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Mini map mess


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Doing Battle of Ilum. Come up to first set of adds. I go by, but guy behind me aggros. Commence to fight, looks like they are all down, but still in aggro. Looking around don't see anything, look at mini map - Oh **** it's a covered in purple circles. Eventually find the mob behind the pylon.


Why not just make the player icon purple? Why have it blue with a huge circle? Not sure I ever read someone go. "FFS if you don't fix this mini map I'm unsubbing",

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Has anyone really ever had an issue with finding a group member on the minimap before 5.1? I ask, as I certainly haven't. Maybe the color blind? If so, I haven't seen a complaint. Also, why make a change like this that actually ends up hindering everyone, including the color blind, who can't see other icons hidden under the big circles?


Legitimate questions.


I posted something similar to the text below in another minimap thread, but I think it still applies:


This really seems to be a theme lately: BW inventing of problems that don't exist for the typical player just so that those problems can be subsequently "fixed." I'm not only talking about just the group member minimap "problem" they invented to fix, but Ravage being a channel, the appearance of AoE telegraphs, the Dark and Light alignment bar change, etc., for example. It's almost like the current team really can't figure out how to fix existing legitimate bugs so they invent new issues and then "fix" them to make it look like they're making progress in their patch notes. Only, the real problem is that BW has managed to make these things that were previously a non-issue now an issue while all of the other outstanding issues and remain unattended.



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After seeing this post, I stand corrected in that there are people with color blindness that had and/or have accessibility complaints with many aspects of the game, including the minimap; however, my point that this current minimap change actually hinders everyone, color blind or not, is still valid - nobody can see what's hidden below those big circles.

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They never should have made the players on the minimap blue in the first place, purple was working fine. The color someone chose was stupidly close to the background color of the minimap - if anything needed to be fixed, it was the color of the markers, not adding a huge purple circle. I did Scum and Villainy last night and the adds that spawned on the ledges around Thrasher were really hard to see even with everyone clustered in the middle. This is a pointless change that is having a negative impact and needs to be reevaluated.
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The suggestion at the end of the thread about making different colored UI skins would have been much slicker. That would allow people with all of the different types of color blindness pick the skin that works best for them and would not damage the functionality of the radar in pvp & raids. The current change seems very poorly thought out.

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Again though we don't know if it is an attempt at accessibility or if it actually a bug. I've said elsewhere in the forums, I find it very strange to see them trying this this late in the game. And especially after their responses when I tried to get an account issue resolved a few years ago. (I'm partially deaf.)


On a personal note, thank you folks for not saying "Handicap folks shouldn't play video games". I went through that with a local NBC affiliate who had an employee tell me "Deaf people don't pay attention to the news" when I asked for a change in their website a few years ago when they moved to mostly video news articles with no captioning or written copy for their articles.

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Has anyone really ever had an issue with finding a group member on the minimap before 5.1? I ask, as I certainly haven't. Maybe the color blind? If so, I haven't seen a complaint. Also, why make a change like this that actually ends up hindering everyone, including the color blind, who can't see other icons hidden under the big circles?


I'm not color blind and I'm bothered that I need to zoom in the map to see other icons under the group member icon.


It's really annoying on WZs when you cant quickly tell how many people are where since they're all hidden behind eachothers now. I cant even tell what way my character (arrow on minimap) is facing in EV at firgt glance to know which side I'm moving towards. So annoying.

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The suggestion at the end of the thread about making different colored UI skins would have been much slicker. That would allow people with all of the different types of color blindness pick the skin that works best for them and would not damage the functionality of the radar in pvp & raids. The current change seems very poorly thought out.


I am color blind and my girlfriend has it worse than me and neither of us had any issues finding other party members on maps. The main issues we have are other interface items. The ability to just change the color of the players would have been a far better solution as this is now creating more problems than it fixed.

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The suggestion at the end of the thread about making different colored UI skins would have been much slicker. That would allow people with all of the different types of color blindness pick the skin that works best for them and would not damage the functionality of the radar in pvp & raids. The current change seems very poorly thought out.


Lots of other games have options to change the colour of lots of things so people with colour blindness can see.

Maybe if they did a "small" amount of research they could work out the best colour options, maybe 3-4 options that could be activated under preferences

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Has anyone at EAWare responded to any of these threads about the terrible opaque circles surrounding players on the minimap yet? I haven't seen a single acknowledgment. I guess they don't even care enough about it to feed us the usual lie of "We're looking into our metrics to see what we can do" or something.
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This really seems to be a theme lately: BW inventing of problems that don't exist for the typical player just so that those problems can be subsequently "fixed." I'm not only talking about just the group member minimap "problem" they invented to fix, but Ravage being a channel, the appearance of AoE telegraphs, the Dark and Light alignment bar change, etc., for example.

Very good point about how widespread this is...

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Has anyone at EAWare responded to any of these threads about the terrible opaque circles surrounding players on the minimap yet? I haven't seen a single acknowledgment.


LOL.. asked AND answered within the same post. :p


That is a new one here I think.


Yes yes.. I know.. you were just doing a setup for the snarky comments following your ask&answer.

Edited by Andryah
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Their is more than one type of color blindness. Let us have several options to choose which is best for the way that we see the world. Or at least dont put giant circles blocking important information on the map.


Considering how common colorblindness actually is in the world... I agree.


But it begs the question for someone who is colorblind... how to you deal with colorblindness in general when working with computer applications? Unless you are totally colorblind (ie: monochromatic) I would think you simply tinker with your master color settings to adjust, yes/no? If you are truly monochromatic.. then it's all about shades of gray, right?

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Very good point about how widespread this is...


I can't believe I forgot to mention the biggest problem ever invented to fix in the history of SWTOR... that a token/commendation-based gearing system is too complicated for players.

I do not have an issue with the new mini map or AOE effects other than there are several visual bugs in-game (see signature) yet to be fixed while resources are dedicated to introducing window dressing such as this.


It's almost a bit insulting when they decide to allocate time and resources to "fix" telegraphs and group member icons on the minimap, but legitimate, long term issues such as the item preview bug are rarely addressed. Hell, I don't think the item preview bug has even been mentioned since the last time it was "fixed" when it really wasn't. I mean, not even like an, "Oops, sorry guys... that really didn't get fixed. We'll have this corrected in update X.X.X."

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Their is more than one type of color blindness. Let us have several options to choose which is best for the way that we see the world. Or at least dont put giant circles blocking important information on the map.


The need to revert it back to the way it was, and then just have player icon flash between two colors that aren't affected by color blindness.

Edited by Darkside
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Considering how common colorblindness actually is in the world... I agree.


But it begs the question for someone who is colorblind... how to you deal with colorblindness in general when working with computer applications? Unless you are totally colorblind (ie: monochromatic) I would think you simply tinker with your master color settings to adjust, yes/no? If you are truly monochromatic.. then it's all about shades of gray, right?


I have deutan meaning greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns may appear similar, especially in low light. It can also be difficult to tell the difference between blues and purples, or pinks and grays. In most things its not a problem, I just may not see the true color but I can still see color. The main problem for me in this game is Operator IX on HM and above. Orange and yellow look close and so do purple and blue. I can tell the difference if I stare at them for a few seconds but those few seconds can wipe the group. So I just avoid that fight on HM. One of these days Ill invest in glasses that will help but they tend to be pretty expensive on top of my normal glasses for being near sighted.


Since they changed the AOE markers however I have a difficult time seeing the difference between red and green markers in PVP because the lines are so small. Basically nothing they have done has helped my situation and only gone to make things worse.

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