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Does anyone else miss the old gearing system?


I actually miss it a lot, playing more casually than I once did due to the business of life, I just don't have time for RNG.

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Keep the command crates and gc but let us buy gear with command tokens and not the convoluted unassembled pieces.


Agreed, but I say take it a step further. Galactic Command and command crates would actually be a great idea if they weren't tied to gearing at all.


Imagine this: we go back to the 4.0 system of gearing (except it takes a bit longer to gear than it did then), and Galactic Command is treated as a "spoils of war" type system. We're the ruler of the galaxy, and through all our battles and perils in defense of the throne we receive prizes and gifts (AKA everything besides gear that currently comes from command crates) from around the galaxy. We keep the command ranks, we keep the cosmetic and fun items, we keep the incentive to continue playing old content at endgame...but it isn't tied to endgame gearing at all.


No RNG, no BS system, real progression, and a real reason to grind up galactic command in a way that doesn't want to make you tear your own hair out.

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Does anyone else miss the old gearing system?


I actually miss it a lot, playing more casually than I once did due to the business of life, I just don't have time for RNG.


If you only play casually due to the business of your life, then why is gearing an issue for you at all? What do you need to gear up for as a casual player?


I couldn't care less for my gear as a casual player. I can do all the content I play in old Ziost gear easily. Everything better is a welcome, but not needed bonus for me. And I get better gear (than previous 216/220 gear) as drops from random mobs more than I could ever use.


Honestly, all "casual" players getting so upset, please explain to me what the issue is? You get random goodies for playing the game. You don't need any of those goodies. Are you competing in ranked PvP season 8/9 (I don't know what is the current number)? Are you doing NiM OPs? If yes, why do you refer to yourself as a "casual" player? If you don't do these things, what do you need set bonus gear for? I am serious. I don't need it. And I am a very uncasual casual player.

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If you only play casually due to the business of your life, then why is gearing an issue for you at all? What do you need to gear up for as a casual player?


I couldn't care less for my gear as a casual player. I can do all the content I play in old Ziost gear easily. Everything better is a welcome, but not needed bonus for me. And I get better gear (than previous 216/220 gear) as drops from random mobs more than I could ever use.


Honestly, all "casual" players getting so upset, please explain to me what the issue is? You get random goodies for playing the game. You don't need any of those goodies. Are you competing in ranked PvP season 8/9 (I don't know what is the current number)? Are you doing NiM OPs? If yes, why do you refer to yourself as a "casual" player? If you don't do these things, what do you need set bonus gear for? I am serious. I don't need it. And I am a very uncasual casual player.

And just who the force are you to tell people how they should choose to play the game they spend their money on?!


You seem to have very low expectations when it comes to gear upgrades and enjoyable gamestyle. Only certain people should have better gear like NIM raiders or ranked players? Unranked and HC/SM are not worthy to expect upgrades and must "enjoy" the current content without the chance of improvement? After all its all doable FOR YOU with gear from two expansions back, right? Do you know what the term egocentric means?

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If you only play casually due to the business of your life, then why is gearing an issue for you at all? What do you need to gear up for as a casual player?


I couldn't care less for my gear as a casual player. I can do all the content I play in old Ziost gear easily. Everything better is a welcome, but not needed bonus for me. And I get better gear (than previous 216/220 gear) as drops from random mobs more than I could ever use.


Honestly, all "casual" players getting so upset, please explain to me what the issue is? You get random goodies for playing the game. You don't need any of those goodies. Are you competing in ranked PvP season 8/9 (I don't know what is the current number)? Are you doing NiM OPs? If yes, why do you refer to yourself as a "casual" player? If you don't do these things, what do you need set bonus gear for? I am serious. I don't need it. And I am a very uncasual casual player.


You failed at reading comprehension. They said they were playing more casually than they had before. Not that they were a casual player; they had to cut down how much time they could spend on the game due to real life, because they are a responsible person and have their priorities straight.


I've known a lot of endgame players in my time, who had jobs and kids and many other important RL obligations, who would come on once or twice a week to HM and NiM raid on their main because that's all they had consistent time for. In 3.0 and 4.0 this worked; you could consistently gear a toon raiding once or twice a week, as well as work on any alts/other specs you want to try, within a reasonable length of time. You didn't have to dedicate most of your life to playing this game to grind for gear.


Now? Unless you have hours and hours and hours to spend every single day grinding all kinds of content to farm CXP and playing gear roulette, or run raid after raid after painful pug raid hoping to get one of the 2 gear drops most ops ever see (from the final boss), or grind hundreds and thousands of warzones for the tiny unassembled component rewards in order to accumulate enough to buy a set of gear? You can't even gear ONE toon in any reasonable length of time. You'd be lucky to gear one character before the next expansion drops and you have to start the gear treadmill all over again!


People who have lives do not have the time to spend grinding 2-5 year old content in the faint hope they might get a reward for their efforts. They want to use the limited time they do have to play the game productively. That is not possible now.

Edited by AscendingSky
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If you only play casually due to the business of your life, then why is gearing an issue for you at all? What do you need to gear up for as a casual player?


I couldn't care less for my gear as a casual player. I can do all the content I play in old Ziost gear easily. Everything better is a welcome, but not needed bonus for me. And I get better gear (than previous 216/220 gear) as drops from random mobs more than I could ever use.


Honestly, all "casual" players getting so upset, please explain to me what the issue is? You get random goodies for playing the game. You don't need any of those goodies. Are you competing in ranked PvP season 8/9 (I don't know what is the current number)? Are you doing NiM OPs? If yes, why do you refer to yourself as a "casual" player? If you don't do these things, what do you need set bonus gear for? I am serious. I don't need it. And I am a very uncasual casual player.


