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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Light side Jaesa agrees to have the warrior's children even though they aren't in a romance. Same with Quinn I believe, though I've never personally played a female warrior that didn't romance him.

Neither have I.


I was going to ask this question here earlier - has anyone of the Quinnmancers been able to level a female warrior and NOT romance Quinn? I find it impossible! :D

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Neither have I.


I was going to ask this question here earlier - has anyone of the Quinnmancers been able to level a female warrior and NOT romance Quinn? I find it impossible! :D


By accident. First play through I liked exploring all dialog options so once it came down to 'locking' the romance, I explored all those too, with the INTENTION of ESC'ing out after seeing what it said. Except... "impregnate me when I tell you to but otherwise eff off" (not a direct quote) left me so stunned I never got to ESC in time. Sooo yeah, my original first SW uses Quinn for his sperm count basically. :o

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Yeah... working on it now. :o I forgot to renew my subscription all last week...somehow the forums didn't kick me out, though. Strange. Oh well! Subscription renewed, now I'm going through each 'toon and checking their wardrobes and getting mail I haven't gotten yet. They will be transferred. *hyperventilating* they will bE tRaNsFeRrEd AHAHAHA--

Quinn; Ignore her, my lords. She gets over-excited.


Quinn: Except for the part where you're doing it at the last minute. Was that according to plan? *watches the frenzied cackling for a while longer* ...evidently it doesn't matter. *facepalm*


Sorry for Purple Quinn not being so helpful on reminding you there... Vette picked out an outfit for Disantia and she has been Distracting him from his job...

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Neither have I.


I was going to ask this question here earlier - has anyone of the Quinnmancers been able to level a female warrior and NOT romance Quinn? I find it impossible! :D


I have a hard time just getting through a male warrior play through :o But I've done it, I can't say that much for a male agent, still can't fathom not romancing Vector. :confused:


By accident. First play through I liked exploring all dialog options so once it came down to 'locking' the romance, I explored all those too, with the INTENTION of ESC'ing out after seeing what it said. Except... "impregnate me when I tell you to but otherwise eff off" (not a direct quote) left me so stunned I never got to ESC in time. Sooo yeah, my original first SW uses Quinn for his sperm count basically. :o


Oh my gosh whoops :eek: First warrior too, I don't know what I would have done. Leveling took longer than a week back then :eek:


Sorry for Purple Quinn not being so helpful on reminding you there... Vette picked out an outfit for Disantia and she has been Distracting him from his job...



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Oh my gosh whoops :eek: First warrior too, I don't know what I would have done. Leveling took longer than a week back then :eek:


I had hoped perhaps Iokath would allow a romance-lock after all but it doesn't seem like it unfortunately. Still, I have 5 other SW's who are humping him for more than just advancing the family line. :D

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By accident. First play through I liked exploring all dialog options so once it came down to 'locking' the romance, I explored all those too, with the INTENTION of ESC'ing out after seeing what it said. Except... "impregnate me when I tell you to but otherwise eff off" (not a direct quote) left me so stunned I never got to ESC in time. Sooo yeah, my original first SW uses Quinn for his sperm count basically. :o

Now that is very annoying. I had similar on my main with Andronikos. If you take a dark side choice and kill the object of his revenge there is no way back. He will join you but he will never offer any romance options. I had no idea about this and since women only get one LI choice, I had to wait until Theron became "available". Look how that turned out :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Sorry for Purple Quinn not being so helpful on reminding you there... Vette picked out an outfit for Disantia and she has been Distracting him from his job...

I imagine Empire loving Malavai may have asked you to change into something less distracting until work was over. Prince Malavai, Empress' Consort who leaves the Empire however would take one look at that outfit, cancel all your appointments & whisk you off to a private beach villa on Rishi ;):D


I have a hard time just getting through a male warrior play through :o But I've done it, I can't say that much for a male agent, still can't fathom not romancing Vector. :confused:

I did the play-through with an agent who didn't romance Vector just to see if anything interesting happens if she romanced a fellow spy. What a disappointment. I deleted her. I could, however, play through an agent again without the Vector romance. I am tempted to play through the warrior story with a male warrior just to see what being friends with Malavai is like.

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I am tempted to play through the warrior story with a male warrior just to see what being friends with Malavai is like.


Wish I could tell you. Unfortunately, my uber-LS male warrior is not on good terms with Quinn. :o I think the good Major facepalms every time Leas lets Republic soldiers go, or is nice to Vette, or starts radiating light-sidedness so hard he sprouts a halo and begins barfing rainbows.

It won't last. Leas will fall to the dark side...


...so badly he'll make Anakin look like a pansy. :eek: I don't think Quinn approves of random cruelty any more than he does of barfing rainbows. He likes pragmatism. Leas will eventually even out, but...in this storyline, Quinn has a definite reason to attempt to kill him instead of just "I'm more loyal to Baras than you, sucker." (Bitter? I'm not bitter. Who said anything about being bitter.)


