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Pvp Quitters


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It is bad. We were evenly matched on alderaan. Game was about 1 min in when people started quitting. We lost about 4 people in the first 2 mins and we weren't even losing. Of course being short for a spell is super challenging. I'd understand it if it was quesh huttball but alderaan?


Now I will immediately quit when I see it is huttball (either one) but not once it starts. I do it immediately. I hate huttball.

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It is super annoying and BW need to put a debuff on the quitters. The earlier in the match you quit, the longer the debuff. I'm seeing a lot of ppl quitting before the matches have even started. Either its a slow warzone (ACW) or they see a few team members not in optimal gear.


It disgusts me that people quit if it is not a guaranteed win. It is so unfair on the other players to leave them handicapped before the game even starts. It is pure selfishness, they believe their time is more important than anyone else's.


I don't mind losing and I've certainly slogged through enough crud matches. But, debuffing droppers is a bad idea... at least in unranked. I leave before matches start if I don't like the map or if I'm sick of getting the same one over and over. I leave during the match for various reasons, none of which have tondo with the match itself. Real life happens.


Save the whining for Ranked. Unranked is just for funsies.

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Then you need to suffer a significant quitters penalty for mucking it up for everyone else. It has to be all quitters, no exemptions for WZ types that you personally don't like.


Play or get a significant debuff. It should be a damage debuff, too, not a timer debuff. I'd say that goes for Flashpoints as well... when players get huffy because they are called on Leroying or NEEDing on everything and leave, they should have a damage debuff for 30 minutes in all content. Call it an "Inconvenience Tax" for inconveniencing everyone else.


You sound like you take this game way too seriously. Take a deep breath and count to 5.

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As I said in a similar thread, I won't quit a match. If I quit, I get nothing. On rare occasions I'll have connection issues, but I never intentionally quit.

I'm still really bad at pvp, and apart from the lowbie Intro to Warzones, I pretty much only queue on my Commando and Operative healers, so yeah, big bullseye on my chest.


I keep trying, which goes a lot better in the real warzones. In arenas I usually get stunned and torn apart before I can pop anything on my Commando :( . At least my Operative has stealth so I have a few seconds grace before "stunned and eaten" happens.


I won't quit Huttball either, no matter how much I hate it. I try but it lags so much more for me than everything else. A bunch of times (especially on Quesh) I end up getting hopelessly lost :o . If I get too frustrated in a Huttball match I end up hiding in the corner until it ends. Not ideal, I know, but Huttball never made any sense to me.


At least the real warzones (and arenas technically) are actually military objectives (or wargames). Huttball is just dumb.


So, yeah. Keep queuing. Keep trying. ... and don't quit. Better a tiny reward than no reward at all in my book.

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While I am generally against quitting, there are plenty of times that I quickly realize that I'm on a disaster for a team and simply don't want to waste the next 10 mins getting farmed by the opposing team because my team, is either under healed, undergeared or usually underskilled and just have no chance to compete. There is really no excuse to not know the very basics of objective based pvp, stick together, watch objectives and play for the win.
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This! Our team was told we suck in way more words than that. The team that won sucked too apparently. The person saw us in 2 WZ after and rage quit outta them immediately. Next round they were on the opposing team. Whether the person was too focused on trying to kill me or they just really suck I dunno . They stuck around because it looked like their team would win until 3 goals at the very end. They were right near the bottom. Low dmg, low medals. Too busy chasing me to play the game I guess. I know they stayed as they attacked me again at the end. No one rage quit on our team. It was nice. Team work paid off. I was so darn proud of our Hail Mary ending.


I was in a Hypergates match today where we were losing, and this one douchenozzle on my team was trying to convince everyone that the other team was cheating. I recognized like half the other team and they are good, solid players that I am usually happy to be on the team with but not cheaters in any way, at least AFAIK.


Anyway, douchebro starts taking his accusations to general chat and it was super embarrassing. Yeah, they were winning, but come on, guy. Just realize they are better and move on. We weren't even losing that badly, FFS. They, of course, ridiculed the guy and rightly so.

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While I am generally against quitting, there are plenty of times that I quickly realize that I'm on a disaster for a team and simply don't want to waste the next 10 mins getting farmed by the opposing team because my team, is either under healed, undergeared or usually underskilled and just have no chance to compete. There is really no excuse to not know the very basics of objective based pvp, stick together, watch objectives and play for the win.


Yep, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to leave a warzone and nobody should feel bad or upset when it happens legitimately.


Personally, the only time I leave is at the start of any arena that has 2 or more healers on each team. I'm not going to waste all that time when all it will come down to is the last 10 seconds of poison gas to see who happens to live the longest.


I'd like to see a /concedevote option as well for times when it's clearly a lost cause where the team can vote to end the match immediately instead of just being farmed.


I'd also like to see a /votekick that doesn't get cancelled once the player nobody wants around enters combat.


But, like many have said, it's the ones who quit for no reason that are the real issue.

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I don't PvP that often but I am doing some PvP on a couple of characters at the moment.


