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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I recently leveled up a new juggy. And I found that I love Quinn after all.


During the mission where he betrays you and you get to force choke him, and slam him against the wall, I totally LOVED it. I loved it so much, I hit Esc and did it some more. And again. And again. I just couldn't get enough. I was yelling "YES! OH YES!!!!" Oh Quinn, where have you been all my life? :D


It was more fun than sucker punching Tanno Vic, repeatedly, in the trooper story.


Just razzing you all. Take no offense. :p;)

I don't see this as a troll post. This is how I was able to forgive his betrayal; he did keep forgetting that we are "no ordinary sith" (as he alludes to on Balmorra). Yes fellow Quinnmancers I'm own up to doing exactly what PorsaLindahl did to teach Quinn not to mess with my re-created first warrior and her feelings :D He got the message :) Back in 2012 it was the spoilers I read on the warrior class story of Quinn's upcoming betrayal that led me to rage quit. I'd only played inquisitors and consulars before that.


PorsaLindahl, you realise with that level of revenge and release of anger you will have to become friends with Quinn and let him live in Iokath now :p

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I recently leveled up a new juggy. And I found that I love Quinn after all.


During the mission where he betrays you and you get to force choke him, and slam him against the wall, I totally LOVED it. I loved it so much, I hit Esc and did it some more. And again. And again. I just couldn't get enough. I was yelling "YES! OH YES!!!!" Oh Quinn, where have you been all my life? :D


It was more fun than sucker punching Tanno Vic, repeatedly, in the trooper story.


Just razzing you all. Take no offense. :p;)


Why would you bother to come in and say something like that here? There's no need for that. Trust me, we don't need the razzing we get enough haters passing through, without you adding to that. I'd actually thought you were above that kind of thing. Not so much offended as disappointed in you, but I've no doubt that wouldn't matter anyway, so...

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I don't see this as a troll post. This is how I was able to forgive his betrayal; he did keep forgetting that we are "no ordinary sith" (as he alludes to on Balmorra). Yes fellow Quinnmancers I'm own up to doing exactly what PorsaLindahl did to teach Quinn not to mess with my re-created first warrior and her feelings :D He got the message :) Back in 2012 it was the spoilers I read on the warrior class story of Quinn's upcoming betrayal that led me to rage quit. I'd only played inquisitors and consulars before that.


PorsaLindahl, you realise with that level of revenge and release of anger you will have to become friends with Quinn and let him live in Iokath now :p


I do. There is a difference between making the choice of almost killing him on that transponder ship, because it fits one's character, and coming to Malavai's love thread to rub in into his fans faces. :cool:

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I just don't see why people need to share that they choked someone, and threw them into walls, and killed them horribly. Or wish they had the option to kill them horribly. If you don't like the character fine, do your thing. I don't care for Arcann, I let him live because I do like Senya, and you can't kill one or save one without the other sharing the same fate. But you won't see me in the Arcann thread spouting off hatred for him. The people there love him, like I love Theron or Quinn. I don't like when people talk about my boys, so out of courtesy I won't talk about theirs. If you don't like the character stay out of a love thread. Really just that easy.
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I just don't see why people need to share that they choked someone, and threw them into walls, and killed them horribly. Or wish they had the option to kill them horribly. If you don't like the character fine, do your thing. I don't care for Arcann, I let him live because I do like Senya, and you can't kill one or save one without the other sharing the same fate. But you won't see me in the Arcann thread spouting off hatred for him. The people there love him, like I love Theron or Quinn. I don't like when people talk about my boys, so out of courtesy I won't talk about theirs. If you don't like the character stay out of a love thread. Really just that easy.


That's the thing, I don't go into other people's fan threads to spout hate either. I can't stand Arcann, am no huge fan of Lana either, but I leave them be. Why bother tooling with them, you're not going to change their minds about their fav, anymore than those who come in here to tool with us has a chance to make us see things their way.


I don't know why they just can't leave people who are having fun be. I suppose some of them think it's retaliation for opinions in the other threads, but those aren't fan threads, so speaking freely there, is fair game.

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That's the thing, I don't go into other people's fan threads to spout hate either. I can't stand Arcann, am no huge fan of Lana either, but I leave them be. Why bother tooling with them, you're not going to change their minds about their fav, anymore than those who come in here to tool with us has a chance to make us see things their way.


I don't know why they just can't leave people who are having fun be. I suppose some of them think it's retaliation for opinions in the other threads, but those aren't fan threads, so speaking freely there, is fair game.


I don't know, I just don't understand the motivation. As you said, I am not going to change someones mind, about Vaylin or Arcann. Just as they won't ever change my mind on Quinn or Theron. I know Quinn's motivations. I don't even really have to head cannon around them. They make sense, it doesn't mean I have to like them. But I can move past them and get back to being all lovey dovey with him without it being because I am somehow broken for loving him. Theron, I love the boy, but I don't know his motivations right now. So we will see where the story takes us. I am hopeful that it won't go so badly that there isn't a way to make things right. But until then, I will defend him just as strongly as I do my Quinn. :D

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I likely missed it in here, pages and pages of stuff to go through to find the area it was discussed. Did Quinn send a mail after Umbara? my Quinnmancer is waiting for the current story arc to finish before starting KotFE :(


Yes he did, let me see if I can find it.