You said it yourself random goodies, new players don't have access to old ziost gear so the best gear they get a 'choice' over is 210 rated gear, everything after that is luck and random drops.


Pre 5.0 players had the 190 ziost gear/mods vendor a 208 basic comms vendor and 216 vendor if you spammed enough heroics. This was more of a free choice than we get now.


Random is no good for anyone casuals or others alike as if I get higher gear I prefer it to be something usable not down to luck and not a duplicate item.

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I miss a lot of things about the game in the Pre-4.0 days. It's unfortunate that BioWare chose the path they did that essentially funneled all players into one distinct playstyle and group. It just goes to show their complete lack of understanding of their playerbase and a completely inexperience in managing and maintaining a bonafide MMO, even after 5 years.


That being said. I don't think Galactic Command is a bad idea (speaking in theory-wise here), but like many things BioWare has done, was implemented extremely poorly. I think that allowing players to play whatever content they enjoy and using that as a way to upgrade gear is not bad at all. Even it is behind RNG. RNG is one of those things that is the very heart of the RPG genre. All those random drops from all those random mobs in oh so many games from over the last 4 decades or so is part and parcel of this genre.


However, what I do oppose is making RNG the only way to get gear. This system would be fine for casual players who aren't focused primarily on end game activities. However, when gear is a required essential for those very same end game activities then there must be a set and clear path to obtaining said gear and RNG does not set such a path. BioWare's convoluted attempts to try to mitigate the RNG factor has made a system that was plain and simple prior to 5.0 unnecessarily convoluted - the exact opposite of what they claim they were trying to accomplish.


At the end of the day, if BioWare wants to slow down the rate of gaining end game gear, there are much betters ways of doing so than taking the RNG route. RNG is fine under certain circumstances, the current system of end game and gearing in SWTOR is not one of them.

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If you only play casually due to the business of your life, then why is gearing an issue for you at all? What do you need to gear up for as a casual player?


I couldn't care less for my gear as a casual player. I can do all the content I play in old Ziost gear easily. Everything better is a welcome, but not needed bonus for me. And I get better gear (than previous 216/220 gear) as drops from random mobs more than I could ever use.


Honestly, all "casual" players getting so upset, please explain to me what the issue is? You get random goodies for playing the game. You don't need any of those goodies. Are you competing in ranked PvP season 8/9 (I don't know what is the current number)? Are you doing NiM OPs? If yes, why do you refer to yourself as a "casual" player? If you don't do these things, what do you need set bonus gear for? I am serious. I don't need it. And I am a very uncasual casual player.


That is great that for your casual play style 220 gear is more than enough. For mine it isn't.


I am at best an average player. I have many, many alts and a poor memory. I'm also a dyed in the wool clicker. This means I am a jack of all trades, master of none. I don't have optimal rotations & I'm sure there are subtleties to each class I am oblivious to. I don't have all of the flashpoint boss mechanics memorized, let alone Uprisings, nor do I know the ins and outs of the newer pvp maps.


Despite all of my shortcomings, I still want to farm ET and clear veteran story mode (master is out of my reach). I like to pop into pvp & tacticals once in awhile without dragging my team down. I also like to be able to pinch hit HM flashpoint bosses for my guilds. For this I need better gear. Not BiS, but better than 220. I need it to give me the confidence to stick my neck out. It gives me some cushion for my mistakes and sluggish responses.


As mediocre as I am, there are players out there who are much worse. Reading the forums I regularly see people who are struggling to clear hm Starforges for their companions and other players suck on one chapter boss or another. Those players are more likely to quit in frustration than to keep butting their heads until they get better, which we don't want. Better gear will help them too.


Personally, for my low confidence and what I like to do, I want 230 gear. Even with the boosted cxp we are enjoying right now I'm not getting crates left, right & center, so when I get yet another duplicate on my low tier alts I do get frustrated. I seem to get a crazy number of duplicates considering how few slots I have filled...

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The problem with the current system is illustrated by a conversation my raid team had last night: Long story short:


  • the team leader did not get anything worth using until CL 39 and in 150 CLs has gotten a grand total of 3 set bonus pieces from crates
  • on the flip side another teammate is in tier 3 and has gotten three set bonus pieces in the last five CLs...only problem THEY'RE ALL THE SAME PIECE, so two of the three were worthless (not even for mods and enhancements because he crafted all of those he needed).
  • And a third teammate, has been grinding since day one has gotten over 468 total crates and while he has six piece set bonus some of it is still 230 (that's tier 1).


The problem is that the system is 100% random. You know what a simple fix would be? A "pity rule"...every 10 or 15 CLs you are GUARANTEED a set bonus piece (you do not already have) of the tier you are in.

Edited by psandak
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I actually don't worry about the crates until I get something 230 or above as I can craft all the 228 I need for all my toons and it is simpler for me to do it that way.


I like the way the command crates could work but they need some fine tuning and note BW stop putting the green 228 in there when it is the same as the purple 228. Put those in instead or better yet jump straight to 230.

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The problem is that the system is 100% random. You know what a simple fix would be? A "pity rule"...every 10 or 15 CLs you are GUARANTEED a set bonus piece (you do not already have) of the tier you are in.


I agree, whether its for endgame or not gearing on any level should not come down to dumb luck, bioware definitely need to find a way around this by giving some guarantees to everyone which is why I felt that command tokens should have need the new endgame currency as everyone would be able to aim for specific pieces rather than just crossing fingers.

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