...not sure why that's spoiler'd, other than for dramatic emphasis. :p And Quinncident.


@Nightfrogger. Shame on you. :p Purple Quinn was SUPPOSED to be helping me write down which outfit goes on which character so I can get them all right back after character transfers...and now he's all twitchy and very very nervous after seeing that picture. OKAY FINE, QUINN, YOU'RE RELIEVED OF DUTY. Go be with your wife aaaaaaaand he's gone. Whew, he took off fast... :D

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*pats the Grand Admiral on the back* There there... :D


For myself I've always felt Quinn's betrayal had much to do with loyalty. Whether WE like it or not, from Quinn's perspective he owed Baras a LOT and Quinn is not a flighty person at all. It wouldn't be in his nature to defy Baras in that moment but I do believe he rigged the droids in such a way they were beatable, even if doing so jeopardized his own life. And I find odd beauty in the fact he would have rather died a 'deserved' death at our hand than getting whacked by Baras for defying orders. I'm weird. :D

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hHahahHAhAHAahHhahHAHhahHaHha i did it ten characters all transferred in the span of...about an hour.


Quinn: Lesson learned: never procrastinate until the - nearly literal in this case - eleventh hour?

You clearly have not seen my homework ethic. 10:30 PM on a Sunday!? AAAAHHH I still have a quiz and a discussion to get done before the midnight due date!



...ahem! Back to sanity now.


*pats the Grand Admiral on the back* There there... :D


For myself I've always felt Quinn's betrayal had much to do with loyalty. Whether WE like it or not, from Quinn's perspective he owed Baras a LOT and Quinn is not a flighty person at all. It wouldn't be in his nature to defy Baras in that moment but I do believe he rigged the droids in such a way they were beatable, even if doing so jeopardized his own life. And I find odd beauty in the fact he would have rather died a 'deserved' death at our hand than getting whacked by Baras for defying orders. I'm weird. :D


I guess I can understand the Quinncident...I had just chalked it up to a different headcanon - Baras was threatening the warrior's life and gave Quinn a choice ("Either give your wife a mercy kill or I'll torture her and you for the rest of eternity"). So I'm still struggling to either accept this new information, or work it into my own headcanon, or just throw it out the window. XD For me, it throws Quinn's character - or what I thought was Quinn's character - into a different light, and I'm not sure I quite like that light yet...

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I guess I can understand the Quinncident...I had just chalked it up to a different headcanon - Baras was threatening the warrior's life and gave Quinn a choice ("Either give your wife a mercy kill or I'll torture her and you for the rest of eternity"). So I'm still struggling to either accept this new information, or work it into my own headcanon, or just throw it out the window. XD For me, it throws Quinn's character - or what I thought was Quinn's character - into a different light, and I'm not sure I quite like that light yet...


Much of Quinn's behavior reminds me of the Bushido Code which I can respect.

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I think he does want your man lips on him, but he just doesn't know how to broach the subject.

It's a pity same sex relationships in-game took so long; I think Quinn's character might have suited this for some.


It occurred to me during warrior replays of kofte/kotet etc, that Quinn has a lot common with Lana; tenacity, loyalty, pragmatism and the importance of your character. As much as I don't like how the story centres around Lana it seems that she would/ought to get on extremely well with Quinn.

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It occurred to me during warrior replays of kofte/kotet etc, that Quinn has a lot common with Lana; tenacity, loyalty, pragmatism and the importance of your character. As much as I don't like how the story centres around Lana it seems that she would/ought to get on extremely well with Quinn.


Warrior: *wakes up from a nightmare* Ugh...what a horrible dream--

Lana: *sitting on the warrior's bed next to her* Are you okay?

Warrior: GAH! ...what are you doing in here?

Lana: I was worried about you. After all we are best friends forever and we're so close I know when you're having a nightmare so I was worried about you and decided to watch you sleep.

Warrior: ...what.

Quinn: *sits up next to the warrior - of course they're sharing a bed, they're married* Excuse me?

Lana: *ignores him* Are you okay, Commander?

Warrior: . . . could I be alone. With my husband. *death glare*

Lana: But I'm worried for you.

Quinn: If you'll excuse us, my lord!?

Lana: *leaning closer* Are you sure you're okay??

Warrior: I'd be better if you were gone.

Lana: :( *very slowly shuffles out of the room*

Quinn: ...does...that happen often?

Warrior: More times than I care to admi--


Warrior: GO. THE HECK. AWAY.

Lana: :( :( :( :( *shuffles away again*


...yes, they'd get along famously! :p

In all seriousness - yeah, I can see them getting along. They are rather alike...which makes me wonder. Why do we despise Lana but like Quinn? (Or despise Elara, but like Quinn? Elara's a stickler for rules and protocol too, wound tight until you manage to get her to calm down a tiny bit - rather like Quinn.)

Edited by Jagaimee
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Warrior: *wakes up from a nightmare* Ugh...what a horrible dream--

Lana: *sitting on the warrior's bed next to her* Are you okay?

Warrior: GAH! ...what are you doing in here?

