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Solo Operations Petition


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As long as the rewards for solo operations are consistent with the rewards for other solo content, I have no objection to this. The only issue to consider is whether the option of doing solo operations will gut the available player base for regular operations.
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Who agrees with me?


I do, but most people here probably don't (I haven't read the replies).


While I do OPs occassionally with my guilds and I was able to heal through some HM OPs back in the days, I don't enjoy this playstyle, mainly because it takes too long and OPs are usually run in the evening. After a long day at work, I don't want to play OPs anymore.


What is my biggest issue though is that I have those story missions for OPs on all my alts. Especially the Oricon OPs are annoying as the end of this questline is gated behind two OPs. I am not good at playing certain classes. I would never be able to play an OPs with my inquisitors, for example. And I don't want to. But I would really like to see the stories finished on all my chars.


I know that here are mechanisms and bossfights which cannot be solo'd and I don't have a solution for that. That doesn't change that I would be super happy if there would be a way to see the stories for all those OPs as a solo player. I don't care for rewards. Can be completely without. I wouldn't even mind if they would give players the chance to finish the storylines without doing the OPs. Maybe make a picture-story with the cutscenes embedded as videos. I don't know. As I said, I have no solution.

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I`m a player that HAS to do ALL of the story content in every game I play. Though that is no longer possible in this game. Completing certain ops (Explosive Conflict) has become impossible. Not enough people are willing to do ops anymore. Some days I can`t even get one person to join me. And on those rare occasions that I actually manage to get an ops group together, they always, ALWAYS, quit halfway through because it`s "too hard." Before anyone says anything, yes it`s always set on story mode. On that note, if it`s possible to make solo mode flashpoints, why can`t there be solo mode ops? Especially, if there`s going to be a new op next month. I know there are players that do ops just to get command xp that know what I`m talking about. I would also like to point out, that in the 5 years that I`ve been playing this game, I`ve only completed 2 ops in that entire time, both on story mode.

Who agrees with me?


A solo flashpoint is not the same as a group flashpoint.

Solo/tactical flashpoints were created to :

* hide low server population

* class diversity issues (sometimes no tanks in queue , sometimes no heals in queues)

* rehash old content that was level/group gated


A "solo operation" won't be the same as a "real" operation, most mechanics would have to be removed making boss fights kind of ridiculous storywise.


EC in particular has a puzzle that needs at least 2 players, sure you can remove it like the one in KP SM and go straight to the boss, but as I said it won't be the same experience.


Operations or raids are group content were the fun is in the coordination and the different roles in the fights, not much as class roles (tank/dps/heals) but like "I will kite the adds/boss", "I will click this thing", "I will solve the puzzle" and so on...


I have no problem with solo content, but I think the time and resources needed to remove mechanics and rethink fights could be used to provide an alternate "story conclusion" like the revan fight in SoR or the CZ weekly where the 2 flashpoints requisite had become one (soloable) heroic.

Edited by Alexandrozingsw
fixed a typo
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It could be nice for those who want to watch the cut scenes. But I don't think this would ever happen.


What cut scenes? There's maybe two, more commonly one in each operation and honestly they do not contribute a whole lot to the story.


EV - ship heading to Belsavis getting shot down

KP - Karagga's throne room where you get dumped into the Rancor pit and a "I'm gonna kill you" at the end

EC - meet Kephess

TfB - meet Kephess and see him pulled into the vortex by the terror from beyond

S&V - Intro to Cartel Warlords and another "I'm gonna kill you" from Styrak

DF - meet Brontes at the end

DP - meet the dread masters council, the "you did not really kill us now we're gonna kill you"

Rav - meet Cortanni

ToS - encounter the machine


If none of those cut scenes existed I doubt anyone would complain.



I have always thought that in story based games like SWTOR any content which ties into the story or enhances the lore should be made available to everyone, regardless of playstyle.


If you switch out the loot and exp tables for whatever a solo flashpoint has, I think this would actually be a good idea, let people experience the story without taking anything away from the raiding side of things, which is all about the loot.

I agree 100%... although you won't get many hardcore raiders who'd support this. Because OP's have "mechanics" n stuff ;)


As a "casualcore" raider (someone who has done all of the raids beginning to end, who has done all the HMs and did a bunch of NiM versions), I would support a solo version IF done well. One of the factors that makes operations what they are are the mechanics; a group of players having to work together to perform specific tasks and avoid or mitigate mechanics. There are a LOT of operations boss mechanics that CANNOT exist in a solo mode and would therefore ruin the "story."


