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Recently came back to the game. My idea as a pvper and how this game could get better


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I am a huge star wars fan, and I played this game several years back. but back then I quit the game because the PvP balance was really poor.


I came back to the game and not surprisingly, the balance is still poor. But I do think it could get better.


I have always been a PvP player. In overwatch I made it close to grandmasters playing mostly McCree, guild wars 2 I got to high plat playing the game for two weeks, and many other games. However, nothing beats the feeling of playing pvp with my own lightsabers, or in a star wars world right.


However, I will list the things that I think makes the PvP not as cool.


==Bubbles and bubbles and more bubbles==


The quantity of defensive CDs in this game makes it irritating and annoying sometimes. especially when enemy teams have a healer. I see more Mercs in PvP than everything else because their self-sustain is absurdly high while they still have a very high damage output. Not only that, they have skills that can deny stealth/mobility from non-sustain classes such as Sith Marauders and Assassins. This is a problem because both of these classes are relatively squishes.

Now, Maras have also a "bubble saber ward) which is not as strong, and so jugs have it. I think these bubbles lasting 12 seconds is a problem... but then if you look at all other classes, they all last very long. It is a problem when the heal in this game is so strong because it is just enough time to let healers breath...


My main issue in bubbles/healing is sith sorcerers. I think the fact that they are actually the highest rating class compared to the other classes tells us that there is something with them. their Absorb damage bubbles/mobility/group bubbles are just overpowered. It is not fun to play versus them and it is not fun to have them in my team. I want fair fights. not to be carried by heals and bubbles or get frustrated because my team cannot kill because the enemy team happens to have 3 or 4 of them and no one will ever die.


this is very frustrating in warzones...


But it is also frustrating in ranked.

Now I am not I am nobody here. all accomplishments in different games means nothing here, but I am a well experienced player to say that the balancing in heals bubbles in this game is a huge turn off for very competitive players. from experience, most matches that happens to have either a sorc on it, or 2 or more mercs most of the time "auto win" because they simply outsustain. it is not even that "the team got outplayed" the team simply got overpowered. there is not counterplay to bubbles other than switch off targets and wait for it is gone.


I personally think the pvp game would have way more quality if they did tweak some of these abilities on pvp only. make bubbles/certain def cds last shorter, or nerf their efficiency in someway. I am aware mercs will die after their cds are gone, so would understand give them something else.


But I honestly think that overall the pvp gets just annoying in the end because of bubbles in this game. I really hope that they would make it more balanced.


= Cross server queues =


Another issue I find is that It seems a lot of people have quit the game. Seems a lot of people have concentrated in very few different servers, and unfortunately, sometimes ranked queues takes forever to pop.

I suggest to fix this issue: Either make queues cross sever (it would also help solo queue ops, flashpoints, etc) or at least make a big server merger. make a big server on a region only with multiple instances and it would also fix the problem. i think it would be healthy for the game as each server would have immense activity.


=solo/duo queue for ranked=


Sometimes it is frustrating that game on ranked offers only either solo queue or full group queue. I personally dislike it. first we require a healer to be optimum in group. most my friends from different games don't like to play healers, but we do enjoy playing with each other. we can't solo queue together without risking in being on enemy teams. So perhaps we could have at least duo queue on pvp rating, or solo queue would also let us have duo queues at least. i think it would be fun.


=let me choose the type of pvp I am queing for=


When I queue for warzones. i personally like some modes more than others. The one I like the least is huttball modes.

Why? a lot of classes seems not so effective in there. Some classes are just stronger because they have bubbles/mobility/leap to friends, etc. It is the non-ranked mode where I see people try hard the most. guild groups running multiple juggernaults for the guard/leap abilities. while some other classes don't have much to offer. I seen a lot of people even self-lagging so they can't be targeted easily and so they can run with the ball without any trouble... personally it is the most chaotic mode and I have no fun at all playing it. I wish I could select a filter and remove huttball from the list. it is especially frustrating when you happen to have 2 or 3 huttball games in a row against/ or with the same group of jugs/assassins and laggers trying to hard win this non-ranked mode.


=pvp areas =

bring something cool to restablish /events idk to bring back open pvp areas. I had/forced to migrated to a pve server because most pvp servers have little to not activity.... pvp need some love too:(.

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At the latest impromptu/informal Cantina in TX a couple weeks ago supposedly there was talk from BW about x-server and merges. This is all 2nd hand, but:


They do recognize that there is a need for something to happen (and not just for pvp).

X-server won't happen.

