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How to become a millionaire by using these crew skills?


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Hello! I guess it will be my first post on SWTOR forum so I simply want to say that you guys are an amazing community!

So about a week ago I looked at my credits and I said: "Damn... I'm really poor". So I decided to abandon my sith ways and become a loyal imperial crafter :D Someone on chat told me that combination of: Artifice, Archeology and Treasure Hunting will make me rich. So I leveled up these skills to level 600 and now I'm actually wondering how to become the richest guy in the galaxy. Any tips for retired member of dark council? :rak_02: From my calculations I need about 900mil to buy every single armor/lightsaber that I really like lol :rak_03:

Edited by WiLDxPL
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Hello! I guess it will be my first post on SWTOR forum so I simply want to say that you guys are an amazing community!

So about a week ago I looked at my credits and I said: "Damn... I'm really poor". So I decided to abandon my sith ways and become a loyal imperial crafter :D Someone on chat told me that combination of: Artifice, Archeology and Treasure Hunting will make me rich. So I leveled up these skills to level 600 and now I'm actually wondering how to become the richest guy in the galaxy. Any tips for retired member of dark council? :rak_02: From my calculations I need about 900mil to buy every single armor/lightsaber that I really like lol :rak_03:


Read the "crew skill money making" guide in my signature

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Thanks so much for the guides. I do have one question. Suppose you have many characters and have crew skills maxed. I play again with 8 at a time through the class stories. I take slicing every time like you say. I also take treasure hunting for the lock boxes there for gear and gifts and then any gathering skill. Do you agree with that?
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Thanks so much for the guides. I do have one question. Suppose you have many characters and have crew skills maxed. I play again with 8 at a time through the class stories. I take slicing every time like you say. I also take treasure hunting for the lock boxes there for gear and gifts and then any gathering skill. Do you agree with that?


IMO, TH while leveling for lockbox gear and gifts is meh. If you took a second gathering skill instead of TH and sold what you gather, you could probably buy the gear (off the GTN) and gifts (from the fleet vendors) you want/need.


BUT, that is just one man's opinion. I am NOT telling you, "YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG." If you are finding the lockbox gear and the gifts you are getting to be useful and the credits spent on both to be acceptable, then have at it.

Edited by psandak
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So I leveled up these skills to level 600 and now I'm actually wondering how to become the richest guy in the galaxy. Any tips for retired member of dark council?


1. Craft things with your crew skills.

2. Sell crafted things on the GTN.

3. Profit.


That's really all there is to it.

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Farming mats for crafters is probably one of the more profitable ways to make credits.


Most crafters will undercut each other so they lose money on what they make.


Yup, when it comes to level 1, 9 and 10. There are other numbers in that list though.


Of course no one seems to believe me when I point that out. People swear you;re only going to make money at the 9 and 10 levels of materials.

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Yup, when it comes to level 1, 9 and 10. There are other numbers in that list though.


Of course no one seems to believe me when I point that out. People swear you;re only going to make money at the 9 and 10 levels of materials.


You can right now for tier 3 schematics but the margins are coming down and will soon rely on having at least one companion with max influence for crafting crits. Once enough of the crafters get to tier 3, the profit will evaporate.

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Farming mats for crafters is probably one of the more profitable ways to make credits.


Most crafters will undercut each other so they lose money on what they make.


^This depends on your server's GTN and time invested vs. costs of materials. I only sell mats when they get to 2k+, otherwise it's not worth the time for me. With my crafting cycle of 19 alts all crafting and selling I make about ~2mil per day/login. And I am not even really trying that hard. Plus I HATE farming. There are so many other things I rather do than run around and gather. I will only do so if my own stockpile gets too low.


However, I do recommend selling mats as a way for someone to make creds. It's how I made my first 10mil!

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Farming mats for crafters is probably one of the more profitable ways to make credits.


Most crafters will undercut each other so they lose money on what they make.


Of all the potential money making paths from crew skills gathering materials is the easiest/fastest/cheapest profits, but by far not "one of the more profitable" methods.