Not to mention that most of the encounters would have to be completely redesigned not just mechanics removed/altered. Even in a SMOp, in a significant majority of the encounters different people have to do different things at different times, only having one player do those things is not possible. Just as a for example: EV puzzle; this encounter would have to be completely rebuilt from the ground up for a single person to complete.


In my estimation there is no way to rebuild ops for solo play and do it well as to maintain at least some of the challenge and the reason these encounters are what they are.


And last caveat, the rewards for a solo mode would have to negligible: no loot, and maybe *A* small command XP drop at the end. The point being if you want to see the story, that is all you will get from a Solo mode op; solo mode ops should not be a viable source of XP or CXP.

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A "solo operation" won't be the same as a "real" operation, most mechanics would have to be removed making boss fights kind of ridiculous storywise.


Just before I left Rift to come play SWTOR... Trion actually did something like this. It was designed to be a different option for solo players, and to keep them busy until the next expac dropped.


They were terrible!! Essentially they repurposed the Raid instances so that players could solo all the bosses. Of course you got nothing for doing so, the loot was bad, the experience was repetitious, even the rate of XP gain was not a draw, and the solo instances were not at all reflective of actual boss fights in the actual raids.. so it was not even a good training ground for new raiders.


The one thing they did do well though was to make them accessible from level 15 so they did represent a different leveling pathway in Rift.. which anyone who has ever played Rift knows... leveling is boring after your 4 character and 10,000th random rift. And in that case, the drops were actually somewhat useful. But for capped level characters, they were terrible.

Edited by Andryah
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The more I think about it, the more my idea makes sense: content is content. It's all the same. All of it should have solo mode and group mode.


They take time to make solo chapters but those should also have group mode because 90%+ of the work for that is already done. Same deal the other way around. They take time to make group raids but those should also have solo mode because 90%+ of the work to do that has already been done.


They're always crying poverty about how much content they can make. It seems obviously smart then to have every chapter also have a group mode, and all the group-only content to also have solo modes. This would maximize what ability they have to produce content.


Forum users are always fighting over what kind of content should be made. They all want the kind of content they like to be made and know that it competes with the kind of content other people like. This idea eliminates that entirely. Everyone gets to play all the content in the way they prefer to play it.


They've already taken baby steps in this direction with the whole story/vet/master mode chapters. Next it'd just be story/vet/master/group.

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Personally, I would love to see a single-player alternative added to Oricon so if you like Ops, you do Dread Fortress and Dread Palace like normal, but if not, then you can choose to do something like the final fight on Yavin IV - a straight fight against the Dread Masters with your companion/s and multiple NPCs at your side.

Where would the harm be in that?

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Solo "ops". Lol, people have ideas.. 😆


What is left of a boss mechanic if you can solo it? Almost nothing if it is not a stupid tank and spank mob.

Where is the group/team effort which is the core fun in raiding/doing complex encounters?

Bottom line is solp "Ops" wouldn't be Ops, not even remotely.

Edited by Khaleg
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Solo Operations? REALLY? Please NO! And this comes from a solo player.


BWA have got fair bigger issues to deal with than this.


As another solo player, I cosign this. I got eight class stories out of the game, and knew full well heading into buying the game and getting a sub that there was some content I wouldn't be able to play.

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As another solo player, I cosign this. I got eight class stories out of the game, and knew full well heading into buying the game and getting a sub that there was some content I wouldn't be able to play.


this game is full of solo content look at the last 2 expansions and the original class stories, and other expansions also have solo content so I don't think solo ops would ever be a thing and like 99.9% of the people posting it's just a bad thought remember this is an MMO.

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this game is full of solo content look at the last 2 expansions and the original class stories, and other expansions also have solo content so I don't think solo ops would ever be a thing and like 99.9% of the people posting it's just a bad thought remember this is an MMO.


Agreed.......I also wasn't a fan of the Valkorion storyline FWIW. Not the story itself, but if I wanted a linear experience Halo and Call of Duty, not to mention countless other games, are out there. I loved exploring each planet as I came upon them, but the last truly open world in my mind was Rishi.

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Personally, I would love to see a single-player alternative added to Oricon so if you like Ops, you do Dread Fortress and Dread Palace like normal, but if not, then you can choose to do something like the final fight on Yavin IV - a straight fight against the Dread Masters with your companion/s and multiple NPCs at your side.

Where would the harm be in that?


