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Purpose of this thread is pretty self explanatory (forgive me if there is another one of these recently)


I have been continuously subbed since launch. After over 5 years, today is my last day. I may opt to put in a little time as preferred down the road, but I just cannot support the game anymore. I have, no joke, 535 days of playtime across all my toons (anyone reading this that doesn't know, do /played in game on a character). I suspect the number of people that have been logged in that much can probably be counted on one hand. So, I'm not a crybaby, I've loved this game. Not anymore.


Ultimately, I do not believe 5.2 will bring our group content friends back, lots of neglected bugs, tired of seeing bots in game that are never dealt with (names I have been reporting for a year are still on freaking Yavin), GC is a disaster that few want, and class balance that is awful. If you want more thoughts/reasons feel free to read my post in this trhead, its right below the original post...




Please, asking respectfully not to debate me, just wanted to give others that are as frustrated as me to have a place to sound off before leaving. If you aren't signing, please respectfully move on.


As I mentioned in the linked thread above, as a paying customer I am very unhappy with the studio. There is a real feeling of disconnect between player base and studio, and Musco, that's your fault. That disconnect has been present for years. The entire studio is responsible for this mess, so sorry to sound like I'm singling you out. When you have someone that rarely posts in the forums, and that person has paid you for 5 years uninterrupted, and put in thousands of hours of gameplay, and takes the time to call you out... well I hope you can appreciate that I am not a troll, but a very dissatisfied loyal customer.


You guys aren't listening to us, you're on the wrong track.



Obim, Harbinger.

"You have 0 days of subscription play time remaining."



Edited by mattjurado
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Do you somehow need other players to validate your decision? The thread will just get moved to the off-topic subforum anyway.


Note: I do not feel 5.1.2, or 5.1.2 or 5.2 are going to adequately address the issues with GC. But I am also not dependent on GC either, nor are any of my friends or guild mates in game. We assessed it, decided it sucked, and bypassed it. Sure.. just playing the game the way we choose to... we get some crates... but thats icing on the playing, not the "bread and butter" sustenance that some have forfeited to.


I really do not understand why some players feel they are a slave to GC, and as such... being it it's currently sad state, and clear "slow walking" by the studio... just cave to frustration and quit.

Edited by Andryah
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I feel like voicing some thoughts before I leave, curious how many others are too, that's why.


Its not just GC, if you bothered to read my post.


Not being sarcastic either just honest.


The end.

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I really do not understand why some players feel they are a slave to GC, and as such... being it it's currently sad state, and clear "slow walking" by the studio... just cave to frustration and quit.


I really don't understand how some people are not outraged by the gearing system they have thrust upon us.


Your system does not work for everyone. As has been stated multiple times by multiple people so I won't go into it again.


If everyone was like you it would have been status quo since 5.0 with no changes. Sometimes you need to quit or post about your frustration in order to effect change. Rolling over and just accepting it CERTAINLY is not the answer.

Edited by Kawiki
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Rolling over and just accepting it CERTAINLY is not the answer.


Giving up is always a poor choice. Though if you allow something to frustrate you and turn you into a victim..... giving up is better then doubling down and demanding.


Persevere and overcome challenges = is a key defining quality of Humans. Embrace it, IMO.


Of course if the challenges have no viable alternatives..... you have a brick wall. But I disagree with you that there is no way around GC. Just because you can not or will not does not make it so.


As for raiders.. they really should have left a couple years ago if raiding is all they are interested in doing. PvPers always at least have other players to play with/against..... but for some PvPers.. that's not enough.

Edited by Andryah
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Giving up is always a poor choice. Though if you allow something to frustrate you and turn you into a victim..... giving up is better then doubling down and demanding.


Persevere and overcome challenges = is a key defining quality of Humans. Embrace it, IMO.


Of course if the challenges have no viable alternatives..... you have a brick wall. But I disagree with you that there is no way around GC. Just because you can not or will not does not make it so.


As for raiders.. they really should have left a couple years ago if raiding is all they are interested in doing. PvPers always at least have other players to play with/against..... but for some PvPers.. that's not enough.


Quitting a game because he does not like something about it does not make him a victim, if anything it makes him proactive. Accepting something you dislike and finding a "way around it" is actually victim mentality.


"Preserve and overcome" are you serious? This is a game, if you are not having fun a or don't like something about it why would anyone preserve and overcome their dislike? You are talking crazy.

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Quitting a game because he does not like something about it does not make him a victim, if anything it makes him proactive.


You really need to read what I stated more carefully.


Quitting a game that frustrates you is not being a victim. Insisting you have no options but to quit because gearing via GC is perceived as the only path (which is simply untrue in this case) .... THAT is playing victim.


