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White Acute Module should be on starter planet's vendors


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As the title says.

I think you should guys consider making this thingy to negate xp boosts be available on starter planets, not only on fleet.

After all starter planets need love too!

I know one can buy it on an alt and mail it (unless it is bound on pickup), but... why? There's a load of cool quests on starter planets that will get redundant for some people with the rate we get xp these days.


IF you want to give us a choice, allow us to get the White Acute Module on starter planets. I'm no game developer, but assume putting it on the planet vendor is same hard as putting it on fleet vendor.


And, in a perfect world: White Acute Module should work the other way round: it should GIVE people the xp boosts (epic xp boost, event xp boosts etc) not negate it. The game, the quests, the progress- all of those were designed with certain xp/level progress in mind. I'd say it is superior to the way we level/get xp now. Even though level sync.


You should also add an advertisment on loading screens "tired of slow xp gain rate? get white acute module and run to the endgame as fast as possible"


If I was the uber boss of BW and in charge of SWTOR, I'd make it like this:

- normal pre 4.0 xp gain for all the players -that means slow vanilla progresing through the game

- white acute module that gives all post 4.0 xp boosts available at EVERY vendor everywhere -that way all that want to get to the finish faster can have their way



Edited by jstankaroslo
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Agreed that does make sense, but at this point I'm just glad we are getting it back on a permanent basis so I have hope of being able to play and enjoy the game again.


However, the primary reason for the XP unleashed in 4.0 was so that people would get out of the leveling game (which does not require a sub) as quickly as possible so that they would be "encouraged" to buy a sub in order to access more content at max level. For this reason alone I don't expect to see the WAM on the starter planets like it should be.

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Agreed that does make sense, but at this point I'm just glad we are getting it back on a permanent basis so I have hope of being able to play and enjoy the game again.


However, the primary reason for the XP unleashed in 4.0 was so that people would get out of the leveling game (which does not require a sub) as quickly as possible so that they would be "encouraged" to buy a sub in order to access more content at max level. For this reason alone I don't expect to see the WAM on the starter planets like it should be.


The difference of having it on fleet or starter world is minuscule. Even if bind on pickup, you can still get it at level 7, hardly pushing people out of the leveling game. It'd be a convenience feature, nothing more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wait... isn't it bound to legacy? At least, that's what it says on the description. So, in theory, you could put it in your legacy storage, then teleport a new 'toon to your stronghold and said storage, slap it on, and go right back to the starter planet.

Would that work?


...and even if it does work - yes, please, put the White Acute Module on the starter planet. :D That would be fantastic.

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I want this so bad. I mean I just want to level my character up slowly. I accidentally stumbled onto a high level FP on my Jedi and got a story spoiler in my characters FIRST conversation response. And now he is on Nar Shadaa and is level 70. I don't want that. As a newer player the lack of option to just simply switch it off kinda ruined it for me. WHen I saw they were bringing the white acute thing to turn it off I was happy. So I made a Agent and was excited to play through the story slowly and properly without being an overleveled powerhouse. But I can't get it until I get to the fleet. And by the time I finish Hutta i'm going to be like level 30! It's so stupid.
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If I was the uber boss of BW and in charge of SWTOR, I'd make it like this:

- normal pre 4.0 xp gain for all the players -that means slow vanilla progresing through the game

- white acute module that gives all post 4.0 xp boosts available at EVERY vendor everywhere -that way all that want to get to the finish faster can have their way


You want to punish players who have finished all class stories and all planet storylines multiple times.


If you really want to make it vanilla:

- No Legacy system

- Sprint at level 15. Speeder Piloting I at level 25.

- Original 1.0 EXP gain rate (you think 2.x and 3.x were slow?)

- Original 1.0 repair bills and credit rewards from quests

- Original currency system (Dromund Kaas commendations, Nar Shaddaa commendations, etc.)

- Original endgame currency system


Nostalgia can sometimes twist our memories.

Edited by Halinalle
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