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Jace Malcom in upcoming patch?


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Yes; it was mentioned in the livestream - but only (I think) if you choose the Republic. I said "I think" because I'm not sure, exactly, if Jace (or Acina) will show up even if you don't choose their respective sides. :confused:


Choose the Empire: Malavai Quinn and Darth Acina return (Quinn as a companion, Acina as an NPC)

Choose the Republic: Elara Dorne and Jace Malcom return (Elara as a companion, Jace as an NPC)

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Yes; it was mentioned in the livestream - but only (I think) if you choose the Republic. I said "I think" because I'm not sure, exactly, if Jace (or Acina) will show up even if you don't choose their respective sides. :confused:


Choose the Empire: Malavai Quinn and Darth Acina return (Quinn as a companion, Acina as an NPC)

Choose the Republic: Elara Dorne and Jace Malcom return (Elara as a companion, Jace as an NPC)


Ah, that makes sense! I figured it was because of choosing Republic or Empire but nice to get confirmation. (Totally missed the livestream, just looked at the notes for it.) Thanks!

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at the end of KoTET, there is a letter about him.. I dont remember the exact role he plays but hes essentially the leadership figurehead for the republic as it rebuilds after the zakuul stuff. I dont remember if he is officially the supreme chancellor or not, but hes there doing republic-stuff.


So, Its reasonable for him to at least make some kind of appearance

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He is mentioned to be the npc in charge of the republic forces on the planet... or maybe that's Elara acting on his orders, either way I just hope our characters actually gets to meet him face to face, I've only ever done the alderaan bonus series once so he's one of those apparent major story npc's I never met. well, met once and know nothing about. Hoping that can finally change.


edit for the post higher up about chancellor thing, Jace is the Supreme Commander in charge of all republic forces, not a politician. xD

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Yes; it was mentioned in the livestream - but only (I think) if you choose the Republic. I said "I think" because I'm not sure, exactly, if Jace (or Acina) will show up even if you don't choose their respective sides. :confused:


Choose the Empire: Malavai Quinn and Darth Acina return (Quinn as a companion, Acina as an NPC)

Choose the Republic: Elara Dorne and Jace Malcom return (Elara as a companion, Jace as an NPC)


So, anyone knows if we meet Dorne as the Empire and Quinn as Republic? I quite wanted to see how Elara would react to being cornered by the Empire and what options we would have when meeting her.

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Quick question - does Theron actually know who his father is?


Yeah, it's covered in the novel Annihilation.


Quick spoilery summary of how Theron found out, if you're curious.




Jace Malcom is overseeing Project End Game to take down the Ascendant Spear which is a joint task force mission between the Republic military, Jedi Order, and the SIS. Theron had gotten stuck on desk duty as a disciplinary action by the SIS director and was itching to get back into the field and he snuck his name into the intelligence reports, which he wasn't supposed to do.


Jace read the reports, saw Theron's name and asked the SIS director if Theron was related to Satele. To which the director tried to deflect, failed miserably, and admitted that Theron was Satele's son. Which... surprised Jace. A lot.


So Jace asked who Theron's father was, in particular asking if it was another Jedi. The director said no, he didn't know and Theron likely didn't either. So Jace started mulling over a bunch of stuff like the fact that since Theron was with the SIS, he probably wasn't Force sensitive, etc. Basically Jace puts his foot down and says he wants Theron to be the operative on the mission.


Basically Jace put two and two together and probably went back to check Theron's birthdate as well. He later asks Theron to come over after a briefing and then he basically lays the bomb on him which Theron takes... well... I guess. For Theron, that is. Because that man has volumes, not issues.


The whole Theron - Satele - Jace family dynamic is incredibly awkward for all involved though Theron generally isn't antagonistic towards Jace while he's more angry at Satele. There's a scene at the end of Annihilation where Jace thinks Satele does regret her decision to put the Republic and the Order first before her son and Jace, which is what he then talks to Theron about later in the short story Regrets.



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