Merges will happen eventually but there are many hurdles to making it work and, I guess, they just started working on it :jawa_frown: (so expect nothing any time soon).

Edited by Savej
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At the latest impromptu/informal Cantina in TX a couple weeks ago supposedly there was talk from BW about x-server and merges. This is all 2nd hand, but:


They do recognize that there is a need for something to happen (and not just for pvp).

X-server won't happen.

Merges will happen eventually but there are many hurdles to making it work and, I guess, they just started working on it :jawa_frown: (so expect nothing any time soon).


hope so that would be very nice...


back into the topic... had some matches today. one that had a healer for both sides, double merc... guess what no one ever dies.... sudden death...;/

heals are too strong in this game together with bubbles...

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I've echoed that healing is too strong in this game for months, knowing Bioware they might do something halfway 2018.


yeah I hope they hear it man. I love the PvE in this game. but PvE alone was not enough to keep me sub, and it won't keep me sub if they don't make it better.

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and then it is even more annoying going vs 2 tanks + one healer + 1 dps...


all those guards splitting damage, makes the live of healers so m uch easier...;/.... yeah i think i am quitting again soon, for the same reason I quit b efore.... the pvp in this game is too bad...

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Time to kill is way, way too high.


Unfortunately, a lot of it is a compounding issue.

-Healers solo are pretty strong

-Defensive cooldowns are really powerful

-Guard is really powerful and now available to DPS

-No limitations on tanks/healers in queue


If you put all of that together, it can create games that are an absolute nightmare (like where no one can even capture a single node on Hypergate). A flat-out healing nerf would be a nice bandaid, but it runs of the risk of making healers too weak solo just to compensate for the ludicrous survivability once all of the above are stacked. Some suggestions:


-20% healing debuff in warzones

-nerf guard from 50%->30%. If possible, either remove guard from DPS or further nerf it to <20%

-maximum 2 healers per side in an 8 person game, or 1 in an arena.


Some individual classes also need adjustments (like mercs, obviously) but in general this would help a ton.

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Time to kill is way, way too high.


Unfortunately, a lot of it is a compounding issue.

-Healers solo are pretty strong

-Defensive cooldowns are really powerful

-Guard is really powerful and now available to DPS

-No limitations on tanks/healers in queue


If you put all of that together, it can create games that are an absolute nightmare (like where no one can even capture a single node on Hypergate). A flat-out healing nerf would be a nice bandaid, but it runs of the risk of making healers too weak solo just to compensate for the ludicrous survivability once all of the above are stacked. Some suggestions:


-20% healing debuff in warzones

-nerf guard from 50%->30%. If possible, either remove guard from DPS or further nerf it to <20%

-maximum 2 healers per side in an 8 person game, or 1 in an arena.


Some individual classes also need adjustments (like mercs, obviously) but in general this would help a ton.


yeah... guard is another thing destructive in PvP... if they have a healer and someone that can guard... it is just too strong...


my friend that i play games with is about to quit, and i think i won't be able to take much longer of this unbalanced pvp:(. feel so sad that the only mmo available of star wars has such a poor balancing making bubbles, guards, heals too overpowered while giving other classes no sustain at all....

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healing isn't too strong, dps are just not good. A half decent mara will force even a sorc to divert most of his attention to himself. Let alone an op whose roll would be gimped by the permaslow and bodyguard mercs who really have no escape after HO.


Well I had a game last week where nobody was dying. Voidstar. Each team had a competent healer, most DPS went over 3 K (except me, I was busy trying to survive electronets while planting bombs on my scoundrel and hit about 2.5 K), and I recall their healer died once, ours died twice. Players with off- heal abilities (myself included) did not die at all. No need to say each team could not break even through the first door, we lost by kill count. This was so boring I've wasted my desire to play that day totally.


When 90% of the players on both teams know what to do, it's always a stale with healers present. Period. That should mean something, eh?

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healing isn't too strong, dps are just not good. A half decent mara will force even a sorc to divert most of his attention to himself. Let alone an op whose roll would be gimped by the permaslow and bodyguard mercs who really have no escape after HO.


If we would make DPS stronger at this point people will just be blown up at complete random.

That wouldn't make for good game design and healers would be chanceless on hardswaps.

So that logic doesn't really work.


Healing, and Defensive Cooldowns giving them a chance to breathe, are globally too powerful.

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Voidstar is one match if both teams know what they're doing- no one should get past the first door. Crying that a single healer on both teams made the difference along with off-heals- but that DPS was good... all the high DPS in the world won't make up for actually killing your target instead of playing 'let's get the highest numbers'.