When it comes to maps like Novare where you have the capping objectives, the problem is that you can often see from the first exchange what the end result will be. If you see for example that your team goes to mid/south and they don't fight at the bunker or they do but let the enemy cap while 6 of ours are there next to them, you just know that it's not going to end well.


Simply because you see that the opposing team has a clue and yours doesn't. Particularly when there's premades involved they can destroy most pugs. Not about hacks but about teamplay and skill.


Of course with the new bolster being set at 232, it pays to have gear over that level or you are at a disadvantage. Now, I only PvP from time to time but if PvP is your main thing I can see being even more annoyed by these matches where within the first 30 seconds you see that you don't stand a chance and still have to be there for 10-15 mins.


I'm sure there are other reasons why people might quit though. Don't forget moms who tell their kids dinner is ready and people disconnecting or realising their late for something. Or their guilds saying it's raid time. So it's not always the same reason.


But even though I don't quit even when the game is lost, I can sort of understand the reasons people get annoyed. Not saying it's a good thing, just saying I get the frustration in SOME cases.

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PvP Warzones are a team event, a group activity.

If people cant last 5 or 10 minutes for the sake of the team they are not playing in the spirit of a team event, and should be penalised to discourage them from either a/ entering again or b/ leaving in future games.


People should only que if they intend to stay till the end.

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PvP Warzones are a team event, a group activity.

If people cant last 5 or 10 minutes for the sake of the team they are not playing in the spirit of a team event, and should be penalised to discourage them from either a/ entering again or b/ leaving in future games.


People should only que if they intend to stay till the end.

I subscribe to your characterization of PvP, but not to your conclusion.


It is a game, people play for fun. If - for whatever reason - it sucks for you, it is better to quit and have the team hope for a good substitute, than e.g. standing in a corner or even doing other stuff.

As long as BW put completely different types of games into one queue (Huttball, Arena and 8vs8) you can't blame people for quitting maps they don't like. If you are stuck with the same bunch of people you dislike repeatedly - well, who will judge you on that?


I definitely dislike quitting - I try to avoid it myself. But if people don't want to play the map I guess everyone is better off with them leaving. Penalties won't help there.

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I don't PvP that often but I am doing some PvP on a couple of characters at the moment.


When it comes to maps like Novare where you have the capping objectives, the problem is that you can often see from the first exchange what the end result will be. If you see for example that your team goes to mid/south and they don't fight at the bunker or they do but let the enemy cap while 6 of ours are there next to them, you just know that it's not going to end well.


Simply because you see that the opposing team has a clue and yours doesn't. Particularly when there's premades involved they can destroy most pugs. Not about hacks but about teamplay and skill.


Of course with the new bolster being set at 232, it pays to have gear over that level or you are at a disadvantage. Now, I only PvP from time to time but if PvP is your main thing I can see being even more annoyed by these matches where within the first 30 seconds you see that you don't stand a chance and still have to be there for 10-15 mins.


I'm sure there are other reasons why people might quit though. Don't forget moms who tell their kids dinner is ready and people disconnecting or realising their late for something. Or their guilds saying it's raid time. So it's not always the same reason.


But even though I don't quit even when the game is lost, I can sort of understand the reasons people get annoyed. Not saying it's a good thing, just saying I get the frustration in SOME cases.


230 gear honestly doesn't keep me from doing ok. I find common sense is way better. Like dont force jump away from the group etc. Don't take on a shielded anyone. They could have blow for blow which will reflect damage besides it's wasted effort.


I find when things like alderaan and novarre coast are lost its due to the leader not leading. It looked grim on our novarre coast last night until our ops leader barked orders. We won. But you can't have some trying to cap mid while others hold east and some try west. The effort just needs to be coordinated.


If it's looking bad on this then I'll go mess with the other team by sleep darting repeatedly. I can usually draw 3-5...in hopes of giving my teammates a chancertain to cap. I've also seen the tactic of sleep darting but not taking the node. Just preventing them from doing it. That was done on me and man was it annoying. I'd love the talent to do it to others. It's amusing to watch the calvary come out over my sleep darts. If it's coordinated, you can win. Sadly some don't communicate or if they do it's YOU ALL SUCK!!!!


I'm the lowest geared player in all the matches so far but I'm not on the bottom.

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Harbinger is known as "Highest Pop, Highest Drops" where drops = quitters who leave at the first sign of losing. A 15minute timeout like Group Finder has for Flashpoints quitters has been suggested before to penalize quitters.


Then there are those who quit if given a 4v4 unranked arena. Now that CXP has been reduced for 4v4 arenas, quitting has increased for those type matches. If someone quits a 4v4 arena, a replacement is usually not found so the match becomes 3v4.

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I started quitting the regular arena matches when I don't have a healer vs a team with one. The rewards were butchered so i'm not going to sit there in an almost certain loss and gain a fraction of cxp for it.


Right click --> Exit



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I don't PvP that often but I am doing some PvP on a couple of characters at the moment.


When it comes to maps like Novare where you have the capping objectives, the problem is that you can often see from the first exchange what the end result will be. If you see for example that your team goes to mid/south and they don't fight at the bunker or they do but let the enemy cap while 6 of ours are there next to them, you just know that it's not going to end well.



