Hawk had 2 instances on fleet totaling 200+. Quesh 40+ and Balmorra 150+. Instead of making personal attacks instead focus your anger on EAware for not answering any of the several active threads that talk about population issues. If they said next week that the way the game is built (guildships) they can't merge servers then the people that want the higher population will get the green light to go to Harbinger. Leaving behind forever their guild ships which they would happily sacrifice in order to get with more people who do group content.


That's pretty much the situation. I think both sides of the argument would like to hear something from Bioware so that people know where they stand.

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First of all, there are no free transfers to or from any server. The only free transfers are the one you get when clicking a referral link, which you can only do once.


Second of all, what "stuff" are you going to lose in a merger. The only thing you stand to lose is a character name, which appears to be less and less likely with the decreasing population.


Is it fair that people who have come to this MMO for a Star Wars MMO experience are not getting the experience they should be getting? Why is their happiness less important than your happiness?


At the end of the day, the health and future of this game is the most important thing. As I said in a previous post, if BioWare can afford to keep this game afloat without a server merger, then more power to them. However, if the game is suffering because of the current state of the server's, then it is incumbent upon them to fix the issue and not use half-arsed duct tape workarounds to do so.


It may as well be free, when you get cartel coins each month for being a sub and the price is reduced to 90cc. You can move several characters on a monthly grant.


Second of all, the *stuff* I'm referring to is the guild ships and guild houses I've bought. And all the furnishings. I've spent billions on this stuff and I did it to fill the content gap until new chapters arrived. I would literally LOSE EVERYTHING if I was forced to merge, because I spent everything I had to keep myself adequately entertained in the game instead of coming on the forums to demand stuff. I'm not worried so much about my names. I was clever enough to reserve my names that are important to me EVERYWHERE. Names are easily dealt with, billions upon billions earned over years and spent on guild stuff and decor is another matter entirely.


Until they come up with a means of making sure guild ships, home and decor aren't lost, and even names too, I will fight mergers tooth and nail.


I also like the population and community on my server as it is. Why should I have to give that up because you can't or won't spend the 90cc to move your unhappy self to another server? I don't like to begrudge anyone their happiness, but I'm not going to give away my happiness freely because others are impatient and want faster cues on servers that aren't and never were focussed on PVP. :mad:

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It may as well be free, when you get cartel coins each month for being a sub and the price is reduced to 90cc. You can move several characters on a monthly grant.


Second of all, the *stuff* I'm referring to is the guild ships and guild houses I've bought. And all the furnishings. I've spent billions on this stuff and I did it to fill the content gap until new chapters arrived. I would literally LOSE EVERYTHING if I was forced to merge, because I spent everything I had to keep myself adequately entertained in the game instead of coming on the forums to demand stuff. I'm not worried so much about my names. I was clever enough to reserve my names that are important to me EVERYWHERE. Names are easily dealt with, billions upon billions earned over years and spent on guild stuff and decor is another matter entirely.


Until they come up with a means of making sure guild ships, home and decor aren't lost, and even names too, I will fight mergers tooth and nail.


I also like the population and community on my server as it is. Why should I have to give that up because you can't or won't spend the 90cc to move your unhappy self to another server? I don't like to begrudge anyone their happiness, but I'm not going to give away my happiness freely because others are impatient and want faster cues on servers that aren't and never were focussed on PVP. :mad:


If they could smoothly merge all of your things over to another server without losing anything, would you consider it a compromise if it was good for the health of the whole game?

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If they could smoothly merge all of your things over to another server without losing anything, would you consider it a compromise if it was good for the health of the whole game?


It would help. But honestly, I like things on my server as they are. The population is fine, people that I do speak to are nice and helpful. I honestly don't want to be part of an idiot infested nightmare like Harbinger.


But in forcing someone like me to move, how is that going to help you anyway? I still won't queue for pvp, group stuff or ops. That's the thing, people who don't play the focus that you do, aren't going to improve your situation with a forced move.

Edited by Lunafox
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It may as well be free, when you get cartel coins each month for being a sub and the price is reduced to 90cc. You can move several characters on a monthly grant.

There's a difference between free and "almost" free. 90cc isn't much for a couple of characters. But remember, this game was built on alt-o-hitis. It can become quite costly to transfer, even with the monthly allotment for a good number of players, I'll wager.


Second of all, the *stuff* I'm referring to is the guild ships and guild houses I've bought. And all the furnishings. I've spent billions on this stuff and I did it to fill the content gap until new chapters arrived. I would literally LOSE EVERYTHING if I was forced to merge, because I spent everything I had to keep myself adequately entertained in the game instead of coming on the forums to demand stuff. I'm not worried so much about my names. I was clever enough to reserve my names that are important to me EVERYWHERE. Names are easily dealt with, billions upon billions earned over years and spent on guild stuff and decor is another matter entirely.

And hence why that cheap 90cc isn't all that cheap after all, like I mentioned above. You think you're the only one with that stuff. Whether it be mergers or transfers, it hurts everyone and that is completely the fault of BioWare for not being forward thinking enough to have that issue solved long ago.