If we would make DPS stronger at this point people will just be blown up at complete random.

That wouldn't make for good game design and healers would be chanceless on hardswaps.

So that logic doesn't really work.


Healing, and Defensive Cooldowns giving them a chance to breathe, are globally too powerful.


I've killed all three healers. This is one of the biggest L2P issues there is. I've taken down a sage healer on a 4 DPS team. Here's the biggest hint- see that energy bar, the lower it gets the more pressure that healer is under. I can have match after match where as a Sawbones, I'm left alone and then match after match where I'm globalled the second I appear. As a healer, I fear players who know what they're doing because my defensive cooldowns and healing can't save me indefinitely- sometimes I can go to zero in the blink of an eye and yes- I can't heal my own team if I'm too busy trying to stay up myself.


But then, why should anything get in the way of deathmatches? After all, the most important thing is to kill the other player the fastest and healers make it complicated.

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I will add one more thing that was very annoying for me last night: Perpetual stealth.

Got in one arena and it was a 4 vs 2/3 (enemy team started with 2 then went to 3). It is bad, but this happens. One of the enemy team was a shadow, first round apear after his teamate was crushed (did not help him). Second round (now they were 3) did not unstealth at all...just waiting for acid.... BORING. Come on, i main a sin and i would never do that crap. There needs to be a limit for stealth in WZ/Arenas. I´m not saying it should be a short thing as the sent/mara cloak, but what about 60 sec???




=pvp areas =

bring something cool to restablish /events idk to bring back open pvp areas. I had/forced to migrated to a pve server because most pvp servers have little to not activity.... pvp need some love too:(.


Events... sure. Open PvP server? Change instance (in the minimap), all servers (including PvE) can change to PvP. I play WZs now, but always hated open PvP as 99% of players that like it are players that get high crashing newbies. Looking at old post you see that those players were the first to complain about lvl sync.

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haha not sure i agree much with the stealth part. i have been reckec before by full stealth team. but I main a marauder. and it is pretty much the only "sustain" I have (which by the way mercs can deny it too)... if they did something to deal with either other classes h ealings, or increased certain classes sustain, yeah sure...


idk. it gets pretty frustrating pvping sometimes and pvp is my main thing, so not sure star wars name alone will keep me in the game...


every time there is a ranked match and there is a good healer/sorc and a jug/tank sin. on both sides no one dies, and then we have this sudden death crap. not sure how it works, if it is random or what. last time we had it we were 1 x 1, and we had 2 guys alive versus one last merc standing. the suddent death came on and we lost ????

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Voidstar is one match if both teams know what they're doing- no one should get past the first door. Crying that a single healer on both teams made the difference along with off-heals- but that DPS was good... all the high DPS in the world won't make up for actually killing your target instead of playing 'let's get the highest numbers'.




I've killed all three healers. This is one of the biggest L2P issues there is. I've taken down a sage healer on a 4 DPS team. Here's the biggest hint- see that energy bar, the lower it gets the more pressure that healer is under. I can have match after match where as a Sawbones, I'm left alone and then match after match where I'm globalled the second I appear. As a healer, I fear players who know what they're doing because my defensive cooldowns and healing can't save me indefinitely- sometimes I can go to zero in the blink of an eye and yes- I can't heal my own team if I'm too busy trying to stay up myself.


But then, why should anything get in the way of deathmatches? After all, the most important thing is to kill the other player the fastest and healers make it complicated.


I'm sorry mrs MVP. I bow to your almighty greatness.



Now seriously, the chances that you actually have more experience in PvP than I do are pretty damn slim, so you can cut the attitude because I'm not impressed.


1 healer is 1 thing, 2 decent ones another..

2 good ones and a tank with half a clue and you might as well alt tab out because unless they screw up you won't kill them without a 4man coordinated team of damage dealers. And that is exactly the problem.


It's too easy to keep people alive even under pressure. If i'd make a premade with 2 healers, a dps and a tank you wouldn't get passed us on voidstar no matter who you bring on the other team.

Same with Alderaan. You wouldn't get the middle node ever, no matter what you got in store.

The only chance would be the offnode where we'd be able to double defend since we don't need that manpower in mid.


You cannot possibly argue that this is right. If a healer can laugh off 2 damage dealers and still heal a team of 4 people then something is very wrong. Obviously this healer would need a few peels but if he gets those it takes a long *** time to exhaust a good healers resources.