People need to realize, that the Dread Master conclusion is NOT something one can just do solo. Their whole arc built upon that they are the stongest, meanest force users ever to live and they are a 6 pack. Yes, 6 of them. Trust me, to keep the immersion of their story they need to be behid an OPS, instead of a solo way to mop up the floor with them, especially 4 of them at THE SAME TIME, it's just meh. Noone wants that... That's just throwing the great story out of the window. No gain.


So again, here I come, bit of an advertising, but still, to ANYONE who wants to finish ANY OPS in a calm way, here's your chance:



Please do realise, that the tartget audience are those who +1 to the OP's idea, regarding solo ops. No need for that, just read what we offer and take it from there.

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Nice post, Vegas.


These people who want this claim they want to do it for the story but then you come along and destroy that with logic like this.


Enough is enough. If people want to enjoy the entire game then do what it takes to enjoy the entire game. You buy it knowing full well what you're getting into so stop trying to change the game to fit *you* and change yourself to fit the game.

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People need to realize, that the Dread Master conclusion is NOT something one can just do solo. Their whole arc built upon that they are the stongest, meanest force users ever to live and they are a 6 pack. Yes, 6 of them. Trust me, to keep the immersion of their story they need to be behid an OPS, instead of a solo way to mop up the floor with them, especially 4 of them at THE SAME TIME, it's just meh. Noone wants that... That's just throwing the great story out of the window. No gain.


So again, here I come, bit of an advertising, but still, to ANYONE who wants to finish ANY OPS in a calm way, here's your chance:



Please do realise, that the tartget audience are those who +1 to the OP's idea, regarding solo ops. No need for that, just read what we offer and take it from there.


Depending on the NPCs, what would really be different in terms of logic between fighting the Dread Masters (just the Dread Masters, not the whole OP) with 7 other players, not all of whom are necessarily Force Sensitive anyway? As long as the whole team is plausibly shielded from enough of the terror-inducing to actually function, it shouldn't matter if they're all PCs or a mix of PCs and appropriate NPCs. That's the story-logic perspective. :)


As fun as I, and some others, might find a single-player alternative, I know it's never going to happen, and barring connection issues, I'd much rather have a group of friends or other nice people willing to teach me Ops anyway.

I have a decent guild on the Progenitor, but their usual raid time is while I'm having dinner so I don't get to join in very often.

Still, I do still have a bunch of characters on the Red Eclipse, so I may have to look you guys up :)

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The last thing this game needs is more solo content, or for group content to be tuned down to solo content. We've received nothing but solo content for the last two 'expansions' (really more like one expansion cut into two pieces to extend subs) and it hasn't been good for the game.


I'm fine with there being a solo alternative to operations--like how the SoR story gave you the option of continuing via running Temple of Sacrifice, or by completing solo objectives leading up to a solo fight against Revan backed by multiple NPCs. That's a good idea, it means no one is locked out from completing a questline in their mission log.


More solo may be last thing YOU want, that does not make it a bad thing for other players who do want it though.

More of ANY content is never a bad thing for a game, it keeps a broader variety of players happy and honestly right now its like you are flat out saying no, ignore those players, never give them anything new again.


The game needs more of EVERYTHING.

All varieties of play forms to support and cater to the vast number of styles of the current people who play it.


More of something is NEVER ever a bad thing for a game. That does not mean it doesn't also need more of some other kind of playstyle to be looked at in tandem.

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More solo may be last thing YOU want, that does not make it a bad thing for other players who do want it though.

More of ANY content is never a bad thing for a game, it keeps a broader variety of players happy and honestly right now its like you are flat out saying no, ignore those players, never give them anything new again.


The game needs more of EVERYTHING.

All varieties of play forms to support and cater to the vast number of styles of the current people who play it.


More of something is NEVER ever a bad thing for a game. That does not mean it doesn't also need more of some other kind of playstyle to be looked at in tandem.


No one is saying 'never give anyone any solo content in TOR ever again'. Stop being so silly. Leave that poor abused strawman alone; what did he ever do to you?


What people ARE saying is that we have already had two expansions in a row dedicated to solo content, in addition to all the other solo content we already have in the game. All we've received in return for focusing on solo content for two expansions to the exclusion of all other types of content in the game is declining sub numbers. That is why I said solo content is the LAST thing we need; we've already received tons upon tons of it for the last two years. We have a surplus of solo content, not a shortage. It's time to switch gears and put out content in areas that have been neglected for those same two years.

Edited by AscendingSky
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