Can you gather enough materials in a minute to sell for 40k credits? That is what I make through crafting: 40k per minute of time invested. GRANTED, it took me several million credits of investment to get to the point where I am, but I now NET 10 million credits a week with only ~4 hours a week invested.


If you want fast profits, go gathering. If you want BIG profits crafting is far better.


NOTE: I do not sell anything higher than rating 228 purple on the GTN and I even sell some 220 blue; In other words, I make my millions selling lots of little things not a few big things.

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In other words, I make my millions selling lots of little things not a few big things.


I actually have a character that handles the big ticket items. Even though I;m undercutting, things rarely sell when we start talking millions of credits.


On the other hand, I bought something like 75 hypercrates in the 5-7m ranges eons ago and sold most of them within a week at the 25m range a few months ago.

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Of all the potential money making paths from crew skills gathering materials is the easiest/fastest/cheapest profits, but by far not "one of the more profitable" methods.


Can you gather enough materials in a minute to sell for 40k credits? That is what I make through crafting: 40k per minute of time invested. GRANTED, it took me several million credits of investment to get to the point where I am, but I now NET 10 million credits a week with only ~4 hours a week invested.


If you want fast profits, go gathering. If you want BIG profits crafting is far better.


NOTE: I do not sell anything higher than rating 228 purple on the GTN and I even sell some 220 blue; In other words, I make my millions selling lots of little things not a few big things.


Yes you can gather enough in a minute to sell for 40k credits. One node alone can sell for 24-28k at average prices on my server. Of course this is server dependent.


It's probably one of the fastest ways to make credits when a new tier is introduced. Prices can be 5-10 times higher than what they are now when a new tier is introduced.

Edited by Damedius
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Yes you can gather enough in a minute to sell for 40k credits. One node alone can sell for 24-28k at average prices on my server. Of course this is server dependent.


It's probably one of the fastest ways to make credits when a new tier is introduced. Prices can be 5-10 times higher than what they are now when a new tier is introduced.


But that does not last. On the Harbinger, values are already back to "normal"

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sorry to say so, but if you really wanna get rich,

rich in the golden hutt way, you quickly will see,

that crafting and farming is not worth the time.


and it is all about time in that game. nothing else cares.

you can't lose you life in poverty, the imperial tax investigation

won't imprison you to a lost dungeon at korriban, so don't care.


it is your free-time, so use it for fun, not a ingame job.


if you go on trading, keep in mind, that you are just,

a tiny fish in the big ocean full of hungry sharks.

do small steps. and don't think serverwide, think gamewide,

the guides will give you a small overview of a specific point of view.

the real hutts keep their secrets.


i have made a hugh amount of credits, to heavy for one bank,

but at least, the most important think is the fun ingame. it is nice

to equip at the beginning your character, full 240 no matter what

it costs. i spend about a billion for 240s. this was worth it, to get

my fun back, not collecting the credits. so keep on playing.

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it is your free-time, so use it for fun, not a ingame job.


I agree with this sentiment, but...


if one enjoys farming materials, then why shouldn't they? I USED to find farming materials in WoW relaxing. I would get home from work, make and eat dinner and with about 30 minutes before raid time I would go to a zone fly around and farm materials. However, when I started playing SWTOR, i did not find farming materials as enjoyable...so I stopped :p


if one enjoys providing a service of crafted goods to others, then why shouldn't they do that? I know that my methods of crafting for profit is not the absolute best way to grow my wealth in game, but the absolute best way simply does not appeal to me: buy low sell high IS work to me.


And btw, over the course of 5 years, I too have made billions of credits (mostly from crafting for profit), but I too spend them so my "net worth" is only 750 million.