Definitely more than 4 minutes.. which is regs is bs. In ranked its borderline acceptable but I don't think we should cut it so close. Hardswaps should be a thing and they aren't. Not enough.

Edited by Evolixe
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I am a huge star wars fan, and I played this game several years back. but back then I quit the game because the PvP balance was really poor.


I came back to the game and not surprisingly, the balance is still poor. But I do think it could get better.


I have always been a PvP player. In overwatch I made it close to grandmasters playing mostly McCree, guild wars 2 I got to high plat playing the game for two weeks, and many other games. However, nothing beats the feeling of playing pvp with my own lightsabers, or in a star wars world right.


However, I will list the things that I think makes the PvP not as cool.


==Bubbles and bubbles and more bubbles==


The quantity of defensive CDs in this game makes it irritating and annoying sometimes. especially when enemy teams have a healer. I see more Mercs in PvP than everything else because their self-sustain is absurdly high while they still have a very high damage output. Not only that, they have skills that can deny stealth/mobility from non-sustain classes such as Sith Marauders and Assassins. This is a problem because both of these classes are relatively squishes.

Now, Maras have also a "bubble saber ward) which is not as strong, and so jugs have it. I think these bubbles lasting 12 seconds is a problem... but then if you look at all other classes, they all last very long. It is a problem when the heal in this game is so strong because it is just enough time to let healers breath...


My main issue in bubbles/healing is sith sorcerers. I think the fact that they are actually the highest rating class compared to the other classes tells us that there is something with them. their Absorb damage bubbles/mobility/group bubbles are just overpowered. It is not fun to play versus them and it is not fun to have them in my team. I want fair fights. not to be carried by heals and bubbles or get frustrated because my team cannot kill because the enemy team happens to have 3 or 4 of them and no one will ever die.


this is very frustrating in warzones...


But it is also frustrating in ranked.

Now I am not I am nobody here. all accomplishments in different games means nothing here, but I am a well experienced player to say that the balancing in heals bubbles in this game is a huge turn off for very competitive players. from experience, most matches that happens to have either a sorc on it, or 2 or more mercs most of the time "auto win" because they simply outsustain. it is not even that "the team got outplayed" the team simply got overpowered. there is not counterplay to bubbles other than switch off targets and wait for it is gone.


I personally think the pvp game would have way more quality if they did tweak some of these abilities on pvp only. make bubbles/certain def cds last shorter, or nerf their efficiency in someway. I am aware mercs will die after their cds are gone, so would understand give them something else.


But I honestly think that overall the pvp gets just annoying in the end because of bubbles in this game. I really hope that they would make it more balanced.


= Cross server queues =


Another issue I find is that It seems a lot of people have quit the game. Seems a lot of people have concentrated in very few different servers, and unfortunately, sometimes ranked queues takes forever to pop.

I suggest to fix this issue: Either make queues cross sever (it would also help solo queue ops, flashpoints, etc) or at least make a big server merger. make a big server on a region only with multiple instances and it would also fix the problem. i think it would be healthy for the game as each server would have immense activity.


=solo/duo queue for ranked=


Sometimes it is frustrating that game on ranked offers only either solo queue or full group queue. I personally dislike it. first we require a healer to be optimum in group. most my friends from different games don't like to play healers, but we do enjoy playing with each other. we can't solo queue together without risking in being on enemy teams. So perhaps we could have at least duo queue on pvp rating, or solo queue would also let us have duo queues at least. i think it would be fun.


=let me choose the type of pvp I am queing for=


When I queue for warzones. i personally like some modes more than others. The one I like the least is huttball modes.

Why? a lot of classes seems not so effective in there. Some classes are just stronger because they have bubbles/mobility/leap to friends, etc. It is the non-ranked mode where I see people try hard the most. guild groups running multiple juggernaults for the guard/leap abilities. while some other classes don't have much to offer. I seen a lot of people even self-lagging so they can't be targeted easily and so they can run with the ball without any trouble... personally it is the most chaotic mode and I have no fun at all playing it. I wish I could select a filter and remove huttball from the list. it is especially frustrating when you happen to have 2 or 3 huttball games in a row against/ or with the same group of jugs/assassins and laggers trying to hard win this non-ranked mode.


=pvp areas =

bring something cool to restablish /events idk to bring back open pvp areas. I had/forced to migrated to a pve server because most pvp servers have little to not activity.... pvp need some love too:(.


