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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Lana isn't there to be a character, she's there to stroke the player's ego.


She must be doing a pretty miserable job at it, because the only time when I actually appreciate her input is when my consular - who romanced her - gets a kind word from her. Which is rarely. :p All other times, I'd rather see Theron, Senya, and Koth in charge of things.

...and now Jorgan, too. And Quinn, of course, when he returns. :D

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*Why do people refer to good-looking women as "hot"? o_O I've never understood that...


I call men hot, too.


You've never been so attracted to some one you started sweating? Help me Jesus I have.

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*holds up shield timidly* I like Lana.


That said she is forced upon the player regardless of feelings which I think is the REAL reason people have strong feelings about her. I loved her on my male Jedi who romanced her but on my female Jedi I was like geez Lana I havent seen my boyfriend in 5 yrs....how about letting me be together sometime with him.


I think it is BW being cheap about VAs. She was wonderful in the storyline where she was the LI but other characters got far too little screen time. I would have love for Theron to be the one to rescue my female knight and have Lana rescue the male. Put whoever was the current love interest in charge and by your side.

Edited by XeniasLatin
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*holds up shield timidly* I like Lana.


That said she is forced upon the player regardless of feelings which I think is the REAL reason people have strong feelings about her. I loved her on my male Jedi who romanced her but on my female Jedi I was like geez Lana I havent seen my boyfriend in 5 yrs....how about letting me be together sometime with him.


I think it is BW being cheap about VAs. She was wonderful in the storyline where she was the LI but other characters got far too little screen time. I would have love for Theron to be the one to rescue my female knight and have Lana rescue the male. Put whoever was the current love interest in charge and by your side.


I like Lana, too - but you're right, she IS forced on players a lot. :/ It's all well and good for those who romanced her, which I guess was the intention, but for people who didn't (those who said, for instance, "Heck nah, I'm staying faithful to my original companions!" [gasp shock horror, BioWare, there ARE people who did that :rolleyes:]), Lana feels unnecessarily inserted into the story. A creator's pet. Which is kind of sad - there was A LOT that could be done with her character, a lot that could be explored... her philosophies, why she's different than most Sith, her interpretation of the Sith Code, her work in Intelligence - but all that got shunted aside in favor of "I'M A LOVE INTEREST, I HAVE A LIGHTSABER AND CAN [barely*] USE DA FORCE, PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!11!!!"


*Really, Lana, trying to Force open a not-very-thick door...and failing miserably. I cringed so hard at that part.

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I think it is BW being cheap about VAs. She was wonderful in the storyline where she was the LI but other characters got far too little screen time. I would have love for Theron to be the one to rescue my female knight and have Lana rescue the male. Put whoever was the current love interest in charge and by your side.


Yes so much, if we have romanced Theron he would come rescue us, if we romanced Lana she would and if we didn't romance Theron or Lana it would be Lana by default for Imp characters and Theron for Pub players.


Back on topic, it's getting so close now to release! :D

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Stop talking about Lana in a Quinn thread! It hurts my eyes and makes me think of her permanent "I've got a cold" face :(

Bring back the Quinn love - immediately :D


On a Quinn note again out of curiosity, I decided to take another companion in with me to the betrayal scene - never done that before & this is Quinn-warrior number 6 (I think). I was going to take Pierce but then decided to Google it and found

and then this one


I took light-side Jaesa with me as after watching the Pierce one it was as predictable as I thought it would be.


Also, where in the ship does Quinn think his quarters are (Quinn: "come with me to my quarters")? I find only crew bunk beds! Does he have a secret door to a ship extension? A space tent?

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Also, where in the ship does Quinn think his quarters are (Quinn: "come with me to my quarters")? I find only crew bunk beds! Does he have a secret door to a ship extension? A space tent?


Well either he really does mean his bunk..! (Which is hilarious) or...




According to this conversation, he thinks my ship is our ship, (which is adorable) and might also imply that my quarters are also his quarters :D

Bring back the Quinn love - immediately


I hope I helped :)

Edited by grania
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Also, where in the ship does Quinn think his quarters are (Quinn: "come with me to my quarters")? I find only crew bunk beds! Does he have a secret door to a ship extension? A space tent?


I've thought the same thing. I'm chalking it up to the likelihood of the voice acting being done before the ship interior designs. Or my crew throws up blankets in the bunks for privacy, either works.

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Stop talking about Lana in a Quinn thread! It hurts my eyes and makes me think of her permanent "I've got a cold" face :(

Bring back the Quinn love - immediately :D


On a Quinn note again out of curiosity, I decided to take another companion in with me to the betrayal scene - never done that before & this is Quinn-warrior number 6 (I think). I was going to take Pierce but then decided to Google it and found

and then this one


I took light-side Jaesa with me as after watching the Pierce one it was as predictable as I thought it would be.


