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That was Awesome


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Shush. You're not supposed to like anything BioWare does these days. :p


Okay, in all seriousness - glad you enjoyed it! I have yet to play through it (I'm still partway through KOTFE; haven't found the time to play further), but I'm really excited for it. Seeing comments like yours makes me hopeful that the story is worthwhile. *cue trolls in 5...4...3...2...1...*

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Yea it was great on my first play through....problem is I have 32 characters...doesn't really have replay ability.


Exactly this. It was awesome, I'll give them that. Problem is, once you've gone through it twice or three times (with some different choices).. I just can't do it any more. Maybe in a while I'll go back and try it again.

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Exactly this. It was awesome, I'll give them that. Problem is, once you've gone through it twice or three times (with some different choices).. I just can't do it any more. Maybe in a while I'll go back and try it again.


With the core stories, you had 8 stories to alternate between. That worked really well for leveling many characters.


KotET was definitely a lot better than KotFE. The only thing that really ruined KotET for me is the end scene where you become Emperor of an Alliance....erm, you take over the Eternal Empire. You got some allied forces to do it but the Sith Empire and Republic are not part of it...so it's not really an Alliance.


And I never wanted to be the Alliance Commander to begin with. So where I do agree that KotET was much more enjoyable for me than KotFE (which I thought was horrible), I just really wish this story Arc never happened.

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Shush. You're not supposed to like anything BioWare does these days. :p


Okay, in all seriousness - glad you enjoyed it! I have yet to play through it (I'm still partway through KOTFE; haven't found the time to play further), but I'm really excited for it. Seeing comments like yours makes me hopeful that the story is worthwhile. *cue trolls in 5...4...3...2...1...*


You don't need to be so meta.


You can look through the forum for the last 2 months and generally find that people like KotET reasonably well. At least, better than anything since the original class stories. A few annoyances like parts of chapter 3 aside, it is good, challenging and a decent enough final section for the till-now ongoing story. I hope they let it be along with all its characters and move on to newer stories with surviving characters. I personally don't want more Revan or other "dead" characters.

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Exactly this. It was awesome, I'll give them that. Problem is, once you've gone through it twice or three times (with some different choices).. I just can't do it any more. Maybe in a while I'll go back and try it again.


That is the secret, to take a break before doing it again on an alt.


To go through all of kotfe on each alt one after the other would be very un-fun and tedious. It's much better to do it once and wait a few weeks before doing it again. I have alts staggered at various story points all through the game. Currently I have a sage half way through SoR and a mercenary on Illum, so I'll progress those for a while before returning to kotfe on my other alts.

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Just played Knights of the Eternal Throne.


I have one thing to say...


That was AWESOME!!!!


Awesome that you liked it - I've seen some mixed opinions, but more were generally positive. I'm curious as to how you would rate it next to Knights of the Fallen Empire, Shadow of Revan, Rise of the Hutt Cartel and the original Class and Planet stories.

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I thought the story for KOTET was great *other than being weighed down by the baggage KOTFE left for it.* The decision to have Jedi and Sith ally against a common foe was a bad one and veers a bit too close to AU territory, but I think KOTET writers id about as much as they could with that story KOTFE passed on. I also liked that planetary battles actually felt like large battles involving thousands of men, something which was missing in Corellia or Balmora in the base game.


That said, the sooner the game gets back to two separate and opposed faction stories the better. The game also desperately needs new flashpoints and Ops.

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You don't need to be so meta.


You can look through the forum for the last 2 months and generally find that people like KotET reasonably well. At least, better than anything since the original class stories. A few annoyances like parts of chapter 3 aside, it is good, challenging and a decent enough final section for the till-now ongoing story. I hope they let it be along with all its characters and move on to newer stories with surviving characters. I personally don't want more Revan or other "dead" characters.


It was a joke. :) Also a self-deprecating nod to my own pessimistic nature - I tend to see the bad in things (comments in the forums, for example) more readily than the good.

And yeah, please, PLEASE let Revan stay dead. I never played KOTOR, but...c'mon, really? "I was dead for three hundred years--nope, I'm actually alive--okay NOW I'm definitely dead--haha nope I'm alive again--THERE'S TWO OF ME HOLY SMOKES--okay now now NOW I am not only merely dead, I'm really and sincerely dead ~" ...ouch.