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you are right. if you like farming, do so.


but crafting is just for your fun and it will lower your profit.

the most items are sold under the value of their materials.

so if you would just sell the materials, you get much more

credits in less time, without any risk.


as a crafter you need to farm for low material costs,

need to send you companions on paid missions for

the missing materials, craft components and then you

can start crafting the item, you wanna sell.

you will push your companions, what will cost time and credits.

it you wanna get much credits, it will costs 5 hours and 1.2mill credits,

fromt 1-40 (6000 rank 1 gifts), each companion.

you will unlock the crafting and gift-thing for companions, what will

cost extra credits.


and at the end of the day, someone just collecting materials and

selling them via ghn, will have more credits than you.



so crafting is for personal use, for your friends and community,

but not for getting rich. there are much better thing, than crafting.

even if you just stupidly are farming mobs at korriban heroic-area,

will bring you up to 20k each minute, because you get much 220-228

items at level 70.



when i started my credit-collection-time, i was farming like hell,

with a very optimized farming system, that guarantees me, to get the nodes.

with so much time, my value increases slowly but it increases. with the right

time, i was lucky and sold for a very high price, but to keep business in my

controll, i needed to start trading.

that was the point i found out, that farming all these nodes was not worth the time.

it works, yes. but it takes to much time. the same amount of credits, by farming

nodes and selling them via gtn, i do with 10min trading via gtn.

Edited by fabsus
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you are right. if you like farming, do so.


but crafting is just for your fun and it will lower your profit.

the most items are sold under the value of their materials.

so if you would just sell the materials, you get much more

credits in less time, without any risk.


as a crafter you need to farm for low material costs,

need to send you companions on paid missions for

the missing materials, craft components and then you

can start crafting the item, you wanna sell.

you will push your companions, what will cost time and credits.

it you wanna get much credits, it will costs 5 hours and 1.2mill credits,

fromt 1-40 (6000 rank 1 gifts), each companion.

you will unlock the crafting and gift-thing for companions, what will

cost extra credits.


and at the end of the day, someone just collecting materials and

selling them via ghn, will have more credits than you.


Sorry but you are 100% incorrect.


I have done the math. Using my own corral of characters with an overall average companion influence rank of 22 (LOTS of 20s, a handful of 30s, 2 40s and 1 50):

you can see the math at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By58u0ps4f7gWmllU18tSU10bzA/view?usp=sharing


Yes, I've invested probably many millions of credits (but no more than 30m) over the course of years to get skills up, get the schematics I want, and get companions to the affection/influence I want, but when I have made billions over the course of that same time span, IMO that investment is a pittance and well worth it.

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as a crafter you need to farm for low material costs,

need to send you companions on paid missions for

the missing materials, craft components and then you

can start crafting the item, you wanna sell.

you will push your companions, what will cost time and credits.

it you wanna get much credits, it will costs 5 hours and 1.2mill credits,

fromt 1-40 (6000 rank 1 gifts), each companion.

you will unlock the crafting and gift-thing for companions, what will

cost extra credits.


6000 rank 1 gfit?? That is insane. In that time you can do heroics and get at least 3 times the credits and then spend on better rank gifts. Those purple (rank 5?) that cost 10k on fleet can cost you several millions but you can have a lvl 50 in less than 1 hour.

And while lvl 50 companions are excelent, you don't need 8 lvl 50 companions to make money from crafting. Most of the items you sell are done by a high lvl companion so it craft faster and you get some duplicates. But for missions that you send your companions in background, 20s/30s should be ok.


One thing is certain for me: it is easier to sell multiple "cheap" simple items than things that cost over 1M. For example 230s takes too much time to sell and if you consider the mats average selling price (isotopes) you make very little profit. Probably 240s have a much better market, but i'm to far away from those schematics.

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6000 rank 1 gfit?? That is insane. In that time you can do heroics and get at least 3 times the credits and then spend on better rank gifts. Those purple (rank 5?) that cost 10k on fleet can cost you several millions but you can have a lvl 50 in less than 1 hour.

And while lvl 50 companions are excelent, you don't need 8 lvl 50 companions to make money from crafting. Most of the items you sell are done by a high lvl companion so it craft faster and you get some duplicates. But for missions that you send your companions in background, 20s/30s should be ok.