Go outside and piss into the wind you will get a better responce

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Voidstar is one match if both teams know what they're doing- no one should get past the first door. Crying that a single healer on both teams made the difference along with off-heals- but that DPS was good... all the high DPS in the world won't make up for actually killing your target instead of playing 'let's get the highest numbers'.


You've missed my whole point.


First of all no one could get through the door because barely anyone was dying. In case if at least one team would’ve had a bad healer or none they’d be outnumbered fast and either the main attack side would give the door away or the lonely defender(s) on the other side wouldn’t get help in time.


Now I could turn it all around saying that it’s a bad healer who lets himself die often in a competent team. When you get peeled for, protected and don’t smash defensive cds after each single root you can stay alive and heal. I was on the opponent’s healer throughout the round when we were defending and got him to like 15-10% health several times , but it was only once he died because he was a smart ***.


And of course no one is talking about numbers. When no one is dying the numbers are usually high because you dps non-stop, right? And if you’re on a good healer constantly they tend to be high because of the amount of healing you have to cut through. Don’t tell me you know some magic trick how to one shot a healer unless you are speaking about backpedalling fasepalm sorcs who don’t know when to bubble or use PW.


It's too easy to keep people alive even under pressure. If i'd make a premade with 2 healers, a dps and a tank you wouldn't get passed us on voidstar no matter who you bring on the other team.

Same with Alderaan. You wouldn't get the middle node ever, no matter what you got in store.

The only chance would be the offnode where we'd be able to double defend since we don't need that manpower in mid.



Thank you, sir.

Edited by zhezvya
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I'm sorry mrs MVP. I bow to your almighty greatness.



Now seriously, the chances that you actually have more experience in PvP than I do are pretty damn slim, so you can cut the attitude because I'm not impressed.


1 healer is 1 thing, 2 decent ones another..

2 good ones and a tank with half a clue and you might as well alt tab out because unless they screw up you won't kill them without a 4man coordinated team of damage dealers. And that is exactly the problem.


It's too easy to keep people alive even under pressure. If i'd make a premade with 2 healers, a dps and a tank you wouldn't get passed us on voidstar no matter who you bring on the other team.

Same with Alderaan. You wouldn't get the middle node ever, no matter what you got in store.

The only chance would be the offnode where we'd be able to double defend since we don't need that manpower in mid.


You cannot possibly argue that this is right. If a healer can laugh off 2 damage dealers and still heal a team of 4 people then something is very wrong. Obviously this healer would need a few peels but if he gets those it takes a long *** time to exhaust a good healers resources.


Definitely more than 4 minutes.. which is regs is bs. In ranked its borderline acceptable but I don't think we should cut it so close. Hardswaps should be a thing and they aren't. Not enough.


Considering I started playing in mid 2015- but as far as playing with matches with, against and as a healer- someone who started three months ago would gain enough experience to create an informed opinion. Hell, some people actually manage to play all the class stories and ACs in that time, all the more power to them. I wouldn't talk down to someone who started last month.


The middle node in Alderaan Civil War can often become a mess- I find matches where Snow and Grass are capped are much less painful because you can always cap mid during the chaos and fall back whereas gunning for mid can hurt and does because everybody heads there. It's easy to cap the other side's node when they're too busy trying to control mid or South, occasionally in Novare.


Now on healers- Sage and Sorc are your mini raid healer boss. I love this expression and despite them being not as bad as 4.0- they still have issues which given the damage that got done to the DPS branch of the AC, is unacceptable. Can kill good ones but it is harder- the other two healer branches and their mirrors don't have the same issues so the Voidstar scenario is a YMMV depending on your healer stack. Any warzone becomes a giant nightmare when there are too many of one particular aspect of the trinity or special abilities that benefit their team on that map... i.e. Phase Walk and why it should be disabled in most warzones.


I laugh off damage generally in a situation where someone doesn't know how to shut me down. Sawbones so interrupts between two DPS should be able to basically nuke my survivability because most of my heals are channels but instead of doing that when I got low and stun me, i.e. they spent all their time trying to blunt force with sub par DPS- it was likely they were badly geared (and probably not their fault- what was, getting my energy down to can't heal a rock and letting me run off). Then you have the flip side where a good DPS blasts me down and tactically uses their stun at the last moment after having interrupted the good stuff.


Keeping a team up depends on their defences. I've manage to stay alive well enough on my main and there are people I heal that watch their own defences. There's also the gearing/bolster issue- I've abandoned my tank because of it- I'll probably pick her up again when 5.1.2 drops and I can get a chance to remedy it.


You've missed my whole point.