I agree, and I leave when I see this ****. I'm not going to sit around getting cumdumpstered for 25+ mins when I can potentially join another match with players that actually give a ****.


Most warzones, it's easy to see if it's going to be lopsided within the first 30 seconds a match.


Voidstar: Defending team gets annihilated within 15 seconds and first door gets capped = massive imbalance between teams and a sure W/L result can be predicted.


Novare Coast: Same thing, players clash mid and one team gets completely rekt, 2 to 1 cap within first 30 seconds. Match results can easily be predicted.


Pylon map: This map is usually predicted after the first pylon; if there is a massive difference in score due to one team blowing up the other quickly and consistently it's a loss. Can be salvaged if you have a skilled miracle stealther but usually not the case.


With the grind these days I don't blame players that leave the second they witness an abortion of a match. These components take forever to get...**** you if you think i'm waiting 25+ mins to babysit PvE players looking to grind CXP because Bioware was too stupid to provide them a better means of grinding via PvE.

Edited by Kurfer
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as long as arenas and warzones are mixed in with eachother i can't support a quitters penalty.


Same, especially if I am getting any lag. Most Arena maps usually have more lag than normal WZs. Extra lag in the game makes Arena really difficult to play.

Playing WZs is more forgiving if you have extra lag that day. So if I pop an Arena, I will leave before it starts so that they can back fill.

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Agree. I don't quit them but I really dislike arenas, totally understand quitting out.


And I really hate Huttball. Sometimes I'll stay and play it, but I feel no guilt over quitting before the match starts. If it's before the start, someone else (almost certainly better at Huttball) can take my place.


Also, now that farming has returned to PvP thanks to the broken bolster system, I think refusing to be farmed is perfectly reasonable.

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I will only deliberately quit PvP if I can do it before the match starts. I want that spot to be able to be backfilled as soon as possible. But sometimes I just can't bring myself to grit my teeth through yet another arena against the same tier 3 premade that keeps turning my alt to paste, or another 8v8 with the same horrible people on my team. And sometimes I just get sick to death of Huttball. So I leave ASAP and let someone else have the spot. Edited by AscendingSky
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people need to understand that a deserter debuff won't work. other games allready tried it and it does nothing to prevent players from quitting. all they do is tab out for the duration of the debuff(or worse in the match)


either way you'll likely see them in the next match again.


Why not make it cumulative, like the /stuck command- except have it 10 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours, 24 hours....?


And I accept that they are paying customers, but then so are the other 7/15 who have their match ruined by quitters and AFK-ers.


People are there to mess others. - making it known that it is anti-social and unacceptable is the only way to step on these roaches.


People queuing to get quick CXP by doing as little as possible.... that's on BW to come up with a gearing system that rewards effort more than time logged in screwing others. say 20 CXP per medal up to 10 and 75 from 9-15 and 100 for every one after that. - or something.

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Why not make it cumulative, like the /stuck command- except have it 10 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours, 24 hours....?


And I accept that they are paying customers, but then so are the other 7/15 who have their match ruined by quitters and AFK-ers.


People are there to mess others. - making it known that it is anti-social and unacceptable is the only way to step on these roaches.


People queuing to get quick CXP by doing as little as possible.... that's on BW to come up with a gearing system that rewards effort more than time logged in screwing others. say 20 CXP per medal up to 10 and 75 from 9-15 and 100 for every one after that. - or something.


it would be way too punishing especially when you're forced to queue up for all gamemodes together without an option to select the one you prefer.

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I don't understand why people quit WZs when their team is winning?


We're up 5-1 in Huttball, and someone on our team quits. We have 2 turrets, are up 300 - 140 in Civil War, and someone quits.


Why waste all that time in a WZ if you're just going to quit right before it finishes and you get rewards?

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I don't understand why people quit WZs when their team is winning?


We're up 5-1 in Huttball, and someone on our team quits. We have 2 turrets, are up 300 - 140 in Civil War, and someone quits.


Why waste all that time in a WZ if you're just going to quit right before it finishes and you get rewards?


There are many reasons you might see someone leave a WZ, they aren't always just quitting.

There could be RL reasons, phone, kids, toilet, food, disconnects, etc


Then there are some people who might be offended by certain people on the team. I've left matches I'm winning when there have been douchebags on my team spouting rubbish or expecting me to carry them all match.

ie, playing HB, winning 4-0, but no one is trying but me, I've scored all 4 goals by myself with zero support. The other team realises I'm the only one trying and they focus me or lock me out and start running the ball themselves. Next thing it's 4-2 and not one of my guys has tried to help me stop the ball carrier. They even let the ball carrier run right past them and don't even try to engage them.

I'm not going to waste my time carrying people like that. The only reason we were winning was because of me and I can guarantee they lost after I left.


Leaving matches isnt always black and white. People like to think it's all nefarious and the person who leaves is at fault. Sure sometimes people just rage quit because they can't stand losing even if the teams are evenly matched. But that's not always the whole story.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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