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AoE color changes. Not good


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The Area of Effect changes introduced this patch were a bad idea. I see the following (I cannot speak for anyone else.)


All AoE effects, including the enemies AoE's, are green. I don't know whose is safe to walk in and whose is not. The enemy's circle used to be red.


The change also reduced the graphic effects. Fire no longer burns in the circles for abilities that have damage over time effects.


Please revert the change.

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Not only that, but you can't see them! In a grassy area like Balmorra or Taris or Alderaan, they disappear entirely. Not to mention similarly-colored areas...or heck, anything that isn't solid black. The old animation had bits of it floating off of the ground and spinning - and it was much brighter - so seeing it was hardly an issue.


The changes are...yeah. Not good. At all. :(

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If there is one thing you can rely on with this dev team, is that if they make a change, it will be worse than it was before.


Making changes to things that work? No problem, meanwhile, no hood toggle, random explosions on your ship, companions lagging behind like a toddler having a tantrum all remain.

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If there is one thing you can rely on with this dev team, is that if they make a change, it will be worse than it was before.


Making changes to things that work? No problem, meanwhile, no hood toggle, random explosions on your ship, companions lagging behind like a toddler having a tantrum all remain.

Exactly. With all the NEW features that would be good to have, and even just bugs that need to be fixed, why spend time taking something that already works and make it worse? It just makes no sense. :tran_frown:

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In pvp you can't tell if it's a huttball pass, heals, or it will kill you. No good.


It makes my brain hurt. Am I being healed or is that lightning electrocuting me? I can never tell now. It's been low on my priorities as far as stupid changes like Bolster in warzones but it is something that tells me they must be free food in warzones. No one who PvPs would ever think having friendly and enemy AoE the same colour was a good idea- and the PvE crowd know better too.

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It makes my brain hurt. Am I being healed or is that lightning electrocuting me? I can never tell now. It's been low on my priorities as far as stupid changes like Bolster in warzones but it is something that tells me they must be free food in warzones. No one who PvPs would ever think having friendly and enemy AoE the same colour was a good idea- and the PvE crowd know better too.


I didn't realise it until this post. I kept running into the green to be healed then wondering why I died. :rolleyes: only did that twice before realizing it's probably better to go with the idea it will kill you.

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I didn't realise it until this post. I kept running into the green to be healed then wondering why I died. :rolleyes: only did that twice before realizing it's probably better to go with the idea it will kill you.


I avoid the circles... though it does get frustrating as a healer, I'm trying to heal people and they actively run out of the healing circles and into an enemy AoE. I want to yell at them but how are they supposed to know? It's all green.


Note: Was an in general comment to devs and not anyone on thread... just thought should post since context.

Edited by AllisonLightning
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If this was intended than I have lost all faith in their abilities to develop. This one thing shows me they neither play there own game, test it, or even know what does what. Just glad it's not in Ops or Fps yet - hey look heals, or wait it was inferno from Tyrans.
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If this was intended than I have lost all faith in their abilities to develop. This one thing shows me they neither play there own game, test it, or even know what does what. Just glad it's not in Ops or Fps yet - hey look heals, or wait it was inferno from Tyrans.


Intended or not, you can question their abilities. The only fact that players have to tell them that we need to be able dissociate ally/ennemy AOE's is a disgrace, how can they not think about it ? It's so obvious that there's no excuse for them.

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The Area of Effect changes introduced this patch were a bad idea. I see the following (I cannot speak for anyone else.)


All AoE effects, including the enemies AoE's, are green. I don't know whose is safe to walk in and whose is not. The enemy's circle used to be red.


The change also reduced the graphic effects. Fire no longer burns in the circles for abilities that have damage over time effects.


Please revert the change.


I like the new graphic... much smoother and less ambiguous. The old one was too fuzy to see clearly where the boundaries were in many cases under ambient lighting in game.


As to the color, for PvE, it does not matter other then green is easier to see and follows the norm for the game. And since it has always been green, I don't buy the "can't see it in grass" complaint.. because it's never been easy to see friendly AoE in grass in this game.


For PvP, I would expect the enemy AoE to be red just like it is with NPCs... and since I have not PvPed since the change I don't know how it works in PvP, so I will defer to PvPers on that.

Edited by Andryah
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its always the same here. they develop things but without foresight. better there is something new , then thought to the end. and after that they fix it. thats how it was done back at 1.0 and still is till today. same with every other content and update here


so nothing new :o

it the devs take a look at wildstar how it has to be done , that would help swtor :cool:

Edited by ShinDoRai
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All AoE effects, including the enemies AoE's, are green. I don't know whose is safe to walk in and whose is not. The enemy's circle used to be red.

Assuming that is a bug, I actually like the AoE changes. They definitely need to get the colors right, but overall I like the new AoE symbols.

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Assuming that is a bug, I actually like the AoE changes. They definitely need to get the colors right, but overall I like the new AoE symbols.


Same here.


But..... considering how long it has taken some bugs to be fixed... I woulda rather they just left it the way it was.

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out of all the things that need to be worked on, i have no idea why they decided to make that worse. i really cannot think of a single reason for changing it. nobody asked for that. what a waste of time.


IMO, they work on little things like that because it don't cost them much and it's not a huge work, while it's a very visible thing for every players. The main goal ? Giving the illusion of an evolving/changing game with a minimal investment from them.


Sad point, even such a small thing is badly thought. :p

Edited by RswanBing
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Not only that, but you can't see them! In a grassy area like Balmorra or Taris or Alderaan, they disappear entirely. Not to mention similarly-colored areas...or heck, anything that isn't solid black. The old animation had bits of it floating off of the ground and spinning - and it was much brighter - so seeing it was hardly an issue.


The changes are...yeah. Not good. At all. :(


I experienced this last night running Toborro's courtyard. The AOE circle on the concrete was difficult to see. I like the new design but they need to tighten up the colors for friend and foe as well as visibility.

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Intended or not, you can question their abilities. The only fact that players have to tell them that we need to be able dissociate ally/ennemy AOE's is a disgrace, how can they not think about it ? It's so obvious that there's no excuse for them.




And I am still not sure what was "wrong" with the old AOE markers that required change..

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And I am still not sure what was "wrong" with the old AOE markers that required change..

Well, some of them weren't the right size. (Mortar Volley, I'm looking at you!)


But hey, there's a faction-specific symbol in it! Too bad if you are a Republic character doing Trench Runner(1) where all the foes are also Republic...


(1) Hey, I managed to die in Trench Runner.




After all the foes were dead.




A couple of minutes after, actually.




We were messing about in the final arena-ish area, and I ran along the fence at the top of the left-hand side (as seen from the entrance to the arena). About half-way along, there's an exhaustion zone, and even though I jumped down as soon as I saw it, it killed me anyway.

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