Edited by rachetsw
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I honestly didn't think that would cause so much drama.


Why would you bother to come in and say something like that here? There's no need for that. Trust me, we don't need the razzing we get enough haters passing through, without you adding to that. I'd actually thought you were above that kind of thing. Not so much offended as disappointed in you, but I've no doubt that wouldn't matter anyway, so...


And I thought you would see the humor in it. I guess I was wrong. We've never been at odds over the years that we've both posted here, and I figured you'd take it as it was meant - a joke. I didn't realize you would be so sensitive about it. So to you I'll apologize. :)


PorsaLindahl, you realise with that level of revenge and release of anger you will have to become friends with Quinn and let him live in Iokath now :p


Nah. I always choose to side with the Republic (after the first time siding with the Imps). I'd rather have Elara, personally. :cool:


But I'll leave your thread because I choose to. Not because I was told:

Don't let the airlock door hit you on your way out of this thread.

To which I could stay and make a few snark ridden comments about, but I'll refrain and let you think you won the day. :rolleyes:


No point in even replying to me in here. I won't ever see it. It's a bit too stuffy for my tastes. Have a good day. :cool:

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I honestly didn't think that would cause so much drama.




And I thought you would see the humor in it. I guess I was wrong. We've never been at odds over the years that we've both posted here, and I figured you'd take it as it was meant - a joke. I didn't realize you would be so sensitive about it. So to you I'll apologize. :)



Apology accepted. :) I know we haven't had any probs and I hope it stays that way. I've enjoyed your other posts or found them interesting even if I disagreed on occasion. I guess my skin is a bit thin when it comes to Quinn. I guess I've just been picked at once too often about him, I get it at home too, so it doesn't help. I'm very protective of him, and enjoy him a great deal. Anyways, let bygones be bygones and we'll see each other around the boards, I'm sure. :)

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And I thought you would see the humor in it. I guess I was wrong.

I saw the humour! But then I'm British - we are [typecast as] eeeeeevvvvillllllll :D For that specific episode (the betrayal fight) I admit to feeling immense satisfaction of being able to use my full sith power to teach Quinn a lesson. I already know I'm the only Quinnmancer who felt that way because we've discussed this pages ago. I forgave Quinn since his is one of the best romances and stories in this game, plus what Quinn did is a little bit "dark-side sith-ish" so my character has to admire him a bit for trying. I wonder what a force-using Quinn would have been like?

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I honestly didn't think that would cause so much drama.




And I thought you would see the humor in it. I guess I was wrong. We've never been at odds over the years that we've both posted here, and I figured you'd take it as it was meant - a joke. I didn't realize you would be so sensitive about it. So to you I'll apologize. :)




Nah. I always choose to side with the Republic (after the first time siding with the Imps). I'd rather have Elara, personally. :cool:


But I'll leave your thread because I choose to. Not because I was told:


To which I could stay and make a few snark ridden comments about, but I'll refrain and let you think you won the day. :rolleyes:


No point in even replying to me in here. I won't ever see it. It's a bit too stuffy for my tastes. Have a good day. :cool:


Aww... I was just going to say that you are still welcome here! If your sith and his Quinn like it rough and enjoy erotic asphyxia, that's their business. We are all adults here! To each their own. ;)

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I saw the humour! But then I'm British - we are [typecast as] eeeeeevvvvillllllll :D For that specific episode (the betrayal fight) I admit to feeling immense satisfaction of being able to use my full sith power to teach Quinn a lesson. I already know I'm the only Quinnmancer who felt that way because we've discussed this pages ago. I forgave Quinn since his is one of the best romances and stories in this game, plus what Quinn did is a little bit "dark-side sith-ish" so my character has to admire him a bit for trying. I wonder what a force-using Quinn would have been like?


Well I will admit that my first play through was on Disantia... who indeed did force choke him, throw him across the room and then did the Flirt option of "You'll just have to make this up to me in private"...


I know I wrote two whole chapters explaining about how he was controlled into doing this. And how she found out right at the end and had to throw him across the room to free his mind. But this was written over a year after I saw it the first time.


I try to make choices based on how the character would react in that situation... kind of role play them a bit :) So the original line of thinking while trying to stay in character was: she is dark side and mad/irked. Darksided Sith do have bad tempers and lash out quickly without thinking most of the time, so she acts on that anger... and then after he comes to she thinks that was soo hot standing up to her, trying his best to bring her down and smirks thinking... you've been a bad bad boy Malavai... now go to my room ;)


But is me being silly :)

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