Lana: I was worried about you. After all we are best friends forever and we're so close I know when you're having a nightmare so I was worried about you and decided to watch you sleep.

Warrior: ...what.

Quinn: *sits up next to the warrior - of course they're sharing a bed, they're married* Excuse me?

Lana: *ignores him* Are you okay, Commander?

Warrior: . . . could I be alone. With my husband. *death glare*

Lana: But I'm worried for you.

Quinn: If you'll excuse us, my lord!?

Lana: *leaning closer* Are you sure you're okay??

Warrior: I'd be better if you were gone.

Lana: :( *very slowly shuffles out of the room*

Quinn: ...does...that happen often?

Warrior: More times than I care to admi--


Warrior: GO. THE HECK. AWAY.

Lana: :( :( :( :( *shuffles away again*


...yes, they'd get along famously! :p


I'm scarred for life. :eek: I've woken up to Lana too many times already and never by choice *gulp* Creepy... No offense to those who enjoy Lana. To me she'll always be Bi.tchy McSnotface though I don't fully hate her either. She just bugs, a lot, and not in a suave Vector way either. ;)

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Warrior: *wakes up from a nightmare* Ugh...what a horrible dream--

Lana: *sitting on the warrior's bed next to her* Are you okay?

Warrior: GAH! ...what are you doing in here?

Lana: I was worried about you. After all we are best friends forever and we're so close I know when you're having a nightmare so I was worried about you and decided to watch you sleep.

Warrior: ...what.

Quinn: *sits up next to the warrior - of course they're sharing a bed, they're married* Excuse me?

Lana: *ignores him* Are you okay, Commander?

Warrior: . . . could I be alone. With my husband. *death glare*

Lana: But I'm worried for you.

Quinn: If you'll excuse us, my lord!?

Lana: *leaning closer* Are you sure you're okay??

Warrior: I'd be better if you were gone.

Lana: :( *very slowly shuffles out of the room*

Quinn: ...does...that happen often?

Warrior: More times than I care to admi--


Warrior: GO. THE HECK. AWAY.

Lana: :( :( :( :( *shuffles away again*


...yes, they'd get along famously! :p

If this bit had been done properly, and Quinn had been returned many chapters before Lana would not have been involved or there or even thought of! But I bet she would have been on the invisible bedroom intercom shouting at us that we are "needed on the bridge" :D

In all seriousness - yeah, I can see them getting along. They are rather alike...which makes me wonder. Why do we despise Lana but like Quinn? (Or despise Elara, but like Quinn? Elara's a stickler for rules and protocol too, wound tight until you manage to get her to calm down a tiny bit - rather like Quinn.)

Lately, I've been replaying Manaan and onward attempting to be more friendly to Lana and she's actually quite tolerable. I still don't like that she was put at the centre of the story however I still think her and Malavai would have got on well as colleagues. I love the Trooper story so I've always like Elara - I think she has a really good story arc and her return as the Trooper's former friend and Havoc Squad member was as pitiful as Quinn's. I don't do the male player/fem companion or fem player/fem companion romances so can't comment on Elara or Lana for those.

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In all seriousness - yeah, I can see them getting along. They are rather alike...which makes me wonder. Why do we despise Lana but like Quinn? (Or despise Elara, but like Quinn? Elara's a stickler for rules and protocol too, wound tight until you manage to get her to calm down a tiny bit - rather like Quinn.)


Well, GA, it's not so much that I despise Lana, I resent her. And that's the dev's fault, for making her their ultimate waifu and for putting her up on this pedestal of greatness that can do no wrong. I hate how she's foisted on me, and I resent that she was the one that rescued my toon from carbon, not Quinn, or Theron, or any of the men I romanced. I hate that she's in my room, pulling an Edward Cullen, much like your skit showed lol. I hate that when I'm unconscious or in the sick bay that it is HER looming over me. I love Quinn cause he's a handsome man, and I prefer to romance and hang out with men, not Bioware's ultimate waifu.


As for Elara my reasons for hating her guts are personal...I hate playing trooper, mostly because of the VA attached to female trooper, and because (no offense to Jorgan lovers) but for me, there is no decent romance for a trooper (except Balkar and we don't get him). I agreed to play troopers with my husband...the idea was that we would romance each other's characters, cause he knew female trooper gets no one good (and even made a toon that I would find appealing and vice versa)...and then he starts romancing Elara (and that other pinhead who's name escapes me at the moment), because it's part of the game, so I got ticked off, we had words and he stopped playing, I finished leveling mine, but haven't touched it since. If I make a male trooper, I will be as ungodly rotten to that woman as I possibly can and I've been tempted to do that.

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Well now that I am home with the laundry monster appeased, fed and in my computer chair I will attempt to clear out some of these quests that have been int Disantia's log for way to long. So here goes trying to solo a heroic star fortress. This ought to be entertaining :)


I guess they did not get the memo that the Empress of Zakuul was coming to visit... and boy is she pissed at their welcome party.

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