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Something is wrong with PvP in this game.


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I've been playing this game for more than a year. But in the last few months, there are things taking place in Warzones that seem to defy explanation. Such as:


* There are players and full teams of players in Warzones that appear to be invincible; they take only double digit damage despite being attacked by multiple enemies at once. They're not tank classes. They're Knights and Sith Warriors, Mercenaries and Consulars. Classes that should not be able to resist damage like tanks. But they absolutely do.


* Players can heal with very little health to full with one ability. Even classes that should not be able to cast healing spells. Adrenals don't return that much health.


* Players shimmer throughout the duration of the Warzone and can move across the map in the blink of an eye. The avatars shimmer back and forth in place becoming untargetable. When they stop shimmering, they're very far away. Sometimes, like in the case of the Huttball maps, they appear at the bottom of the stairs at one point and suddenly blink right up to the front of the goal lines. While I am well aware that there are a few abilities that allow you to teleport, they are also supposed to have some visual effect on the ground or require you to place a target down first. But these things are either not being drawn in or simply not there.


I've tried on a number of occasions to talk to the players who display some or all of the above. They either don't respond or tell you off in some colorful manner. You can't join their guilds either. Often matches are so one-sided that it feels like a waste of time queuing up. And this comes from someone who did a server transfer just so I could get queues in the first place.


I cannot believe that I am the only one experiencing these things. And I do not accept "It's just lag." I've turned the game's graphics to bare minimum, (as ugly as that is,) and I still see impossible travel lengths and players I cannot damage. I practice good rotations with abilities as recommended by several streamers and guides. At best, the bolster is adding five or ten points to my stats with the gear I have. Yet there are players who cannot be defeated two-on-one or even three-on-one. I hesitate to say "They're hacking" because that feels like a lazy accusation. And one I cannot prove at all either. And I have a top of the line graphics card with plenty of card and system RAM to make any game on the market right now run as smooth as flowing water. So, it's not my computer.

But Warzones are frequently so one-sided, I am almost to the point of giving up and not PvPing any more.

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The latest updates are not really working on the lowest graphical settings:



  • Sorcerers are now floating balls of lights and I can not see if I have them targeted
  • The new telegraphed casts (AOE) are barely visible.
  • The middle node in In the Odessa warzone hides the target ring on players.
  • Some abilities are almost impossible to see or very different from higher graphical settings


I would send a bug report if I thought someone were reading them.

Edited by Lundorff
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I'd agree with the AoE being green even if it's enemy being a issue.

As for the sorc bubble thing, I don't have the issue, I also had to basically reinstall recently, so that might be the difference. Also if you're using any other launcher (Not saying you should and what not, but if you do), you should start a new with it's settings so it can update with new files.


As for the original post.

A year still seems a bit under the bar for most people here, not to be rude or condescending, well I guess I am being. But to get to the point, if you really think people are immortal for example check their damage taken after the games over.

For example if you're dead set on believing this, I challenge you to only hit one person all game, tunnel them if you will. And by the end of the game if your damage and their damage taken isn't even moderately close then I might say, hey you're right. But don't count on it, most matches when people are mediocre at dps. Which is quite often because a LOT of the community play this game casually and to have fun, then there's the few that really like to be competitive or "Elitists" if you will. In those situations, not to get off topic it usually only takes one good healer to secure the safety of his team if they're even slightly better. Along with that pair that with a mediocre tank and things will be increasingly hard to kill, but with a good tank it becomes even more so.


So I would say, depending on what class you're playing. How to deal with healers/tank combos, because there are ways to deal with them. It's not all about burst specs, where your burst is probably going to get halved or even absorbed by a DCD and even the RNG shield. DoT specs can be a real pain for both healer and tank combo as the damage is shared, most DoT specs can spread their DoTs over and over with some sort of ability. So if they ever stack, you can shred them rather fast.


I've never encountered anything I couldn't kill in a Warzone, so all I can really suggest to you, is learning what DCD's each class has and how to notice them, so you can avoid them as they're meant to be there to help their survival, some classes have superb DCD's so it's reasonable to think you're doing no damage.

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I've been playing this game almost since launch. I purchased one of the original collector's edition boxes. "More than a year" wasn't specific enough then.