Accepting something and finding a "way around it" is actually victim mentality.


"Preserve and overcome" are you serious? This is a game, if you are not having fun a or don't like something about it why would anyone preserve and overcome their dislike? You are talking crazy.


Are you serious? Persevering and overcoming challenges in games IS what gaming is all about for most players. A game without any challenge is rarely played by adults with any level of sincerity. At least for those that are not just there to collect their goodies and then /quit.


Now.. if we are talking about a pre-school level approach to game play... then I could see your point to some extent. but I'm going to side with the fact that this is NOT how most players approach challenge in a game, and most certainly not in MMOs.

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I use the forums to express my thoughts mostly on things that upset me with the game. Hardly ever do I use it to show thanks, which, IMO, feels like most do. RNG and GC and the huge nerf to the Sorc have been a let down to me. I feel they could and need to do a better job addressing those two issues.


I still enjoy this game as an escape, hobby, just random enjoyment. Also interacting with the people I have met over my time in the game. Will I leave because there are issues that upset me? No, I am an adult, I don't leave things in a huff.

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You really need to read what I stated more carefully.


Quitting a game that frustrates you is not being a victim. Insisting you have no options but to quit because gearing via GC is perceived as the only path (which is simply untrue in this case) .... THAT is playing victim.




Are you serious? Persevering and overcoming challenges in games IS what gaming is all about for most players. A game without any challenge is rarely played by adults with any level of sincerity. At least for those that are not just there to collect their goodies and then /quit.


Now.. if we are talking about a pre-school level approach to game play... then I could see your point to some extent. but I'm going to side with the fact that this is NOT how most players approach challenge in a game, and most certainly not in MMOs.


LOL nevermind. You are simply an arrogant troll that twists words to meet your agenda.

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... snip


You guys aren't listening to us, you're on the wrong track.


snip ...

If I honestly though that signing something like this would make a difference because Bioware actually cared then I would. But it won't make a difference because they actually don't care. The loudest message players can send is delete all billing information from their account, then let the roaring silence and diminished revenues do all the talking. If the game gets back to where it was when you were enjoying it then your account will (should) still be there for you. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I am not un-subbing but I can understand your frustrations. I fall on the other end of the player spectrum. I am a PvE player and I rarely participate in raids or operations (only if my guild mates make me do it). At the core though, I am a gamer and it bothers me on some level when a gamer feels they have to quit a game they love / loved.


In opposition to the usual comments, I want you to keep all of your stuff. I hope you find what you are looking for out there, among the other games. And, if you come back, I hope you rediscover the joy you felt when you first started playing 5 years ago.



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Do you somehow need other players to validate your decision? The thread will just get moved to the off-topic subforum anyway.


Note: I do not feel 5.1.2, or 5.1.2 or 5.2 are going to adequately address the issues with GC. But I am also not dependent on GC either, nor are any of my friends or guild mates in game. We assessed it, decided it sucked, and bypassed it. Sure.. just playing the game the way we choose to... we get some crates... but thats icing on the playing, not the "bread and butter" sustenance that some have forfeited to.


I really do not understand why some players feel they are a slave to GC, and as such... being it it's currently sad state, and clear "slow walking" by the studio... just cave to frustration and quit.


So, frustrated players should what... Suffer through it? How does that make sense? When the game ceases to be fun, it's time to step away. And what makes it fun varies from person to person. You just do you and don't worry about what's going on over here.

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I feel bad for the OP who asked for people to only post if they are signing off and a certain individual jumps in to argue for what I would consider trolling. I've noticed them in many other threads in the general section and they always take the opposing view of the thread and the majority of posters. You know who you are, so I won't call you out. But it really does seem like you are trolling every thread and most don't even concern you and you go about derailing them into an argument with the OPs and many others.


Back on topic :

I've only been back in the game a week and I'm sitting on the fence on wether to stay. I am certainly leaning towards leaving because of the 250% XP boost. When I resubscribed it hadn't been announced and I do not want to level that fast. I saw another thread asking for an option to turn it off, so I will wait to see if that happens. Otherwise I'll be back here to sign as well.

Edited by Totemdancer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, I've unsubscribed. Not because of the random loot, since I don't need end-game gear anyway; because of the unblockable DvL pop-ups.


Specifically that, and more generally because the current dev team is removing or besmirching the vanilla content in all number of ways. The vanilla content of this game is (or, was) some of the greatest in RPG history, but they just have no respect for it, and keep removing/introducing things to cheapen the experience.


The fact that they can't create new content of that caliber is disappointing, of course, but no reason not to enjoy the old content. But the fact that they not only can't make new things, or make things better (fix bugs), but keep making things worse...there's no excuse for that.

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