So far through KOTFE (I've gotten up to chapter eleven), I really enjoy it. It IS kind of tedious with more than one character, however, due to the lack of differentiation between classes/force-users and non-force-users. I do like the little nods here and there to the original class stories, though (wish they were full-blown separate class stories, but that is, at this point, probably just a dream). The voice acting is phenomenal. The graphics are amazing. The story is...weird, I think, for anybody who's not a force-user, but for classes who are, it's great.

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With the core stories, you had 8 stories to alternate between. That worked really well for leveling many characters.


KotET was definitely a lot better than KotFE. The only thing that really ruined KotET for me is the end scene where you become Emperor of an Alliance....erm, you take over the Eternal Empire. You got some allied forces to do it but the Sith Empire and Republic are not part of it...so it's not really an Alliance.


And I never wanted to be the Alliance Commander to begin with. So where I do agree that KotET was much more enjoyable for me than KotFE (which I thought was horrible), I just really wish this story Arc never happened.


For me Kotfe and Kotet are one story separated in 2 parts.


I also enjoyed Kotet more, but just a little bit. Only disappointed with no more companions making a return, especially romance companions

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With the core stories, you had 8 stories to alternate between. That worked really well for leveling many characters.


KotET was definitely a lot better than KotFE. The only thing that really ruined KotET for me is the end scene where you become Emperor of an Alliance....erm, you take over the Eternal Empire. You got some allied forces to do it but the Sith Empire and Republic are not part of it...so it's not really an Alliance.


And I never wanted to be the Alliance Commander to begin with. So where I do agree that KotET was much more enjoyable for me than KotFE (which I thought was horrible), I just really wish this story Arc never happened.


Sums up my thoughts pretty well.


How can we be the Emperor/Empress of the "Eternal Alliance" if it's no longer an alliance? We've become our own faction, made up of defectors from the Republic and Empire, and various recruits from all over the galaxy. The Republic and Empire are their own separate factions who we can either side with or side against with The War for Iokath. I'm curious to see where this goes next.

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Glad you enjoyed it. I just recently returned to the game myself and also quite liked it. Was kinda surprised that some people told me that it's bad and some even said it's not worth playing. I guess it mostly depends on expectations, I personally didn't expect much and was pleasently surprised when I finally found time to play it :)
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Awesome that you liked it - I've seen some mixed opinions, but more were generally positive. I'm curious as to how you would rate it next to Knights of the Fallen Empire, Shadow of Revan, Rise of the Hutt Cartel and the original Class and Planet stories.


I'm glad you enjoyed it OP, I really enjoyed em as well.

As far as how I'd rank em....

  1. OG Class stories
  2. SoR
  3. KotFE/KotET (they are one story imo)
  4. RotHC

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I thought the story was very engaging on my first playthrough. On the second I started to pay more attention to details and noticed what I felt were some flaws. The third time I just couldn't do it all over again. Replayability is definitely an issue, at least to me.


Glad the OP had fun with it.

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I still need to finish KotFE. But it feels like such a waste of time. Gotta grind those command levels...


They don't want us to grind, but rather to simply play the game however we want and do what we enjoy. Then they design a game system that encourages lots of alts and requires epic amounts of grinding of whatever particular thing awards the most CXP per time invested.... :facepalm:

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Just played Knights of the Eternal Throne.


I have one thing to say...


That was AWESOME!!!!


Ditto. When I completed it I had the same sensation as from having come out from a (good) Star Warms movie. Like "**ck yeah!".


Can't wait to see what they do next. It's going to be a heck of a trick to bring you from the situation the climax places your character into back to being an adventurer. But after their handling of this story I have faith they have the storytelling skills to pull it off.


Just hope they don't go and give Zakuul the Ziost treatment, I like the flavor and the architecture of the place.

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...Just hope they don't go and give Zakuul the Ziost treatment, I like the flavor and the architecture of the place.


While the flavor architecture isn't bad, in fact some of it is pretty sexy, I've never felt such a non-Star Wars feeling in SWTOR as I have on Zakuul.


Personally, I'd blow up Zakuul the moment I had the chance just like I wrecked any person from Zakuul the moment I had the chance. It's how I channel my anger from losing all of my friends and spouses (Companions,) being forced to respond to, "The Outlander" or "Commander" rather than "My Lord" or "Lord Wrath," for Darth Marr going grey alignment, and never being able to participate in the full scale Empire vs. Republic war that the Cold War kept foreshadowing.


"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

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