I'll try focusing on a single player and seeing what the numbers are. I don't believe it will though. But I will, at least, look.


This also doesn't address the player shimmering effect and suddenly appearing across the map.

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Sounds like lag, people popping out of stealth or even phase walk.

/played might be more accurate for you also, don't seem to be as active if you're having such issues as not understanding class abilities. It's normal for new players to not have a clue what's going on about other classes, but you say you aren't new. So you've basically just got to learn, however i'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and say that this stuff is legitimately happening.

When you see this occurrence please take note of their class, if they're stealth, sorc/sage phase walk, or even got group stealth-ed by a operative. I'm happy to try to help pinpoint what your issues could be, keep in mind lag and desync is a very real thing with higher ping, having over 110ish is enough to start noticing this issue.

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"The shimmering" is probably a Operative, they have the skill "Exfiltrate", 2 charges of it that rolls forward 10 meters really fast and has a green shimmer effect that increases dodge by 200% as you roll, they also have another gap closer of 30 meters that is pretty much instantaneous.
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yeh, the client sometimes takes a while to correctly update an operative's position after a roll, pretty frustrating, especially with huttball.


There are also trick with it I've seen to cover a much greater distance than they should in some places. Borderline exploit actually imo.


For the rest, Sent/Marauder being hit for nearly nothing probably have their undying rage up, it reduce damage my 99%, the rest is probably a mix of dodge/resist with DCDs (Deception assassin have also a pretty impressive DR overall, and are surprisingly passively resistant).


The "heal to full" are probably mercs/mando. They have a big heal on shield collapse if spec right, and if focus fired and using the reflect, they'll heal back to full pretty fast. Also, their kolto overload is pretty powerful, and unless you focus damage on them, will also heal them VERY fast to 70%.

Edited by verfallen
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Huttball is known for issues with people appearing all over the map. The game does a terrible job with updating everyone with height changes. Its even worse on queshball. Then if you have mara/sents in the game speed boosting everyone combined with rolls, force speeds, leaps and pulls it messes things up even more.


As far as the others issues go, it sounds like you have not played all the classes out there or are not familiar with all the changes in 5.0. No one has a heal to full button. At least not without help from the opposing team not paying attention.

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Huttball is known for issues with people appearing all over the map. The game does a terrible job with updating everyone with height changes. Its even worse on queshball. Then if you have mara/sents in the game speed boosting everyone combined with rolls, force speeds, leaps and pulls it messes things up even more.

The shimmering effect is seen on Quesh-ball. That's where I was just before making this post. So, if it is the game that's doing this, then there's nothing to be done. I cannot make the developers address this or any other issue I observe in the game.


As far as the others issues go, it sounds like you have not played all the classes out there or are not familiar with all the changes in 5.0. No one has a heal to full button. At least not without help from the opposing team not paying attention.
Yeah. This is the response I expected. "You don't know the game." Typical response from players on forums for any game whenever someone asks a question. I am not surprised.
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Yeah. This is the response I expected. "You don't know the game." Typical response from players on forums for any game whenever someone asks a question. I am not surprised.


With the little bit you have described it is the only rational explanation. You can shoot at certain classes when they have certain abilities up and do very little to no damage until their shield wears off. If you try to burn down a merc when they have their shield up, and you hit them several times they can get a heal for up to 85% of their health in an instant. You never said what classes were doing what so we have very little information to go off of.


If you really want to see what is going on review combat logs and make a video. The combat logs will tell you exactly how much damage you were doing and to who and with a video, you can slow it down or freeze it and look to see exactly what buffs they had up at the time and may catch others in the background casting heals. If you see a class that can heal just running around, they could still be healing and only using their instant casts to hide the fact they are healing.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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I have seen all this and more since Biofail Decide that casul Pvp Players don't deserve to be competitive and nerfed bolster and making it unless you get a monitor tan and have no life impossible to keep up with armors, Those that shimmer though the map in quesh ball are not just ops but sorcs sages commandos ect ect I follow them with target and it points down almost like a map hack...but thats not possible is it!
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I've seen a Mara in Novare tank three of us alone, with no heals or any other enemy players around, for almost a minute. He never went below 75% health.