Also, where in the ship does Quinn think his quarters are (Quinn: "come with me to my quarters")? I find only crew bunk beds! Does he have a secret door to a ship extension? A space tent?


Watching the Pierce one, I couldn't help but think "He's such a liar." Pierce may not like Quinn, but he's just a much an Empire fan boy, which means he'd be all over a Darth's boot :p

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On a Quinn note again out of curiosity, I decided to take another companion in with me to the betrayal scene - never done that before & this is Quinn-warrior number 6 (I think). I was going to take Pierce but then decided to Google it and found

and then this one


I took light-side Jaesa with me as after watching the Pierce one it was as predictable as I thought it would be.


...you can take another companion with you to the Betrayal Scene!? :eek: I never knew. I just went with Quinn alone, as I thought you were supposed to...well dang, now I'll have to go with Vette on my male warrior. I can't make another female warrior to romance Quinn - he's too firmly implanted in my mind as the husband of my first warrior ever. XD

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...you can take another companion with you to the Betrayal Scene!? :eek: I never knew. I just went with Quinn alone, as I thought you were supposed to...

This is exactly what I thought! I just started wondering about what Quinn said before you go to the transponder ship - he says it's just a suggestion that he accompany you - that's when I started wondering if I could take someone else. It's worth doing.


And the love is back in this thread - yay! :D

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...you can take another companion with you to the Betrayal Scene!? :eek: I never knew. I just went with Quinn alone, as I thought you were supposed to...well dang, now I'll have to go with Vette on my male warrior. I can't make another female warrior to romance Quinn - he's too firmly implanted in my mind as the husband of my first warrior ever. XD


Oh my gosh, yes. My favorite is dark Jaesa, she thinks the whole thing is amusing and then laughs in Quinn's face when he tries to recruit her. It's the thing that finally got me to like her :p Though, I really do prefer to do the scene without anyone else there.

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Also, where in the ship does Quinn think his quarters are (Quinn: "come with me to my quarters")? I find only crew bunk beds! Does he have a secret door to a ship extension? A space tent?


Next to the galley. And the galley is next to the bathroom.


What? You really think there is NO bathroom on the ship?:D


On a more serious note: I always assumed he had his own room. He's a captain of the ship after all, so he should have a separate room from plebs LOL


Also, when you send him away as a comp, he sometimes says "I'll be in my quarters".


Not all rooms are shows in the game. That droid has to cook SOMEWHERE.


As for other comps in the betrayal scene, I'll never take one. I'm aware of what they say (watched on YT), but what happened on that ship is a secret my warrior and he never shared with anyone. The only variety I added was taking a creature companion, which opened a flirt option when he appeared in front of me.


I can't make another female warrior to romance Quinn - he's too firmly implanted in my mind as the husband of my first warrior ever. XD



Or... you can do what I do: make the same one. Same look. Same name (with a tiny difference so that the game allows it). All my fem warriors are the same person. Her voice is too distinct and it would drive me crazy if it spoke from someone else's face, even if that someone else is another of my toons.

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Hi guys! Long time Quinn fan, but new to the thread. I thought I would share some of my love! Art commissions done by talented friend Vennecca.


The wedding: https://venneccablindart.tumblr.com/post/158808353619/the-wedding-of-amessaa-and-malavai-quinn-sketch


The reunion:




Can't wait for the 11th!

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Also, where in the ship does Quinn think his quarters are (Quinn: "come with me to my quarters")? I find only crew bunk beds! Does he have a secret door to a ship extension? A space tent?


The layout of the ships don't match their exterior models much less what should be present. I mean the Fury only has one of it's engines visible the other is absent because that's where the small med bay is where Jaesa hangs out.


They did a really poor job with the ships in some ways. They look cool but just don't try and figure out where everything is or should be. You're going to run out of room fast. Unless they're all like the TARDIS and are bigger on the inside :D

Edited by OfficerDonNZ
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Hi guys! Long time Quinn fan, but new to the thread. I thought I would share some of my love! Art commissions done by talented friend Vennecca.


The wedding: https://venneccablindart.tumblr.com/post/158808353619/the-wedding-of-amessaa-and-malavai-quinn-sketch


The reunion:




Can't wait for the 11th!


Welcome, fellow Quinnmancer! :D


...WHOA. The wedding drawing... oh my word. That's gorgeous. Both the drawing itself, and the details...aww, the smile on Quinn's face - and your Sith lady's dress, holy cow. :eek: So beautiful. And I love the lights above them... gosh, your friend is talented!!

