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Option to Turn OFF XP boost


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I personally will be using the boost, but support this existing as an option for players who want it.


Me too, I'd rather give players options than tell them that they have to play a certain way. If a sub wants to turn off the XP boost there shouldn't be any objections, especially since they previously had this ability.

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its ridiculous that these people cant grant one simple request to shut this silly amount of xp off

heres a game loaded with content which people should be able to enjoy at their own pace and all they care about is the mad rush to end game to grind some gear system thats horrible

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I am one of those supporting, from time ago, the option to turn off xp from events. There is a situation in this game in where you still can find some fun, and is playing underleveled 3 or 4 levels. You can miss shots, your enemies can dodge your attacks, they hit you harder. Gear not updated to your level helps to make things harder. Not every fight is demanding, but Elites and champions can still put you into problems. That kind of fun was removed in favour to those players asking for a faster way of leveling, so experience points were boosted everywhere and enemies made weaker, and the game broken for those of us that like the placebo of "game is challenging" growing our characters.


So now, the only way to keep yourself underleveled is skipping a lot of content. Sure the game experience, from a story and lore point of view, is a little bit worse, but while you can stay underleveled in your story you still can feel some kind of danger in your wanderings over the galaxy. XP events force players to play in a way not originally intended, but to "gift" some players with a boost in their leveling, something that every player don't have to accept. The turn off has been asked for years, and should be implemented as they did with the Acute Stone that got rid of 12x xp event. A game with options is much better game than a game with only one way of playing, because aims for more players' tastes.


And if a player uses the Turn off option, why other players that won't use it are so concern how other players play the game? As if that affects them somehow for worse. Level sync doesn't solve this situation, and it is not an answer to deny that the game needs a Turn off xp option.


cant you sit at the top end of mids pvp with maxed out gear and farm new pvper without outleveling the bracket? aor would this not be a problem?

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Do we have an answer from Bioware about this yet? I also want to turn it off


You actually expect an answer? really? They can go weeks with nothing but maintenance warnings and fluff, and you expect they will actually reply to you? Try not to be disappointed when they ignore you like everyone else.

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You actually expect an answer? really? They can go weeks with nothing but maintenance warnings and fluff, and you expect they will actually reply to you? Try not to be disappointed when they ignore you like everyone else.


Guess I'm just used to customer service in WoW. I only just came back to the game. Guess I won't be staying long

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cant you sit at the top end of mids pvp with maxed out gear and farm new pvper without outleveling the bracket? aor would this not be a problem?

I don't pvp. Anyway, the player still earns experience and won't stay forever in middle bracket. He is earning the NORMAL experience points, not the BOOSTED experience points, so he plays like he always do. For those who want to go to level 70 faster, they welcome the boost, do they play pvp or not.

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I don't pvp. Anyway, the player still earns experience and won't stay forever in middle bracket. He is earning the NORMAL experience points, not the BOOSTED experience points, so he plays like he always do. For those who want to go to level 70 faster, they welcome the boost, do they play pvp or not.


Sorry, but you have that all wrong. Pvpers get the same xp boost as pve people and not all of us like it.

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Sorry, but you have that all wrong. Pvpers get the same xp boost as pve people and not all of us like it.

Must be my poor english. I know that affects the same way to pvpers and pvers. I am on the same bandwagon for a turn off option as I explained before in this thread.

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I agree. PLEASE give us the option of turning off the xp boost. I like to level the normal speed through questing. I hate the boosted xp all the time. I was actually enjoying my new character because he is progressing normally. Some of us don't want the boost.
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In another thread someone said if you unsub you won't lvl as fast. Is that true?


After your time runs out. f2p and preferred players are not getting the bonuses to experience I believe. Just subscribers.


I am actually looking forward to testing how early I can reach level 70.


I;d have to dig for the post but in the back of my mind, I;m remembering 11 hours the last time we had such a boost.


edit: Found a thread where someone says 7 hours - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=811471

Edited by dr_mike
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YES! An option to turn it off would be so welcome. Does anyone have ingame confirmation that f2p or Preferred players don't get the boost? If so I'll just let my sub die and wait until this event is over.


You'll need to ask in-game. Non subscribers can't post on forums, so you'll not get valid info here.

I know for a fact that you get xp slower when preferred. But does the new exciting boost apply to f2p or not -I'll see in 11 days :)

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After your time runs out. f2p and preferred players are not getting the bonuses to experience I believe. Just subscribers.