One thing is certain for me: it is easier to sell multiple "cheap" simple items than things that cost over 1M. For example 230s takes too much time to sell and if you consider the mats average selling price (isotopes) you make very little profit. Probably 240s have a much better market, but i'm to far away from those schematics.


Doing the math with numbers posted dulfy's "companion influences" page, it is most cost effective (spend the least number of credits) to use grade 1 gifts to 40. You spend a LOT more time but you save something along the lines of 1.5 million credits. But as I have said many times over time and credits are interchangeable resources: spend credits save time, spend time save credits.


And I completely agree that you do not need every companion at 50. Heck I would go so far as to say one crafting companion at 35+ is more than adequate. For gathering skills, the difference in cost per unit between a rank 1 companion and a rank 50 is only 44 credits (rank 50 comps your cost is 598 credits per unit rank 1 comps your cost is 642), so IMO anything between 15 and 20 is fine (and you can get a companion from 1 to 17 for 80k credits using grade 1 gifts). And for mission skills, each person needs to decide for themselves the ROI. Getting *A* comp to 50 cost several million credits and greatly reduces the cost per unit of purple material, but is that reduction worth it? IMO it is not. comps between rank 20 and 30 are fine for running missions. And I sell a LOT of my excess blue mission skill materials, not for a lot, but GTN values are higher than what you would get from a vendor.

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Except you are so wrong, I don't know where to begin with. I have over 10 influence 50 companions and over 20 in range of 30 - 49. I didn't spend a single credit on them. All were boosted from gifts that drop Alliance crates.


And if you click 6000 times for 3 seconds that is at least 5 hours to get to level 20, well, don't want to be rude but that is insanity. Rationalize any way you want.


You are wrong, level 50 crits more often than you 20+. When I'm subbed, that roughly 40-45% of the time. (Preferred have reduced chances, different topic altogether)


Another thing you are wrong is critting on color crystal where you repeatedly said they NEVER crit. Well they do, more often than you would realize, but you don't see using your crappy companions.




Oh, by the way, those are 5 crits on crystal crafting in a row, level 50 companions.


If this is a recent change, go back and rectify all the cr** you've written in the past.

Edited by Vercundus
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Except you are so wrong, I don't know where to begin with. I have over 10 influence 50 companions and over 20 in range of 30 - 49. I didn't spend a single credit on them. All were boosted from gifts that drop Alliance crates.

But how many Star Fortresses and/or recruitment missions and/or heroics did you have to do to get all those alliance crates? I've said it many times: time saves credits and credits saves time.


And if you click 6000 times for 3 seconds that is at least 5 hours to get to level 20, well, don't want to be rude but that is insanity. Rationalize any way you want.

Using grade 1 gifts to get from rank 1 to rank 20 only takes 460 gifts or 23 minutes per companion. It takes 6083 gifts to go from rank 1 to rank 40. And I am NOT advocating doing that. All I said was that if you are buying gifts from the vendors, then grade 1 is the cheapest route to rank 40; never said best, I said "most cost effective."


You are wrong, level 50 crits more often than you 20+. When I'm subbed, that roughly 40-45% of the time. (Preferred have reduced chances, different topic altogether)
You are absolutely correct that a rank 50 companion has a 45% crit chance, but is it worth the investment of time and/or credits to get a companion to that point? And as I said, it is up to each individual to decide. I personally do not think it is worth it.


Another thing you are wrong is critting on color crystal where you repeatedly said they NEVER crit. Well they do, more often than you would realize, but you don't see using your crappy companions



Oh, by the way, those are 5 crits on crystal crafting in a row, level 50 companions.


If this is a recent change, go back and rectify all the cr** you've written in the past..

That was fixed with 5.0 and I acknowledged that fix. Throughout 4.x color crystals did not crit at all. Back in 4.x, I crafted hundreds and NEVER got a crit using a rank 35 companion, that is statistically impossible (even just crafting 100 color crystals the chance of not critting is 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001543%) I am not going to locate every thread where I said that...this will have to suffice. Edited by psandak
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