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Or... you can do what I do: make the same one. Same look. Same name (with a tiny difference so that the game allows it). All my fem warriors are the same person. Her voice is too distinct and it would drive me crazy if it spoke from someone else's face, even if that someone else is another of my toons.


Hmmm...I could. o.o My first warrior's name is just her first name, so I guess I could make her lookalike's name be her *full* name, first and last, since spaces are allowed in names now, yay...and it would be pretty interesting seeing what she looks like throughout her entire storyline as body type three, since I only changed her to that right before I was about to start KOTFE... *considers*

Haha, yeah, know what you mean about the voices. o_e I play this game with my mom occasionally, and together we made a male knight. I already had a male knight, and it was just plain jarring to hear an acid-tongued twi'lek's voice coming out of this very calm, soft-spoken, compassionate cathar. XD But it worked out in the end. The voice seems to fit both of them now; or I've just gotten used to it.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Or... you can do what I do: make the same one. Same look. Same name (with a tiny difference so that the game allows it). All my fem warriors are the same person. Her voice is too distinct and it would drive me crazy if it spoke from someone else's face, even if that someone else is another of my toons.


I have done this.. 2 of my 3 warriors are clones. ALL romanced Quinn

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My first play through of 'the betrayal' was with Pierce at my side as I had NO IDEA it was going to happen (at the time I never read up on things, no forums, I'd only just begun to even understand I could romance companions) so I brought Pierce as I was trying to build up my influence with him. Arrived there and thought "Oooh yay Quinn's here too!" ... ouch. After that though I started doing that part alone but I do enjoy the additional dialog you get when bringing someone other than Quinn.
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Hi guys! Long time Quinn fan, but new to the thread. I thought I would share some of my love! Art commissions done by talented friend Vennecca.


The wedding: https://venneccablindart.tumblr.com/post/158808353619/the-wedding-of-amessaa-and-malavai-quinn-sketch


The reunion:




Can't wait for the 11th!


Welcome!! I love the art, that is amazing stuff. Vennecca is very talented. <3 So glad you decided to join us!

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Also, where in the ship does Quinn think his quarters are (Quinn: "come with me to my quarters")? I find only crew bunk beds! Does he have a secret door to a ship extension? A space tent?


I've always wondered this, but I have to admit I love the idea of Super Professional Quinn just dragging the warrior off to the crew quarters, regardless of where the other crew members might be. It's always been impressive to me. xD


I know Jorgan has a scene where he orders R&R for the crew, Vector asks the Agent to find a way to preoccupy everyone else so they're not hanging around... but with the lack of context in that conversation, Quinn is potentially saying, "Crew quarters, where anyone might walk in and find us (and where you maybe also already slept with Pierce)! Because I'm not going to be rigid and inflexible any longer!"




According to this conversation, he thinks my ship is our ship, (which is adorable) and might also imply that my quarters are also his quarters :D


I never noticed that he says "our" ship! That's adorable.

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Oh my gosh, yes. My favorite is dark Jaesa, she thinks the whole thing is amusing and then laughs in Quinn's face when he tries to recruit her. It's the thing that finally got me to like her :p Though, I really do prefer to do the scene without anyone else there.


With other people there you really get more insight into the situation. And boy, is Quinn NASTY to Vette and Pierce. :D What a little smug turd and I mean that in a good way since this is teh love thread.

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With other people there you really get more insight into the situation. And boy, is Quinn NASTY to Vette and Pierce. :D What a little smug turd and I mean that in a good way since this is teh love thread.


He was quite wicked wasn't he lol :D I was actually a bit amazed. I didn't play those out, but watched it on youtube. When I go, I take him. I'll have to try and go by myself sometime and see what happens. :D

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If they mess up... pitchforks! :rak_01:

I prefer force lightning. :rak_01: "A little lightning will break them. It always does." :cool:


Everybody calm down and think of Quinn-Gucci :o Now feel the love/lust. And remember he's just pixels. Gorgeous-if-only-holodecks-were-real pixels but no reason to come to forum blows over.

LOL, yes! Gucci rocks! :D


According to this conversation, he thinks my ship is our ship, (which is adorable) and might also imply that my quarters are also his quarters :D

Of course it is ours! :D And he'd better mean my quarters = the Warrior's bedroom or I will get angry. :p


Hi guys! Long time Quinn fan, but new to the thread. I thought I would share some of my love! Art commissions done by talented friend Vennecca.

Welcome! :) These pictures look great!

Edited by Dylinrae
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