Same time a sorc went inside the HILL in mid and came out of it like a ghost a few seconds later...

Had that happen this evening with a Sniper. Completely unsupported, managed to face-tank 5 players WAILING on him. We were blowing through everyone else, but he seemed to be taking damage beyond what a single, unsupported Sniper should be able to take.

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That's insane


I've held my own against 5. But... with my guardian and his old boots of healing on guardian leap with 20 s cooldown, focused defense, enure then medpack, pushing, freezing, fighting like a devil. But losing my health and recovering it...


Things a glass cannon cannot do.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Had that happen this evening with a Sniper. Completely unsupported, managed to face-tank 5 players WAILING on him. We were blowing through everyone else, but he seemed to be taking damage beyond what a single, unsupported Sniper should be able to take.


With the right utilities and with their CDs up snipers can tank for a while now. Even longer vs ranged without extra accuracy. Not sure about 5 people though.

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I've seen a Mara in Novare tank three of us alone, with no heals or any other enemy players around, for almost a minute. He never went below 75% health.


Same time a sorc went inside the HILL in mid and came out of it like a ghost a few seconds later...


Make a ticket> ingame game support> label it>"Inappropriate player behavior>>


>>>Server Name

>>>Wz name

>>>Time (gmt)

>>>Player name and/or guild name

>>>Describe the event


Keep it cool no raging, just an accurate description of what you witness

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Hyde_V ,

you are not the only one that notices it, believe me, many of us have discussed the exact same things.

I have PvP'd since Beta and WZs have been broken one way or another for so long.

Take your pick:


*Class Imbalance

*Factional Imbalance


*Bad Code


Devs don't really seem to care, they are more interested in making new ways for people to spend Cartel Coins, and making shiny new pretty armor and weapons, when in reality there is ample weapons and armor , and fixing Mechanics and bugs and exploits would be a solid start to improving the gameplay.


I wouldn't hold my breath, although the Devs have started conceding in ticket responses there are many problems in warzones and they are going to address them.

Will believe it when I see it.

Edited by ZenX
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I only have one problem with pvp and that's the safe area doors. I understand why they're there, but I sometimes believe they take too long to open up. Example: Hutt ball. 6 players, including myself, were in the safe area, the other team scored without challenge all because we were stuck in there and the door didn't open until after they score. I don't mind being stuck in the safe area for a certain amount of time, but not when it practically hands the other team the win.
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All I can hope is that you're fully aware of all the Defensive cool downs of the class you're claiming is hacking.

Most of these things just come from misinformation or simply choosing to stay ignorant.


I've easily taken on 5 or more as a mara with all my defensive's and lasted quite a long time, when the players i'm fighting are bad, I last even longer and maybe even live long enough to kill them all. It's not something that's impossible, managing defensive cool downs while still being able to dish out damage isn't brain science, with practice and experience anyone can really do it. Also keep in mind, marauder currently has two ways of CC immunity via spec/utility and a way to be 90%? Resistant to abilities, that includes knock backs and stuns.


Getting out played either it be 8 versus 1 or even 1 versus 1, isn't about always about cheating/hacking/exploiting. It's completely possible to out play a whole team as many classes in the game, as for killing them all, not so true unless they have support.

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I've seen the invincible thing, and it is not abilities. I've seen it last several minutes, no abilities can cover that timeframe.


Honestly, you cannot take SW PvP too serious, as someone pointed out it has never been right.


If you are really into PvP I suggest EVE or possibly the new Conan thing, have not heard yet how that is going.

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* Players shimmer throughout the duration of the Warzone and can move across the map in the blink of an eye. The avatars shimmer back and forth in place becoming untargetable. When they stop shimmering, they're very far away. Sometimes, like in the case of the Huttball maps, they appear at the bottom of the stairs at one point and suddenly blink right up to the front of the goal lines. While I am well aware that there are a few abilities that allow you to teleport, they are also supposed to have some visual effect on the ground or require you to place a target down first. But these things are either not being drawn in or simply not there.




Lol i thought iam the only one experiencing this. The guy takes the huttball and starts blinking, teleporting and than appear far away, i thought it's my internet lol but i have my doubts it could be a game bugg especially knowing that swtor is a lagg and bugg crap at the moment...

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