However, we have survived mergers in the past, even with these limitations. If we need mergers now, even half-arsed as it is, we'll survive again and nothing but a bit of time will be lost in the end.



Until they come up with a means of making sure guild ships, home and decor aren't lost, and even names too, I will fight mergers tooth and nail.

I agree. Finding a solution to this problem should be one of the top things on BioWare's To Do list. However, if push comes to shove and the mergers are needed to maintain the health of this game. Then to heck with everything else. Mergers need to happen.


I also like the population and community on my server as it is. Why should I have to give that up because you can't or won't spend the 90cc to move your unhappy self to another server? I don't like to begrudge anyone their happiness, but I'm not going to give away my happiness freely because others are impatient and want faster cues on servers that aren't and never were focussed on PVP. :mad:[/QUOte]

I also like my servers and have been quite happy with them. Perhaps you didn't see my previous post in this thread regarding that topic, but I have had no issues playing the game and enjoying it (4.0 and 5.0 notwithstanding), so at the end of the day, I have no need nor desire to transfer to another server. But again, my concern is ensuring the health of this MMO. Right now it is far from healthy. Even though I am a solo player in my heart and soul, this is an MMO and I fully expect that any and all who have come to play this as an MMO should have the right to do so. Even if that means I am inconvenienced in the end, and if this game's life is shortened or ended because of BioWare's failure to merge servers, regardless of their lack of foresight, than all those years of collecting stuff that you are so worried about isn't worth squat anyway, now is it?

Edited by BJWyler
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It would help. But honestly, I like things on my server as they are. The population is fine, people that I do speak to are nice and helpful. I honestly don't want to be part of an idiot infested nightmare like Harbinger.


But in forcing someone like me to move, how is that going to help you anyway? I still won't queue for pvp, group stuff or ops. That's the thing, people who don't play the focus that you do, aren't going to improve your situation with a forced move.


It's not that we need you personally or others who don't do queued group content on the server, it's that we need all the others who would do group content or would come back to the game if their whole legacy was merged over.

It's not only yourself who have Guild Ships or Strong Holds etc. others do to and they would also like to be able to take them to a more populated server.

But the only way that can happen is if they merge the servers.

Transfers aren't free even if they are only 90cc. Lots of people have many characters and it would cost money or months to move them all over.

You also have people who are new to the game and start on a low population server without knowing it. When they see how quiet it is they leave the game and don't come back.

Returning players come back and see the server is dead and just leave. Not everyone comes to the forums or checks other servers to see a population. I guess if they hadn't removed the server status on the login screen it wouldn't be as big a problem.

By bringing all the people together from different servers it consolidates the population and it's people can have the chance to play the game anyway they like.

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As recent as 2014 Ebon Hawk had 2 instances on fleet totaling 200+. Quesh 40+ and Balmorra 150+. Instead of making personal attacks instead focus your anger on EAware for not answering any of the several active threads that talk about population issues. If they said next week that the way the game is built (guildships) they can't merge servers then the people that want the higher population will get the green light to go to Harbinger. Leaving behind forever their guild ships which they would happily sacrifice in order to get with more people who do group content.


No one is stopping them from moving now.


If they are so willing to happily give up their guild ships, then why not do it now? Leave behind a character to serve as GM to maintain control of the guild and guild assets and then if BW does merge servers, leaving guilds and guild assets intact, that GM character, the guild and all of its guild assets will be available again.

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No one is stopping them from moving now.


If they are so willing to happily give up their guild ships, then why not do it now? Leave behind a character to serve as GM to maintain control of the guild and guild assets and then if BW does merge servers, leaving guilds and guild assets intact, that GM character, the guild and all of its guild assets will be available again.


Or they could just merge the servers now instead of later and the problem is solved ;)

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No one is stopping them from moving now.


If they are so willing to happily give up their guild ships, then why not do it now? Leave behind a character to serve as GM to maintain control of the guild and guild assets and then if BW does merge servers, leaving guilds and guild assets intact, that GM character, the guild and all of its guild assets will be available again.


GM Message of the Day:


Hey guys don't really play on this server anymore but I'll stop by every 29 days to maintain control of the flagship and all the guild assets. Enjoy!



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Or they could just merge the servers now instead of later and the problem is solved ;)


Yes, they could FORCE everyone to suffer the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause, for no reason other than Johnny REFUSES to avail himself of the options available to him that would allow him to solve his perceived problem.


That would not make those players who prefer to do group content with friends and guild mates suddenly start queuing for LFG, though.

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Yes, they could FORCE everyone to suffer the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause, for no reason other than Johnny REFUSES to avail himself of the options available to him that would allow him to solve his perceived problem.


That would not make those players who prefer to do group content with friends and guild mates suddenly start queuing for LFG, though.


Hypothetical, if Bioware could 100% transfer everyone over without any issues, what would your reason be for not doing it?

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GM Message of the Day:


Hey guys don't really play on this server anymore but I'll stop by every 29 days to maintain control of the flagship and all the guild assets. Enjoy!




If Johnny is the only one in the guild moving, then, of course the prudent thing to do is to hand over GM to someone he trusts who IS staying.


But, since you claim that Johnny is soooo willing to happily leave that guild and guild ship behind, why would that bother him?

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