So they are encouraging us to unsub if they don't give us the option to turn off XP... Wow that is so stupid.


Well I guess all of us who don't want to lvl fast are going to form some sort of rebellion and just unsub until it stops.


The amount of nonsensical development, poor decisions and changes coming out of Bioware in the last 3-4 months is the worst I've ever seen from Bioware or any Empire (game developer)


I have to ask the question, "is there anyone flying the star ship" or are all the crew having a go at the same time. It's one bad decision after another and each one seems to compound the problem in the players eyes. Next thing, we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?


They must be Delusional not to see the rage and the people unsubbing over all the poor decisions. Something's got to change Laser Brains.




The conversation between the players and the Devs..

Our heroes race to coruscant (forum), home of the republic (swtor), in the hope of averting disaster... this is what happens..


Bioware developer Ben : The chair recognizes the Swtor players from the dedicated player base

Swtor players : Bioware developers, delegates of Bioware and forum members, a tragedy has occurred... which started right here with the indifference towards the player base... and has now engulfed our entire game... in the mismanagment of the Bioware design team.

Bioware RNG developer : This is outrageous! I object to the Swtor players statements!

Swtor forums CM : The chair does not recognize the RNG Developer from Bioware at this time.

Swtor players : To state our allegations, we present the majority of forums, with recently created threads, who speak on our behalf.

Swtor thread creators : Honourable representatives of the Swtor forums, We come to you under the gravest of circumstances. The swtor game has been invaded by the incompetence of the Bioware design team -- [interrupted by Bioware RNG developer]

Bioware RNG developer : I object! There is no proof! This is incredible. We recommend a commission be sent into the game to ascertain the truth.

Bioware design team : The Congress of Devs concurs with the honourable delegate of the Bioware RNG. A commission must be appointed.

Bioware developer Ben : The point -- [interrupted by bureaucrat]

Bureaucrat CMs : Excuse me, swtor forums. [whispers to swtor players]]

Swtor players : [Whispers to swtor thread creators] Enter the bureaucrat. The true lackies of the Game, and on the payroll of the Bioware RNG team, I might add. This is where the Bioware developer Ben's strength will disappear.

Bioware developer Ben : The point is conceded. Will you defer your motion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations?

Swtor thread creators : We will not defer. We've come before you to resolve this attack on our game now. We did not create threads to watch the game suffer and die while you discuss this incompetence in a committee! If this body is not capable of action, I suggest new leadership is needed. I move for a vote of no confidence in Bioware developer Ben!

Swtor forum members : [Chanting] Vote now, vote now...!

Swtor players : Now they will elect a new Bioware developer, a strong Developer who plays the game, one who will not let our tragedy continue...


But our heroes, the Swtor Players, know there is an evil Sith Overlord (EA) and expect the appointment of a Jar Jar Binks developer who will follow the same Bioware mantra and come back when the republic (game) is destroyed... to say to us..

"Mesa cause one, two-y little bitty axadentes, huh? Yud say boom de gasser, den crashin der boss’s heyblibber, den banished."

Edited by Totemdancer
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Does this plan make sense?


First time I rolled a smuggler I played it sloppy - accidentally missed the romance, barely paid attention to the story. So I made a new one, unfortunately right before the xp boost.


I want to pay attention to the story, but I also want to collect all the outfits from doing heroics (Or if not collect them, at least see them so I can decide if I want to keep them.) I also want to be the right level on Voss so I have a chance in the hells of obtaining the virbrosword I want.


Should I level up by only doing heroics, until I get to Voss level and then only kill stuff on Voss until I outlevel it? I'd have to wait a very long time before advancing my class story but I can't think how else to do it.


(btw lacerating blast - worst animation I ever seen.)

Edited by grania
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After your time runs out. f2p and preferred players are not getting the bonuses to experience I believe. Just subscribers.




I;d have to dig for the post but in the back of my mind, I;m remembering 11 hours the last time we had such a boost.


edit: Found a thread where someone says 7 hours - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=811471


Well that thread is old and we now have the DvL xp armour too. so maybe the full set will halve that time?

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OK so for anyone that is curious, F2P (and presumably Preferred as well) players still get the boost. Tested it on an old free account I never use and the boost is present. I leveled up twice in less than 5 minutes on a new character. Guess I'll probably just take a break from the game...for a month :rolleyes:
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