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Mercenary thoughts and feedback/complaint


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Hey. I'm level 46 as we speak, so I'd like to think I have a fair understanding of the class by now. I wanted to give some feedback on a few things that I found important.


Mercenary looks great, do well and all that, but there's one thing that thoroughly bugs me. The blasters.


When speccing Arsenal (dps), the skill Power Shot is never, ever a sensible alternative to use. I always have tracer missile or other things that are more effective and appealing to use, rendering this skill utterly useless. It does not do more dmg or cost less heat than any other skill, nor does talents improve it enough to be significant. I petition you to either remove this skill entirely, or upgrading/changing it. At it's current state it's just deadweight and waste of money at the trainer.


The second thing is also about the blasters. As previously mentioned, power shot is useless. The blaster skills I have are unload, basic attack, power shot and sweeping shots.


- Power Shot = Useless

- Basic attack = barely ever used. Emergencies and heat management only

- Unload = Decent for heat management, but terribly low damage even with talents

- Sweeping shots = Low damage, extremely heat cost. Pretty much useless.


That pretty much boils down to ONE skill that I tend to use. Now to the point. I am a Merc with two blasters as primary weapons, blasters that I never actually use. All my actually good skills are rockets/missiles/rail shot and so on.


What I'm saying here is the visual design of the class is failed. There is nothing about wielding two blasters that makes sense, because I never use them.


I'd rather you change the visual effects of some skills, heatseeker missile and death from above, tracer missile.. they're all rockets.. my blasters are just .. for show.


Lastly.. why on earth can't Mercs use sniper rifles? That is so much more bounty hunter assassin style, it makes no sense to me.


Of course, everything here is entirely visual, but to me that matters alot. I want to look good while getting pwned in warzones.


Anyone agree with me or am I way off?

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- Power Shot = Useless

- Basic attack = barely ever used. Emergencies and heat management only

- Unload = Decent for heat management, but terribly low damage even with talents

- Sweeping shots = Low damage, extremely heat cost. Pretty much useless.


I agree with your assessments as well though I do use sweeping shots for aoe close range and when death from above is on cd. Unload is a key part of your rotation when barrage procs and does quite a bit of damage as well as lets your heat vent. Our rotation is basically tracer unless unload, railshot or heat seeker is off cd. I would like for us to use our pistols a bit more during this time and have a little mobility instead of having to stand in one spot.


I think power shot needs to be a viable rotation ability to use to fill that void and it needs to be a mobile attack. That would make the damage difference from tracer fine as long as we got some mobility. To me that is the only glaring problem with arsenal right now. 0 mobility if you are in a rotation situation. And all the other rockets make your heat skyrocket. So make power shot refresh tracer shot if it is at 5 stacks and let it be mobile and I think you have a given purpose to most of arsenals main abilities. Adding a tracer refresh to power shot would definitely be a good place to start and with it being able to proc barrage I think more people would use it on the run.

Edited by solidkjames
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Here is what I think could change about the Merc->Arsenal tree:


  • I feel that to possibly combat both of these, make it to where you can use unload and power shot while moving. IE just like rapid shots.


  • Change the animation on Tracer Missile to the same animation as missile blast. This way we do not have to stay bent over all the time while dpsing.


  • Simplify some of the abilities that Mercenaries get. I feel there is alot of bloat that could be combined that would make the class more intuitive. IE Explosive Missle/Fusion Blast, Missile Blast and Tracer Missile, Power Surge and Thermal Sensor Override.



Again, will these make the class better? I don't know, but those are a few things I wouldn't mind seeing.



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First off arsenal is a missle based spec


Secondly unload is my highest damage ability when the 25% is on


power shot is useless this should be lower heat cost and perhaps vent a little heat to make it viable


The standard rotation is actually pretty boring and in instances when your only role is dps you will probably only use 4 abilities and maybe 5

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you shouldnt be using power shot as arsenal spec anyway since tracer missile is the same heat cost for more damage and debuffs the target/buffs your rail shot/shields you.


power shot is, however, useful for a healer merc (such as myself) since we dont have the tracer missile option and have no other viable spammable abilities to take down mobs while our tank/companion is fine on HP.


shouldnt need to be removed or changed. its just not intended for arsenal.

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Unload is maybe highest damage ability when barrage on but it has 3sec channel time within you can do 2 tracel missiles= even more higher dmg :D


bh PvE: tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile heatseeker missile... done..

pvp: ^ with couple more abilities.. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

No offense but...


Overload - Is your highest damage per heat on a single target in the game.


Basic Attacks - Is probably the highest damage autoattack off all classes and you need to fit them in your rotation if you wanna do decent dps for more then a minute.


Sweeping Shots - Does damage to 5targets, most of your aoe does damage to 3, so it does way more damage when you gotta do aoe to more then 3targets, not to mention the fact you can combine all your aoe attacks like fusion missile, explosive dart and sweeping shots to do insane and massive aoe damage, do this with the thermal override ability on fusion missile + explosive dart and its not that bad on heat.

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Agree with you, plus:


- we have only 1 useful CC (electro dart) and 2 fake CCs whereas ALL other classes have more and useful for their playstyle. Our CCs SHOULD keep enemies far away from us, BUT this isn't: jet boost and punch is good on bridges in warzone, but the punch should incapacitate for 4-5 sec to be useful and the jet boost should push away the enemy for a lot more meters, by now a charge or simply walking delete our CC easily

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