First of all no one could get through the door because barely anyone was dying. In case if at least one team would’ve had a bad healer or none they’d be outnumbered fast and either the main attack side would give the door away or the lonely defender(s) on the other side wouldn’t get help in time.


Now I could turn it all around saying that it’s a bad healer who lets himself die often in a competent team. When you get peeled for, protected and don’t smash defensive cds after each single root you can stay alive and heal. I was on the opponent’s healer throughout the round when we were defending and got him to like 15-10% health several times , but it was only once he died because he was a smart ***.


I don't think anyone can one shot a healer that's trying. I don't know that magic trick although I suppose if there was some nerf to healing we'd get close to that. Healing is also used for PvE, now if healing becomes useless for PvP over a DPS or a Tank queue then that's one thing because warzones will have less variety but they'll manage but there are actual heal checks in place through group content that would get broken as a result. I will agree on not smashing defensive cooldowns- stunning healers at too high health can be a big mistake because it lets them recoup energy and white bars them.


Voidstar tends to get its most fun for me when both teams don't get past the first door because it becomes almost an entirely different beast. I had a match where we had two healers, they had three and we won through kill count because their DPS didn't bother with defensives and played kamikaze. Which healer class was theirs?

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It's too easy to keep people alive even under pressure

You cannot possibly argue that this is right. If a healer can laugh off 2 damage dealers and still heal a team of 4 people then something is very wrong..


except this is completely untrue. healers stay alive because either the healers are freecasting, your focus fire sucks, or your dps sucks in general.

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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Nerf healing and who is gonna heal you against Tythe? and how do healers meet the healing checks in harder content? As usual, no one identifies the problem. The problem is match -making. And if match-making is ok, then the problem becomes a lack of strategy or coordination


A simple scenario - death match - Team 1 : Sorc heals + 3 Snipers vs Team 2: Sage, Sent, Jug, Shadow, who wins?


Scenario 2 - Ancient Hypergate - Enemy team has four stealth trolling your pylon every round, what do you do?


Scenario 3 - Civial War Alderaan - There is a stalemate are mid and S just called inc?


Assume that each team has a healer and tank for scenarios 2 and 3, the rest is DPS. In most cases, players do not coordinate or re-strategize, everyone just wanted to death match. There is not much you can do if match-making is the issue. Even though good team coordination can level the playing field.


In most cases what costs us the match is that players will capture a node then immediately run off to where the fighting is or capture and stand on it then get zipped by a stealth; or they decide that they can 1v1, loose and hand over the node to the enemy; or everyone is fighting all over the damn map, while leaving the node unguarded; or two people immediately white-barred a healer who is at 100% HP.


Then there is the Pre-made trollers with FOTM comps, like the Sorc healer + 3 snipers mentioned above ( found it peculiar until i realized they were all in the same guild).

Edited by Yezzan
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except this is completely untrue. healers stay alive because either the healers are freecasting, your focus fire sucks, or your dps sucks in general.


In 8v8, unless you are with 2 premades (already not realistic), you can't stop 2 healers from healing. You can try to CC one and kill the other but unless their teammates are complete boneheads they won't allow you all to unload everything without stopping you. Not only that.. It's pretty likely that if your CC is breakable on damage, that it will. If not by some guy who felt it necessary to use an AoE attack in PvP, then by dots or just an idiot that keeps on DPSing the wrong target. You just cannot control nor expect 8 people to work together in an unorganized envirionment. Some people are stubborn, some are completely ignorant and others just believe they know better than the 2 to 4 dps that are trying to focus down 1 target.



You're right. In an isolated envirionment where you have 3+ DPSers focussing on 1 healer, that healer will die relatively fast. If not really fast. But that's not a realistic way of looking at things.

You're considering a 3v1, but for convenience forgetting the healer has teammates too.



If it's just 2 healers on either team, and 6 dps otherwise, people will die. With enough pace to keep it fun.

But once you add either a 3rd healer or a tank to that mix... It suddenly becomes boringly stale.

If not for the fact that 3 healers can heal for as much as 6 DPS can do damage.. then for the fact that they will lack a 6th dps and be unable to do enough meaningful damage to threaten the healers on the 2/6 side.



In 4v4 it's a bit better. But games are still way longer than they used to be because hardswapping is not half as effective as it used to be. Most games with a Tank and a Healer on both sides will take at least 3 but often 4 minutes to come to any sort of conclusion, and in my opinion.. it's not always the stronger team that wins. Especially if it comes to RNGacid.

Edited by Evolixe
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